[PDF] UML How do people draw / write down software architecture

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Automotive System and Software Architecture

25 Mar 2014 Example of function-to-component Mapping. / Department of Mathematics ... Internal Block Diagram Specifies Interconnection of Parts. Part. Page ...

Using UML to express Software Architecture

Software Architecture. Page 2. CSE 403 Spring 2007

Software Architecture Description & UML Workshop

this is for example represented by the various diagrams supporting the “4+1” views of architecture [Kru95]. 1.1 Problems with Component Modeling and the 

Content of Premarket Submissions for Device Software Functions

4 Nov 2021 Example system and software architecture diagrams are provided in Appendix B of this guidance illustrating approaches to effectively convey the ...

Software Architecture Reconstruction

The documentation of a software architecture often contains a diagram that of an architecture for example possibilities to reuse parts of the software in.

Architecture Visualisation and Analysis: Motivation and Example

But the modularity goals are covered by a software architecture diagram. For a real-life 512 Kbyte system say

Visualising Software Architecture with the C4 Model

numbered if diagram order is important; for example: System Context diagram A software architecture diagram review checklist. General. Elements. Does the ...

Service-Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF) 2.1 Conceptual

FIGURE 15: THREE LAYERS OF A CONCEPTUAL ARCHITECTURE DIAGRAM EXAMPLE. Page 32. 32. SOMF 2.1 Specifications: Service-Oriented Software Architecture Model.

Software Architecture Structures and Views

UML Deployment Diagram Example. Page 38. J. Scott Hawker/R. Kuehl p. 38. Some Software Engineering. Allocation View. UML Implementation Diagram.

18-642 Software Architecture and High Level Design

▫ Many different architecture diagrams are possible such as: ○ Software Example Sequence Diagram. Page 7. 7. © 2020 Philip Koopman. ▫ Use Case diagram ...

Service-Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF) 2.1 Conceptual

SOMF 2.1 Specifications: Service-Oriented Software Architecture Model Utilization diagram (refer to the Examples Section to view this diagram).

Using UML to express Software Architecture

Using UML to express. Software Architecture o Ivar Jacobsen (OOSE: object oriented software eng) ... Class diagram example. Aggregation – Order.

System Design Document Template

30/09/2017 System Architecture Diagrams. ... Performance Software Architecture . ... Figure 13: Example of web application hosting .

Content of Premarket Submissions for Device Software Functions

4/11/2021 System and Software Architecture Diagram . ... For example a device software function may control a. 99 hardware device or be part of a ...

High-level Static and Dynamic Visualisation of Software Architectures

PARSE-DAT uses process diagrams. Several systems including SAAMTool [13]

UML How do people draw / write down software architecture

21/02/2013 software architecture? Example architectures person. UMass student ... it's okay to omit things from UML diagrams if they aren't.

Describing Software Architecture with UML

architecture description. Then we give an example of a software architecture Figure 1 is a UML diagram that describes much of the conceptual view.

A Game of Attribute Decomposition for Software Architecture Design

Key words: Software architecture coalition game

HP Architecture Template description with examples

Key words: software architecture document template

A Simple and Practical Embedded Software System Architecture

Compared with the Android software architecture diagram the embedded software system can also be A simple example is shown in Fig.3.

[PDF] Software Architecture

Software architecture is organised in views which are Example of a layered architecture: ISO/OSI Described using a UML diagram

[PDF] 18-642 Software Architecture and High Level Design

Many different architecture diagrams are possible such as: ? Software architecture (components and data flow types) Example Sequence Diagram 

[PDF] Software Architecture Document - European Commission

21 juil 2016 · The following diagram provides a high-level view of the main packages composing the system The Database persistence and file system persistence 

[PDF] Software Architecture Documentation

The purpose of this document is to provide a detailed architecture design of Software Requirements Specification for a context diagram and a detailed 


Manual collection and analysis of feedback by the employees MVC: Model-View-Controller a software architecture pattern that separates the

[PDF] System architecture diagram example pdf - Squarespace

Improve communication: Software architecture diagrams visualize the game plan for everyone—aligning project goals across all teams departments and 

[PDF] Using UML to express Software Architecture - Washington

Use case diagrams ? Class diagrams ? Object diagrams ? Sequence diagrams ? Collaboration diagrams ? Statechart diagrams ? Activity diagrams ? 

[PDF] Architecture Design & Sequence Diagram - CSUN

Simple informal block diagrams showing entities and p g g relationships are the most frequently used method for documenting software architectures h h b db

[PDF] Architectural Blueprints—The “4+1” View Model of Software

Abstract This article presents a model for describing the architecture of software-intensive systems based on the use of multiple concurrent views

  • What is software architecture with example?

    Software architecture is, simply, the organization of a system. This organization includes all components, how they interact with each other, the environment in which they operate, and the principles used to design the software. In many cases, it can also include the evolution of the software into the future.
  • How to draw architecture diagram for software?

    How to diagram system architecture for software products

    1Start with a whiteboard. Write down every element of the system that you can think of, then use lines and arrows to show how they connect to each other. 2Pick a tool. 3Draft your diagram. 4Get feedback. 5Make it look nice.
  • What is a software architecture diagram?

    Software architecture diagrams visually represent software components, relationships, and system interactions. They document, analyze, and communicate software design and are used to make decisions on implementation.
  • How to design software architecture in 5 steps

    Have a clear understanding of your requirements. Start thinking about each component. Divide your architecture into slices. Prototype. Identify and quantify non-functional requirements. Visualize your design. Don't choose patterns.




Howdopeopledraw/writedownso9warearchitecture?Examplearchitectures personUMassstudentCS320studentVerizonWirelessGPSsatelliteCellphoneseaagentlakeagentamphibiousagent


• WhatisUML? - WhyshouldIbother?DopeoplereallyuseUML? • WhatisaUMLclassdiagram? - WhatkindofinformaLongoesintoit?- HowdoIcreateit?- WhenshouldIcreateit?


• design:specifyingthestructureofhowaso9waresystemwillbewriQenandfuncLon,withoutactuallywriLngthecompleteimplementaLon

• atransiLonfrom"what"thesystemmustdo,to "how"thesystemwilldoit - Whatclasseswillweneedtoimplementasystemthat meetsourrequirements? - Whatfieldsandmethodswilleachclasshave?- Howwilltheclassesinteractwitheachother?


• classidenLficaLonfromprojectspec/requirements - nounsarepotenLalclasses,objects,fields- verbsarepotenLalmethodsorresponsibiliLesofaclass • CRCcardexercises - writedownclasses'namesonindexcards- nexttoeachclass,listthefollowing:

• responsibili,es:problemstobesolved;shortverbphrases• collaborators:otherclassesthataresentmessagesbythisclass

(asymmetric) • UMLdiagrams - classdiagrams(today)- sequencediagrams- ...



In an effort to promote Object Oriented designs, three leading object oriented programming researchers joined ranks to combine their languages:

- Grady Booch (BOOCH) - Jim Rumbaugh (OML: object modeling technique) - Ivar Jacobsen (OOSE: object oriented software eng) and come up with an industry standard [mid 1990's].

UML - Unified Modeling Language

• The result is large (as one might expect) - Union of all Modeling Languages

• Use case diagrams • Class diagrams • Object diagrams • Sequence diagrams • Collaboration diagrams • Statechart diagrams • Activity diagrams • Component diagrams • Deployment diagrams • ....

- But it's a nice standard that has been embraced by the industry.


• UML:picturesofanOOsystem - programminglanguagesarenotabstractenoughforOO design - UMLisanopenstandard;lotsofcompaniesuseit • WhatislegalUML? - adescrip(velanguage:rigidformalsyntax(like programming) - aprescrip(velanguage:shapedbyusageandconvenLon- it'sokaytoomitthingsfromUMLdiagramsiftheyaren't neededbyteam/supervisor/instructor


• asasketch:tocommunicateaspectsofsystem

- forwarddesign:doingUMLbeforecoding- backwarddesign:doingUMLa9ercodingasdocumentaLon- o9endoneonwhiteboardorpaper- usedtogetroughselecLveideas

• asablueprint:acompletedesigntobeimplemented - someLmesdonewithCASE(Computer-AidedSo9ware


• asaprogramminglanguage:withtherighttools,codecan beauto-generatedandexecutedfromUML - onlygoodifthisisfasterthancodingina"real"language


• WhatisaUMLclassdiagram? • Whataresomethingsthatarenot representedinaUMLclassdiagram? n details of how the classes interact with each other n algorithmic details n how a particular behavior is implemented n UML class diagram: a picture of

n the classes in an OO system n their fields and methods n connections between the classes n that interact or inherit from each other


• classnameintopofbox - write<>ontopofinterfaces'names- useitalicsforanabstractclassname • aQributes(opLonal) - shouldincludeallfieldsoftheobject • operaLons/methods(opLonal) - mayomittrivial(get/set)methods • butdon'tomitanymethodsfromaninterface! - shouldnotincludeinheritedmethods



• aQributes(fields,instancevariables) - visibilityname:type[count]=default_value- visibility:+public #protected-private~package(default)/derived - underlinestaLcaQributes- deriveda ribute:notstored,butcan becomputedfromotheraQributevalues - aQributeexample: -balance:double=0.00


• operaLons/methods - visibilityname(parameters):return_type- visibility:+public #protected-private~package(default) - underlinestaLcmethods- parametertypeslistedas(name:type)- omitreturn_typeonconstructorsand whenreturntypeisvoid - methodexample: +distance(p1:Point,p2:Point):double


• representedasafoldednote,aQachedtotheappropriateclass/method/etcbyadashedline


• generaliza,on:aninheritancerelaLonship - inheritancebetweenclasses- interfaceimplementaLon • associa,on:ausagerelaLonship - dependency- aggregaLon- composiLon


• generalizaLon(inheritance)relaLonships - hierarchiesdrawntop-downwitharrowspoinLng upwardtoparent - line/arrowstylesdiffer,basedonwhetherparentis a(n): • class: solidline,blackarrow • abstractclass: solidline,whitearrow • interface: dashedline,whitearrow - weo9endon'tdrawtrivial/obviousgeneralizaLon relaLonships,suchasdrawingtheObjectclassasaparent


• associaLonal(usage)relaLonships


• *⇒0,1,ormore• 1⇒1exactly• 2..4⇒between2and4,inclusive• 3..*⇒3ormore



n one-to-one n each student must carry exactly one ID card n one-to-many n one rectangle list can contain many rectangles


• aggrega,on:"ispartof" - symbolizedbyaclearwhitediamond • composi,on:"isenLrelymadeof" - strongerversionofaggregaLon- thepartsliveanddiewiththewhole- symbolizedbyablackdiamond • dependency:"usestemporarily" - symbolizedbydoQedline- o9enisanimplementaLon detail,notanintrinsicpartofthatobject'sstate 1 1

Car aggregation Engine

Lottery Ticket Random

dependency Page Book composition * 1

Class diagram example

Aggregation - Order class contains OrderDetail classes. Could be composition?

UML example: people




DVD Movie VHS Movie Video Game

Rental Item

Rental Invoice

1..* 1

Customer Checkout Screen

0..1 1



Class Abstract




Generalization Composition Multiplicity



1 100


• Violet(free) - hQp://horstmann.com/violet/ • RaLonalRose - hQp://www.raLonal.com/ • VisualParadigmUMLSuite(trial) - hQp://www.visual-paradigm.com/- (nearly)directdownloadlink: hQp://www.visual-paradigm.com/vp/download.jsp?product=vpuml&ediLon=ce (therearemanyothers,butmostarecommercial)


• ConsiderthisTexasHold'empokergamesystem:

- 2to8humanorcomputerplayers- Eachplayerhasanameandstackofchips- Computerplayershaveadifficultyseqng:easy,medium,hard- Summaryofeachhand:

• Dealercollectsantefromappropriateplayers,shufflesthedeck,anddeals eachplayerahandof2cardsfromthedeck.

• Abeqngroundoccurs,followedbydealing3sharedcardsfromthedeck.• Assharedcardsaredealt,morebeqngroundsoccur,whereeachplayercan

fold,check,orraise. • Attheendofaround,ifmorethanoneplayerisremaining,players'handsare compared,andthebesthandwinsthepotofallchipsbetsofar. - Whatclassesareinthissystem?WhataretheirresponsibiliLes?


- Drawaclassdiagramforthissystem.IncluderelaLonshipsbetween classes(generalizaLonandassociaLonal). UML



• sequencediagram:an"interacLondiagram"thatmodelsasinglescenarioexecuLnginthesystem - perhaps2ndmostusedUMLdiagram (behindclassdiagram) • relaLonofUMLdiagramstootherexercises: - CRCcards->classdiagram- usecases->sequencediagrams


• par,cipant:anobjectoranenLty;thesequencediagramactor - sequencediagramstartswithanunaQached "foundmessage"arrow • message:communicaLonbetweenobjects• theaxesinasequencediagram: - horizontal:whichobject/parLcipantisacLng- verLcal:Lme(forwardinLme)




• Anobject:asquarewithobjecttype,opLonallyprecededbyobjectnameandcolon - writeobject'snameifitclarifiesthediagram- object's"lifeline"representedbydashedvert. line• message(methodcall):horizontalarrowtootherobject - writemessagenameandargumentsabovearrow


• Typeofarrowindicatestypesofmessages - dashedarrowbackindicatesreturn- differentarrowheadsfornormal/concurrent (asynchronous)methods


• crea(on:arrowwith'new'wriQenaboveit - anobjectcreateda9erthe startofthescenarioappearslowerthantheothers • dele(on:anXatboQomof object'slifeline - Javadoesn'texplicitlydelete objects;theyfalloutofscopeandaregarbagecollected


• ac,va,on:thickboxoverobject'slifeline - Either:thatobjectisrunningitscodeoritison thestackwaiLngforanotherobject'smethod - nesttoindicaterecursion

Activation Nesting



• frame:boxaroundpartofasequencediagramtoindicateselecLonorloop

- if->(opt)[condiLon]- if/else->(alt)[condiLon],separatedbyhorizontaldashedline- loop->(loop)[condiLonoritemstoloopover]


Ifonesequencediagramistoolargeorreferstoanotherdiagram: - anunfinishedarrowandcomment- a"ref"framethatnamestheotherdiagram

Verify customer credit

refCustomer Info


sd Example loop











• Whatcanyousayaboutthecontrolflowofeachofthefollowingsystems? - Isitcentralized?- Isitdistributed?


• Sequencediagramscanbesomewhatclosetothecodelevel.Sowhynotjustcodeupthatalgorithmratherthandrawingitasasequencediagram?

n a good sequence diagram is still a bit above the level of the real code (not all code is drawn on diagram)

n sequence diagrams are language-agnostic (can be implemented in many different languages

n non-coders can do sequence diagrams n easier to do sequence diagrams as a team n can see many objects/classes at a time on same

page (visual bandwidth)


ThescenariobeginswhentheplayerchoosestostartanewroundintheUI.TheUIaskswhetheranynewplayerswanttojointheround;ifso,thenewplayersareaddedusingtheUI. A ll play ers'handsareempLedintothedeck,whichisthenshuffled.Theplayerle9ofthedealersuppliesablindbetoftheproperamount.Next,eachplayerisdealta handoftwocardsfromthedeckinaround-robinfashion;onecardtoeachplayer.Thenthesecondcard.Iftheplayerle9ofthedealerdoesn'thaveenoughmoneyforhis/herblind,he/shei sremovedfromthegame andthenextplayersuppliestheblind.Ifthatplayeralsocannotaffordtheblind,thiscycleconLnuesunLlarich-enoughplayerisfoundorallplayersareremoved.



TheuserchoosestoaddanewappointmentintheUI.TheUInoLceswhichpartofthecalendarisacLveandpopsupanAddAppointmentwindowforthatdateandLme. T he use rentersthenecessaryinformaLonabouttheappointment'sname,locaLon,startandendLmes. TheUIwi llpreven ttheuserfr omenteringanappointmentthathasinvalidinfor maLon, suchasan emptynameornegaLveduraLon.Thecalendarrec ord sthenewapp ointmentintheuser'sl istofappointments.Anyreminderselectedbytheuserisaddedtothelistofreminders.IftheuseralreadyhasanappointmentatthatLme,theuserisshownawarningmessageandaskedtocho oseanavail ableLmeorrep lacethe previousappointment.IftheuserentersanappointmentwiththesamenameandduraLonasanexisLnggroupmeeLng,thecalendaraskstheuserwhetherhe/sheintendedtojointhatgroupmeeLnginstead.Ifso,theuserisaddedtothatgroupmeeLng'slistofparLcipants.

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