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Use it to clearly identify your qualifications and emphasize your strengths by presenting your education skills

Curriculum Vitae Tips and Samples

It is the standard representation of credentials within academia. •. The full CV is only used when applying for academic positions in four-year institutions. •.

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Standard academic C.V. model for use by HDR program applicants

An academic Curriculum Vitae (CV) differs from others in that it should include sections Thesis length 37 850 words

UQ Medicine

Although the format of a business Curriculum Vitae (CV) will vary considerably depending on the type of position and industry/sector academic Portfolios/CVs 

Creating your academic cv

Outlined below is detailed information on the key components of the curriculum vitae (cv) as well as information on how to develop effective cover letters.

GSAS: CVs and Cover Letters

Every graduate student needs a curriculum vitae or CV Real Estate Academic Initiative Research Grant

Guide to Writing a CURRICULUM VITAE (CV)

A curriculum vitae (CV) is a document that outlines your entire academic history. You may use these as a guide but your words must be your own—do.

Academic promotion: CV template

Academic promotion: CV template Academic Citizenship Research and Teaching): applicants should be aware that the same ... Use no more than 250 words.

ABMF 12/16/15 Additional Resources: CV Format – SOM Checklist

CV - Examples. CURRICULUM VITAE Focus (Provide up to 100 word narrative bulleted accomplishments

Academic Portfolio/CV Template

This guide is provided by the University of Queensland for reference purposes only. Although the format of a business Curriculum Vitae (CV) will vary considerably depending on the type of position and industry/sector, academic Portfolios/CVs are typically consistent in their content, layout and orientation. While the sequence and length may vary according to the type and level of academic position you are applying for, this example contains most of the primary points of emphasis. It is advisable to have your supervisor or another mentor from your field review your Portfolio/CV and any other application materials prior to first submission.

Personal Details

Name Email




ID Number:

ORCID is an Open Researcher and Contributor ID and is a practical, digital means of reliably connecting research activity and distinguishing researchers within the global research community. Adopting ORCID as a unique identifier benefits all involved in scholarly communication. The UQ library has some helpful guides to assist with creating an ORCID ID and building your profile

Click here.


List any qualification attained, where it was attained and when.

Career Overview

List all current and non-current positions held, please include the organisation the position was with and the dates you were in the position.

Ordered with the most recent position first.

Awards/Distinctions/Research Fellowships/Certificates

List awards, certificates and

research fellowships in this section, ordered by most recent and with annualised award amounts listed in brackets. Some candidates will also choose to list major fellowships that they were offered but have noted as declined.


Please list in temporal order.

Shorter lists of publications and more extensive and varied publication histories should be organised by appropriate subsections ('Peer reviewed publications', 'Book reviews'. 'Conference presentations and posters etc. can be listed separately under the heading 'Presentations and Abstracts' below). For peer-reviewed publications, your sequence of presentation might depend on what you have available. Yo u could begin with single or lead authored first, or order from most-to-least recent. Typically this list is limited to those things accepted for publication. If your list is particularly weak, or if the nature of your project was that it has produced a c rush of submissions toward the end of you r program, list items for which there is a 'revise and re-submit' or which are 'under review'. Manuscripts in progress should generally not be listed here, but can be mentioned in cover letters, research statements, and where relevant at interview. If your list is quite extensive, consider offering it near the end of your



Please list in temporal order.

List any grants you have been awarded including information such as the year awarded; the name of the funding organisation; the project name; the amount awarded; your role e.g. CI.

Research Interests / Research Profile

/ Research Experience Provide an 'abstract', no more than a paragraph, which outlines your current and prospective lines of research. This section is meant to quickly convey to readers that your area of research fits the position at hand; and is significant to the discipline and that you have plans in place for continued research contributions that either extend from or move be yond your dissertation topic. Researchers in more technically oriented fields might also wish to specify the primary techniques, approaches, languages or instrumentation they use in the conduct of their research. Also list all research 'positions' you have held, including doctoral thesis/postdoctoral research, and any industrial or other experience that held a relevant research component.

Teaching Experience and Expertise

This list should include all 'Courses Taught' and/or 'Teaching Assistantships', a nd for some types of institutions might best precede 'research experience' For academic positions, list the course name, when and where it was taught, a course number, and preferably some quick content information about the course. Amplify teaching experiences that speak to the Disciplines' needs, highlight general teaching aptitudes by noting awards or evaluations that help to establish your pedagogical skills.

Presentations and Abstracts

Presentations and Abstracts can be listed here as a simple bulle ted list.

Community Engagement / Administrative Activity

Using a bulleted list, try to represent how you have been active in the administrative life of your community, university, and department.


List any memberships.

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