[PDF] C Programming for Engineers Structures Unions

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C Structures

Structures are also called records. • A structure type in C is called struct. • Unlike arrays a struct is composed of data of different.


Thomson publication. 2. “Data structure in C” by Tanenbaum PHI publication / Pearson publication. 3. Pai: ”Data Structures & Algorithms; Concepts

Chapter - 8 : Structures and Unions

<data_type> <variable_name>;. } ;. Example. To define a simple union of a char variable and an integer variable union shared. { char c;.

Structures and Unions

A structure inside another structure is called an embedded structure. A printf(“ sizeof(var.c) is %d”sizeof(var.c)); var.a=10; printf(“ value of ...


Suppose we want to store a date inside a C program. Then we can define a structure called date with three elements day

Data Structures

This second edition of Data Structures Using C has been developed to provide a comprehensive and consistent coverage of both the abstract concepts of data 

Data structures using C

Chapter 8 explores one of the most important non-linear data structures i.e. Trees. The ways to represent binary trees through arrays and linked lists and the 


2. Sartaj Sahni Ellis Horowitz

C Structures

Structures are also called records. • A structure type in C is called struct. • Unlike arrays a struct is composed of data of different.

C Programming for Engineers Structures Unions

Keyword struct introduces the structure definition. ? Members of the same structure type must have Storage in Memory. ? struct example { char c;.


Linear and binary search methods Hashing techniques and hash functions. Text Books: 1. Gilberg and Forouzan: “Data Structure- A Pseudo code approach with C” by.

Structures in C

C - STRUCTURES. C arrays allow you to define type of variables that can hold several data items of the same kind but structure is another user defined data 


struct is the required C keyword variables pointers


Structure of C Language program. 1 ) Comment line. 2) Preprocessor directive. 3 ) Global variable declaration. 4) main function( ). {. Local variables;.

Data Structures

choice of data structure used for a particular algorithm is always of the utmost This second edition of Data Structures Using C has been developed to ...


Lecture 3: Introduction to C structure of C programming. Lecture 4: Elements of C. Lecture 5: Variables

C Programming: Data Structures and Algorithms

8 dec. 2008 Data Structures and Algorithms. An introduction to elementary programming concepts in C. Jack Straub Instructor. Version 2.07 DRAFT ...


how well does the Jordan structure of the self-adjoint operators determine the ring structure of a C*-algebra? We shall be concerned with two aspects of 

[PDF] C Structures - GWU SEAS

Structure Definition • A Structure is a collection of related data items possibly of different types • Structures are also called records

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C - STRUCTURES C arrays allow you to define type of variables that can hold several data items of the same kind but structure is another user defined data 

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C 1 Quelques cours de programmation Pour printf() un format est une chaîne de caractères dans laquelle sont insérés les caractères

[PDF] C Programming Structure

Structure is the collection of variables of different types under a single name for better handling For example: You want to store the information about 


A structure type is usually defined at the beginning of a program This usually occurs just after the main() statement in a file Then a variable of this

[PDF] C Programming for Engineers Structures Unions

1 C Programming for Engineers Structures Unions ICEN 360– Spring 2017 Prof Dola Saha Keyword struct introduces the structure definition

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What is a Structure? ? Used for handling a group of logically related data items ?Examples:

[PDF] Structures and Unions

Structure is a user defined data type used to represent a group of data items of different types using a single name The syntax of structure declaration is

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Par convention les noms de structures commencent par une minuscule en C 1 1 1 Déclaration d'une variable de type structure


1C Programming for EngineersStructures, Unions ICEN 360-Spring 2017Prof. Dola Saha

2StructureØCollections of related variables under one name.ØVariables of may be of different data types.Østructcard {char*face;char*suit;};ØKeyword structintroduces the structure definition. ØMembers of the same structure type must have unique names, but two different structure types may contain members of the same name without conflict.TagMembers

3Structure DeclarationØstructemployee {charfirstName[20];charlastName[20];unsigned intage;chargender;doublehourlySalary;}; Østructemployee employee1, employee2;Østructemployee employees[100];Østructemployee {charfirstName[20];charlastName[20];unsigned intage;chargender;doublehourlySalary;}employee1, employee2, *employeePtr;

4Structure TagØThe structure tag name is optional. ØIf a structure definition does not contain a structure tag name, variables of the structure type may be declared onlyin the structure definition - notin a separate declaration.

5Self ReferenceØA structure cannot contain an instance of itself. ØA variable of type structemployee cannot be declared in the definition for structemployee. ØA pointer to structemployee, may be included. ØFor example,ostructemployee2 {charfirstName[20];charlastName[20];unsigned intage;chargender;doublehourlySalary; structemployee2 person; // ERROR structemployee2 *ePtr; // pointer };Østructemployee2contains an instance of itself (person), which is an error.

6Storage in MemoryØStructures may notbe compared using operators == and !=, because §structure members are not necessarily stored in consecutive bytes of memory. ØComputers may store specific data types only on certain memory boundaries such as half-word, word or double-word boundaries. ØA word is a standard memory unit used to store data in a computer - usually 2 bytes or 4 bytes.

7Storage in MemoryØstructexample {charc;inti;} sample1, sample2;Possible storage, but machine dependant

8InitializationØstructcard {char*face;char*suit;};Østructcard aCard= {"Three", "Hearts"};ØIf there are fewer initializers in the list than members in the structure, §the remaining members are automatically initialized to 0 §or NULL if the member is a pointer. ØAssignment Statement of same structtype§structcard aCard1 = aCard2;

9Accessing Structure MembersØthe structure member operator(.) - also called the dot operator§printf("%s", aCard.suit); // displays HeartsØthe structure pointer operator (->) - also called the arrow operator.§cardPtr= &aCard;§printf("%s", cardPtr->suit); // displays Hearts§Following are equivalentocardPtr->suito(*cardPtr).suit


11Structure with FunctionØStructures may be passed to functions by §passing individual structure members§by passing an entire structure§by passing a pointer to a structure. ØFunctions can return §individual structure members§an entire structure§a pointer to a structure

12typedefØThe keyword typedefis a way to create synonyms (or aliases) for previously defined data types. ØNames for structure types are often defined with typedefto create shorter type names.ØExample:§typedefstructcard Card;Cardis a synonym for typestructcard.ØExample:§typedefstruct{char*face;char*suit;} Card; §Card myCard, *myCardPtr, deck[52];

13Card Shuffling Example (1)

14Card Shuffling Example (2)

15Card Shuffling Example (3)

16Card Shuffling Example (4)

17Card Shuffling Example (5)

18Classwork AssignmentØWrite a program to generate data for N students. Use structure to create numeric ID and points (max 100) as 2 separate members. Randomly generate data for N students. Display both the ID and the points of the student who has received highest point.

19UnionØA unionis a derived data type - like a structure - with members that share the same storage space. ØFor different situations in a program, some variables may not be relevant, but other variables are - so a union shares the space instead of wasting storage on variables that are not being used. ØThe members of a union can be of any data type. ØThe number of bytes used to store a union must be at least enough to hold the largestmember.

20DefinitionØunionnumber {intx;doubley;};ØIn a declaration, a union may be initialized with a value of the same type as the first union member. Øunionnumber value = {10};Øunionnumber value = {1.43}; // ERROR

21Permitted OperationsØThe operations that can be performed on a union are: §assigning a union to another union of the same type, §taking the address (&) of a union variable,§and accessing union members using the structure member operator and the structure pointer operator. ØUnions may not be compared using operators == and != for the same reasons that structures cannot be compared.

22Union Example (1)

23Union Example (2)

24EnumerationØKeyword enum, is a set of integer enumeration constantsrepresented by identifiers. ØValues in an enumstart with 0, unless specified otherwise, and are incremented by 1. ØFor example, the enumerationoenummonths {JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC};creates a new type, enummonths, identifiers are set to the integers 0 to 11, respectively. ØExample:§enummonths {JAN= 1, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC}; identifiers are set to integers 1to 12, respectively.

25Enumeration Example

26Enumeration Example Output

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