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Advantages and Disadvantages of Object-Oriented Programming

This reading discusses advantages and disadvantages of object-oriented programming which is a well-adopted programming style that uses interacting objects 


rogramming approach provides advantages in creation and devel ife application. of object oriented programming is the data. Disadvantage of OOP's.

Research Paper on Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

of object-oriented programming in this paper we study the concept of object-oriented programming and its features

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Object-Oriented Analysis & Design

understanding of computer programming and related programming paradigms. Copyright & Disclaimer Advantages/Disadvantages of Object-Oriented Analysis .

Object oriented programming: Concepts limitations and application

24-Sept-2021 applications of object-oriented programming languages. A ... 3: Important advantages and disadvantages of C++ Python and Java programming ...


advantages and disadvantages of OOP. These working templates will also serve as an example of OOP coding that can be 'fleshed' out later by others (those 

Option D: Object-Oriented Programming Revision Guide

D2.7 The Advantages of Libraries of Objects . D2.8 Describe the Disadvantages of OOP . ... Advantages of OOP (not in the spec but of interest) .


Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Comparison of programming languages is a one of the most important topic for debate among software developers 

Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using Python

Python is one such object oriented programming language One disadvantage is its relative ... language is not totally ruled out as its advantages for.

Chapter6-Basic Concept of OOPII PUC,MDRPUC, Hassan

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Chapter-6BASIC CONCEPT OF OOPIntroduction:iObject oriented programming is the principle of design and development of programs usingmodular approach.iObject oriented programming approachprovides advantages in creation and development ofsoftware for real life application.iThe basic element of object oriented programming is the data.iThe programs are built by combining data and functions that operate on the data.iSome of the OOP"s languages are C++, Java, C #, Smalltalk, Perl, and Python.Procedural programming:iThe procedural programming focuses onprocessingofinstructions in order to perform a desired computation.Therefore it emphasizes more on doing things like algorithms.iThisprogramming is lengthy, increases the complexity ofprogram, difficult to understand and modify the program.iThis technique is used in a conventional programming language such as C and Pascal.Structured programming:iAn organized approach to programminginvolvingthe use of three basic control structures-Sequence,Conditionaland loop.iThe top-down concepts to decompose mainfunctions into lower level components for modular coding purpose.iThe major drawback is that it is very difficult to model the real world scenario using this model.Object oriented programming:iObject oriented programming (OOP ) is a conceptthat combines both the data and the functions thatoperate on that data into a single unit called theobject.iAn object is a collection of setof data known as

Chapter6-Basic Concept of OOPII PUC,MDRPUC, Hassan

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Chapter-6BASIC CONCEPT OF OOPIntroduction:iObject oriented programming is the principle of design and development of programs usingmodular approach.iObject oriented programming approachprovides advantages in creation and development ofsoftware for real life application.iThe basic element of object oriented programming is the data.iThe programs are built by combining data and functions that operate on the data.iSome of the OOP"s languages are C++, Java, C #, Smalltalk, Perl, and Python.Procedural programming:iThe procedural programming focuses onprocessingofinstructions in order to perform a desired computation.Therefore it emphasizes more on doing things like algorithms.iThisprogramming is lengthy, increases the complexity ofprogram, difficult to understand and modify the program.iThis technique is used in a conventional programming language such as C and Pascal.Structured programming:iAn organized approach to programminginvolvingthe use of three basic control structures-Sequence,Conditionaland loop.iThe top-down concepts to decompose mainfunctions into lower level components for modular coding purpose.iThe major drawback is that it is very difficult to model the real world scenario using this model.Object oriented programming:iObject oriented programming (OOP ) is a conceptthat combines both the data and the functions thatoperate on that data into a single unit called theobject.iAn object is a collection of setof data known as

Chapter6-Basic Concept of OOPII PUC,MDRPUC, Hassan

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Chapter-6BASIC CONCEPT OF OOPIntroduction:iObject oriented programming is the principle of design and development of programs usingmodular approach.iObject oriented programming approachprovides advantages in creation and development ofsoftware for real life application.iThe basic element of object oriented programming is the data.iThe programs are built by combining data and functions that operate on the data.iSome of the OOP"s languages are C++, Java, C #, Smalltalk, Perl, and Python.Procedural programming:iThe procedural programming focuses onprocessingofinstructions in order to perform a desired computation.Therefore it emphasizes more on doing things like algorithms.iThisprogramming is lengthy, increases the complexity ofprogram, difficult to understand and modify the program.iThis technique is used in a conventional programming language such as C and Pascal.Structured programming:iAn organized approach to programminginvolvingthe use of three basic control structures-Sequence,Conditionaland loop.iThe top-down concepts to decompose mainfunctions into lower level components for modular coding purpose.iThe major drawback is that it is very difficult to model the real world scenario using this model.Object oriented programming:iObject oriented programming (OOP ) is a conceptthat combines both the data and the functions thatoperate on that data into a single unit called theobject.iAn object is a collection of setof data known as

Chapter6-Basic Concept of OOPII PUC,MDRPUC, Hassan

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member data and the functions that operate on these data known as member function.iOOP follows bottom-up design technique.iClass is the major concept that plays important role in this approach. Class is a template thatrepresents a groupof objects which share common properties and relationships.Difference between Procedural Programming & Object Orientedprogramming:Procedural ProgrammingObject Oriented ProgrammingLarge programs are divided into smallerprograms known as functionsPrograms are divided into objectsData is not hidden and can be accessed byexternal functionsData is hidden and cannot be accessed byexternal functionsFollow top down approach in the programdesignFollows bottom-up approach in theprogram designDatamay communicate with each otherthrough functionsObjects may communicate with each otherthrough functions.Emphasize is on procedure rather thandataEmphasize is on data rather thanprocedureBasic Concepts of OOP"s:The following arethe major characteristics of OOP"s:iObjectsiClassiData abstractioniData encapsulationiInheritanceiOverloadingiPolymorphismiDynamicBindingiMessage Passing


Chapter6-Basic Concept of OOPII PUC,MDRPUC, Hassan

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member data and the functions that operate on these data known as member function.iOOP follows bottom-up design technique.iClass is the major concept that plays important role in this approach. Class is a template thatrepresents a groupof objects which share common properties and relationships.Difference between Procedural Programming & Object Orientedprogramming:Procedural ProgrammingObject Oriented ProgrammingLarge programs are divided into smallerprograms known as functionsPrograms are divided into objectsData is not hidden and can be accessed byexternal functionsData is hidden and cannot be accessed byexternal functionsFollow top down approach in the programdesignFollows bottom-up approach in theprogram designDatamay communicate with each otherthrough functionsObjects may communicate with each otherthrough functions.Emphasize is on procedure rather thandataEmphasize is on data rather thanprocedureBasic Concepts of OOP"s:The following arethe major characteristics of OOP"s:iObjectsiClassiData abstractioniData encapsulationiInheritanceiOverloadingiPolymorphismiDynamicBindingiMessage Passing


Chapter6-Basic Concept of OOPII PUC,MDRPUC, Hassan

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member data and the functions that operate on these data known as member function.iOOP follows bottom-up design technique.iClass is the major concept that plays important role in this approach. Class is a template thatrepresents a groupof objects which share common properties and relationships.Difference between Procedural Programming & Object Orientedprogramming:Procedural ProgrammingObject Oriented ProgrammingLarge programs are divided into smallerprograms known as functionsPrograms are divided into objectsData is not hidden and can be accessed byexternal functionsData is hidden and cannot be accessed byexternal functionsFollow top down approach in the programdesignFollows bottom-up approach in theprogram designDatamay communicate with each otherthrough functionsObjects may communicate with each otherthrough functions.Emphasize is on procedure rather thandataEmphasize is on data rather thanprocedureBasic Concepts of OOP"s:The following arethe major characteristics of OOP"s:iObjectsiClassiData abstractioniData encapsulationiInheritanceiOverloadingiPolymorphismiDynamicBindingiMessage Passing


Chapter6-Basic Concept of OOPII PUC,MDRPUC, Hassan

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ObjectsiObjects are basic building blocks for designing programs.iAn object is a collection of data members and associated member functions.iAn object may represent a person, place or a table of data.iEachobject is identified by a unique name. Each object must be a member of a particular class.iExample:Apple, orange, mango are the objects of class fruit.iObjects take up space in memory and have address associated with them.iAt the time of execution of a program, the objects interact by sending the messages to one another.iThe objects can interact with one another without having to know details of data or functionswithin an object.

Classes:iThe objects can be made user defined data types with the helpof a class.iA class is a collection of objects that have identical properties, commonbehavior and shared relationship.iOnce class is defined, any number of objects of that class is created.iClasses are user defined data types. A class can hold both dataandfunctions.iFor example: Planets, sun, moon are member of class solar system.Data Abstraction:iData Abstraction refers to the process of representing essential features without includingbackground details or explanations.Data Encapsulation:iThewrapping ofdata and functions into a single unit(class)is calleddata encapsulation.iData encapsulation enables data hiding and information hiding.

Chapter6-Basic Concept of OOPII PUC,MDRPUC, Hassan

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ObjectsiObjects are basic building blocks for designing programs.iAn object is a collection of data members and associated member functions.iAn object may represent a person, place or a table of data.iEachobject is identified by a unique name. Each object must be a member of a particular class.iExample:Apple, orange, mango are the objects of class fruit.iObjects take up space in memory and have address associated with them.iAt the time of execution of a program, the objects interact by sending the messages to one another.iThe objects can interact with one another without having to know details of data or functionswithin an object.

Classes:iThe objects can be made user defined data types with the helpof a class.iA class is a collection of objects that have identical properties, commonbehavior and shared relationship.iOnce class is defined, any number of objects of that class is created.iClasses are user defined data types. A class can hold both dataandfunctions.iFor example: Planets, sun, moon are member of class solar system.Data Abstraction:iData Abstraction refers to the process of representing essential features without includingbackground details or explanations.Data Encapsulation:iThewrapping ofdata and functions into a single unit(class)is calleddata encapsulation.iData encapsulation enables data hiding and information hiding.

Chapter6-Basic Concept of OOPII PUC,MDRPUC, Hassan

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ObjectsiObjects are basic building blocks for designing programs.iAn object is a collection of data members and associated member functions.iAn object may represent a person, place or a table of data.iEachobject is identified by a unique name. Each object must be a member of a particular class.iExample:Apple, orange, mango are the objects of class fruit.iObjects take up space in memory and have address associated with them.iAt the time of execution of a program, the objects interact by sending the messages to one another.iThe objects can interact with one another without having to know details of data or functionswithin an object.

Classes:iThe objects can be made user defined data types with the helpof a class.iA class is a collection of objects that have identical properties, commonbehavior and shared relationship.iOnce class is defined, any number of objects of that class is created.iClasses are user defined data types. A class can hold both dataandfunctions.iFor example: Planets, sun, moon are member of class solar system.Data Abstraction:iData Abstraction refers to the process of representing essential features without includingbackground details or explanations.Data Encapsulation:iThewrapping ofdata and functions into a single unit(class)is calleddata encapsulation.iData encapsulation enables data hiding and information hiding.

Chapter6-Basic Concept of OOPII PUC,MDRPUC, Hassan

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iData hidingis a methodused in object oriented programming to hide information within computercode.Inheritance:iInheritance is the process by which one object canacquire and use the properties of another object.iThe existing class is known asbase classor superclass.iThe new class is known asderived classor sub class.iThe derived class sharessome of the properties of the base class. Therefore a code from a baseclass can be reused by a derived class.Overloading:iOverloading allows objects to have different meaning depending upon context.iThere are two types of overloading viz.oOperatorOverloadingoFunction OverloadingiWhen an existing operator operates on new data type is calledoperator overloading.iFunction overloadingmeans two or more function have same, but differ in the number ofarguments or data type of arguments.Polymorphism:iThe ability of an operator and function to takemultiple forms is known as Polymorphism.iThe different types of polymorphism are operatoroverloading and function overloading.Dynamic binding:iBinding is the process of connecting one program to another.iDynamic binding is the process of linking the procedure call to a specific sequence of code orfunction at run time or during the execution of the program.Message Passing:iIn OOP"s, processing is done by sending message to objects.iA message for an objectis request for execution of procedure.

Chapter6-Basic Concept of OOPII PUC,MDRPUC, Hassan

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iMessage passing involves specifying the name of the object, the name of the function (message)and the information to be sent.Advantage of OOP"siThe programs are modularized based on theprinciples ofclasses and objects.iLinking code & object allows related objects to share common code. This reducescodeduplication and code reusability.iCreation and implementation of OOP code iseasy and reduces software development time.iThe concept of data abstraction separatesobject specification and object implementation.iData encapsulated along with functions. Therefore external non-member function cannot access ormodify data, thusproving data security.iEasier to develop complex software, becausecomplexity can be minimized through inheritance.iOOP can communicate through message passingwhich makes interface description withoutside system very simple.Disadvantage of OOP"siLarger program size: OOP"s typically involves more lines ofcode than procedural programs.iSlower Programs: OOP"s typically slower than procedure based programs, as they typicallyrequire more instructions to be executed.iNot suitable for all types of programs.iTo convert a real world problem intoanobject oriented model is difficult.iOOP"s software development, debugging and testing tools are not standardized.iPolymorphism and dynamic binding also requires processing time, due to overload of functioncalls during run time.Applicationof OOP"siComputer graphics applications.i.CAD/CAM softwareiObject-oriented database.iUser-Interface design such as windowsiReal-time systems.iSimulation and ModelingiArtificial intelligence and expert systems.iClient-Server Systems.


Chapter6-Basic Concept of OOPII PUC,MDRPUC, Hassan

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CHAPTER6-Basic Concept of OOP"sBLUE PRINTVSA (1 marks)SA (2 marks)LA (3 Marks)Essay (5 Marks)Total-01 Question-01 Question02 Question-Question No13Question No 3007 MarksImportant Questions2 MarksQuestion:1.Explain: Classes, Objects, Data Abstraction, DataEncapsulation, Inheritance, andPolymorphism.2.What is Base class and derived class?5 MarksQuestion:1.Distinguish between procedural and object oriented programming.2.Explain the characteristics of OOP"s.3.Briefly explain the basic concepts of OOP"s.4.Explainthe advantages of OOP"s.5.Mention disadvantages of OOP"s.6.Write the applications of OOP"s.

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