[PDF] RealAnalysis Math 125A Fall 2012 Sample Final Questions

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A Problem Book in Real Analysis

However Real. Analysis can be discovered by solving problems. This book aims problems without looking at solutions. Furthermore

Qual Real Analysis: Problems and Solutions

I'd like to extend my gratitude to Peter Woolfitt for supplying many solutions and checking many proofs of the rest in problem sessions.


Page 1. PROBLEMS IN. REAL ANALYSIS. Second Edition. A Workbook with Solutions solution of a problem only after trying very hard to solve the problem. Students ...

Problems in Real Analysis

1. 3. 2016. We intend to develop some basic principles and solution techniques and to offer a systematic illustration of how to organize the natural ...


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A Problem Book in Real Analysis

However Real. Analysis can be discovered by solving problems. This book aims problems without looking at solutions. Furthermore

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A Problem Book in Real Analysis

Analysis is a profound subject; it is neither easy to understand nor summarize. However Real. Analysis can be discovered by solving problems. This book aims to 


This book contains complete solutions to the 609 problems in the third edition of Principles of Real Analysis Academic Press

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Problems And Solutions Real Analysis (PDF) - m.central.edu

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A Problem Book in Real Analysis

Analysis is a profound subject; it is neither easy to understand nor summarize. However Real. Analysis can be discovered by solving problems. This book aims to 

A Problem Book in Real Analysis

Analysis is a profound subject; it is neither easy to understand nor summarize. However Real. Analysis can be discovered by solving problems. This book aims to 

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RealAnalysis Math 125A Fall 2012 Sample Final Questions

Real Analysis Math 125A Fall 2012Sample Final Questions 1 De?nef: R?Rby x3f(x) = 1 +x2 Show thatfis continuous on R Isfuniformly continuous onR? Solution To simplify the inequalities a bit we write x3x 1 +x2 =x?1 +x2 Forx y?R we have y f(x)?f(y)=x?y? + 1 +x2 1 +y2 y ? x?y+ ? +x2 1 +y2 Using the inequality we 2xy ?x2+y2 get y

Problems and Solutions in Real Analysis Series on Number

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What is problems and solutions in real analysis?

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    Solutions for a Real Analysis midterm. M361K (56225) Midterm 2 Solutions 1. 1/ ( (n + 1) (n + 2)) = 1. = 1. 1/ (n log n) diverges. Solution: Recall the Cauchy test for convergence: if a1 a2 0, then the k series k=0 2 a2k converges.

What is the solutions manual of real analysis?

    solutions manual of real analysis by goldberg Sun, 09 Dec 2018 20:30:00 GMT solutions manual of pdf – The Solutions Manualis a comprehensive guide to the questions and

What are the fundamentals of real analysis?

    FUNDAMENTALS OF REAL ANALYSIS Elementary Set Theory Countable and Uncountable Sets ‘The Real Numbers Sequences of Real Numbers ‘The Extended Real Numbers Metric Spaces Compactness in Metric Spaces TOPOLOGY AND CONTINUITY 8. Topological Spaces 9.

Real Analysis

Math 125A, Fall 2012

Sample Final Questions


f(x) =x3

1 +x2.

Show thatfis continuous onR. Isfuniformly continuous onR?


•To simplify the inequalities a bit, we write


31 +x2=x-x1 +x2.

Forx,y?R, we have

|f(x)-f(y)|=???? x-y-x1 +x2+y1 +y2???? ?x1 +x2-y1 +y2????

1 +x2-y1 +y2????

=????x-y+xy2-x2y(1 +x2)(1 +y2)???? xy|(1 +x2)(1 +y2)? |x-y| 1 2?

1 +x2+ 1 +y2(1 +x2)(1 +y2)?

|x-y| 12?

11 +y2+11 +x2?


•It follows that

Thereforefis Lipschitz continuous onR, which implies that it is uni- formly continuous (takeδ=?/2). 1

2.Does there exist a differentiable functionf:R→Rsuch thatf?(0) = 0

butf?(x)≥1 for allx?= 0?


•No such function exists.

•We have

f ?(0) = limx→0? f(x)-f(0) x? The mean value theorem implies that for for everyx?= 0, there is some

ξstrictly between 0 andx(soξ?= 0) such that

f(x)-f(0) x=f?(ξ)≥1. •Since limits preserve inequalities, it follows that lim x→0? f(x)-f(0) x? ≥1, so we cannot havef?(0) = 0. 2

3.(a) Write out the Taylor polynomialP2(x) of order two atx= 0 for the


1 +x. and give an expression for the remainderR2(x) in Taylor"s


1 +x=P2(x) +R2(x)-1< x <∞.

(b) Show that the limit lim x→0?

1 +x/2-⎷

1 +x x2? exists and find its value.


•(a) The function and its derivatives are given by f(x) =⎷

1 +x, f(0) = 1,

f ?(x) =1

2(1 +x)-1/2, f?(0) =12,

f ??(x) =-1

4(1 +x)-3/2, f??(0) =-14,

f ???(x) =3

8(1 +x)-5/2.

•The Taylor polynomial and remainder are


2(x) =2?

k=01 k!f(k)(0)xk, R2(x) =13!f???(ξ)x3, whereξis between 0 andx, which gives

1 +x= 1 +12x-18x2+116(1 +ξ)-5/2x3

(b) For this part, we only need the Taylor polynomial of order one,

1 +x= 1 +12x-18(1 +ξ)-3/2x2

whereξis between 0 andx. Sinceξ→0 asx→0, it follows that lim x→0?

1 +x/2-⎷

1 +x x2? =18limξ→0(1 +ξ)-3/2=18. 3

4.(a) Supposefn:A→Ris uniformly continuous onAfor everyn?N

andfn→funiformly onA. Prove thatfis uniformly continuous onA. (b) Does the result in (a) remain true iffn→fpointwise instead of uni- formly?


•(a) Let? >0. Sincefn→fconverges uniformly onAthere exists

N?Nsuch that

|fn(x)-f(x)|3for allx?Aandn > N. Choose somen > N. Sincefnis uniformly continuous, there exists

δ >0 such that

|fn(x)-fn(y)|3for allx,y?Awith|x-y|< δ.

Then, for allx,y?Awith|x-y|< δ, we have

which implies thatfis uniformly continuous onA. •(b) The result does not remain true iffn→fpointwise. For example, considerfn: [0,1]→Rdefined byfn(x) =xn. Thenfnis uniformly continuous on [0,1] because it is a continuous function on a compact interval, butfn→fpointwise where f(x) =?

1 ifx= 1.

The limitfis not even continuous on [0,1].


5.Definefn: [0,∞)→Rby

f n(x) =sin(nx)

1 +nx.

(a) Show thatfnconverges pointwise on [0,∞) and find the pointwise limit f. (b) Show thatfn→funiformly on [a,∞) for everya >0. (c) Show thatfndoes not converge uniformly tofon [0,∞).


•(a) Ifx >0, then

1 +nx→0 asn→ ∞

sofn(x)→0. Also,fn(0) = 0 for everyn, sofn(0)→0. Thus,fn→0 pointwise on [0,∞).

•(b) We have

so given? >0 takeN= 1/aand then|fn(x)|< ?for alln > N, meaning thatfn→0 uniformly on [a,∞). •(c) If (fn) converges uniformly on [0,∞), then it must converge to the pointwise-limit 0. Letxn=π/(2n). Then f n(xn) =1

1 +π/2.

f n(x)≥?0, which means thatfndoes not converge uniformly to 0 on [0,∞). 5

-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 x y Figure 1: Plot of the functionfn(x) = sin(nx)/(1 +nx) on [0,1] forn= 20 (green),n= 100 (red), andn= 500 (blue). Remark.The non-uniform convergence of the sequence nearx= 0 is illus- trated in the figure. We can also write the proof in terms of the sup-norm. Let ?f?a= sup x?[a,∞)|f(x)| denote the sup-norm offon [a,∞). Ifa >0, then na→0 asn→ ∞, sofn→0 uniformly on [a,∞). Ifa= 0, then ?fn?0≥1

1 +π/2for everyn?N,

so (fn) does not converge uniformly to 0 on [0,∞). 6

6.Suppose that

f(x) =∞? n=1sinnx n3, g(x) =∞? n=1cosnxn2. (a) Prove thatf,g:R→Rare continuous. (b) Prove thatf:R→Ris differentiable andf?=g.


•(a) Since

?sinnx n3???? n=11n3<∞ cosnx n2??? n=11n2<∞, the WeierstrassM-test implies that both series converge uniformly (and absolutely) onR.

•Each term in the series is continuous, and the uniform limit of contin-uous functions is continuous, sof,gare continuous onR.

•(b) The series forgis the term-by-term derivative of the series forf. Since the series forgconverges uniformly, the theorem for the differen- tiation of sequences implies thatfis differentiable andf?=g. 7

7.LetP={2,3,5,7,11,...}be the set of prime numbers.

(a) Find the radius of convergenceRof the power series f(x) =? p?Px p=x2+x3+x5+x7+x11+... (b) Show that


•(a) We write the series as

f(x) =∞? n=2a nxn where a n=?

1 ifnis prime,

0 ifnisn"t prime.


Therefore, if|x|<1 the series converges by comparison with the con- vergent geometric series?|x|n. Furthermore, if|x|>1, the terms in the series do not approach 0. So the radius of convergence of theseries isR= 1. p?Px n=2x n=x2∞? n=0x n=x2 1-x, which proves the result. 8

8.Let (X,d) be a metric space.

(a) Define the open ballBr(x) of radiusr >0 and centerx?X. (b) Define an open setA?X. (c) Show that the open ballBr(x)?Xis an open set.


•(a) The open ball is defined by

B r(x) ={y?X:d(x,y)< r}. •(b) A setA?Xis open if for everyx?Athere existsr >0 such that B r(x)?A. •(c) Suppose thaty?Br(x). We have to show thatBr(x) contains an open ballBs(y) for somes >0. Choose s=r-d(x,y)>0. (Draw a picture!) Ifz?Bs(y), then by the triangle inequality meaning thatz?Br(x). Thus,Bs(y)?Br(x), which proves the result. 9quotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20
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