[PDF] Problem Set 0: Introduction to Python and IDLE

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MIT6_0001F16_Additional Python Resources

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MIT6_0001F16_Object Oriented Programming

EVERYTHING IN PYTHON IS AN OBJECT (and has a type) python system will reclaim destroyed or inaccessible ... many Python modules define new classes.

Python Library Reference

20 Jul 2001 This library reference manual documents Python's standard library as well as many optional library modules (which may or may not be available

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The basic syntax for creating line plots is plt.plot(xy)

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Dynamic programming is an optimization approach that transforms a complex problem into a sequence of simpler problems; its essential characteristic is the 

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6.189 Getting Started: Python and IDLE

x All MIT Course 6 classes currently use a version of Python 2.6. Windows: Go to the website and download the windows MSI installer for either x86 or x86-64 

Problem Set 0: Introduction to Python and IDLE

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MIT6 0001F16 Additional Python Resources - MIT OpenCourseWare

- another survey of Python syntax datatypes etc Think Python by Allen Downey - a good general overview of the Python language Includes exercises The Official Python Tutorial - self-explanatory Learn Python the Hard Way - (note: for Python 2) another free online text Reserved Keywords in Python - don't use these as variable names

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EVERYTHING IN PYTHON IS AN OBJECT (and has a type) can create new objects of some type can manipulate objects can destroy objects •explicitly using delor just “forget” about them •python system will reclaim destroyed or inaccessible objects –called “garbage collection” 6 0001 LECTURE 8 3

Python Reference Manual - MIT

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MIT6 0001F16 Welcome - MIT OpenCourseWare

PYTHON PROGRAMS programis a sequence of definitions and commands definitions evaluated commands executedby Python interpreter in a shell commands(statements) instruct interpreter to do something can be typed directly in a shellor stored in a filethat is read into the shell and evaluated Problem Set 0 will introduce you to these in Anaconda

Searches related to python mit pdf filetype:pdf

1 Login to notebook wi mit edu 2 Download the exercises to your home folder: Click on “New” -> Terminal -> Type “setup_Intro_Python_talk” command This will create a folder named as “Intro_to_Python” 3 Go to the Intro_to_Pythonfolder and click on Introduction_to_Python ipynb 4 Do exercises: 1 to 8

Was ist in Python?

    Oft wird es mit anderen Programmiersprachen wie Java, Perl oder Ruby verglichen. In Pythons Standardbibliothek findet man alles notwendige zur Textverarbeitung (reguläre Ausdrücke, Unicode), Internetprotokolle (HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP, XML), Operationen mit dem System-Interface (Systemcalls, Dateisysteme, TCP/IP Sockets, Verbindungen mit Webservern).

Was ist Python standardbibliothek?

    In Pythons Standardbibliothek findet man alles notwendige zur Textverarbeitung (reguläre Ausdrücke, Unicode), Internetprotokolle (HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP, XML), Operationen mit dem System-Interface (Systemcalls, Dateisysteme, TCP/IP Sockets, Verbindungen mit Webservern). Python gilt als einfach zu erlernende Sprache.

How do I convert a Python file to PDF?

    Files of the type PY or files with the file extension .py can be easily converted to PDF with the help of a PDF printer . A PDF printer is a virtual printer which you can use like any other printer. The difference to a normal printer is that a PDF printer creates PDF files. You do not print on physical paper.

Problem Set #0

Handed out: Lecture 1.

Due: 11:59pm, Lecture 2 (two days to complete).


This problem set will introduce you to the programming environment IDLE and to programming in

Python, as well as to our general problem set structure. In this problem set, you will install IDLE, write a

simple Python program, and hand it in. Be sure to read this problem set thoroughly, especially the sections of Collaboration and the Hand-in Procedure.


You may work with other students. However, each student should write up and hand in his or her

assignment separately. Be sure to indicate with whom you have worked. For further detail, please review

the collaboration policy as stated in the course information handout.

Installing Python and IDLE

Follow the steps in Getting Python for installing Python and IDLE onto the machine you plan to be using this term. Familiarize yourself with Python and IDLE using the exercises given in the handout. Once you are ready, proceed to the programming part of this assignment. Note, when you first start using your system, make sure that the version number displayed is not 3.0 or higher. That version of Python is not backwards compatible with 2.5.4, which is the official Python version used in this course. A Very Simple Program: Entering and Printing Your Name The goal of this programming exercise is simply to get you more comfortable with using IDLE, and to

begin using simple elements of Python. Standard elements of a program include the ability to print out

results (using the print operation), the ability to read input from a user at the console (for example using

the raw_input or input function), and the ability to st ore values in a variable, so that the program can access that value as needed.

Problem 1

Write a program that does the following in order:

Asks the user to enter his/her date of birth.

Asks the user to enter his/her last name.

Prints out the user's last name a

nd date of birth, in that order.

An example of an interaction with your program is shown below (the words printed in blue are from the

computer, based on your commands, the words in black are a user's input - the colors are simply here to

help you distinguish the two components):

Enter your date of birth:


Enter your last name:


Grimson 01/26/32


To see how to use the print command, you may find it convenient to look at the input and output section

of the Python Wikibook. This will show you how to use print statements to print out values of strings.

To see how to read input from a user's console into the Python environment, you may find it convenient

to look at the same section (see for example the raw_input or input function).

Remember that if you want to hold onto a value, you need to store it in a variable (i.e., give it a name to

which you can refer when you want that value). You may find it convenient to look at the variables and strings section of the Python Wikibook.

Hand-In Procedure

1. Save

Save your code in ps0.py. Do not ignore this step or save your file(s) with different names.

2. Time and Collaboration Info

At the start of each file, in a comment, write down the number of hours (roughly) you spent on the problems in that part, and the names of the people you collaborated with.

For example:

# Problem Set 0 # Name: Jane Lee # Collaborators: John Doe # Time Spent: 3:30 ... your code goes here ...

3. Submit

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