[PDF] Python in High-performance Computing Jussi Enkovaara Harri

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Object-Oriented Programming in Python Documentation

Nov 15 2560 BE Object-Oriented Programming in Python Documentation

Python in High-performance Computing Jussi Enkovaara Harri

MPI and Python – mpi4py. 15:45-16:15 Exercises. 9.00-9.45. Object oriented programming with Python. 9.45-10.30. Exercises. 10.30-10.45 Coffee break.

Download Object Oriented Python Tutorial (PDF Version)

OOP offers the following advantages: •. Provides a clear program structure which makes it easy to map real world problems and their solutions.

Page 1 of 7 Practical Sheet: OOP Programming This sheet is a set of

Feb 18 2561 BE This sheet is a set of exercises for introducing OOP in Python using the turtle graphics. The notes assume knowledge of basic Python ...

Learning Python

How Does Python Stack Up to Language X? 14. How Python Runs Programs . Part 1 Exercises ... OOP and Composition: "has-a" Relationships.

Object-Oriented Programming in Python Documentation

Jul 11 2540 BE develop an effective solution for it using the Python programming language. 1.1 What is a computer? ... 2.7 Answers to exercises.


Jun 26 2565 BE 6 OOP I: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming ... 10.5 Exercises . ... Python Programming for Economics and Finance.

Advanced Python — exercises and solutions

Solutions have been inserted between the original text of the exercises. Take care :) Exercise D1 (30 min). Write a decorator which wraps functions to log 

Understanding Object Oriented Programming in Python Exercises

Understanding Object Oriented Programming in Python Exercises. 4. Exercise 1. 1.1 i). Define a simple class called Individual.

Understanding Object Oriented Programming in Python

Object-oriented programming (OOP) designed to make it easier to writing more complex projects. • It is better suited to the human brain 

Practical Sheet: OOP Programming

Problem 1: Open a new Python interpreter and use it to ?nd the value of 2 + 3 Running Python Scripts Open your text editor type the following text and save it as hello py print"hello world!" And run this program by calling python hello py Make sure you change to the directory where you saved the ?le before doing it

Practical Sheet: OOP Programming - Queen Mary University of

1 Exercise 1: Using Objects In this section we focus on using a class to create objects The aim is to create multiple objects of the same class to reinforce the distinction between a class and objects The code provided has two files: 1 The file face py contains a Face class which draws a face 2

Understanding Object Oriented Python Exercises

Understanding Object Oriented Programming in Python Exercises 4 Exercise 1 1 1 i) Define a simple class called Individual ii) Add an initialisation method which initialises the self character_name instance attribute iii) Add an access method to the class that returns self character_name Call this method get_character_name()

Object Oriented Python - University of California Berkeley

Python OOP Python Nitty Gritty Inheritence Basic Example with Methods cl as s InheritBasicExample ( MethodBasicExample ): def ThreeTimesX ( s e l f ): return 3s e l f x Can inherit multiple classes simple syntax: class Classname(inherited1inherited2) To call parent class method if not overridden just call it like normal

Searches related to python oop exercises with solutions filetype:pdf

Our language of choice is Python – a recent language which has been found to be powerful relatively easy to learn and able to provide a platform to advanced programming In this module you will learn how to analyse a problem and develop an effective solution for it using the Python programming language 1 1What is a computer?

What is a practical sheet for OOP in Python?

    Practical Sheet: OOP Programming This sheet is a set of exercises for introducing OOP in Python using the turtle graphics. The notes assume knowledge of basic Python programming.

What language is used for object-oriented programming in Python?

    Object-Oriented Programming in Python Documentation, Release 1 FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslator) was popular with scientists and engineers, but many have switched to C and C++. It was the ?rst high-level language. Here’s the addition program written in FORTRAN: PROGRAMADDNUMS C THIS FORTRANPROGRAMFINDS THE TOTAL OF C17AND20,THENDISPLAYS THERESULT.

What is the Order of operations in Python?

    Python has a speci?c and predictable way to determine the order in which it performs operations. For integer operations, the system will ?rst handle brackets (), then **, then *, //and %, and ?nally + and -.

What is a shorthand operator in Python?

    This is in fact a very common operation. Python has a shorthand operator, +=, which lets us express it more cleanly, without having to write the name of the variable twice: 3.1. Variables 35 Object-Oriented Programming in Python Documentation, Release 1
import sys, os try: from Bio.PDB import PDBParser __biopython_installed__ = True except ImportError: __biopython_installed__ = False __default_bfactor__ = 0.0 # default B-factor __default_occupancy__ = 1.0 # default occupancy level __default_segid__ = '' # empty segment ID class EOF(Exception): def __init__(self): pass class FileCrawler: Crawl through a file reading back and forth without loading anything to memory. def __init__(self, filename): try: self.__fp__ = open(filename) except IOError: raise ValueError, "Couldn't open file '%s' for reading." % filename self.tell = self.__fp__.tell self.seek = self.__fp__.seek def prevline(self): try: self.prev()

Python in High-performance Computing

Jussi Enkovaara

January27-29, 2015

PRACE Advanced Training Centre

CSC ʹIT Center for Science Ltd, Finland

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike



9:00-9:45Introduction to Python



10:45-11:15Control structures


12:15-13:00Lunch break

13:00-13:30Functions and modules



14:45-15:15File I/O and text processing




9:00-9:45Visualization with Python



10:45-11:30Scipy-package for scientific




13:00-13:30C extensions ʹintegrating

efficient C routines in Python



14:45-15:45MPI and Python ʹmpi4py


9.00-9.45Object orientedprogramming

with Python



10:45-11:15NumPy ʹfast array interface to




13.00-13:30NumPy (continued)



14.45-15.15NumPy (continued)



What is Python?


, interpreted, object-oriented, fullfeaturedhigh levelprogramminglanguage


(Unix/Linux, Mac OS X, Windows) Open source, intellectualpropertyrightsheldbythe

Python Software Foundation


versions: 2.x and 3.x

3.x is notbackwardscompatiblewith2.x

Thiscourseuses2.x version

Why Python?

Fast program development

Simple syntax

Easy to write well readable code

Large standard library

Lots of third party libraries

Numpy, Scipy, Biopython


Information about Python

www.python.org H. P. www.scipy.org matplotlib.sourceforge.net mpi4py.scipy.org


Python basics

Syntax and code structure

Data types and data structures

Control structures

Functions and modules

Text processing and IO

Python program

Typically, a .

pyending is used for Python scripts, e.g. hello.py:

Scripts can be executed by the


Interactive python interpreter

The interactive interpreter can be started by executing python without arguments:

Useful for testing and learning

Python syntax

Variable and function

names start with a letter and can contain also numbers and underscores,

Python is case sensitive

Code blocks are defined by


Comments start by # sign


Data types

Python is dynamically typed

language no type declarations for variables

Variable does have a type

incompatible types cannot be combined

Numeric types



Complex numbers

Basic operations

+and - *, /and ** implicit type conversions be careful with integer division ! w


Strings are enclosed by " or '

Multiline strings can be defined with three double quotes


+and *operators with strings:

Data structures

Lists and tuples



Python lists are dynamic arrays

List items are indexed (index starts from 0)

List item can be any Python object, items can be of different type

New items can be added to any place in the list

Items can be removed from any place of the list


Defining lists

Accessing list elements

Modifying list items


Adding items to list

Accessing list elements

+and *operators with lists Lists

It is possible to access

slices of lists

Removing list items


Tuples are immutable lists

Tuples are indexed and

sliced like lists, but cannot be modified


Dictionaries are associative arrays

Unordered list of key

-value pairs

Values are indexed by keys

Keys can be strings or numbers

Value can be any Python object


Creating dictionaries

Accessing values

Adding items


Python variables are

always references my_list1 and my_list2 are references to the same list

Modifying my_list2

changes also my_list1!

Copy can be made by

slicing the whole list

What is object?

Object is a software bundle of data (=variables) and related methods Data can be accessed directly or only via the methods (=functions) of the object

In Python,

everythingis object

Methods of object are called with the syntax:

obj.method Methods can modify the data of object or return new objects


Python syntax: code blocks defined by indentation

Numeric and string datatypes

Powerful basic data structures:

Lists and dictionaries

Everything is object in Python

Python variables are always references to objects


Control structures



while loops for loops


if statement if statement allows one to execute code block dependingquotesdbs_dbs21.pdfusesText_27
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