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Homework #4 Solutions Math 3283W - Fall 2016 The following is a

11?/10?/2016 Injective but not surjective; there is no n for which f(n)=3/4


28?/10?/2011 However g is not injective

2. Properties of Functions 2.1. Injections Surjections


fun.1 Kinds of Functions

Figure 1: A surjective function has every element of the codomain as a value An example of a function which is neither injective nor surjective

Homework # 12 Solutions

= {?5+4n : n ? N ? {0}}. 3. Consider functions from Z to Z. Give an example of. (a) a function that is injective but not surjective;.


18?/11?/2016 Example. The function f : R ? R given by f(x) = x2 is not injective as e.g.

15. InJECtiVE sURJECtiVE And BiJECtiVE The notion of an

This is a minimal example of function which is not injective. One way to think of injective functions is that if f is injective we don't lose any information.

Solutions for Chapter 17 403 17.6 Solutions for Chapter 17

and whether it is surjective. What if it had been defined as cos : R ? [?11]? The function cos : R ? R is not injective because

Chapter 7 - Injective and Surjective Functions

For example 2 is in the codomain of f and f .x/ ¤ 2 for all x in the domain of f. 2. A Function that Is Not an Injection but Is a Surjection].

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The function does not have to be injective or surjective to find the inverse image of a set For example the function f(n) = 1 with domain and codomain all 

[PDF] Homework  Solutions Math 3283W - Fall 2016 The following is a

11 oct 2016 · (4) In each part find a function f : N ? N that has the desired properties (a) Surjective but not injective One possible answer is f(n) = L

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For each example prove that your function satisfies the given property Solution: (a) The function f = {(x3x) : x ? Z} is injective but not surjective

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A function f is a one-to-one correpondence or bijection if and only if it is both one-to-one and onto (or both injective and surjective) An important example 

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1 mai 2020 · In some cases it's possible to prove surjectivity indirectly Example Define f : R ? R by f(x) = x2(x ? 1) Show that f is not injective 


This is a minimal example of function which is not injective One way to think of injective functions is that if f is injective we don't lose any information

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Similarly if you claim a function is only surjective you must prove it is surjective and not injective (a) Define f : Z ? Z such that f(x)=3x

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both injective and surjective ? Bijections are sometimes called one-to- one correspondences ? Not to be confused with 

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18 nov 2016 · Example The function f : R ? R given by f(x) = x2 is not injective as e g (?1)2 = 

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Solution: This function is not injective (since (?1) = 1 = (1)) It is also not surjective because for example 2 is not in the range of the function 

  • What is an example of a surjective but not Injective function?

    The function f:R?R defined by f(x)=arctanx is injective but not surjective, whereas g:R?R defined by g(x)=x3?x is surjective but not injective.
  • Can a function be surjective if not injective?

    An injective function need not be surjective (not all elements of the codomain may be associated with arguments), and a surjective function need not be injective (some images may be associated with more than one argument).
  • What is surjective and not injective?

    Injective means we won't have two or more "A"s pointing to the same "B". So many-to-one is NOT OK (which is OK for a general function). Surjective means that every "B" has at least one matching "A" (maybe more than one).
  • To show a function is not surjective we must show f(A) = B. Since a well-defined function must have f(A) ? B, we should show B ? f(A). Thus to show a function is not surjective it is enough to find an element in the codomain that is not the image of any element of the domain.



1.Injective and surjective functions

There are two types of special properties of functions which are important in many dierent mathematical theories, and which you may have seen. The rst property we require is the notion of an injective function. Denition.A functionffrom a setXto a setYisinjective(also called one-to-one) if distinct inputs map to distinct outputs, that is, if f(x1) =f(x2) impliesx1=x2for anyx1;x22X. Example.The functionf:R!Rgiven byf(x) =x2is not injective as, e.g., (1)2= 12= 1. In general, you can tell if functions like this are one-to-one by using thehorizontal line test; if a horizontal line ever intersects the graph in two dier- ent places, the real-valued function is not injective. In this example, it is clear that the parabola can intersect a horizontal line at more than one point. Example.The projection operatorT:R2!R2withT(x;y) = (x;0)isn't injective, as many points can project to the same point on thex-axis. The dual notion which we shall require is that of surjective functions. Denition.A functionf:X!Yissurjective(also called onto) if every element y2Yis in the image off, that is, if for anyy2Y, there is somex2Xwithf(x) =y. Example.The examplef(x) =x2as a function fromR!Ris also not onto, as negative numbers aren't squares of real numbers. For example, the square root of1 isn't a real number. However, like every function, this is sujective when we changeYto be the image of the map. In this case,f(x) =x2can also be considered as a map from Rto the set of non-negative real numbers, and it is then a surjective function. Thus, note that injectivity of functions is typically well-dened, whereas the same function can be thought of as mapping into possible many dierent setsY(although we will typically use the same letter for the function anyways), and whether the function is surjective or not will depend on this choice.Date: November 18, 2016. 1


Example.The linear transformation which rotates vectors inR2by a xed angle#, which we discussed last time, is a surjective operator fromR2!R2. To see this, note that we can nd a preimage of any vector by undoing the rotation and rotatingclockwise by the same angle#. Finally, we will call a functionbijective(also called a one-to-one correspondence) if it is both injective and surjective. It is not hard to show, but a crucial fact is that functions have inverses (with respect to function composition) if and only if they are bijective. Example.A bijection from a nite set to itself is just a permutation. Specically, ifX is a nite set withnelements, we might as well label its elements as1;2;:::n(if you take the elements of a set and paint them green, it doesn't change anything about the set), and then the permutations which we discussed before are precisely the bijections of X. More generally, for nite setsX;Ya bijection fromX!Yexists if and only if they have the same number of elements. Surprisingly, there is even a bijection fromRtoR2 (although it is not an obvious one, and horribly violates usual properties of functions in calculus like dierentiability). However, Cantor very famously showed that there is no bijection from the set of positive integers toR, meaning that some innities are really \larger" than other innities. Thus, functions between sets without additional structure are too coarse to notice anything like geometry or dimension, and can be quite strange. In general, it can take some work to check if a function is injective or surjective by hand. However, for linear transformations of vector spaces, there are enough extra constraints to make determining these properties straightforward. Our rst main result along these lines is the following. Theorem.A linear transformation is injective if and only if its kernel is the trivial subspacef0g. Proof.Suppose thatTis injective. Then for anyv2ker(T), we have (using the fact thatTis linear in the second equality)

T(v) = 0 =T(0);

and so by injectivityv= 0.

Conversely, suppose that ker(T) =f0g. Then if

T(x) =T(y);

by linearity we have

0 =T(x)T(y) =T(xy);

so thatxy2ker(T) But as only 0 is in the kernel,xy= 0, orx=y. Thus,Tis injective.


Example.This is completely false for non-linear functions. For example, the map f:R!Rwithf(x) =x2was seen above to not be injective, but its \kernel" is zero as f(x) = 0implies thatx= 0. Example.Consider the linear transformationT:R2! P2given by

T((a;b)) =ax2+bx:

This is a linear transformation as

T((a;b) + (a0;b0)) =T((a+a0;b+b0)) = (a+a0)x2+ (b+b0)x = (ax2+bx) + (a0x2+b0x) =T((a;b)) +T((a0;b0)) and T(c(a;b)) =T((ca;cb)) = (ca)x2= (cb)x=c(ax2+bx) =cT((a;b)): Note thatker(T) =f0g, as ifT((a;b)) = 0, then the polynomialax2+bxmust be identically zero, and hencea=b= 0, so(a;b) = 02R2. Thus, we automatically have thatTis injective. A particularly interesting phenomenon arises whenVandWhave the same dimension. Theorem.IfVandWare nite-dimensional vector spaces with the same dimension, then a linear mapT:V!Wis injective if and only if it is surjective. In particular, ker(T) =f0gif and only ifTis bijective. Proof.By the rank-nullity theorem, the dimension of the kernel plus the dimension of the image is the common dimension ofVandW, sayn. By the last result,Tis injective if and only if the kernel isf0g, that is, if and only if it the nullity is zero. By the rank-nullity theorem, this happens if and only if the rank ofTisn, that is, if and only if the image ofTis ann-dimensional subspace of the (n-dimensional) vector spaceW. But the only full-dimensional subspace of a nite-dimensional vector space is itself, so this happens if and only if the image is all ofW, namely, ifTis surjective. In particular, we will say that a linear transformation between vector spacesVand Wof the same dimension is anisomorphism, and thatVandWareisomorphic, writtenV=W, if it is bijective. If two vector spaces are isomorphic, we can think of them as being \the same." Example.For any non-negative integern, all vector spaces of dimensionnover a eld Fare isomorphic to toFn(and hence to each other, as it isn't too hard to show that=is anequivalence relation). To nd an isomorphism from a vector spaceVof dimension ntoF, choose some basisv1;:::;vnofV. Then we have a functionT:V!Fngiven by taking coordinate vectors with respect to this basis, and it isn't hard to show that this map is linear. The last theorem shows that it is bijective if the kernel is zero, as VandFnhave the same dimension by assumption. To see that this is true, suppose that some coordinate vectorc= (c1;:::;cn)of some non-zero vectorvwas zero. Then v=c1v1+:::+cnvn= 0, which contradicts the assumption thatv6= 0.


Another key property of linear transformations is that they are determined by their values on a basis, and can, moreover, be specied to have arbitrary values on basis elements. We have seen this when we studied multilinear maps, but for completeness we record a version of this result here. Theorem.Suppose thatVandWare vector spaces overFand thatfv1;:::;vngis a ba- sis forV. Then for any vectorsw1;:::;wn2W, there is a unique linear transformation

T:V!Wfor which

T(vj) =wj;

withj= 1;:::;n. The process of building up a linear transformation by using its values on a basis is calledextending by linearity. In particular, if two linear transformations have the same values on a set of basis vectors forV, then they are equal on all ofV. Example.Suppose that we take as a basis forR3the setfv1;v2;v3g=f(1;1;1);(2;3;1);(4;1;5)g. This is really a basis as if we put them into a matrix and take the determinant, we nd det0 @1 2 4 1 3 1

1 1 51

A =26= 0: Suppose that we dene a linear functionT:R3! P(R)by settingT(v1) =x25, T(v2) =x7+ 1,T(v3) = 11and extending linearly. Then the values ofTon any vector (a;b;c)2R3may be found by nding the coordinate vector and pluggin in. For instance, ifv= (1;2;5), then we saw before that we could nd the coordinate vectorcofvby taking the product0 @1 2 4 1 3 1

1 1 51

A1 0 @1 2 51
A =0 @7 3 5



A 0 @1 2 51
A =0 @24 13=2 5=21 A Thus,

T(v) =T(24v113v2=25v3=2) = 24T(v1)132


T(v3) = 24(x25)132 (x7+ 1)552 =132 x7+ 24x2154 Example.Many linear transformations fromRn!Rmmight be specied by determin- ing their actions on the standard unit basise1;:::;enofRnand extending by linearity. As we shall see, we can easily use these values nd a matrix whose associated linear transformation agrees on these basis vectors, which will illuminate the role of matrices in the theory of linear transformations.quotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20
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