[PDF] CS390-PYTHON Programming with Python

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1 Python can be used to develop prototypes and quickly because it is so easy to work with and read 2 Most automation data mining and big data platforms rely on Python This is because it is the ideal language to work with for general purpose tasks 3 Python allows for a more productive coding environment than massive languages like C#

The Python Guide for Beginners - renanmfcom

The Python Guide for Beginners 1 Preface 2 Introduction to Python 3 Installing Python 3 4 Running Code 5 Syntax 6 Comments 7 Variables 8 Types 9 Typecasting 10 User Input 11 Operators 12 Conditionals 13 Lists 14 Tuples 15 Sets 16 Dictionaries 17 while Loops 18 for Loops 19 Functions 20 Scope 21 List Comprehensions 22 Lambda Functions 23 Modules 3

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Hands-On Python A Tutorial Introduction for Beginners Python 3 1 Version Dr Andrew N Harrington Computer Science Department Loyola University Chicago © Released under the Creative commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3 0 United States License http://creativecommons org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3 0/us/

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Python Manual - Windmaran

This is a tutorial on the Python programming language It is intended for students that have completed the study of Python Primer! This manual is divided into three sections (Level-1 Level-2 and Level-3) – which corresponds to three levels of coding examples presented on the Windmaran Python webpage The following concepts are covered:

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Python(xy) is a free scientific and engineering development software for numerical computations data analysis and data visualization Sage: http://www sagemath org/ Sage is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL It combines the power of many existing open-source packages into a common Python-based interface

What is the best way to learn Python?

    •The best way to learn is by active participation. Information is principally introduced in small quantities, where your active participation, experiencing Python, is assumed. In many place you willonlybeabletoseewhatPythondoesbydoingityourself(inahands-onfashion). Thetutorial willoftennotshow.

How do I run a Python program?

    Before getting to the individual details of Python, you will run a simple text-based sample program. Findmadlib.pyinyourPythonfolder(Section1.2.1). Optionsforrunningtheprogram: •In Windows, you can display your folder contents, and double click on madlib.py to start the program.

What are the basic principles of Python?

    One of the basic principles of Python mentioned in Chapter 1 was the ideaof exception handling. Unlike many languages, which leave the businessof error handling to the programmer using the language, Python handleserrors in a consistent way – when an error is encountered, Python prints descriptive message, and terminates execution.

Where did Python come from?

    Python was developed in the early 1990’s by Guido van Rossum, thenat CWI in Amsterdam, and currently at CNRI in Virginia. In some ways,python grew out of a project to design a computer language which would beeasy for beginners to learn, yet would be powerful enough for even advancedusers.

© Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera1


Programming with Python

Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera

© Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera2

General Information

Web Page:

Office: LWSN1210

E-mail: grr@cs.purdue.edu


Python in a Nutshell 2nd Edition, Alex Martelli,


© Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera3

Sending your Questions

Send questions to Piazza

TAs office hours will be posted in the web page.

© Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera4


Grade allocation

Final Project:90%



Installing Python

The Python Interpreter

The Python Language



Core Built-ins

Strings and Regular Expressions

File and Text Operations

Persistence and Databases


Introduction to Python

Python is a general purpose Language

Created by Guido van Rossum in 1990

It is High-Level, Dynamic, Object-Oriented

and Multiplatform.

It is one of the few scripting languages that

has been used successfully in large projects.

It offers flexibility, elegance and, power.

Python Advantages

Python programs are more compact than

in other languages because:

High Level Data Types allow complex

operations in a single statement.

Instead of using { } python uses indentation.

No variables or argument declarations are


Python Standard Library

Python also offers a Standard Library that

contains useful modules for almost every need. GUI



Numerical Analysis

Installing Python

The Python website is:


Go to Download->Releases->3.2 and

select your platform.

For Linux download the tar ball.

A great tutorial about python is in:


Many of the slides are based on this tutorial.

Python Interpreter

Python takes as input a text file written in python language, compiles it and runs it.

Also you can run an interactive session using

the python shell with no text file.

If you installed in Windows you can run the

python interpreter:

Start->Python->Python (command line) or

Start->Python-> IDLE (Python GUI)

Environment Variables

The execution of python is affected by the



The python installation directory


Modules are imported from these directories.


The name of a python source file that is executed each time an interactive session starts.

Running python

python {options} file {arguments}

Also in UNIX you can write a executable

script that starts with the line: #!/usr/bin/python

Also you have to make the script file

executable. chmod u+x script-file

The Python Language

Lexical Structure


and assert break class continue del elif else except exec finally for from global if import in is lambda not or pass print raise return try while with yield




3.25Floating Point

45jImaginary Literal

String Literal

Other fundamental types

List (34, 68, 99) Tuple -Dictionary


Comments start with # until the end of a

line # this is a comment x = 1 # this is another comment

Using the interpreter

To run Python in Windows go to Start->Python->Python (command line)

You can use the interpreter as a calculator

Python 3.2 (r32:88445, Feb 20 2011, 21:30:00) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> 3 + 4 7 >>> 7 + 8 15


Variables do not need to be defined

>>> x = 1 >>> y = 2 >>> x + y 3

String Constants

>>> h="Hello world" >>> print(h)

Hello world

>>> s = 'Hi how are you' >>> print(s)

Hi how are you

String Constants

(triple double quoute) or triple single quote. >>> usage = """


command xxx yyyy prints command >>> print(usage)


command xxx yyyy prints command

String Constants

Two string constants are concatenated if they appear one after the other >>> s = "Hello" "World" >>> print(s)


To concatenate two strings even if they are not constants >>> s = "Hi " >>> t= "How are you" >>> s + t 'Hi How are you'

String Indexing and Splicing

Strings can be indexed like in C

>>> h="Hello world" >>> h[0] 'H' >>> h[5] >>> h[6]

Also strings can be sliced.

>>> h[2:5] 'llo' The notation a[i:j] indicates the string characters i to j-1 If i is missing, it is assume 0. If j is missing, it is assumed the end of the string.

Strings are Immutable

Strings cannot be modified like in C.

>>> h="Hello world" >>> h[2]='g'

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 1, in


TypeError: 'str' object does not support item


String Assignment

Instead we can create a new string.

>>> h=h[:2] + "g" + h[3:] >>> print(h)

Heglo world

Lists Python implements several compound types. The most

Lists are denoted with []. Example

>>> a=["Hi", "how", "are", "you",9] >>> a ['Hi', 'how', 'are', 'you', 9] Like strings, lists can be sliced, concatenated etc. >>> a[2] 'are' >>> a[1:3] ['how', 'are'] Lists Unlike strings, individual elements can be modified. >>> a=["Hi", "how", "are", "you",9] >>> a ['Hi', 'how', 'are', 'you', 9] >>> a[2]="ARE" >>> a ['Hi', 'how', 'ARE', 'you', 9]

Also elements can be removed

>>> a ['Hi', 'how', 'ARE', 'you', 9] >>> a[1:3]=[] >>> a ['Hi', 'you', 9] Lists

Or can be added anywhere in the list.

>>> a=["Hi", "how", "are", "you",9] >>> a ['Hi', 'how', 'are', 'you', 9] >>> a[1:1]=["a", "b", "c"] >>> a ['Hi', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'how', 'are', 'you', 9]

To get the length of a list use len().

>>> len(a) 8

Indexing with negative indexes

If a negative index is used to index lists and strings, the index will be relative to the end of the list.

>>> a ['Hi', 'how', 'ARE', 'you', 9] >>> a[0] 'Hi' >>> a[4] 9 >>> a[-1] 9 >>> a[-2] 'you' while statements

The following program executes factorial:

>>> n=6 >>> result=1 >>> i=1 >>> while i <= n: result = result * i i = i + 1 >>> i 7 >>> result 720

Notice that the block statement is indented.

Also notice the syntax for while statement.

As in C, the boolean expression can be a number where 0 is false and different than 0 is true. if statements if x < 0: elif x >0: else:

Also use indentation for multiple statements in

the same block. for statement The for statement is different than in C or JAVA since it is used to iterate over the elements of a list. a=['Hi', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'how', 'are', 'you'] >>> for t in a: print (t, len(t)) Hi 2 a 1 b 1 c 1 how 3 are 3 you 3

The range() function

The range function generates a list of integers inside a range. This function can be used to iterate over numbers. >>> for t in range(5): print(t) 0 1 2 3 4

Using break, continue and else

The breakstatement exits from the inner for or while loop. The continuestatement goes to the next iteration of the loop. The else branch in a for statement is exectued if no breakwas executed. for n in range(2, 10): # Taken from the python tutorial for x in range(2, n): if n % x == 0: print (n, 'equals', x, '*', n/x) break else: # loop fell through without finding a factor print (n, 'is a prime number')

2 is a prime number

3 is a prime number

4 equals 2 * 2

5 is a prime number

6 equals 2 * 3

7 is a prime number

8 equals 2 * 4

9 equals 3 * 3

Pass statement

The pass statement does nothing. It can be used

for busy waiting. while True: pass

Also it can be used to define an empty block

statement. Similar to {} in C or Java def foo(): # To be implemented pass

Defining functions

To define function use the def() statement.

>>> def fact(n): r=1 for t in range(1,n+1): r = r * t return r

Default argument values

The arguments of a function may have default

values drawLine(4, 5, 6, 7) # color is green

Also functions can be called using the keyword

arguments #It uses default values of x1, y1

Warning on Default Values

The default values may keep values from previous invocations. This is important for mutable values like lists but not for immutable values like ints and strings. >>> def f(val, list=[ ]): list.append(val) return list >>> print(f(1)) [1] >>> print(f(2)) [1, 2] >>> print(f(3)) [1, 2, 3]

If you do not wan this behavior default to None (no argument is passed) and initialize inside the function.

>>> def f(val, list=None): if list is None: list = [] list.append(val) return list

Variable Number of Arguments

When the last arguments in a function are *args and **keys, the arguments without keyword will be passed in *args and the arguments with keywords will be passed in **keys.

def elements(a, b, *args, **keys): print("Normal args a=",a," b=",b) print( "Arguments without keys:") for arg in args: print(arg) print("Keywords:") for key in keys: print("key=",key," val=",keys[key])

Variable Number of Arguments

>>> elements(1, 2, 3,"Hi", "everybody", color="green", day="Friday")

Normal args a= 1 b= 2

Arguments without keys:

3 Hi everybody


key= color val= green key= day val= Friday

Arguments as Lists

Also when we have arguments in the form of a list, it is possible to make a call by passing the list as *list_of_args

>>> def foo(a, b, c): print("a=",a," b=",b," c=",c) >>> list=[1,2,3] >>> foo(*list) a= 1 b= 2 c= 3

Coding Style

Use 4 space indentation and no tabs.

Wrap up line so they do not exceed 79


Use blank lines to separate functions.

Use CamelCase for classes and

lower_case_with_undersore for functions and methods.

List Functions


Add item at the end of the list.

Similar to a[len(a):]=[x]


Add list at the end

Siilar to a[len(a):]=L


Insert item at a given position.

Similar to a[i:i]=[x]

List Functions


Removes first item from the list with value x

list.pop(i) Remove item at position I and return it. If no index I is given then remove the first item in the list. list.index(x) Return the index in the list of the first item with value x. list.count(x)

Return the number of time x appears in the list

List Functions


Sorts items in the list in ascending order


Reverses items in the list.

Using Lists as Stacks

You can use a list as a stack

>>> a ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] >>> a.append("e") >>> a ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] >>> a.pop() 'e' >>> a.pop() 'd' >>> a = ["a", "b", "c"]

Lists as Queues

You can use a list as a queue but it is inefficient.

For that you use queues

>>> from collections import deque >>> queue = deque(["a","b","c"]) >>> queue deque(['a', 'b', 'c']) >>> queue.append("d") >>> queue deque(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) >>> queue.append("e") >>> queue.popleft() 'a' >>> queue.popleft() 'b' >>> queue deque(['c', 'd', 'e'])

Multidimensional Arrays

You can define a multidimensional array using

lists mat = [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12]

Multidimensional Arrays

To iterate over the matrix

>>> for j in range(4): for i in range(3): print(mat[j][i]) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

The del statement

Del can be used to remove an element of a list

a=[1,2,3,4] print(a) del a[0] print(a) [2,3,4] del a[1:3]


[2] tuples

A tuple is another data structure in python

A tuple consists of a number of values

separated by comas

A tuple is immutable.

>>> t=(1,2,3,4,5) >>> print(t) (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Sets

A set is another python data structure that

is an unordered collection with no duplicates. >>> setA=set(["a","b","c","d"]) >>> setB=set(["c","d","e","f"]) >>> "a" in setA True >>> "a" in setB False Sets >>> setA -setB {'a', 'b'} >>> setA | setB {'a', 'c', 'b', 'e', 'd', 'f'} >>> setA & setB {'c', 'd'} >>> setA ^ setB {'a', 'b', 'e', 'f'}quotesdbs_dbs7.pdfusesText_13
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