[PDF] ENCLOSURE 22 juil. 2016 menta made

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Teachers Guide for Quiet Hero The Ira Hayes Story

Born on the Gila River Indian Reservation in Arizona Ira Hayes was a bashful boy who never wanted to be the center of attention.

Iwo Jima Joe Rosenthal – 23/02/1945 photographie – 2e guerre

23 févr. 2022 un des rescapés Ira Hayes. La photo servira aussi de modèle pour la construction du mémorial de Arlington dédié au corps des marines.




22 juil. 2016 menta made by Mr. Ira H. Hayes. (4) That no contact with former Corporal Short nc:Jr P.F.C •. Cotter was neces·sary because identification ...


16 nov. 1990 veteran Ira Hayes have changed over the course of the late ... 26 Gene McLain “Arizona Saga Ends: Ira Hayes Dies – Hero of Iwo Jima Bows to ...

Ira H. Hayes Post 84 Honors Fallen Service Members

8 juin 2021 the colors at the Ira H. Hayes/. Matthew B. Juan Park in Sacaton in recognition of Memorial Day on May 31. The ceremony started off.


13 avr. 2013 Ira Hayes a hero for the USA ? Ira Hayes : un antihéros ? un héros malgré lui ? et pourtant… ! - Enersto « Che » Guevara

Document Johnny Cashs Letter to Radio Stations

27 mai 1972 Upon learning his song “Ballad of Ira Hayes” was not being played by radio stations Johnny Cash paid for and published a full-page letter ...

The Iwo Jima Flag Raisers - Chaos Controversy and World War II

24 août 2016 Sousley Sgt. Michael Strank & Cpl. Ira Hayes. • Photo taken by AP Photographer Joseph Rosenthal. • Went on to become most iconic photo in ...

Native Americans and World War II

Group 2 – Ira Hayes. • Group 3 – Native Americans and Discrimination. • Group 4 – Native Americans Post-?World War II. ? Teacher Note: If possible 

[PDF] Ballad of Ira Hayes - Mocha Moment A

Call him drunken Ira Hayes He won't answer anymore Not the whiskey drinkin' Indian Nor the Marine that went to war There they battled up Iwo Jima's hill

[PDF] Teachers Guide for Quiet Hero The Ira Hayes Story - Lee & Low Books

THE IRA HAYES STORY by S D Nelson Reading Level *Reading Level: Grades 4 UP Interest Level: Grades 2-8 Guided Reading Level: P Lexile™ Measure: 930


16 nov 1990 · This thesis examines the ways in which socio-cultural depictions of Akimel O'odham veteran Ira Hayes have changed over the course of the late 

[PDF] Bob Dylan The Ballad of Ira Hayes - Písni?ky s akordy

The Ballad of Ira Hayes Bob Dylan Gather round you people and a story I will tell About a brave young Indian you should remember well

Ira Hayes Biographie Rentrer au bercail la mort Notes Bibliographie

Ira Hamilton Hayes (Scanton 12 janvier 1923 - Bapchule 24 janvier 1955) Ce fut un militaire natif américain Il a été Akimel O'odhams (Native American 

It Didnt Really Happen That Way - De Gruyter

Ira Hayes and the flag-raising were big box-office after the Indian's death Marine veteran Lee Marvin played Hayes on television in 1960 point of The American 

Ira Hayes - Wikipedia

Ira Hamilton Hayes (January 12 1923 – January 24 1955) was an Akimel O'odham Native American and a United States Marine during World War II





AliFER TO N!'4


From: To:






1 0, C.

15 January, 1947.

Tbe Board appointed to determine the identity

of personnel who participated in the Mt. flag-raising.

Commandant of the Marine Corps.

The identity of personnel who participated in

the Mt. Suribachi flag-raising as photographed by Mr. Joe Rosenthal of the Associated Press. (a) CMC ltr dated 4Dec46, 1240-10, DGA-1153-jg. (A) Report of the Board appointed to deter- mine the identity of personnel who participated in the Suriba.chi flag raising as photographed tiy Mr. Joe

Rosenthal of the Associated Press.

1. In compliance with reference (a), the Board's

report, Enclosure (A}, is herewith. Enclosure (A) includes all correspondence pertaining to the investigation.

P. A. deValle, --

Major General, u. s. Marine Corps,



I i








2. The Board wa.a convened by CMC ltr dated 4Dec46,



3. The Board met at 1300, 4 December, 1946, all

members being'present. ·4. The convening order, hereto prefixed, was read and the Eoard decided upon rollowing the usual procedure for _an investigation.

5. -The Board exa.lpined the following d,ocuments, at-

tached as exhibits :

A. Copy of photograph taken by Mr. Joe

Rosenthal of the Suribacni on 23 February 1945.

B. Memorandum for Commandant of the Marine

Corps from Director, Division of' Public Information,

18 November, 1946, with enclosures (A.) to .(L).

c. Memorandum for Commandant of the Marine Corps from Director, Division of Public Information," dated

27 ·November, 1946, with ·one enclosure. ·

6. Consideration of all tbese documents, espec-

ially Enclosures A and B of Exhibit B (sworn statements of Mr. John H. Bradley and Mr. Rene Gagnon), supported a conclu sion :tbat tl1e ·following me.n were the· participan ta in the historical flag-raising atop Mt. Suribachi photographed by

·Mr. Joe' Rosenthal on February 23, 1945;

P.F.C. Franklin R. Sousely (942297)

Sergeant MichAel Strruok (275228)

P.F.C. Ira H• Hayes

P.F.C. Rene A. Gagnon (808276)

Phar. Mate 2/c John H. Bradley (8681681)

Sergeant Henry 0. Hansen (266047) -

-1 -

7. In order to clear up· the point as to whether

or not the late Corporal Harlan H. Block (820595) was a par ticipant as alleged in Etlclosure ·(I), to Exhibit B (copy of . letter from former P.F.C. Ira H. Hayes to Mrs. Block) the Board decided to written questionnaires to the fol lowing persons: {1} Captain Dave Elliot Severance, USMC (011101), Commanding Officer of Company E, 2d Bn, 28th Marines, 5th Marine Division from March to August 1945, (2) Captain Harold G. 'Shrier, USMC reported patrol-leader of the patrol which in subject flag-raising.

8. In addition, t4e Board decided that a member

the should interview P.F.C. Ira H. Hayes, qonfronting him with· the conf.licting affidavits of the other two surviving participants of the flag-raising, The

Board then adJourned.

9. -The Board met at· 1:00 p.m., 13 December, 1946,

and all members of the Board were present. Lieutenant Colonel Sutter presented. a statement concerning his interview of former P.F.C. Ira H. Hayes, along with two affidavits, an annotated and an annotated pamphlet obtained from Mr. Hayes --all attached hereto, and marked as Exhibit D.

10. The Board examined the documents constituting

Exhibit D and decided upon·the follmr.Lng action: (1) That Lieutenant Colonel E. Hagene.h' shoUld be interviewed by the Board as soon as practicable, . ( 2) That Mr. Brad·ley and Mr. Gagnon should be informed of the contents of Exhibit D (contradictory affida vits from Ira H. Hayes) and be requested to comment • . , (3) That a questionnaire be mailed to former Sergeant Thomas J. Hermanek, Jr., in order to verify state menta made by Mr. Ira H. Hayes. (4) That no contact with former Corporal Short nc:Jr P.F.C •. Cotter was neces·sary because identification of Sergeant Henry 0. Hansen in the Suribachi group picture was verified to tbe satisfaction of the Board using Sergeant

Hansen's official record.

-8 - . . I· .: I

J •

11. Sevel;"al infor1na.l meet.:tngs ·were between

13 1946 and 12 January 1947 in order to evaluate

ineom:!.ng oorrespondenc.e and determine necessity for originat- ing further inquiry. · ·

12. The Board met at 10:30 a.m. on 13 JaPuary

1947; to 9onsider all evidence recently obtained, including

le tte:t>s newl:y: re·cei ved from former P. F. C. Ga,.gnon, former Phar. Mate 27c Bradley, a.Bd former Corporal Thomas J.

Hermanek, Jr. --all and marked Exhibit

11 E 11

13. Af'ter eiba.uati ve analysis of B.ll t:Q.e evldelioe

available, the Board decided that the investigation was complete,. and the evidence supported certain conclu sions.


14. That the figure shown on the eztreme right.

(at foot of flag pole) in Mr. ·Joe Rosenthal's of the Mt. Suripachi flag-raising been incorrectly identified since April 8, 1945 as being Bergeant Henry 0.

Hansen (266047), now deceased.

15. That, to the best of the ability of the

Board to determine this the above-mentioned figure is· that of Corporal Harlan H. Block (820595), also deceased.

16. That the incorrect identification was caused

by a combination of factors, which include: (a) Mr. Joe Rosenthal's failure to trake names of the participants because he believed the photograph to have been blurred by·movement and cGnsequently ruined. {b) The fact that three of the six actual participants were killed in action prior to the initiation of inquiry into the identity o:f tb.e participants. (c) The reluctance of former·P.F.C. Ira H. Hayas (44S804) to be identified as a participant or to re turn to the United States at the the first inquiry was

·made at Iwo Jima, in early April, 1945.

(d) That the original official identifica tion was made in Washington with the help of.Messrs. Bradley and Gagnon, both.of whom were bystanders who merely helped the tour-man patrol raise the flag. -3 - t I l 0 ( e') The Deed for haste iR identifying the par ticipants (in order be present for the 7th War Loan Drive) P.recluded a more thorough.investigation originally.


17. The Board unanimously agrees that as a result

of its investigation the following named men participated in the Mt. Suribaehi fXag-raising shown in the photograph taken by Mr. Joe Rosenthal of the Associated Press and that they appear as revealed on the annotated print:

1. Corporal H. Block (820595), deceased.

2. P.F.C. Rene A. Gagnon (808276). .. ·

3. Phar. Mate 2/c John H. Bradley (8681681). ,

4. Sergeant :Michael Strank ( 275'228), deceased,.

5. P.F-0. Ira H. Hayes (448804).

6. P.F.C. R. Sousely deceased.


18. That the records of"Headquarters, U. s. Marine

Corps be corrected to agree with the opinion of this Board - namely, that the name of Corporal Harlan H. Blo·ck (820595) 3 de·oe·ased, be substituted for tba t of Sergeant Henry o. Eansen (266047), deceased, as identifYing the figure on the extreme right (at the foot ot' the flag pole) in the subject photograph taken by Mr. Rosenthal.

19. That enclosures A, B, and C, letters informing

certain interested parties of this change in identification of one .figure in the photograph, be signed by tbE'Commandant o'f the .Marine Cotpa and mailed prior to any public release of the information.

20. Tbilt no official blame be assessed any indi-

vidual in the Naval Service because of the number and diversity of factors found to have been contributory to the original error.


Major General, U. • Marine Corps,


· W. · ·T. Ciement,

Brigadier General, U. s. Marine Corps,

~utter, ·

Lieutenant Colonel, U. s. Marine Corps.

and Recorder. 0 I \' I I I I 1 _.''. 1

0 0 p y

i5 Jan ua.ry 19~7 . Mr. lia.naen r

This is 1n to the o~ the

parbtaipa.nts in the. Mt .. S't:tr1 baehi :f'lag•rai s1Iig whi9h ¢ia on the island of two J'ima or1 Febru.ary 1945, as it was photographed by Mr. Joe Rosenthal of the Aasooiated

Press. ·

On September 8, 1946

1 a letter waa received Mrs, E. F. Bloek e.f Oorporal Harlan B .. Bl.ook:t ·USMC, now deoea$ed). Mrs. BlOQk a he~ by Marine P.G.O. Ira H. who is 0~ the living partioipant.s of the eubjeet Ml' .. Hayes a te.ted that the fi·gure shown !'ln the extreme l'ig,ht (at foot o.f flag pole) Slld previeU$ly identified tbt>: r .. figure of your son, Sergeant Ranry 0. Hmeen 2 wa·s in .f.a-ct

Oorporal H. BlookJ new

I a board of officers that

they investigate thoroughly all olroumstances to 'the taking of the pho't1ograph and the subsequent ;tc;Ient:tfioa tion of personnel allown. The of. the board wel;'equotesdbs_dbs35.pdfusesText_40
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