[PDF] Chapter 3 Regular grammars Example: programming languages are defined

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11.4 Regular Language Topics

Suppose we want to construct a regular grammar for the language of the regular expression a*bc*. First we observe that the strings of a*bc* start with either 

CS 301 - Lecture 5 Regular Grammars Regular Languages


Some Notes on Regular Grammars

7 Feb 2000 The dual left-linear grammars also generate the same languages. A grammar is regular if it is either right-linear or left-linear. 1 Strictly ...

Reverse of a Regular Language

Regular Grammar. Let G be a left linear grammar. We can prove that L(G) is also regular. First we need to construct a right linear grammar G'.

Regular Languages and Finite Automata

The aim of this short course will be to introduce the mathematical formalisms of finite state machines regular expressions and grammars

A Neural Model for Regular Grammar Induction

1 Oct 2022 Abstract—Grammatical inference is a classical problem in computational learning theory and a topic of wider influence in natural language ...

Regular Languages and Finite Automata

The aim of this short course will be to introduce the mathematical formalisms of finite state machines regular expressions and context-free grammars

Regular Expression & Regular Languages

Any regular language is generated by a regular grammar. Page 106. Proof – Part 1. Languages. Generated by. Regular Grammars.

Regular Languages and Finite Automata

This course answers both of these questions by showing that finite automata regular grammars and regular expressions are all very closely related: given any.

Regular Probabilistic Languages*

Among them is regular probabilistic grammar. It was shown that the random lan- guages generated by regular probabilistic grammars are closely related to the.

Chapter 3 Regular grammars

Example: programming languages are defined by a grammar (BNF) but recognized with an analytical description (the parser of a compiler)

CS 301 - Lecture 5 Regular Grammars Regular Languages


11.4 Regular Language Topics

Regular Grammars. A regular language can be described by a special kind of grammar in which the productions take a certain form. A grammar is called a 

Some Notes on Regular Grammars

7 févr. 2000 languages are regular. We first discuss strictly right-linear grammars and show that they correspond directly to non-deterministic finite ...

2.3 A context-free grammar (CFG): 2.4 Regular Grammar(RG):

A language generated from a context-free grammar is called a context-free language. Any context-free language is context sensitive. The grammars are called 

Learning deterministic regular grammars from stochastic samples in

Abstract. In this paper the identification of stochastic regular languages is addressed. For this purpose



CSci 311 Models of Computation


Chapter 3: Regular Languages & Regular Grammars ?

Regular Expressions Denote Regular Languages. By definition if L is a regular language

Reverse of a Regular Language

Regular Grammar. Let G be a left linear grammar. We can prove that L(G) is also regular. First we need to construct a right linear grammar G'.

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Any regular language is generated by a regular grammar Page 106 Proof – Part 1 Languages Generated by Regular Grammars

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Our next goal will be to show that regular grammars are associated with regular languages and that for every regular language there is a regular grammar Thus 

[PDF] Chapter 3: Regular Languages & Regular Grammars ?

Regular Expressions Denote Regular Languages By definition if L is a regular language then it is accepted by some DFA

[PDF] Regular Grammars

Regular Sets and Regular Grammars: A set is generated by a regular grammar iff it is a regular set The set of languages generated by right-linear grammar are

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Regular Expressions are an algebraic way to describe languages • Regular Expressions describe exactly the regular languages • If E is a regular expression 

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If L is a regular language over alphabet ? then L = ?? \ L is also regular Proof: Let L be recognized by a DFA A = (Q? ? q0F)

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The aim of this short course will be to introduce the mathematical formalisms of finite state machines regular expressions and grammars and to explain their 

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Regular Grammars In a regular grammar all rules in R must: Regular Languages and Regular Grammars Theorem: The class of languages that can be defined

[PDF] Some Notes on Regular Grammars

7 fév 2000 · In this notes we describe restrictions to context-free grammars which ensure that the generated languages are regular

  • How do you convert regular language to regular grammar?

    Regular grammars and regular languages are two different terms: A language is a (possibly infinite) set of valid sequences of terminal symbols. A grammar defines which are the valid sequences.
  • Is regular grammar and regular language same?

    The algorithm to convert a DFA to a regular grammar is straightforward. We create a vari- able for each state. The variable corresponding to the initial state is the start variable, S. For each transition from state X to state Y with label x, we create a production X ? xY .
  • How do you convert DFA to regular grammar?

    To convert an NFA to a regular expression, we first think of the NFA as a generalized NFA. We then transform it so that it has a single final state by adding epsilon transitions (we can do this, because ? is a regular expression). then the equivalent regular expression is (r1?r2r4 * r3) * r2r4 * .

Chapter 3

Regular grammars


3.1 Introduction

Other view of the concept of language:

not the formalization of the notion of eective procedure, but set of words satisfying a given set of rules

Origin : formalization of natural language.



aphraseis of the formsubject verb asubjectis apronoun apronounisheorshe a verb issleepsorlistens

Possible phrases:

1.he listens

2.he sleeps

3.she sleeps

4.she listens



Grammar:generativedescription of a language


Example: programming languages are dened by a grammar (BNF), but recognized with an analytical description (the parser of a compiler), Language theory establishes links between analytical and generative language descriptions. 62

3.2 Grammars

A grammar is a 4-tupleG= (V;;R;S), where

Vis an alphabet,

Vis the setterminal symbols(V is the set ofnonterminal symbols), R(V+V) is a nite set ofproduction rules(also called simply rules or productions),

S2V is thestart symbol.



Elements ofV :A;B;:::

Elements of :a;b;:::.

Rules (;)2R:!or!G.

The start symbol is usually written asS.

Empty word:".


Example :




Sis the start symbol.


Words generated by a grammar: example

aaaais in the language generated by the grammar we have just described: S


aA A!aA aaA A!aA aaaA A!aA aaaaA A!aA aaaa A!" 66

Generated words: denition

LetG= (V;;R;S) be a grammar andu2V+; v2Vbe words. The wordvcan be derived in one step fromubyG(notationu)Gv) if and only if: u=xu0y(ucan be decomposed in three partsx,u0andy; the partsx andybeing allowed to be empty), v=xv0y(vcan be decomposed in three partsx,v0andy), u0!Gv0(the rule (u0;v0) is inR). 67
LetG= (V;;R;S) be a grammar andu2V+; v2Vbe words. The wordvcan be derived in several steps fromu(notationu)Gv) if and only if9k0 andv0:::vk2V+such that u=v0, v=vk, vi)Gvi+1for 0i < k. 68
Words generated by a grammarG: wordsv2(containing only terminal symbols) such that S )Gv: The language generated by a grammarG(writtenL(G)) is the set

L(G) =fv2jS)Gvg:

Example :

The language generated by the grammar shown in the example above is the set of all words containing either onlya's or onlyb's. 69

Types of grammars

Type 0:no restrictions on the rules.

Type 1:Context sensitivegrammars.

The rules

satisfy the condition jj jj:

Exception: the rule

S!" is allowed as long as the start symbolSdoes not appear in the right hand side of a rule. 70

Type 2:context-freegrammars.

Productions of the form

A! whereA2V and there is no restriction on.

Type 3:regulargrammars.

Productions rules of the form

A!wB A!w whereA;B2V andw2. 71

3.3 Regular grammars


A language is regular if and only if it can be generated by a regular grammar. A. If a language is regular, it can be generated by a regular grammar.

IfLis regular, there exists

M= (Q;;;s;F)

such thatL=L(M). FromM, one can easily construct a regular grammar


generatingL. 72

Gis dened by:

G= ,



RG=(A!wB;for all(A;w;B)2

A!"for allA2F)

B. If a language is generated by a regular grammar, it is regular. Let


be the grammar generatingL. A nondeterministic nite automaton acceptingLcan be dened as follows: Q=VGG[ ffg(the states ofMare the nonterminal symbols ofG to which a new statefis added), = G, s=SG,


=((A;w;B);for allA!wB2RG(A;w;f);for allA!w2RG) 74

3.4 The regular languages

We have seen four characterizations of the regular languages: 1. regula rexp ressions, 2. deterministic nite automata, 3. nondeterministic nite automata, 4. regula rgramma rs. 75

Properties of regular languages

LetL1andL2be two regular languages.

L1[L2is regular.

L1L2is regular.

L1is regular.

LR1is regular.


L1is regular.

L1\L2is regular.


1\L2regular ?



[L2 Alternatively, ifM1= (Q1;; 1;s1;F1) acceptsL1andM2= (Q2;;2;s2; F

2) acceptsL2, the following automaton, acceptsL1\L2:


((q1;q2);) = (p1;p2) if and only if1(q1;) =p1and2(q2;) =p2, s= (s1;s2),


Let be the alphabet on whichL1is dened, and let: !0be a function from to another alphabet 0. This fonction, called aprojection functioncan be extended to words by applying it to every symbol in the word,i.e.forw=w1:::wk2, (w) =(w1):::(wk).

IfL1is regular, the language(L1) is also regular.



Les following problems can be solved by algorithms for regular languages: w2L? L=;?

L= ? (L=;)

L1L2? (L2\L1=;)

L1=L2? (L1L2andL2L1)


3.5 Beyond regular languages

Many languages are regular,

But, all languages cannot be regular for cardinality reasons. We will now prove, using another techniques that some specic languages are not regular. 80

Basic Observations

1. All nite languages (including only a nite numb erof w ords)a re regular. 2. A non regula rlanguage must thus include an innite numb erof w ords. 3. If a language includes an innite numb erof w ords,there is no b ound on the size of the words in the language. 4. Any regula rlanguage is accepted b ya nite automaton that has a given number numbermof states. 81

5.Consider an innite regula rlanguage and an automaton with mstates

accepting this language. For any word whose length is greater thanm, the execution of the automaton on this word must go through an identical stateskat least twice, a nonempty part of the word being read between these two visits tosk.ssssksskssfx u y 6. Consequently ,all w ordsof the fo rmxuyare also accepted by the automaton and thus are in the language. 82

The "pumping" lemmas (theorems)

First version

LetLbe an innite regular language. Then there exists wordsx;u;y2, withu6="such thatxuny2L8n0.

Second version :

LetLbe a regular language and letw2Lbe such thatjwj jQjwhereQ is the set of states of a determnistic automaton acceptingL. Then

9x;u;y, withu6="andjxuj jQjsuch thatxuy=wand,8n; xuny2L.


Applications of the pumping lemmas

The langage

a nbn is not regular. Indeed, it is not possible to nd wordsx;u;ysuch that xu ky2anbn8kand thus the pumping lemma cannot be true for this language. u2a:imp ossible. u2b:imp ossible. u2(a[b)(a[b) :imp ossible. 84

The language

L=an2 is not regular. Indeed, the pumping lemma (second version) is contradicted. Letm=jQjbe the number of states of an automaton acceptingL. Consideram2. Sincem2m, there must existx,uandysuch that jxuj mandxuny2L8n. Explicitly, we have x=ap0pm1; u=aq0< qm; y=arr0: Consequentlyxu2y62Lsincep+ 2q+ris not a perfect square. Indeed, m

2< p+ 2q+rm2+m <(m+ 1)2=m2+ 2m+ 1:


The language

L=fanjnis primeg

is not regular. The rst pumping lemma implies that there exists constantsp,qandrsuch that8k xu ky=ap+kq+r2L; in other words, such thatp+kq+ris prime for allk. This is impossible since fork=p+ 2q+r+ 2, we have p+kq+r= (q+ 1)|{z} >1(p+ 2q+r)|{z} >1; 86

Applications of regular languages

Problem :To nd in a (long) character stringw, all ocurrences of words in the language dened by a regular expression. 1.

Consider the re gularexp ression= .

2. Build a nondeterministic automaton accepting the language dened b y 3. F romthis automaton, build a deterministicautomatonA. 4. Simulate the exe cutionof the automaton Aon the wordw. Whenever this automaton is in an accepting state, one is at the end of an occurrence inwof a word in the language dened by. 87

Applications of regular languages II:

handling arithmetic A number written in baseris a word over the alphabetf0;:::;r1g (f0;:::;9gin decimal,f0;1gen binary).

The number represented by a wordw=w0:::wlis

nb(w) =Pli=0rlinb(wi) Adding leading 0's to the representation of a number does not modify the represented value. A number thus has a innite number of possible representations. Number encodings are read most signicant digit rst, and all possible encodings will be taken into account. Exemple:The set of binary representations of 5 is the language 0 101.
Which sets of numbers can be represented by regular languages?

Finite sets.

The set of multiples of 2 is represented by the language (0[1)0. The set of powers of 2 is represented by the language 010, but is not representable in base 3. The set of multiples of 3 is represented by the following automaton.0 11 01 0 89

Set of numbers represented by regular languages

(continued) The set of numbersx5 is represented by the automaton0 0 1 1 10 0;1


More generally, one can represent sets of the formfaxjx2Ngor fxajx2Ngfor any given value ofa. 90

Set of numbers represented by regular languages

(continued II) Combining the two types of sets: sets of the formfax+bjx2Ng, for any givenaandb.

Union of such sets: theultimately periodic sets.

Intersection and complementation add nothing more. The only sets that can be represented in all bases are the ultimately periodic sets. 91

Representing vectors of numbers

Each number is represented by a word, and bits in identical positions are read together.


{the vector (5;9) is encoded by the word (0;1)(1;0)(0;0)(1;1) dened over the alphabetf0;1g f0;1g. {The set of binary encodings of the vector (5;9) is (0;0)(0;1)(1;0) (0;0)(1;1). 92
Which sets of number vectors can be represented by regular languages? The set of binary encodings of the vectors (x;y) such thatx=yis accepted by the automaton> (0;0) (1;1) 93

Vectors (x;y) such thatx < y>

(0;0)(0 ;0);(0;1);(1;0);(1;1) (0;1) (1;1)

Three-dimentional vectors (x;y;z) such thatz=x+y>

(0;0;1) (1;1;0)(0;0;0);(0;1;1);(1;0;1)(1 ;0;0);(0;1;0);(1;1;1) 94

Denable sets of number vectors (continued)

Intersection, union, complement of representable sets (closure properties of regular languages). Modifying the number of dimensions: projection and the inverse operation. Remark:projection does not always preserve the determinism of the automaton. Example:f(x;z)j 9y x+y=zg(xz).>>(0;0);(0;1);(1;1)(1 ;0);(0;0);(1;1) (0;1) (1;0) 95
Adding a dimension to the previous automaton yields>> (1;0;0)(1;1;0)(0;1;1) (0;0;1)(1;1;0);(0;1;0);(1;1;1) (0;0;0);(0;0;1);(1;0;1) which is not equivalent to the automaton to which projection was applied. 96

Representable sets of vectors: conclusions

Linear equality and inequality constraints

Example:an automaton forx+ 2y= 5 can be obtained by combing the automata for the following constraints: z 1=y z


z3=x+z2 z3= 5:

There exists also a more direct construction.

Representable vector sets: conclusions (continued)

Boolean combinations of linear constraints

Existential quantication can be handled with projection (9x).

For universal quantication, one uses8xf :9:f

Example:It is possible to build an automaton accepting the representations of the vectors (x;y) satisfying the arithmetic constraint

8u9t[(2x+ 3y+t4u= 5)_(x+ 5y3t+ 2u= 8)]

This is Presburger arithmetic, which corresponds exactly to the sets representable by automata in all bases. 98
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