[PDF] Package diffeR If a square contingency table (

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raster: Geographic Data Analysis and Modeling

Depends sp (>= 1.4-5) R (>= 3.5.0) Maintainer Robert J. Hijmans <r.hijmans@gmail.com> ... Plot a Raster* with the spplot function (sp package).

The raster package

12?/05?/2019 This vignette describes the R package raster. A raster is a spatial (geographic) data structure that divides a region.

Package rasterDT

04?/03?/2020 Description Fast alternatives to several relatively slow 'raster' package functions. For large rasters the functions run from 5 to.

Package gdistance

15?/02?/2013 A projection correction is needed for accuracy in the case of grid data for a longlat raster (see function geoCorrection). Value distance matrix ...

Introduction to the raster package (version 2.8-19)

29?/01?/2019 This vignette describes the R package 'raster'. A raster is a ... A RasterLayer object represents single-layer (variable) raster data.

rts: Raster Time Series Analysis

Package 'rts'. September 16 2022. Type Package. Title Raster Time Series Analysis. Version 1.1-8. Date 2022-09-16. Author Babak Naimi. Depends R (>= 3.5.0) 

Package raster

13?/03?/2013 Type Package. Title raster: Geographic data analysis and modeling. Version 2.1-16. Date 14-March-2013. Depends methods sp

Using R packages tmap raster and ggmap for cartographic

13?/01?/2021 using R packages: 'raster' and 'tmap'. Regional mapping of Italy was made using main package 'ggmap' with the 'ggplot2' as a wrapper.

Writing functions with the ”raster” pac age

05?/04?/2012 The 'raster' package has a number of 'low-level' functions (e.g. to read and write files) that allow you to write your own 'high-level' ...

Package diffeR

If a square contingency table (matrix) is provided instead of raster maps then this function creates the Category Components plot from the comparison between 

Package Raster - The Comprehensive R Archive Network

Package ‘raster’ March 6 2023 Type Package Title Geographic Data Analysis and Modeling Version 3 6-20 Date 2023-03-02 Imports Rcpp methods terra (>= 1 6-41) LinkingTo Rcpp Depends sp (>= 1 4-5) R (>= 3 5 0) Suggests ncdf4 igraph tcltk parallel rasterVis MASS sf tinytest gstat ?elds exactextractr Description

The raster package - R Spatial

The raster package can use raster ?les inseveral formats including some ‘natively’ supported formats and other formats via thergdalpackage Supportedformats for reading include GeoTIFF ESRI ENVI and ERDAS Most formats supported for reading can also bewritten to

Introduction to the ’raster’ package (version 26-7)

Apr 14 2018 · The raster package has functions for creating reading manipulating and writing raster data The package provides among other things general raster data manipulation functions that can easily be used to develop more speci c functions For example there are functions to read a chunk of raster values

The raster package - R Spatial

Hereisanexampleusingthe‘Meuse’dataset(takenfromthesp package)usingafileinthenative‘raster-file’ format: # get the name of an example file installed with the package

rts: Raster Time Series - The Comprehensive R Archive Network

‘rts’ is an R package aims to provide classes and methods for manipulating and processing of raster timeseries data There is already a very nice package for handling and analyzing raster data (i e package: rasterand terra)

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