[PDF] Pushdown Automata 02-Nov-2012 automaton equipped

Pushdown Automata

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Homework 6 Solutions

Give pushdown automata that recognize the following languages. Give both a drawing and 6-tuple specification for each PDA. (a) A = { w ∈ {0 1} 

Pushdown Automata Exercises

30-May-2006 Pda and cfg. 5. pushdown automaton A is specified by. A = ({q0q1}

Pushdown Automata (PDA)

Q) Does a PDA that accepts by empty stack need any final state specified in the design? Page 15. Example: L of balanced p parenthesis. PDA that 

Lecture 6: Pushdown automata

A DFA with k states can only “count to k”. •. Solution: extend NFAλ by adding memory From CFG to PDA example. S. → aSb

Solutions for CSE303 Homework 5 1. Construct nondeterministic

Construct nondeterministic pushdown automata (npda) that accept the following regular languages. Note: Observe that all the languages are regular languages so 

Pushdown Automata - Examples - Lecture 18 Section 2.2

05-Oct-2009 Examples. Example (Pushdown automaton). Note that this solution is inspired by the grammar. S → SS

Two-Way Tree Automata Solving Pushdown Games Two-Way Tree Automata Solving Pushdown Games

01-Mar-2006 For our particular application we simplify the definition of two-way automata ... We present here a simple example of pushdown game to illustrate ...

Pushdown Automata - Examples - Lecture 18 Section 2.2

06-Oct-2008 Examples. Example (Pushdown automaton). Note that this solution is inspired by the grammar. S → SS

Homework 6 Solutions

Give pushdown automata that recognize the following languages. Give both a drawing and 6-tuple specification for each PDA. (a) A = { w ? {0 1} 

Pushdown Automata (PDA)

Q) Does a PDA that accepts by empty stack need any final state specified in the design? Page 15. Example: L of balanced p parenthesis. PDA that 

Pushdown Automata Exercises

We start with standard problems on building pda for a given language Construct pushdown automata for the following languages. ... Solutions. 1a The pda ...

Pushdown Automata - Examples - Lecture 18 Section 2.2

Oct 5 2009 Balanced. Parentheses. Algebraic. Expressions. Assignment. Homework Review. Solution. A PDA for the first of these languages is.

Exercise Sheet 4

Nov 27 2014 Exercise 4.4 (Pushdown Automata). Create a PDA that recognizes the following language. L = {aibjck


k = i + j}. Solution: ...

Pushdown Automata

A pushdown automaton (PDA) is a finite automaton equipped with a stack-based memory. ? Each transition. ? is based on the current input symbol and the top 

Section 12.2 Pushdown Automata A pushdown automaton (PDA) is

A pushdown automaton (PDA) is a finite automaton with a stack that has stack operations pop push

Tutorial 3 Context Free Languages and Pushdown Automata

convert a context free grammar to a (non-deterministic) PDA (Q 3.1); Solution: There are two parse trees for ¬ true ? false for example:.

Solutions for CSE303 Homework 5 1. Construct nondeterministic

Construct nondeterministic pushdown automata (npda) that accept the following regular languages. Note: Observe that all the languages are regular languages so 

QUESTION BANK SOLUTION Unit 1 Introduction to Finite Automata

This distinguishes it from the deterministic finite automaton (DFA) all languages that can be recognized by a non-deterministic pushdown automaton.

Pushdown Automata - Stanford University

A pushdown automaton (PDA) is a finite automaton equipped with a stack-based memory Each transition is based on the current input symbol and the top of the stack optionally pops the top of the stack and optionally pushes new symbols onto the stack Initially the stack holds a special symbol Z 0that indicates the bottom of the stack

Pushdown Automata - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

A pushdown automaton(PDA) is essentially a finite automaton with a stack Example PDA accepting Initially the symbol the stack 0is on Acceptance can be by final state or empty stack = 01 ?0: 0 Stack Input string: 0011 Current input A PDA can be defined by a 7-tuple ?? 0 0 : A finite set of states

18404J F2020 Lecture 4: Pushdown Automata CFG PDA

Pushdown Automata (PDA) Finite control “head” ba ba a input appears on a “tape” c (pushdown)Schematic diagram for DFA or NFA stack Schematic diagram for PDA Operates like an NFA except can write-add or read-remove symbols from the top of stack push pop Example: PDA for ! = 0$1$ & ? 0

Pushdown Automata Exercises - Leiden University

16 A two-way pushdown automaton may move on its input tape in two directions As usual for two-way automata we assume that the begin and end of the input tape is marked by special symbols In this way the automaton can recognize those positions Describe a two-way pda for each of the following languages (a) f anbncn j n 2 N g (easy)

Pushdown Automata (()PDA) - Washington State University

How to convert an final state PDA into an empty stack PDA? P F==> P N construction Main idea: Whenever P F reaches a final state just make an -transition into a new end state clear out the stack and acceptnew end state clear out the stack and accept

Solutions for CSE303 Homework 5 Solution - Stony Brook University

Solutions for CSE303 Homework 5 1 Construct nondeterministic pushdown automata (npda) that accept the following regular languages Note: Observe that all the languages are regular languages so the solutions are essentially NFA’s (ornpda’s with inactive stack) For all the languagesfis the ?nal state (a)L1=L(aaa?b)

Searches related to pushdown automata examples solutions filetype:pdf

• A DPDA is simply a pushdown automata without non-determinism – i e no epsilon transitions or transitions to multiple states on same input – Only one state at a time • DPDA not as powerful a non-deterministic PDA – This machine accepts a class of languages somewhere between regular languages and context-free languages

Pushdown Automata

Friday Four Square!

Today at 4:15PM, Outside Gates


Problem Set 5 due right now

Or Monday at 2:15PM with a late day.

Problem Set 6 out, due next Friday,

November 9.

Covers context-free languages, CFGs, and


Midterm and Problem Set 4 should be

graded by Monday.

Generation vs. Recognition

We saw two approaches to describe regular languages: Build automata that accept precisely the strings in the language. Design regular expressions that describe precisely the strings in the language. Regular expressions generate all of the strings in the language. Useful for listing off all strings in the language. Finite automata recognize all of the strings in the language. Useful for detecting whether a specific string is in the language.

Context-Free Languages

Yesterday, we saw the context-free

languages, which are those that can be generated by context-free grammars.

Is there some way to build an automaton

that can recognize the context-free languages?

The Problem

Finite automata accept precisely the

regular languages.

We may need unbounded memory to

recognize context-free languages. e.g. { 0n1n | n ∈ ℕ } requires unbounded counting.

How do we build an automaton with

finitely many states but unbounded memory?

ABCA...The finite-state

control acts as a finite memory.The finite-state control acts as a finite memory.

The input tape holds

the input string.The input tape holds the input string.

Memory DeviceWe can add an infinite

memory device the finite-state control can use to store information.We can add an infinite memory device the finite-state control can use to store information.

Adding Memory to Automata

We can augment a finite automaton by

adding in a memory device for the automaton to store extra information.

The finite automaton now can base its

transition on both the current symbol being read and values stored in memory.

The finite automaton can issue commands

to the memory device whenever it makes a transition. e.g. add new data, change existing data, etc.

Stack-Based Memory

Only the top of the stack is visible at any

point in time.

New symbols may be pushed onto the

stack, which cover up the old stack top.

The top symbol of the stack may be

popped, exposing the symbol below it.

Pushdown Automata

A pushdown automaton (PDA) is a finite

automaton equipped with a stack-based memory.

Each transition

is based on the current input symbol and the top of the stack, optionally pops the top of the stack, and optionally pushes new symbols onto the stack. Initially, the stack holds a special symbol Z0 that indicates the bottom of the stack.

Our First PDA

Consider the language

L = { w ∈ Σ* | w is a string of balanced

digits } over Σ = { 0, 1 }

We can exploit the stack to our advantage:

Whenever we see a 0, push it onto the stack.

Whenever we see a 1, pop the corresponding 0

from the stack (or fail if not matched) When input is consumed, if the stack is empty, accept.

A Simple Pushdown Automaton

ε, Z0 → εstart

0001110, Z0 → 0Z0

0, 0 → 00

1, 0 → ε

Z0To find an applicable

transition, match the current input/stack pair.To find an applicable transition, match the current input/stack pair.

A transition of the form

a, b → z

Means "If the current input

symbol is a and the current stack symbol is b, then follow this transition, pop b, and push the string z.A transition of the form a, b → z

Means "If the current input

symbol is a and the current stack symbol is b, then follow this transition, pop b, and push the string z.

A Simple Pushdown Automaton

ε, Z0 → εstart

0001110, Z0 → 0Z0

0, 0 → 00

1, 0 → ε

If a transition reads the top

symbol of the stack, it always pops that symbol (though it might replace it)If a transition reads the top symbol of the stack, it always pops that symbol (though it might replace it)

Z0A Simple Pushdown Automaton

ε, Z0 → εstart

0001110, Z0 → 0Z0

0, 0 → 00

1, 0 → ε

0Each transition then pushes some

(possibly empty) string back onto the stack. Notice that the leftmost symbol is pushed onto the top.Each transition then pushes some (possibly empty) string back onto the stack. Notice that the leftmost symbol is pushed onto the top.

Z0A Simple Pushdown Automaton

ε, Z0 → εstart

0001110, Z0 → 0Z0

0, 0 → 00

1, 0 → ε

00We now push the string onto εthe stack, which adds no new

characters. This essentially means "pop the stack."We now push the string onto εthe stack, which adds no new characters. This essentially means "pop the stack."

Z0A Simple Pushdown Automaton

ε, Z0 → εstart

0001110, Z0 → 0Z0

0, 0 → 00

1, 0 → ε

This transition can be taken at any

time Z0 is atop the stack, but we've nondeterministically guessed that this would be a good time to take it.This transition can be taken at any time Z0 is atop the stack, but we've nondeterministically guessed that this would be a good time to take it.

A Simple Pushdown Automaton

ε, Z0 → εstart

0001110, Z0 → 0Z0

0, 0 → 00

1, 0 → ε

Pushdown Automata

Formally, a pushdown automaton is a

nondeterministic machine defined by the 7-tuple (Q, Σ,

Γ, δ, q0, Z0, F), where

Q is a finite set of states,

Σ is an alphabet,

Γ is the stack alphabet of symbols that can be pushed on the stack, δ : Q × Σε × Γε → (Q × Γ*) is the ℘transition function, where no tuple is mapped to an infinite set, q0 ∈ Q is the start state,

Z0 ∈ Γ is the stack start symbol, and

F ⊆ Q is the set of accepting states.

The automaton accepts if it ends in an accepting state with no input remaining.

The Language of a PDA

The language of a PDA is the set of

strings that the PDA accepts: ℒ(P) = { w ∈ Σ* | P accepts w }

If P is a PDA where (ℒP) = L, we say that

P recognizes L.

A Note on Terminology

Finite automata are highly standardized.

There are many equivalent but different

definitions of PDAs. The one we will use is a slight variant on the one described in Sipser.

Sipser does not have a start stack symbol.

Sipser does not allow transitions to push multiple symbols onto the stack.

Feel free to use either this version or Sipser's;

the two are equivalent to one another.

A PDA for Palindromes

A palindrome is a string that is the same forwards and backwards.

Let Σ = {0, 1} and consider the language

PALINDROME = { w ∈ Σ* | w is a palindrome }.

How would we build a PDA for PALINDROME?

Idea: Push the first half of the symbols on to the stack, then verify that the second half of the symbols match. Nondeterministically guess when we've read half of the symbols. This handles even-length strings; we'll see a cute trick to handle odd-length strings in a minute.

A PDA for Palindromes

start0, ε → 0

1, ε → 1This transition indicates

that the transition does not pop anything from thequotesdbs_dbs9.pdfusesText_15
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