[PDF] Practice Problems for Final Exam: Solutions CS 341: Foundations of

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Name: Student ID: 0 CSE 322 Spring 2010: Take-Home

Show that every infinite prefix-closed context free language contains an every infinite Turing-recognizable language has an infinite decidable subset.

Answers to the CSCE 551 Final Exam April 30


Harvard University

Nov 11 2014 (A) To prove that L is not Turing-recognizable

CS46 lab 8

Mar 20 2022 Show that every infinite Turing-recognizable language has an infinite decidable subset. 4. Computable functions.

Solutions for Problem Set 7

Solution: Let L be an infinite recursively enumerable language. characterization of decidable languages in terms of enumeration: L1 is decidable iff ...

Homework 4 – Due Wednesday March 18


Practice Problems for Final Exam: Solutions CS 341: Foundations of

In each part below if you need to prove that the given language L is decidable


(Sipser 3.19) Show that every infinite Turing-recognizable language has an infinite decid- able subset. (Hint: use the result from the previous problem.).

CS660 Homework 1

Apr 8 2018 True or false: every infinite Turing-recognizable language has an infinite decidable subset. (This comes from problem 1 on Problem Set 6


(Sipser 3.18) Show that a language is decidable iff some enumerator (Sipser 3.19) Show that every infinite Turing-recognizable language has an infinite ...

CS1010: Theory of Computation - Brown University

Turing Recognizable & Decidable Languages The set of strings that a Turing Machine M accepts is the language of M denoted as 6(=)or the language recognized by M –A language 6is Turing-recognizableif some Turing machine recognizesit •I e There exists a TM =such that =halts in the accept state for all and only the strings ??6

CSE 322 Spring 2010: Take-Home Final Exam SOLUTIONS Where

Show that every infinite Turing-recognizable language has an infinite decidable subset (Hint: Use the result in (a) and the result you know regarding Turing-recognizable languages and enumerator TMs (Theorem 3 21 in the text)) Let A be an infinite Turing-recognizable language

CSE 431 Spring 2006 Assignment  - University of Washington

1 Prove that a language is decidable if and only if there is an enumerator that enumerates it in lexicographic order (Hint: Handle the case where the language is ?nite separately from the case when it is in?nite ) 2 Use the above to show that any in?nite Turing-recognizable language contains an in?nite decidable subset 3

CS46 lab 8 - Swarthmore College

Show that there is a decidable language C consisting of Turing machine descriptions such that every machine described in B has an equivalent machine in C and every machine described in C has an equivalent machine in B 6 (extra challenge) A TM is a language consisting of descriptions of Turing machines and it is Turing-recognizable Why does

CSE 431 Spring 2007 Assignment  - University of Washington

an in?nite decidable subset 4 Let INFINITE PDA = {hMi M is a PDA and L(M) is an in?nite language} Show that INFINITE PDA is decidable 5 Show that the set of complex numbers QUADRATIC-ROOT = {x ? C there are integers a 6= 0 b and c such that ax2+bx+c = 0} is countable 6 (Bonus) Let C be a language Prove that C is Turing

Homework 9 Solutions - New Jersey Institute of Technology

We showed in a previous homework that the class of Turing-recognizablelanguages is closed under union soEQCFGis Turing-recognizable Here are the details of a TMTthat recognizesEQCFG wheres1 s2 s3 is anenumeration of strings in??in string order: = “On input G1 G2 whereG1andG2are CFGs: 0 Check ifG1andG2are valid CFGs

Does every infinite Turing-recognizable language have an infinite decidable subset?

Show that every infinite Turing-recognizable language has an infinite decidable subset. (Hint: Use the result in (a) and the result you know regarding Turing- recognizable languages and enumerator TMs (Theorem 3.21 in the text)). Let A be an infinite Turing-recognizable language.

Is there an enumerator for every string in a Turing-recognizable language?

(Hint: Use the result in (a) and the result you know regarding Turing- recognizable languages and enumerator TMs (Theorem 3.21 in the text)). Let A be an infinite Turing-recognizable language. Then, there exists an enumerator E that enumerates all strings in A (in some order, possibly with repetitions).

Is E' a decidable subset of a?

Therefore, the language of E’ is also infinite. Finally, since E’ only prints strings in lexicographic order, its language is decidable as proved in (a). Thus, the language of E’ is an infinite decidable subset of A.

Why L1-L2 is not decidable?

We know that L2 is Turing- recognizable but not decidable. Now L1-L2is the complement of the language L2. If we have a recognizer for a language and its complement, then we have a decider for the language. This is a contradiction, since ATMis undecidable. Hence we cannot always build a recognizer for the language L1-L2.

Practice Problems for Final Exam: Solutions CS 341: Foundations of

Practice Problems for Final Exam: Solutions

CS 341: Foundations of Computer Science II

Prof. Marvin K. Nakayama

1. Short answers:

(a) Define the following terms and concepts: i. Union, intersection, set concatenation, Kleene-star, set subtraction, complement




Kleene-star:S?={w1w2···wk|k≥0,wi?S?i= 1,2,...,k}



S={x?Ω|x??S}= Ω-S, where Ω is the universe of all elements under consideration. ii. A setSis closed under an operationf Answer:Sis closed underfif applyingfto members ofSalways returns a member ofS. iii. Regular language

Answer:A regular language is defined by a DFA.

iv. Kleene"s theorem Answer:A language is regular if and only if it has a regular expression. v. Context-free language

Answer:A CFL is defined by a CFG.

vi. Chomsky normal form Answer:A CFG is in Chomsky normal form if each of its rules has one of 3 forms:A→BC, A→x, orS→ε, whereA,B,Care variables,BandCare not the start variable,xis a terminal, andSis the start variable. vii. Church-Turing Thesis Answer:The informal notion of algorithm corresponds exactly to a Turing machine that always halts (i.e., a decider). viii. Turing-decidable language Answer:A languageAthat is decided by a Turing machine; i.e., there is a Turing machine Msuch thatMhalts and accepts on any inputw?A, andMhalts and rejects on input inputw??A; i.e., looping cannot happen. ix. Turing-recognizable language Answer:A languageAthat is recognized by a Turing machine; i.e., there is a Turing machineMsuch thatMhalts and accepts on any inputw?A, andMrejects or loops on any inputw??A. x. co-Turing-recognizable language Answer:A language whose complement is Turing-recognizable. 1 xi. Countable and uncountable sets Answer:A setSis countable if it is finite or we can define a correspondence betweenSand the positive integers. In other words, we can create a list ofall the elements inSand each specific element will eventually appear in the list. An uncountable set is a set that is not countable. A common approach to prove a set is uncountable isby using a diagonalization argument. xii. LanguageAis mapping reducible to languageB,A≤mB Answer:SupposeAis a language defined over alphabet Σ1, andBis a language defined over alphabet Σ

2. ThenA≤mBmeans there is a computable functionf: Σ?1→Σ?2such

thatw?Aif and only iff(w)?B. Thus, ifA≤mB, we can determine if a stringw belongs toAby checking iff(w) belongs toB.


2 ABf f w?A??f(w)?B YES instance for problemA??YES instance for problemB xiii. Functionf(n) isO(g(n)) Answer:There exist constantscandn0such that|f(n)| ≤c·g(n) for alln≥n0. xiv. Classes P and NP Answer:P is the class of languages that can bedecidedby adeterministicTuring machine inpolynomial time. NP is the class of languages that can beverifiedin (de- terministic)polynomial time. Equivalently, NP is the class of languages that can be decidedby anondeterministicTuring machine inpolynomial time. xv. LanguageAis polynomial-time mapping reducible to languageB,A≤PB. Answer:SupposeAis a language defined over alphabet Σ1, andBis a language defined over alphabet Σ

2. ThenA≤PBmeans there is a polynomial-time computable function

f: Σ?1→Σ?2such thatw?Aif and only iff(w)?B. xvi. NP-complete Answer:LanguageBis NP-Complete ifB?NP, and for every languageA?NP, we have


A1A 2A 3A4 A 5 B NP 2 The typical approach to proving a languageCis NP-Complete is as follows: •First showC?NP by giving a deterministic polynomial-time verifier forC. (Alterna- tively, we can showC?NP by giving a nondeterministic polynomial-time decider for C.) •Next show that a known NP-Complete languageBcan be reduced toCin polynomial time; i.e.,B≤PC. A1A 2A 3A4 A 5 B NP C Note that the second step implies thatA≤PCfor eachA?NP Because we can first reduce AtoBin polynomial time becauseBis NP-Complete, and then we can reduceBtoCin polynomial time, so the entire reduction ofAtoCtakes polynomial time. xvii. NP-hard Answer:LanguageBis NP-hard if for every languageA?NP, we haveA≤PB. (b) Give the transition functionsδ(i.e., specify the domains and ranges) of a DFA, NFA, PDA, Turing machine and nondeterministic Turing machine.


•DFA,δ:Q×Σ→Q, whereQis the set of states and Σ is the alphabet. •NFA,δ:Q×Σε→ P(Q), where Σε= Σ? {ε}andP(Q) is the power set ofQ

•PDA,δ:Q×Σε×Γε→ P(Q×Γε), where Γ is the stack alphabet and Γε= Γ? {ε}.

•Turing machine,δ:Q×Γ→Q×Γ× {L,R}, where Γ is the tape alphabet,Lmeans move

tape head one cell left, andRmeans move tape head one cell right.

•Nondeterministic Turing machine,δ:Q×Γ→ P(Q×Γ× {L,R}), where Γ is the tape

alphabet,Lmeans move tape head one cell left, andRmeans move tape head one cell right. (c) Explain the "P vs. NP" problem. Answer:P is the class of languages that can be solved in polynomial time, and NP is the class of languages that can be verified in polynomial time. We know that P?NP. To see why, note that each TM is also an NTM, so deciding in deterministic polynomial time is a special case of deciding in nondeterministic polynomial time, making P?NP. But it is currently unknown if

P = NP or P?= NP.

2. Recall thatATM={?M,w? |Mis a TM that accepts stringw}.

(a) Prove thatATMis undecidable. You may not cite any theorems or corollariesin your proof. Overview of Proof:We use a proof by contradiction. SupposeATMis decided by some TM H, soHaccepts?M,w?if TMMacceptsw, andHrejects?M,w?if TMMdoesn"t acceptw.


????accept, if?M,w? ?ATM reject, if?M,w? ??ATM 3

Define another TMDusingHas a subroutine.

HHD ?M,?M?? ????acceptreject-→?M? acceptreject SoDtakes as input any encoded TM?M?, then feeds?M,?M??as input intoH, and finally outputs the opposite of whatHoutputs. BecauseDis a TM, we can feed?D?as input intoD.

What happens when we runDwith input?D??

HHD ?D,?D?? ????acceptreject-→?D? acceptreject Note thatDaccepts?D?iffDdoesn"t accept?D?, which is impossible. Thus,ATMmust be undecidable. Complete Proof:Suppose there exists a TMHthat decidesATM. TMHtakes input?M,w?, whereMis a TM andwis a string. If TMMaccepts stringw, then?M,w? ?ATMandH accepts input?M,w?. If TMMdoes not accept stringw, then?M,w? ??ATMandHrejects input?M,w?. Consider the languageL={?M? |Mis a TM that does not accept?M?}. Now construct a TMDforLusing TMHas a subroutine:

D= "On input?M?, whereMis a TM:

1.RunHon input?M,?M??.

2.IfHaccepts,reject. IfHrejects,accept."

If we run TMDon input?D?, thenDaccepts?D?if and only ifDdoesn"t accept?D?. Because this is impossible, TMHmust not exist, soATMis undecidable. (b) Show thatATMis Turing-recognizable. Answer:The universal TMUrecognizesATM, whereUis defined as follows:

U= "On input?M,w?, whereMis a TM andwis a string:


2.IfMacceptsw,accept; ifMrejectsw,reject."

Note thatUonly recognizesATMand does not decideATMBecause when we runMonw, there is the possibility thatMneither accepts nor rejectswbut rather loops onw.

3. Each of the languages below in parts (a), (b), (c), (d) is ofone of the following types:

Type REG. It is regular.

Type CFL. It is context-free, but not regular.

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