[PDF] An Agile Technique for Prioritizing Features in Environments with

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Backlog Prioritization

Backlog Prioritization Techniques. Common Agile Approaches to Prioritization of User Stories or Epics. Tom Taylor Scrum Master & Pega Agilist 

The Impact of Analytical Assessment of Requirements Prioritization

Requirements Prioritization techniques; Analytical Hierarchy Scrum consists of three artifacts sprint backlogs

20 Product Prioritization Techniques- A Map and Guided Tour

Create a list of concrete features fixes and enhancements that relate to the tasks that customers want. Items may come the product backlog or may be new ideas 

Green River College

May 22 2021 Define Agile Risk Management. • Define Sprint goal settings and backlogs. • Summarize User Story analysis and prioritization techniques.

An Agile Technique for Prioritizing Features in Environments with

All of them participate in the planning meeting in order to prioritize product backlog and sprint backlog bringing demands from customers which they represent.

Hierarchical Methodology for Software Requirements Prioritization

To prioritize requirements various techniques are used


Jan 17 2013 Who is responsible for prioritizing the product backlog? ... Must have a thorough understanding of Agile techniques

Requirements Prioritization Techniques Focusing on Agile Software

Index Terms: Requirements Prioritization Prioritization Techniques

Agile Requirements Prioritization in Practice: Results of an Industrial

Agile development methods like Scrum define guidelines for prioritization techniques for effective Product Backlog management and helping Product Owner ...


Product Owner creates the epics (activities) and map them into a story map. • The features are listed based on different prioritization techniques.

The Scrum Guide

The Product Backlog is refined as needed; and Scope may be clarified and renegotiated with the Product Owner as more is learned Sprints enable predictability by ensuring inspection and adaptation of progress toward a Product Goal at least every calendar month


The Product Owner is responsible for ensuring clear communication of product or service functionality requirements to the Scrum Team defining Acceptance Criteria and ensuring those criteria are met In other words the Product Owner is responsible for ensuring that the Scrum Team delivers value

Guide to Preparing the Product Backlog Document

1 The Card is the simple index card used for planning and prioritization 2 The Conversation aspect is where the actual requirement is communicated In most cases there is not one single conversation it is an ongoing conversation unfolding over time 3 The Confirmation aspect is the Customer Tests It allows us to confirm that we have

Searches related to product backlog prioritization techniques filetype:pdf

10 powerful strategies for breaking down Product Backlog Items in Scrum Christiaan Verwijs Apr 1 2017 Teams that have mastered Scrum know that the key to success lies in a just-in-time increasingly refined breakdown of work on the Product Backlog They prefer Sprint Backlogs with many small (functional) items instead of just a few large ones

What is a prioritized product backlog?

    The Prioritized Product Backlog represents the total sum of what must be completed for the project. The objective of this exercise is to create elaborated and refined User Stories that can be approved, estimated, and committed to by the Scrum Team. At times, the Product Owner may bring a Business Analyst to assist with writing User Stories.

What is the product backlog in scrum?

    The Product Owner prioritizes which of the Product Backlog items are most needed. The Team then chooses which items can be completed in the upcoming Sprint. On the Scrum Board, the Team moves items from the Product Backlog to the Sprint Backlog, which is the list of items they will now build.

Who manages the product backlog?

    The Product Owner has sole responsibility for management of the Backlog. The Product Backlog is used to: ?Capture requests for modifying a product. This can include adding new features, replacing old features, removing features and fixing issues

What is the difference between a sprint backlog and a product backlog?

    For the Sprint Backlog it is the Sprint Goal. For the Increment it is the Definition of Done. These commitments exist to reinforce empiricism and the Scrum values for the Scrum Team and their stakeholders. The Product Backlog is an emergent, ordered list of what is needed to improve the product.

An Agile Technique for Prioritizing Features in Environments with Multiple Stakeholders Initial Proposal Eduardo Cristiano Negrão, Aeronautical Institute of Technology ITA São José dos Campos, São Paulo - Brazil eduardocnegrao@gmail.com Eduardo Martins Guerra, Aeronautical Institute of Technology ITA São José dos Campos, São Paulo - Brazil guerraem@gmail.com Abstract - In corporations where the focus is very dynamic business inserted in web environments, agile methods can fully meet almost all needs. However, in some particular companies, there are multiple stakeholders, who represent different interests in prior itizing activities. Th ere is, consequently, a heavy challenging to implement agile methodologies which deal with such conflicts in orde r to prioritize the features of the system. It is important to focus on higher earned value as poss ible and consider the technical risks exposed by the development team. These barriers often lead these companies to abandon such agile methods, incorporating a philosophy of chaotic work. This paper proposes an agile technique for prioritizing features in environments with multiple stakeholder s and reports a successfull experience in its usage. Keywords - agile methodologies, planning, pr ioritizing, estimating. I. CONTEXT The software product, which is contextualized in this paper, involves the work of a development team aligned to another team of busines s analysts. It is an e-commerce system focused on health care. It involves the marketing of high-cost products of hospitals, such as orthosis, prostheses and other special cirurgical mat erials. So, the applicatio n has features to meet the needs of five different actors: hospitals buyers, product suppliers, health plan operators, hospital service providers and system administrators. The agile methodology used is the Scrum [4]. The team that meets the demands of maintenance and evolution of this software is composed by three developers, one professional of quality assurance and one Scrum Master. In this case, the applicatio n does not have a single product owner. Actually, it has one person responsible for each area, giving a total of five main stakeholders. All of them participate in the planning meeting in order to prioritize product backlog and sprint backlog, bringing demands from customers which they represent. When it is possible, they have tried to prioritize them within a general consensus. However usually this reality is very differe nt: there is a wide disparity of interests, generating conflicting priorities and increasing the planning efforts. Some proposals [1] attempt to minimize the planning efforts, however, they do not address all solutions to solve the problems in contexts wich involves more then one stakeholder from different business areas. This paper documents the adopted solution to define a technique to prioritize software requirements, organizing impartially product backlog and sprint backlog, aiming solely to increase the return on investment of the corporation. This work also describes the search for consol idated existing techniques and how they can be adapted and combined to the described context. Therefore, nowadays, with the high dynamis m and diversity of internet businesses, this problem is common and recurrent in such corporat ions. As a co nseque nce, it is extremely important that studies aimed at mitigating these problems are considered and evolved. II. MAJOR OCCURRED PROBLEMS As ment ioned previously, the company has faced the stakeholders' conflict of interests to prioritize the demands of their customers. As a re sult, this contest increases the development team effort to expose the barriers and technical risks which are important to maintain the software higher quality. Therefore, stakeholders considered to abandon the agile methods, which where considered by them to be very inflexible, sin ce the adopted methodology did not al low new business demands to interrupt an iteration in course. Such demands were often considered urgent by them, however, after being developed, these features are usually never or rarely used. This situation avoids the development of others demands that could be developed primarily to deliver greater value to the business application, meeting the real needs of a higher number of customers. Therefore, it is extremely important to the project success to define better ways to prior itize features, thus mitigating the risks of building a low-value software to the customers and avoiding the abando nment of agile techniques.

III. INITIAL APPROACH Given these problems, the major objectives is to define a planning technique to prioritize development features in this environment. The approa ch was to use agile values and techniques, in order to decrease that plann ing ef forts and balance the existing technical risks and business interests. The solution based on techniques already established in the agile wo rld, such as the Relative Weighting, Kano, Theme Screening and Theme Scoring [1]. The Relative Weighting was chosen as an approach that best fits the solution of the problem encountered. The Relative Weighting method was adopte d since it provides a more efficient way to classify the priorities for each requi rement. In this techn ique not only the relat ive benefit of adding t hat feature is considered, but als o how much the product would be hurt if it were not included. To get the complexity of each story [2], story points are estimated by methods such as the planning poker [1]. The Relative Weighting contributed positively to the planning activitie s, since it reaps the business value and technical costs scores in a more democratic approach. IV. PROPOSED AGILE PLANNING TECHNIQUE During the deployment of Relative Weighting, some deficiencies were encountered. In short, the conclusion is that the existing methods aim prioritize the activities under the business optics at the expense of priorities associated with the technical risks. Consequently, we face situations in which some features should be taken as a technique premise to other one, but its business value assigned becomes like a low priority, then it has conflicted approaches desired by the development team with busines s interests from the stakeholders. The main original Relative Weighting shortcoming in this context for the desired prioritization based on technical risks is that it proposes the division of the value by the cost (technical complexity), consequently the greater the complexity, les s priority has the feature. This factor is contrary to what is stated by the Scrum guide [4]: "Products are built it eratively using Scrum, wherein each Spri nt creates an increment of the product, starting with the most valuable and riskiest". Another factor changed in the proposed technique is the scale 1-9 used to mea sure the requirement value. Since sequence numbers are a bi t comparatives, the use of a Fibonacci-based scale is more suitable in this situation. Therefore, in the proposed technique, the scale was defined by the following numbers: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 and 20 (the last number was round off). To obtain a form to qualify and justify the technical risks in a principled way, the techniqu e uses a tr aditional approach, often not considered in agile environments, the Probability & Impact Matrix proposed by PMBOK [3]. This approach offers ways to addr ess the risks more fully, predicting and assessing impacts at different levels of organization and providing ways to analyze the actions to be taken. A fu ndamental premise of this approach that fits exactly in the objectives is the fact that Probability & Impact Matrix proposes that the greatest risk of technical requirements must be attacked first, precisely driven to the context of the real interests. Such an approach does not hurt agile principles, since it demonstrates ease of understanding, facilitated communication between team members and ease of maintenance. Then, as a gain from the combination of the practices, the proposed planing techni queproposes a visual way to represent and communicate the priorities to all stakeholders named as Attractiveness versus Risks Matrix. It represents the features organized in a table composed by quadrants of vulnerability, in which each feature has a location defined by coordinates provided by the business value versus technical risk or cost. Using this matrix, it is possible to achieve a greater transparency in the priority choices. V. RESULTS ASSESSMENT Aiming to know if the propos ed approach achieve its goals, assessment techniques was used intending to measure the stakeholders degree of satisfaction, its ease of use in the planning meeting and whether there was an performance optimization in the planning activities. The first evaluation was based on questionnaires that were distribu ted to the s takeholder s before and after the deployment in order to analyze impacts of the new approach. These reports are submitted to a qu alitative assessment technique known as Gounded Theory [5]. A parallel evaluation approach used metrics based on the time measur ement for the prioritization activities. Th ese metrics assess the time spent in planning meetings and the time used for priority discussion inside them. The goal is to verify if the proposed technique directed the discussions and increases the consensus among the stakeholders. In conc lusion, the evaluatio n evidenced some positive results in the use of the proposed technique. As a result, the evaluation pointed out that the conflict of interest and the time spent w ith priorization discussions was drastically reduced, giving more time to refine the solution and to keep the team motivated within the agile. VI. REFERENCES [1] Cohn, Mike. "Ag ile Estimating and Planning", Addison Wesley, TBD. [2] Cohn, Mike. "User Stories Applied", Addison Wesley, 2004. [3] PMBOK. "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge", 2004. [4] SCRUM GUIDE. Scrum Guide, Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland. Scrum.org. 2009. http://www.scrum.org/scrumguides/. Re trieved 2010-02-03. [5] GROUNDED THEORY. What is Grounded Theory?, Jillian Rhine. 2009. http://www.groundedtheory.com/what-is-gt.aspx. Vis ited in 2010-10-15.

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