[PDF] Non-Ideality Through Fugacity and Activity

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Non-Ideality Through Fugacity and Activity

Equation 9 allows us to define the fugacity coefficient for a pure species Thus the fugacity coefficient at the saturation pressure

Fugacity and Equilibrium Calculations (FEC)

Use the fugacity coefficient to calculate the vapor phase fugacity see under certain conditions this can reduce to the saturation pressure of the pure.

Vapor Liquid Equilibrium (VLE): 10.213 04/29/02 A Guide Spring 2002

29 abr 2022 Here ?i is the fugacity coefficient for pure component i a measure of deviation from ideal gas behavior. How do we calculate this ?i?

Fugacity Coefficients of Saturated Water from Molecular Simulation

We apply isothermal-isobaric Monte Carlo molecular simulation to measure the vapor-phase fugacity coefficients and equation of state of three fixed-charge 

Fugacity Coefficients of Saturated Water from Molecular Simulation

Fugacity Coefficients of Saturated Water from Molecular Simulation conditions correspond to the experimental vapor-liquid saturation pressures for ...


Example S8.1 Vapor and Liquid Fugacities using the Virial Equation We anticipate the need to calculate the virial coefficient at 250K using Eqns.

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II

Example 2.2-1: Finding the saturation pressure In this equation B


·the fugacity coefficient of the real gaseous component to that of of a vapor at infinite volume to the saturated liquid - ~ of.

The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam

10 feb 2015 ('saturation partial pressure of water vapour in humid air') and sat ... The fugacity coefficient at saturation reads: ?sat T

Solution to problem 5.2 The question here is whether the fugacity of

To find the saturation pressure we consider how it where?† and y† are the the fugacity coefficient and mole fraction

Non-Ideality Through Fugacity and Activity

• We have de?ned the fugacity for pure gases and liquids as well as for species ”i” in a gas and liquid mixture • Fugacity is a direct measure of the chemical potential of a species in a mixture • Fugacity coe?cient of a pure gas or liquid: ?pure gas(Tp) = f p • Fugacity coe?cient of species ”i” in non-ideal gas

Fugacity - The Pillars Curriculum for Chemical Engineering

The activity coefficient is defined as the ratio of the species fugacity in the liquid mixture to the ideal solution reference state fugacity: L-R: Henry: OUTCOME: Use the activity coefficient to calculate the liquid (or solid) phase fugacity FEC: Solving Equilibrium Problems Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium

Fugacity - NCKU

Fugacity is a measure of chemical potential in the form of 'adjusted pressure ' It directly relates to the tendency of a substance to prefer one phase (liquid solid gas) over another At a fixed temperature and pressure water will have a different fugacity for each phase

Thermodynamics and Phase Behavior - University of Texas at Austin

Fugacity Gibbs free energy departure function ????= ? =fugacitycoefficient van der ln????= ? ln ? Waals EOS ln????= ?1?ln ? ? 2 2 ln +1+ 2 +1? 2 Fugacity coefficient: Peng-Robinson EOS -Follow steps from volumetric EOS section to calculate ???? and -Compute ????and by inputting ???? and

What is fugacity coefficient?

    DEFINITION: The fugacity coefficient, is defined as the ratio of the species fugacity in the vapor mixture to the ideal gas reference state: When a vapor is behaving ideally, the fugacity coefficient, , becomes equal to 1.

What is the difference between saturation pressure and fugacity?

    Saturation pressure is the pressure in which a condensed phase starts to precipitate, e.g. water vapour/dew. In the same fashion, saturation fugacity is the REAL GAS pressure in which a condensed phase precipitates.

How do you calculate fugacity of a gas?

    For an ideal gas, fugacity and pressure are equal and so ?= 1. Taken at the same temperature and pressure, the difference between the molar Gibbs free energies of a real gas and the corresponding ideal gas is equal to RTln ?. The fugacity is closely related to the thermodynamic activity.

What is the fugacity of a condensed phase?

    For nitrogen at 100 atm, Gm= Gm,id+ RTln 0.9703, which is less than the ideal value Gm,idbecause of intermolecular attractive forces. Finally, the activity is just 97.03without units. Condensed phase[edit] See also: Vapor–liquid equilibrium The fugacity of a condensed phase (liquid or solid) is defined the same way as for a gas:

Non-Ideality Through Fugacity and Activity

S. Patel

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19716, USA ?Corresponding author. E-mail: sapatel@udel.edu 1

I. FUGACITYIn this discussion, we consider one way to incorporatenon-idealityinto our physical model of fluids and solids. It

is to be appreciated that once we leave the realm of ideality,we are relegated to considering models of physical

reality. Thus, we need to always be careful of our interpretations arising from such models which, despite our best

intentions, are always approximations of actual physical reality. Moreover, we are required to bear in mind the

assumptions, approximations, and limitations associatedwith such models. With this preface we now consider an

alternate description of the chemical potential of a pure species and a species in various mixtures (liquids and gases).

A. Pure Gases and Gas Mixtures

1. Pure Gas

The total differential of Gibb"s Free energy for a pure fluid isgiven by: dG=V dp-SdT+μdN(1)

Dividing this extensive property by the moles of pure fluid, we have the total differential of the molar Gibb"s Free

Energy or the chemical potential:

dμ=d¯G=¯V dp-¯SdT(2)

For constant temperature, this reduces to:

dμ=d¯G=¯V dp(3)

For anideal gas, the molar volume is:¯V=RT

p. This leads to: dμ=d¯G=RT d(ln p)(4)

We now take inspiration from Equation 4 for an ideal gas to introduce a newfunction, thefugacity of pure species

"i"which will contain all the non-ideality of the fluid. 2 dμ=d¯G=RT d(ln f)(5) •Note that fugacity isnotpressure •Fugacity is a function of pressure

•Fugacity is a direct measure of the chemical potential of a real, non-ideal fluid!Fugacity is chemical potential!

•Equivalence of a species" chemical potentials in various phases at equilibrium coexistence is the same as the

equivalence of fugacities in various phases at equilibriumcoexistence. •limit(p→0) f(p) = p . Thus,fig=p.

Now, for anideal gasthe chemical potential at a particular temperature, T, and pressure, p, relative to some reference

state chemical potential,μref(T,pref), at a reference state pressure ofprefis: ig(T,p) =μig,ref(T,pref) +RTln?p pref? (6)

We can compute the same for thereal gas, rg:

rg(T,p) =μrg,ref(T,pref) +RTln?f fref? (7) Taking the difference between Equations 7 and 6 gives: rg(T,p)-μig(T,p) =μrg,ref(T,pref)-μig,ref(T,pref) +RT ln?f pref frefp? (8)

If we take the reference state to be an ideal gas state (low pressure reference state), the first two terms on the right

hand side of Equation 8 cancel one another, andpref=fref; this leads to rg(T,p)-μig(T,p) =RT ln?f p? (9) Equation 9 allows us to define the fugacity coefficient for a pure species as: pure gas(T,p) =f p(10) 3

•Fugacity coefficient of a pure species at a temperature, T, andpressure, P is defined asφpure gas(T,p) =fp

We can thus rewrite Equation 9 as:

rg(T,p) =μig(T,p) +RT ln(φpure gas) (11)

If we now reference the ideal gas chemical potential to a reference state with pressure = 1 bar (p0= 1bar), we can

rewrite the previous equation as : rg(T,p) =μig(T,p0) +RT ln?p p0? +RT ln(φpure gas) (12)

Finally, we can combine the second and third terms on the right-hand side of equation 12 to obtain the following

relation which we will return to later in our discussion of activity. rg(T,p) =μig(T,p0) +RT ln? (φpure gas)p p0? (13)

2. Gas Mixtures

We can follow an analogous route as we did for the pure gas in our treatment of the chemical species of a species "i"

in a mixture of real gases.

For an ideal gas species "i" in an ideal gas mixture (mixture of ideal gases) at a temperature, T, and pressure, P,

relative to apure gasreference state atprefand the same temperature, we can write the chemical potential as:

ig i(T,p) =μigi(T,pref,pure) +RT ln?pi pref? (14)

For a real (non-ideal) gas (superscripted asrgin the following) species in a non-ideal gas mixture, we can write

analogously, making use of our definition of fugacity as presented in the section on pure gases, as: rg i(T,p) =μrgi(T,pref,pure) +RT ln?ˆfi fref i? (15) Here,

ˆfiis the fugacity of species in the non-ideal gas mixture. Again, the reference state is a pure fluid state; thus

we omit the hat on the fugacity of species in the denominator of fraction of which we take the natural log.

4 Taking the difference of Equations 15 and 14, we obtain: rg i(T,p)-μigi(T,p) =μrgi(T,pref,pure)-μigi(T,pref,pure) +RT ln?ˆfipref fref ipi? (16)

Taking the reference state to be an ideal gas state, we can make the simplifications as for the pure gas case to obtain:

rg i(T,p)-μigi(T,p) =RT ln?ˆfi pi? (17)


rg i(T,p)-μigi(T,p) =RT ln?ˆfi yip? (18)

We now define the fugacity coefficient for species "i" in a gas mixture (non-ideal) asˆφi=ˆfi


This allows us to write Equation 18 as:

rg i(T,p) =μigi(T,p) +RT ln?ˆφi? (19)

The chemical potential of the ideal gas species at temperature T and total pressure p can be written in terms of the

chemical potential of the pure ideal gas at a reference pressurep0as we did before: rg i(T,p) =μigi(T,p0) +RT ln?pi p0? +RT ln?ˆφi? (20) which can be written as: rg i(T,p) =μigi(T,p0) +RT ln? ?ˆφi?pi p0? (21)

Equation 21 is analogous to Equation 13; we will return to Equations 13 and 21 in our discussion of activity.

B. Pure Liquids and Liquid Mixtures

1. Pure Liquid

Unlike the pure ideal gas, there is no liquid analogue, so we define the pure liquid fugacity by analogy to the pure

non-ideal gas case: 5 dμpure liquidi=RT d ln?fpure liquid?(22)

We will not say more about this relation, but will use it laterin our discussion of general vapor-liquid equilibria.

2. Real Liquid Mixtures

We have seen that the chemical potential of a species "i" in anideal mixture at a temperature T and total pressure

p is: is i(T,p) =μi(T,p,pure) +RT ln(xi) (23) Using Equation 22, we can write an analogous expression for areal solution as: rs i(T,p) =μi(T,p,pure) +RT ln?ˆfi fi? (24) Taking the difference between Equations 24 and 23, we obtain: rs i(T,p) =μisi(T,p) +RT ln?ˆfi xifi? (25)

We define theactivity coefficientasγi=ˆfi

xifito allow us to write Equation 25 as: rs i(T,p) =μisi(T,p) +RT ln(γi)(26)

Inserting Equation 23 forμisi(T,p), we obtain:

rs i(T,p) =μi(T,p,pure) +RT ln(xi) +RT ln(γi) (27) which can also be expressed as: rs i(T,p) =μi(T,p,pure) +RT ln(xiγi) (28) 6

Equation 28, along with Equations 13 and 21, will be central to our discussion of activity further below. To summarize

our discussion up to this point:

•We have defined the fugacity for pure gases and liquids, as well as for species "i" in a gas and liquid mixture.

•Fugacity is a direct measure of the chemical potential of a species in a mixture. •Fugacity coefficient of a pure gas or liquid:φpure gas(T,p) =f p •Fugacity coefficient of species "i" in non-ideal gas mixture:ˆφi=ˆfi yip •Activity coefficient of species "i" in non-ideal liquid mixture:γi=ˆfi xifi


Using the definitions of the various coefficients in the last section, we can generalize the idea of chemical potential

equalization at equilibrium to fugacity equalization at equilibrium. Thus, our expression for vapor-liquid equilibrium

using fugacities is: fli(T,p,x) =ˆfvi(T,p,y)(29)

In Equation 29, we have included the temperature, pressure,and composition dependence of the fugacities. Using

the definitions of activity and fugacity coefficients ( for theliquid and vapor fugacities, respectively), we obtain:

ixifli(T,p) =yipˆφi(T,p)(30)

We now make use of Equation 30 to derive a practical expression for vapor-liquid equilibria at low to moderate

pressures which are common for most applications.

To obtain the fugacity of pure liquid "i" at temperature T andpressure p, we use two steps. First, we consider the

change from zero pressure to the saturation pressure at the temperature of interest. We then transition from the

saturation pressure to the pressure of interest.

For a pure gas, since we can relate the fugacity to the fugacity coefficient, we consider the fugacity coefficient.

d ?μrg-μig?=RT d ln(φ) =?¯Vrg-¯Vig?dp(31) 7 Recall that the compressibility factor, Z, isZ=¯Vrg¯Vig. Thus, Equation 31 becomes:

RT d ln(φ) =RT(Z-1)dp

p(32) d ln(φ) = (Z-1)dp p(33)

We can use Equation 33 to integrate from p=0 to the saturationpressure of the fluid at the desired temperature. At

p=0,φ= 1 andln(φ) = 0. Thus, upon integrating we obtain: psat 0 d ln(φ) =? psat 0 (Z-1)dp p(34) Thus, the fugacity coefficient at the saturation pressure,psatis given by: ln ?φsat?=? psat 0 (Z-1)dp p(35) Once we knowφsat, we know the fugacity of the liquid at the saturation pressure: f sat,liquid=fsat,vapor=φsatpsat(36)

Now, we can integrate from the saturation pressure to the desired pressure to obtain the liquid fugacity needed in

Equation 30.

dμ liq=RT d ln(fliq) =¯Vliqdp(37) ln(fliq)-ln(fsat,liquid) =¯Vliq RT? p p satdp(38) f liq=fsat,liquidexp?¯Vliq(p-psat) RT? (39)

Using Equation 36, we obtain:

f liq=φsatpsatexp?¯Vliq(p-psat) RT? (40)

Equation 30 can now be revisited, using the expression for the pure liquid fugacity at the temperature and pressure

of interest given by Equation 40: 8 =yipˆφi(T,p) (41)

Finally, we make two major approximations:

•For low pressures up to 1 bar, the exponential can be taken as unity (equilibrium pressures are not that far from

saturation pressures of pure species) •Taking the vapor to be ideal gas, the fugacity coefficients areunity

This gives finally,


Equation 42 is sometimes referred to as a modified Raoult"s Law. The non-ideality of the liquid phase is totally

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