[PDF] Appendix Table of Contents: Appendix Tables and Figures

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The appendix package

8 февр. 2020 г. toc Put a header (e.g. 'Appendices') into the Table of Contents (the ToC) ... There is an unfortunate interaction between the LATEX kernel ...

Format Requirements for an Appendix (or Appendices)

o All appendices must be listed in your Table of Contents and have the same title format in the text and in the Table of Contents as your other 

A Basic Beamer Power Up

14 апр. 2019 г. You can create a table of contents slide by putting <tableofcontents inside a frame. • A table of contents will not include sections or ...


See Appendix J. 2.12 Table of Contents. Proposers shall include a Table of Contents that provides a guide to the organization and contents of the proposal.

Appendix tables and figures

If you include multiple tables or figures in a particular appendix the title of that appendix should describe the overall content of the appendix. This would 


Appendix F5 shows in greater detail the Table of Content for this format. 3.2 Organisation of Research Chapters. This section comprises the student's own 

LaTeX2e UDThesis Style

All of the standard features of LATEX are available such as automatic generation of Table of Contents List of Tables

Guide to Using SIAMS LaTeX Style

Section titles are automatically inserted into the table of contents and converted to bookmarks; see Appendix B.6 for handling special characters. The 

Table of Contents

Appendix F – Early Childhood Education Program Design. Early Childhood Education Program Design disposable latex gloves are worn by staff treating open cuts.

My Iowa State University dissertation and thesis title page: A sample

Utilize consistent spacing before and after: tables figures

Appendix tables and figures

If you include multiple tables or figures in a particular appendix the title of that appendix should describe the overall content of the appendix. This would 


If you include multiple tables or figures in a particular appendix the title of that appendix should describe the overall content of the appendix. This would 

The appendix package

8 feb. 2020 conventions of the LATEX docstrip utility which enables the ... toc Put a header (e.g. 'Appendices') into the Table of Contents (the ToC).

Format Requirements for an Appendix

o The appendix (appendices) appears after the document text but before the References. o All appendices must be listed in your Table of Contents and have 


Each supplementary file should have its own appendix page and title which should be included in the table of contents. These pages should include a brief 

Format Requirements for an Appendix (or Appendices)

o The appendix (appendices) appears after the document text but before the References. o All appendices must be listed in your Table of Contents and have 

Appendix Table of Contents: Appendix Tables and Figures

15 mai 2017 Appendix Table 1: The Effect of Treatment on Individual State Test Scores ... Program Manager was brought onto the team to oversee the ...

UDC Appendix Table of Contents

[IF COUNTY ORDINANCE] This ordinance shall apply in any municipality of over 2500 population without a Uniform. Dwelling Code enforcement program and the 

Appendix C: File Template for a Thesis Book



Table of Contents for Alternative Thesis Format (Main 2003 (Revision 2012-2013) as shown in Appendix F1 and Appendix F2.

The appendix package - Duke University

The functions oftheappendicesenvironment are usually accessed through the package optionsbut there are declarations that mey be used insted The options are: tocPut a header (e g `Appendices') into the Table of Contents (the ToC)before listing the appendices (This is done by calling theaddappheadtotoccommand )

Format Requirements for an Appendix (or Appendices)

AMS-LATEX Reference Card #1 Classes and Packages Sectioning and Table of Contents AMS-LATEX Reference Card #1 See the TEX Reference Card for additional commands Required packages are indicated as (package) Document Structure †Preamble documentclass[option(s)]{class} usepackage[option(s)]{package(s)} begin{document} †Body

The tocloft package - ibiblio

In the standard classes the typographic design of the Table of Contents (ToC) the List of Figures (LoF) and List of Tables (LoT) is xed or more precisely it is buried within the class de nitions The tocloft package provides handles for an author to change the design to meet the needs of the particular document

The apa7 class - University of Washington

Formatting documents in APA style (7th Edition) with the apa7 LA TEX class? Formatting documents in APA style (7th Edition)with theapa7LATEX class? Daniel A Weiss† Released 2022/07/25 Abstract ThePublication Manualof the American Psychological Association iswidely used in the social sciences

Searches related to show appendix in table of contents latex filetype:pdf

appendix Makes all following sections appendices appendix* Signi?es there is a single appendix section to follow begin{acknowledgments} Start an Acknowledgments section Note spelling lowercase{} Escape a letter or word from being uppercased in a top-level section heading Citation Footnote and Cross-referencing Commands

Where does the appendix go in a paper?

o This section is optional. o The appendix (appendices) appears after the document text, but before the References. o All appendices must be listed in your Table of Contents and have the same title format in the text and in the Table of Contents as your other chapter/section headings.

What are the formatting requirements for an appendix?

Format Requirements for an Appendix (or Appendices) o This section is optional. o The appendix (appendices) appears after the document text, but before the References. o All appendices must be listed in your Table of Contents and have the same title format in the text and in the Table of Contents as your other chapter/section headings.

How do you reference an appendix in latex?

Referencing an appendix in LaTeX is as easy as any other chapter or object. You just have to put an anchor to it using label {name} and then you can reference the appendix using ref {name} . How do you add an appendix to a title?

Can You List appendices in a table of contents?

Appendices. An important thing to remember when dealing with appendices is that the Appendices section heading must be included in the Table of Contents, but each individual appendix cannot be included. In addition, if you have more than one appendix, you must include a List of Appendices section to your frontmatter. How do you list an appendices?

Appendix Table of Contents: Appendix Tables and Figures Appendix A: Implementation Guide ............................................................... 1 Appendix B: Data Description and Variable Construction....................................... 5 Appendix C: Cost-Benefit Analysis ............................................................... 12 Appendix D: Survey Measures and Materials ................................................... 18

Appendix Tables and Figures

AppendixTable 1:TheEffectof Treatmenton IndividualState TestScores

ITT2SLS(Ev er)2SLS(Y ears)2SLS(Trainings)

20152016Pooled 20152016Pooled 20152016Pooled 20152016Pooled

(1)(2)(3) (4)(5)(6) (7)(8) (9)(10)(12) (13)









(0.008)(0.008)(0.006) (0.008)(0.010)(0.007) (0.009)(0.006)(0.005) (0.013)(0.014)(0.010) N25,70326,584 52,28725,70326,584 52,28725,70326,584 52,28725,70326,584 52,287

Firststagecoef ficient0.994

0.843 0.916 0.916 1.302 1.112 0.626 0.592 0.610 (0.001)(0.003)(0.002) (0.001)(0.006)(0.003) (0.002)(0.001)(0.001)


0.030 0.046 0.050 0.036 0.050 0.054 0.023 0.041 0.077 0.050 0.073 (0.008)(0.008)(0.006) (0.008)(0.009) (0.006)(0.008)(0.006) (0.005)(0.012)(0.013) (0.009) N34,79435,512 70,30634,79435,512 70,30634,79435,512 70,30634,79435,512 70,306

Firststagecoef ficient0.994

0.847 0.919 0.917 1.329 1.125 0.646 0.608 0.628 (0.001)(0.003)(0.002) (0.001)(0.005)(0.003) (0.002)(0.001)(0.001)

Notes:This tablereportsITT estimatesofthe effectsof ourmanagemente xperimentin Houstonon studentachiev ementonstate-mandatedtests.Treatment isassignedin thesamew ayinT able4.

Samplesarelimited tostudentswith av alidoutcomesubject testscore;unlik eTable 4,studentsare notrequiredtohave av alidtestscore inev erysubjectin ordertoenterthesample.T estingvariablesare

drawnfromdistricttestscore filesandare standardizedtoha vea meanofzero anda standarddeviation ofonewithin eachyearand gradeamongstudents withvalidtestscores.Columns(1)-(3)report

Intent-to-Treat(ITT)estimatesin eachyear. Columns(4)-(6)report 2SLSestimatesthat usetreatmentassignment toinstrumentfore verha vingattendeda treatmentschool.Columns (7)-(9)report2SLS

estimatesthatuse treatmentassignmentto instrumentforthe numberofyears spentin atreatmentschool. Columns(10)-(12)report 2SLSestimatesthat usetreatmentassignment toinstrumentfor the

percentofour managementtrainingsessions attendedbya student'sschool principal,measuredby attendance sheetsateach trainingov erthesummer of2014and2015.Allspe cificationscontrolfor 3

yearsofbaseline mathandreading scoresandtheir squares,indicatorsfor whetherthebaseline testw astaken inSpanish,indicators forwhetherbaseline scoresarefrom high-or low-stakes exams,and

matchedpairfix edef fects.Standarderrors,reportedinparentheses, arerobusttoheteroskedasticity .Significanceat the1%, 5%,and10% levels indicatedby***, **,and*, respectively.

AppendixTable 2:TheEffectof Treatmenton IndividualITBS TestScores

ITT2SLS(Ev er)2SLS(Y ears)2SLS(Trainings)

(1)(2)(3) (4)


0.046 0.050 0.076 (0.008)(0.008)(0.009) (0.014)

N24,20824,208 24,20824,208

Firststagecoef ficient0.995

0.926 0.605 (0.001)(0.001)(0.002)


0.041 0.044 0.068 (0.008)(0.008)(0.009) (0.013)

N24,34824,348 24,34824,348

Firststagecoef ficient0.995

0.926 0.606 (0.001)(0.001)(0.002)


0.048 0.051 0.078 (0.009)(0.009)(0.010) (0.015)

N24,44224,442 24,44224,442

Firststagecoef ficient0.995

0.926 0.606 (0.001)(0.001)(0.002)


0.043 0.046 0.070 (0.009)(0.009)(0.010) (0.015)

N24,43424,434 24,43424,434

Firststagecoef ficient0.995

0.926 0.605 (0.001)(0.001)(0.002)

Notes:This tablereportsITTestimatesof theeffects ofourmanagement experimentin Houstononstudent achievement on

theIow aTestofBasicSkills(ITBS),a nationally-normedlow-stakestest.The sampleincludesall studentsenrolledin grades

1-8inone ofthe40 experimentalelementary andmiddleschools atthebe ginningofthe 2014-15schoolyear.HISD stopped

administeringlow-stak esexamsafterthe2014-15schoolyear .Treatmentisassigned asthefirstschoolattendedin 2014-15.

Samplesarelimited tostudentswith av alidoutcomesubject testscore;unlik eTable 4,studentsare notrequiredtohave a

validtestscoreine verysubject inorderto enterthesam ple.Testingvariablesaredrawn fromdistricttest scorefilesand are

standardizedtoha vea meanofzeroandastandarddeviationof onewithineach yearand gradeamongstudents withvalid

testscores.Column (1)reports Intent-to-Treat(ITT) estimateswithtreatment assignedbasedon thefirstschoolattendedin

2014-15.Column(2) reports2SLS estimatesthatuse treatmentassignmentto instrumentfore verha vingattended atreatment

school.Column(3) reports2SLSestimates thatusetreatment assignmenttoinstrument forthenumber ofyears spentina

treatmentschool. Column(4)reports 2SLSestimatesthat usetreatmentassignment toinstrument forthepercent ofour

managementtraining sessionsattended byastudent'sschoolprincipal, measuredbyattendance sheetsateach trainingov er

thesummer of2014.All specificationscontrolfor 3yearsof baselinemathand readingscores andtheirsquares, indicators

forwhetherthe baselinetestw astaken inSpanish,indicators forwhether baselinescoresarefromhigh-or low-stakesexams,

andmatchedpair fixed effects.Standard errors,reportedinparentheses,arerob usttoheteroskedasticity.Significance atthe

1%,5%,and 10%le velsindicated by***,**, and*,respectively.

AppendixTable 3:ActualHigh/LowImplementation andActualReturning/Ne wPrincipalT reatmentEffectsonHigh-Stakes Tests

FullSampleActual ReturningPrincipalActual NewPrincipal

201520162015 201620152016

(1)(2)(3) (4)(5) (6)





(0.014)(0.015)(0.017) (0.018)(0.023)(0.024)

N25,39726,379 17,21017,1028,187 9,277


0.044 0.202 0.130 0.120 -0.182 (0.020)(0.022)(0.023) (0.025)(0.039)(0.041)

N13,49313,427 10,32510,0473,168 3,380

Below-Med.ActualImpl.Index 0.015-0.0090.065

0.089 -0.045-0.103 (0.020)(0.020)(0.026) (0.027)(0.028)(0.029)

N11,90412,952 6,8857,0555,019 5,897


0.123 0.286 0.243 -0.003-0.177 (0.022)(0.023)(0.026) (0.028)(0.042)(0.041)

N10,72511,468 8,4648,6432,261 2,825

Below-Med.ActualPct.Trainings 0.019-0.060

0.018-0.0280.010 -0.103

(0.017)(0.019)(0.022) (0.025)(0.027)(0.029)

N14,67214,911 8,7468,4595,926 6,452

Notes:Thistable reportsITTestimates oftheef fectsofour managemente xperimentinHouston onstudentachie vementon high-stakestestscores

forhigh-and low-implementingprincipals whoeitherstayed forthesecondyearof theexperiment orleft.The sampleisthe sameasin Table4.

Testingvariablesaredra wnfromdistricttestscorefiles andarestandardized tohavea meanofzero andastandard deviationof onewithineach

yearandgrade amongstudentswith valid testscores.High-stak estestsare theStateof TexasAssessmentsofAcademic Readiness(STAAR) exams

inmathand reading(administeredin grades3-12). Thedependentv ariableisthe sumofstandardized mathandreading scores.Columns (1)-(2)

reportITTestimates oftheef fectoftreatment forthefull sample.Columns(3)-(4) reportITTestimatesofthe effectof treatmentforprincipals

whoreturnedto theirschoolsin thesecondyear oftreatment,and Columns(5)-(6)report ITTestimates inschoolswith principalturnov erbetween

thetwo yearsoftreatment.Therows furtherlimitthe samplebya school'sfidelity ofimplementation. Forexample,Row (2),Columns(3)-(4)

containtheITT estimatesforschools thatareare high-implementersandha vethe sameprincipal inbothyears ofthetreatment. Fordetails onall

variablesusedtosubsetthe sample,seethe OnlineAppendix.All specificationscontrolfor 3years ofbaselinemath andreadingscores andtheir

squares,indicatorsfor whetherthebaseline testwas takenin Spanish,indicatorsfor whetherbaseline scoresarefrom high-orlow-stakese xams,

andmatchedpair fixedef fects.Standarderrors, reportedinparentheses,arerobust toheteroskedasticity.Significance atthe1%, 5%,and10% levels

indicatedby***, **,and*, respectively . AppendixTable 4:SubsampleAnalysisbyImplementation Level, Alternative Cutoffs


50thpctile(Main) 40thpctile60th pctile50thpctile (Main)40thpctile 60thpctile

(1)(2)(3) (4)(5) (6)

HighImplementationInde x(Actual) 0.120

0.106 0.204 0.283 0.179 0.419 (0.015)(0.013)(0.017) (0.039)(0.035) (0.045) LowImplementationIndex(Actual) -0.001-0.008 -0.032quotesdbs_dbs3.pdfusesText_6
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