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22 févr. 2022 It is believed that angel number 111 also has a meaning related to one's “twin flame.” Your twin flame is the other part of.

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V(?) = Perception of brightness daytime seeing with the cones The definition of individual visual tasks for ... behaviour is specified as flame.

Soul Mates and Twin Flames - Stichting Amethist

a unique mission with their twin ?ame they begin to search physically for that one special soul instead of seeking their wholeness within This is always a detour on the path to soul lib-eration It is our relationship to God and our Higher Self that holds the key to ?nding and becoming one with our twin ?ame soul mates and twin flames

The Twin Flame Blessing - Humanity Healing Network

The Twin Flame connection is always a triad involving the Divine Spirit / All That Is Two Beings connected by Soul connected to God The spiritual connection with our Twin Flame is intense and profound Many may experience whether consciously or in a dream state a feeling of connection in the form of a

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Angel Number 111 Meaning: Spirituality Love & Twin Flames Dec 21 2022 · 111 means you’ll meet or strengthen your bond with your twin flame A twin flame is another soul that mirrors your own—it could be a romantic partner or a platonic dear friend Seeing 111 could mean you’ll meet your

Searches related to seeing 111 meaning twin flame filetype:pdf

Angel Number 111 Meaning: Spirituality Love & Twin Flames WebDec 21 2022 · 111 means you’ll meet or strengthen your bond with your twin flame A twin flame is another soul that mirrors your own—it could be a romantic partner or a platonic dear friend Seeing 111 could mean you’ll meet your twin flame soon if you haven’t found each

What is the spiritual significance of the 111 twin flame meaning?

    The 111 twin flame is a message from your soul mate. The number represents a new chapter in your life, and your soul mate has been waiting for you to discover him or her. It is also a sign that your spiritual awakening is near. Your soul has been bound by society and it is about to be released.

Is it possible to meet my twin flame through seeing the number 111?

    In a relationship, the number 111 can signify meeting your twin flame. This is an important meeting in your life, and will be the foundation for your relationship. As you meet your twin soul, you will experience sensations and vibrations that will allow you to know everything about each other – their faults and qualities, and their mental state.

Is 111 a sign of a new love interest?

    In love, the 111 meaning is often a strong sign that new beginnings, patterns and independence in relationships is coming to form. If you are feeling in a rut in love, this number is a lucky sign that a fresh, divinely aligned karmic new start is on the way either from your current partner or if you are seeking a new one.

What lessons can be learnt from 111 twin flame separation?

    When you see the number 111 during twin flame separation, it means that you are in an important stage wherein you will learn some valuable lessons regarding your life. We all know that separation will most likely lead to loneliness. We are forced to look inside our souls and to think deeply.

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Twin Flame Blessing

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The Twin Flame Blessing

͞What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined... to strengthen each other... to

be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories." ~ George Eliot

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................................... 2

Twin Flames ................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Other Soul Relationships ................................................................................................................................................ 6

The Original Wound ....................................................................................................................................................... 8

Healing the Original Wound and Reconnecting with the Divine.................................................................................... 9

Steps for Healing the Pain of Separation ................................................................................................................. 11

Releasing Guilt from your Life .............................................................................................................................. 11

Learning Forgiveness and Letting Go ................................................................................................................... 12

Getting Rid of your Wound File ............................................................................................................................ 12

The Twin Flame Ceremonial Dispensation of Grace .................................................................................................... 14

The Four Spiritual Vows ............................................................................................................................................... 15

The Divine Invocation of the I AM Presence ................................................................................................................ 17

Twin Flame Blessing ..................................................................................................................................................... 19

Appendix ...................................................................................................................................................................... 22

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Twin Flames

͞Love does not consist in gazing at each other

but in looking together in the same direction." ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery The longing for our perfect mate is a need engraved in our DNA. We harbor a desire for restoration and unity, and search for the piece that is always missing. In our journey through life, the search continues for something that can't be readily found.

It is a quest for wholeness.

We search for ourselves in others in a quest for healing and integration, in the constant pursuit of the

final point of balance: the Zero Point where our Matter meets our Higher Self or Soul, where matter meets anti-matter. One Note inserted once again into the Symphony of Creation. In the beginning, the Twin Flames1 were created in God, the Alpha and the Omega.

In an ovoid white-fire-spirit-light, the Soul was split just like the atom into two identical parts, or Twin

Flames: each with the same identical soul blueprint, but with different purposes.

One Essence divided itself into two exactly equal and opposite intonations in order to experience form.

The Twin Flames were created together, in the dawn of time, like the two faces of the same coin. But as the three-dimensional experience unfolded, they became separated by a dualistic system which pulled them into an unbalanced equilibrium, expressing itself through two extended and separated forms.

1 Twin Flames are also known as Twin Souls, Twin Rays, Tonal Mates, Keepers of the Flame

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The Yin Yang symbolizes the Twin Flames' complementary sides: eternal love spiraling into infinity. The

Color of this sublime Union is blue...a spiraling blue... Sometimes, we meet someone with the similar frequency of our Twin Flame and this brings a feeling of


The Love between Twin Flames is a Gate of Possibility to experience Union in a multi-dimensional way.

It can also represent the prototype of the "sacred marriage" - a reflection of the sacred union of the

Divine Masculine and Feminine within the Source.

The Union of the Twin Flames is one of Service. It should not be romanticized in the context by which one

perceives the male and female relationship. The Service of the Twin Flames is not only planetary but also

cosmic and Universal. The Twin Flame connection is always a triad involving the Divine Spirit / All That Is.

Two Beings connected by Soul, connected to God.

The spiritual connection with our Twin Flame is intense and profound.

Many may experience, whether consciously or in a dream state, a feeling of connection in the form of a

matrix of golden white threads of light, because this connection continues to exist in various dimensions

and frequencies, beyond the realms of duality. Twin Flames may not unite physically here on Earth. The relationship may last many lifetimes on the

spiritual level alone, while one or both may be living physically with another soul in karmic agreement.

They may not be together in this dimension, but they have not been truly apart. Only when both original halves of the Twin Flame become strong pillars on their own, when both have

healed and resolved their karmic ties in the present life; can they finally unite to fulfill their Divine


The Breath of God is the force of Divine Action. Once the true Twin Flames, the two parts of the Original

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Soul, the Monad2, have come into union and are reunited through the Breath of God; NO element or energy from any octave, dimension, or frequency can shift the connection.

The reunion of the Twin Flames is ultimately the Unification, or personification, of the Trinity: The Twin

Flames and the Christ Consciousness.

The reunion of these parts will bring back to the world an unconditional love and service to mankind,

which will transcend all definitions of male/female unions on this planet. Through this, we as Souls can finally manifest the higher Dimensional Frequencies of Oneness. This is the ultimate goal: the reunion with our Twin Flame, to create and amplify the Harmonic Intonation of Completion and to be of service to all Sources of Goodness and Pure Light.

2 Monad is a term used by ancient the philosophers Pythagoras, Parmenides, Xenophanes, Plato, Aristotle, and

Plotinus as a term for God or the First Being, or the Totality of All Being. (Wikipedia)

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Other Soul Relationships

͞Just like a sunbeam canΖt separate itself from the sun, and a waǀe canΖt separate itself from the ocean,

we can't separate ourselves from one another. We are all part of a ǀast sea of loǀe, one indiǀisible diǀine mind."

~Marianne Williamson

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It is known that when God Creates, He create in Composition, like a grand symphony. In the masterpiece

of Creation, the generation of souls burst like notes in the symphony. Each note is a different tones, a

different octave; and together, they make the Harmony of the Universe expand and prosper. The definition of Soul Mates is all the Souls created at the same moment of the Divine outburst. The

collection of Soul Mates composes our Soul Family. During our Journeys through lives, we will encounter

and develop individual relationship with many.

Embedded into the Cycles of Samsara3, are the life lessons. These are necessary steps for the developing

and expansion of our Soul Journeys. During these cycles, many of our Soul Mates and Souls from other

Soul Groups will have relational interface with us. We are all partners enrolled in Earth School and each

of us are in different stages of the learning process. Many of these interactions end up resulting in some

sort of Karmic responsibility. These are Karmic Relationships. Many Karmic Relationships are not necessarily romantic; many can be found in our daily lives though siblings, parents, extended family and friends.

The underlining truth in all of this is the reality that we were all created with a purpose and that we are

never alone. As the Universe unfolds itself, following the planned path of pure Creation and Love, we

learn the beauty and challenges embodied in Human Existence. There are many other types of Soul Relationships which will not be gone into detail here. What is

important is the understanding we are all Multi-Dimensional Beings. Consciously or not, we interact with

other Beings from different dimensions and different stages of consciousness. A classic example of this

is the connection we have with our animals, familiars and even Otherkins4.

3 Samsara refers to the cycle of reincarnation, or rebirth.

4 Otherkin refers to races other than Human, i.e. Angles, Extraterrestrials, or Elementals.

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The Original Wound

͞I seem to have loved you in numberless forms; numberless times... in life after life, in age after age, forever. My

spellbound heart has made and remade the necklace of songs that you take as a gift; wear round your neck in your

many forms, in life after life, in age after age, forever." ~ Rabindranath Tagore In the very moment of our Creation as the original undivided Soul, the Monad, we were released from

the pure source of God's Mind, the Un-manifested Universe5, and projected toward the Universe Created,

the Manifested Universe6. At this moment, the Monad is split in two and we experience for the first time

the Realm of Duality and the interaction between polarities.

This is when our original blueprinted matrix suffered the first and original Pain of Separation. The

original energies in the Monad are that of a Triad. The Twin Flames are conceived as both the Alpha and

the Omega within the pure Loǀe of God's Divine Presence. The original separation is not only between

our separate halves, but the apparent separation from the Divine Source. This Ancestral Wound is the sole responsible reason for the perceived sensation of incompletion. Reaction to this manifests itself as the pursuit of happiness and completion through each Cycle of


The Journey back to the Source is one of the many ways to start the process of Healing. There are many

Paths to choose from, and the guides and teachers may vary; but the Soul's expedition is the same on each Path of Learning, Understanding and Healing.

The Healing Blessing from the Twin Flame incorporates the primordial elements of Creation and incites

our Higher Selves to expand and master certain virtues, and actively practice of the true Gifts of the


5 Referred to as Ayn Soph in Qabalistic texts.

6 Referred to as the Realm beyond the Three Veils of Negative Existence in Qabalistic texts.

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Healing the Original Wound and Reconnecting with the Divine light...God saw how good the light was.

Then God said, ͞Let be a dome in the middle of the waters, to separate one body of water from another. And so it

happened: God made the dome, and it separated the waters above the dome from the water the dome. God called it sky". Eǀening Came, and the morning followed-the second day." ~ The New American Bible The Bible refers to the days of God's Creation as the Divine Days. The Power of Conception on the

second day resumed with the creation of the Realms of Duality. The ancient teaching of Kaballah refers

to all the energy and patterns of dissention, separation and isolation as created from the abode of the

energy emanated from the Second day. The separation of heaven and earth was not an action that

necessarily pleased God. Among all the Divine Days described in the Bible, this is the only day where God

did not declare He was pleased. We are all creations of the same Cosmic Mind, no matter what name you give to the Supreme Being; we

are fruit of a Source, and not just a product of random and illogical occurrences. This Source is known to

be pure Love and Light. Its manifestations can be diverse, especially if we refer to the varied expressions

in different dimensions.

The Primordial Energy that gave origin to the Twin Flames came from a Source called͗ ͞The Breath of

7 Genesis, Chapter 2, Verse 7

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that resembles the ǀibrational tone ͞AH". Many Teachers who haǀe become touched by the energy of

The Breath have had the sound embedded in their names.8

This Force can also be referred to as the energy originated in the Divine Sacred and Cosmic Heart. It is

the synopsis of the pure verve of Creation itself. The Blessing coming straight from your Twin can reawake the memory of the ancient connection with

the Divine Source. It must be understood that the feeling of separation is in reality a product of Illusion.

We were never truly separated from the Source. The realm of Duality actually envelops two powers: the

power of Love, the Pure Light, and the Power of Fear, the Darkness. These are the two primary forces

behind all our actions. The illusion is a byproduct of the Power of Fear. Another interesting aspect of the Blessing of the Twin Flame is the Dispensation of Grace. Once energetically reconnected, the two parts of the original Monad are able to execute together the

expansion of energy of Creation. This integration is also of vital importance when one is pursuing the Re-

coding of Spiritual DNA, the original cosmic matrix or blueprint of Human Beings. The Blessing of the

Twin Flame opens the door of possibilities and promotes and supports the Process of Ascension.

Contrary to common religious beliefs, the Original Wound does not refer to the wounds from ͞sin" but

from the emotional scar originated when the Twin Flames began to travel through time, space and eternity separately.

8 Examples of this are Elijah, Jehovah, and Jeshuah in Christianity; Allah in Islam; Buddha in Buddhism; and Brahma

in Hinduism.

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Steps for Healing the Pain of Separation

͞When I stand before thee at the dayΖs end, thou shalt see my scars and know that I had my wounds and also my

healing." ~ Rabindranath Tagore

There are some attitudinal tools that can facilitate the process of healing and integration with the energy

of your Twin Flame. They are many ways to practice these attributes. We will offer definitions and

general suggestions. The Internal Observer9 and your Higher Self will indicate to you the multiplicity of

ways to access the information coming straight from the Light of your Soul. The following initial steps are necessary to bring about the proper internal structure to absorb and maximize the Dispensation of the Blessing of the Twin Flame.

Releasing Guilt from your Life

This is an important step in the liberation of your circuits of compromised energy. It is vital to break free

from habitual patterns and behaviors that are limiting and regressive. We may feel guilty for many reasons; when we have mixed feelings about certain situations, unclear intentions, or when we feel

incapable to measure up to others' expectations or our own. Self-blame is a very unhelpful attitude.

When you release yourself from the Bonds of Guilt, you are able to purify and integrate the innermost

feelings that come with pure intention straight from the heart. In doing so, we become able to develop a

9 The process of installing the Internal Observer is not covered in this document. For more information, refer to the

Humanity Healing Self-Mastery Program.

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deep moral sense of what is right and what is wrong. Learn how to listen to your internal voice. This

inner muse is your Higher Self. In mastering this step, we are able to move ahead and trust ourselves and others, inciting catalytic experiences that bring release and the inevitable winds of change.

Learning Forgiveness and Letting Go

Forgiveness is both one of the more powerful and more difficult attitudes to practice. Forgiveness can in

itself be considered a Healing journey for the Mind and the Spirit. It is a creative act that can empower us

to be released from the memories from the past, giving us peace of Spirit. There is no Future in the past.

When we chose to not forgive, we also chose to continue to struggle and to resist being completely open

to the promise of a new future. Forgiveness is necessary to release compromised energy so that it can be used for new beginnings.

Resentment, vengeance and revenge are toxic feelings that inevitably cause our vital energy field to be

limited and stuck. These thoughts literally clutter your life stream of energy. Forgiveness demands courage, but not necessarily strength. When we decide to unshackle ourselves from shadows of past wounds and the bitterness of bad experiences, we become both proficient and self-sufficient energetically. This frees us to reach out and project our Love out into the world.

Forgiveness allows us to work towards the building of our own happiness. Forgiveness is a fundamental

step in the Healing of the Illusion of Separation. When referring specifically to the process of Integration

of the Twin Energy, this healing attitude is required because though it, we become aware of everything

we have created from our past, both in the conscious and unconscious state.

Getting Rid of your Wound File

The edžpression ͞Wound File ͞ is a creation of Dr. Carolyn Myss and it defines the repetitive patterns we

seem to adopt and practice in our daily lives. It exists because we have a particular way to read and

interpret people and situations around us. This unique way is a result of the accumulation of your past

experiences and life styles patterns.

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In accordance of the rules of your own Wound File, you may have a collection of stereotypes and pre- made answers based on your fears and your defense mechanisms. They are not necessarily the best scope of references for your daily living, but they became natural and automatic response. The existence and the keeping of the Wound File demands a lot of energy to keep the automatic responses going. Breaking this pattern and riding yourself of your Wound File will help release an

incredible amount of energy. The new flow will allow you to redirect these new circuits towards more

creative projects, the Ascension Process and the recoding of your Backbone DNA.

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The Twin Flame Ceremonial Dispensation of Grace

͞Prayers go up and Blessings come down"

~ Yiddish Proverb

By definition, Grace is a state in which one is under Divine influence. It can be transmitted by Love,

protection and Blessings freely bestowed through Celestial Intercession and assistance. The Twin Flame Blessing is a conversion of this influence through the mediation of your Tonal Mate.

Through this Sanction, your Twin will allow their energy to comingle and be more present in your energy

field; as well as permeate your current relationships with the positive influence of the Law of Pure

Intention in action. In doing so, the eternal sensation of incompleteness and unwholeness currently

present will gradually disappear, as we open ourselves to new opportunities, without restricting our learning process throughout different experiences in life.

In many cultures and traditions, rituals such as the union of couples are seen as a mutual dedicated and

Spiritual vow. Those specific rites of passage guard the ceremonial power to bring down to manifestation

all the circle of opportunities, of enlightenment and growth for the new couple. Undeniably, the Twin

Flame Ceremonial Blessing is an occasion of celebration and joy in the light of any relationship. The

Blessing of the Twin Flame is a consecration from your Twin of your current relationship or can add

strength to the call by your Soul to find a Soul Mate in this incarnation. Your Twin Flame yearns for your

happiness. As there is an equal reaction to every action, your Twin also receives your Blessing and you

both will feel the Joy that results from a stronger energetic bond.

In the performance of these Vows, many "qualities "or Virtues are required as prerequisites for the level

of spiritual commitment involved.

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The Four Spiritual Vows

͞Your destiny is that of a man, and your ǀows those of a God." ~ Voltare

There are at least four of those qualities or feelings them that should be highlighted in the performance

this Sanctification of Grace: Honesty, Loyalty, Companionship and Commitment.


The Vow of Honesty requires the capability to practice sincerity in all the dimensions of our consciousness

and through the "assertiveness" of our thoughts, feelings and actions. In doing so, we develop the ability

to be more in contact with our true needs, thus adopting a more constructive position in life. Through the

practice of this virtue, one brings real peace to their lives, through the intervention of the Light from the



To practice the Vow of Loyalty is to be completely in contact with our true nature. It is the concrete

action for our Faith. It is unconditional trust that there is a higher meaning or purpose to everything

that happens in life, that nothing is an accident, and that things will work despite of all challenges.

To be Loyal is to apply the disposition to deepen the tender feelings in all our relationships in our present

life. It is a profound feeling of reverence and connectiveness with all.


The Vow of Companionship brings the gift of sharing and the ability to work with others, especially your

partner in a cooperative way. Companionship allows the individual egos to blend for a common purpose,

overcoming the unbalance desire for personal power.

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When we truly decide in our souls to be committed to someone or something, we receive an extra burst of energy that comes from higher planes. The Vow of Commitment set us free of the need to do things

merely out of a sense of duty and obligation. Through this new approach we can finally realize that no

project can be accomplished without personal giving and dedication.

Obviously, none of the virtues or vows is valid if we do not introduce the Spiritual element that enhances

and give light to them all: the power of the Will of Spirit, which is Pure Love.

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The Divine Invocation of the I AM Presence

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)i am never without it(anywhere i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling) i fear no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true) and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart ~ by ee cummings

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You may hasten your progress on the Path of Unification with the Twin Flame Energy using your prayers,

meditations, or dynamic decrees. You may call to the I AM Presence for the inner heart contact with your Twin Flame.

We suggest the following Invocation:

"In the name of the Christ I call to the blessed I AM Presence of our Twin Flames for the sealing of our hearts as

one for the victory of our mission to humanity. I invoke the light of the Holy Spirit for the consuming of all negative

karma limiting the full expression of our divine identity and the fulfillment of our divine plan."10

Through the Invocation and the Blessing from your Twin Flame, both you and your Twin can unite even if

you live in separate spheres or dimensions. You can unite spiritually on higher planes and direct Light

into your own world and the world of your Twin Flame for the balancing of mutual karma. This inner contact amplifies the Light and achievements you each have and liberates the remarkablequotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23
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