[PDF] Administration of Donald J. Trump 2017 Proclamation 9623—Flag

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One image begets another: a comparative analysis of Flag-raising

This article examines two iconic American photographs – Flag-raising on Iwo. Jima (1945) and Ground Zero Spirit (2001). The ways in which the latter.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday September 8


Jennifer A. Borg

Record (Bergen Co. New Jersey) showing three firefighters raising an. American flag at Ground Zero. Jennifer is also president of the Foundation of 


“REBUILD—From The Ashes The World Trade Center Rises Again”. OUR CLASS WILL VIEW THIS PHOTOGRAPH. ?. Raising the Flag at Ground Zero

“Flag Basics”

The picture shows three. New York City firefighters raising the American flag at. 'Ground Zero' of the World. Trade Center following the. September 11 attacks.

Administration of Donald J. Trump 2017 Proclamation 9623—Flag

14 juin 2017 Proclamation 9623—Flag Day and National Flag Week 2017 ... moon

This list shows locations where you can have a flag flown The Alamo

To purchase a flag that has already been raised over the memorial: FLEET RESERVE ASSOCIATION. PEARL HARBOR HONOLULU BRANCH 46891 VALKENBURGH.

Of Photographs and Flags: Uses and Perceptions of an Iconic Image

Raising on Iwo Jima” photograph comparing it to a new image of a flag raising at. Ground Zero

The Public Face of 9/11: Memory and Portraiture in the Landscape

also includes two new American icons: the World Trade Center towers and the image of three New York City fire fighters raising the American flag in the 

Raising the standard

Raising the standard cemeteries and crematoria recreation grounds

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In the late medi aeval and early modern city fighting con- flagrations for the rank-and-file burgher was not an opportunity for heroic freelancing but a civic

a comparative analysis of Flag-raising on Iwo Jima and Ground Zero

This article examines two iconic American photographs – Flag-raising on Iwo Jima (1945) and Ground Zero Spirit (2001) The ways in which the latter

a comparative analysis of Flag-raising on Iwo Jima and Ground Zero

This article examines two iconic American photographs – Flag-raising on Iwo Jima (1945) and Ground Zero Spirit (2001) Download Free PDF

[PDF] Joe ROSENTHAL Raising the flag on Iwo Jiwa

Raising the flag on Iwo Jiwa drapeau américain sur le site du World Trade Center Thomas E Franklin Raising the Flag at Ground zero

[PDF] Titre : Raising the flag on Iwo Jima 5 ( hisser le drapeau)

Titre : Raising the flag on Iwo Jima 5 ( hisser le drapeau) Nature : photographie noir et blanc DATE : 23 février 1945 Dimensions

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Past and present heroes have sacrificed themselves for the flag It is a cherished national symbol to be raised and our heroes raise it in Ground Zero Spirit

[PDF] The Iconic Photograph Of The Flag Raising On Iwo Jima

We refer to the image of three firefighters raising the U S flag amid the rubble that hours before had been the World Trade Center Within days it was

THE FLAG Directors: Petra Epperlein and Michael Tucker

26 août 2013 · We've all seen Thomas Franklin's photograph of three defiant firefighters raising the American flag at Ground Zero on 9/11

[PDF] for immediate release - 911 Memorial


1 Admi nistration of

Donald J. Trump

, 2017 Proclamation 9623 - Flag Day and National Flag Week, 2017

June 14,


By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

On Flag Day, we honor the symbol that reminds us that we are one Nation under God, united in our pursuit of liberty and justice for all. Today, we celebrate and recognize June 14 as the day in 1777 when the Continental Congress formally adopted the Stars and Stripes as the official flag of the Republic. Our flag is a source of inspiration and strength to all Americans. Wherever Old Glory flies, we remember the six United States Marines raising the flag atop Mount Suribachi during the Battle of Iwo Jima, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planting it on the surface of the moon, and our firefighters elevating it above Ground Zero following the terrorist attacks of September 11. At the White House, at our homes, churches, offices, and schools, in our town squares and military installations at home and abroad, our flag celebrates our independence and highlights our resolve to defend and protect the country and the values that we hold dear. By honoring our flag, we pay due respect to the patriots and heroes who have laid down their lives in defense of the liberty it represents. As we raise the flag, we stand and salute or place our hands on our hearts, and we recall the fundamental truths upon which this Nation was founded: that we are all created equal and that just government derives its power from the people. I am blessed to have shared my birthday with the Star Spangled Banner and the U.S.

Army for 71 years now. Again, on Flag Day, I am

deeply grateful to live under the red, white, and blue, and all for which it stands. To commemorate the adoption of our flag, in 1949, the Congress requested the President recognize, by proclamation, that June 14 is "Flag Day" and requested the American flag be displayed on all Federal Government buildings. The Congress also requested, in 1966, that the President annually issue a proclamation designating the week in which June 14 occurs as "National Flag Week" and call upon citizens of the United States to display the flag during that week.

Now, Therefore, I, Donald J. Trump,

President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim June 14, 2017, as Flag Day, and this week as National Flag Week. I direct the appropriate officials to display the flag on all Federal Government buildings during this week, and I urge all Americans to observe Flag Day and National Flag Week by displaying the flag. I also encourage the people of the United States to observe with pride and all due ceremony those days from Flag Day through Independence Day, set aside by the Congress (89 Stat. 211), as a time to honor America, to celebrate our heritage in public gatherings and activities, and to publicly recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord two thousand seventeen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty first. DONALD J. TRUMP 2 [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 11:15 a.m., June 16, 2017] N OTE: This proclamation was published in the Federal Register on June 19. Categories: Proclamations : Flag Day and National Flag Week. Subjects: Holidays and special observances : Flag Day and National Flag Week.

DCPD Number:


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