[PDF] EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels 17.12.2013 COM(2013) 913

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Sustainable Cities - Hubs of Innovation Low Carbon

For a successful path towards sustainable city development there is a great need for the integration of climate resilience into urban planning and management.

Sustainable Cities in Theory and Practice

02.06.2007 grass root movement of the eco-city concept is also explored as it is a broader approach to sustainable urban planning then the UN HABITAT ...

Smart City Wien Framework Strategy 2019-2050 - Viennas Strategy

https://www.wien.gv.at/stadtentwicklung/studien/pdf/b008551.pdf The Smart City Wien Framework Strategy is based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals ...

City of Brampton

SUSTAINABLE CITY CONCEPT. The principle of sustainable development represents the foundation of this Official. Plan as it continues to guide Brampton's 

FS_Eco-city 01 02

The concept of an “eco-city” was introduced in the 1987 book Ecocity /pool/de/events/2011/corporate/2011-02-asia/asian-gci-report-e.pdf (accessed 27.

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels 17.12.2013 COM(2013) 913

17.12.2013 This document sets out a concept for the development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans that has emerged from a broad exchange between ...

The Sustainable City

often contradicting interests can support the idea. The 'sustainable city' thus becomes an adaptive concept that is used by many actors on different 

United Nations

02.10.2015 definition of smart sustainable cities a set of draft indicators ... at www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/hlm/documents/2014/ece.hbp.179.en.pdf.

Smart Sustainable Cities Assessment Information Management

An important use case of the smart sustainable city concept is the sharing economy which F6AFA76EBB73%7DSustainable Cities Index 2016 Global Web.pdf.

United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC)

Key Performance Indicators project for Smart Sustainable Cities to reach the. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a sign of ITU's growing expertise in 

[PDF] Sustainable Cities - UNIDO

Sustainable and inclusive industrialization of cities provides opportunities for developing synergies such as decoupling economic growth from environmental 

[PDF] The Sustainable Citypdf

This book focuses on cities because place matters Economic technologi- cal and cultural forces are moving people out of rural areas and into urban areas

(PDF) Smart Sustainable Cities: Definition and Challenges

PDF In this chapter we investigate the concept of Smart Sustainable Cit-ies We begin with five major developments of the last decades and show how

[PDF] Sustainable City Concept

To ensure that Brampton will grow in a sustainable manner the City is committed to plan for compact and transit supportive communities that use resources

[PDF] What makes a sustainable city? - Nordic Council of Ministers

The smart city concept is revolutionising the way cities operate and the way in which people interact with each other and their surroundings Founded on the 

[PDF] The Sustainable City - CORE

play in the achievement of sustainable cities This thesis seeks to investigate whether the idea and the conceptualisation of the sustainable city is 


concept Furthermore density may not just be an end in itself but may FOR YOUTH WORKERS AND YOUTH WORK 12 RETHINKING SUSTAINABLE CITIES 


Half of humanity—3 5 bil- lion people—live in cities today and this number will continue to grow Because the future will be urban for a majority


The publication People-Smart Sustainable Cities prepared within the “Sustainable Cities function as hubs and testbeds in this respect absorbing ideas 

[PDF] Smart Sustainable Cities: Definition and Challenges

Increasing environmental awareness and concern urbanization and technological development have together resulted in an urgent need and opportunity to rethink

  • What is the concept of sustainable city?

    A sustainable city reduces environmental impacts through its activities and promotes sustainable consumption and production patterns in accordance with its own territorial, geographical, social, economic and cultural conditions.
  • What are the key concepts for sustainable cities?

    Some of the features of sustainable cities include; green infrastructure (green space, green infrastructure, urban agriculture), alternative transport, renewable energy, waste management, and prioritising people.
  • What are the 5 key characteristics of sustainable cities?

    Here are the ten characteristics of a sustainable city as a result of environmentally-conscious urban planning.

    City-Wide Access To Public Transportation. Pedestrian- and Bike-Friendly Sidewalks. Electric Car Charging Stations. Renewable Energy. Sustainable Architecture. Urban Agriculture And Food Production.
  • Sustainable smart cities are those which can preserve a healthy urban environment for present and future generations. Aside from reducing emissions and increasing efficiency, degrowth cities also focus on social, economic, and environmental goals.




Brussels, 17.12.2013

COM(2013) 913 final




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Together towards competitive and resource-efficient urban mobility {SWD(2013) 524 final} {SWD(2013) 525 final} {SWD(2013) 526 final} {SWD(2013) 527 final} {SWD(2013) 528 final} {SWD(2013) 529 final}




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Together towards competitive and resource-efficient urban mobility This document sets out a concept for the development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans that has emerged from a broad exchange between stakeholders and planning experts across the Union, which were supported by Commission initiatives like the ELTIS Plus project. The concept reflects a broad consensus on the main features of a modern and sustainable urban mobility and transport plan. It is not proposed that this concept represents a one-size-fits-all approach to urban transport planning. Instead the concept can and should be adapted to the particular circumstances of the Member State and urban areas. The elements below should be seen as guiding principles.

Goals and objectives

A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan has as its central goal improving accessibility of urban areas and providing high-quality and sustainable mobility and transport to, through and within the urban area. It regards the needs of the 'functioning city' and its hinterland rather than a municipal administrative region. In pursuit of this goal, a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan seeks to contribute to development of an urban transport system which: (a.) Is accessible and meets the basic mobility needs of all users; (b.) Balances and responds to the diverse demands for mobility and transport services by citizens, businesses and industry; (c.) Guides a balanced development and better integration of the different transport modes; (d.) Meets the requirements of sustainability, balancing the need for economic viability, social equity, health and environmental quality; (e.) Optimises efficiency and cost effectiveness; (f.) Makes better use of urban space and of existing transport infrastructure and services; (g.) Enhances the attractiveness of the urban environment, quality of life, and public health; (h.) Improves traffic safety and security; (i.) Reduces air and noise pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy consumption; and (j.) Contributes to a better overall performance of the trans-European transport network and the Europe's transport system as a whole.

Long-term vision and clear implementation plan

A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan presents, or is linked to an existing, long-term strategy for the future development of the urban area and, in this context, for the future development of transport and mobility infrastructure and services.


A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan equally includes a delivery plan for short-term implementation of the strategy. (1) Timetable and budget plan: The delivery plan should include a timetable for implementation as well as a budget plan. Sources for the requisite funding should be identified. The delivery plan ideally should cover a period of 3-10 years. (2) Responsibilities and resources: A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan should provide a clear allocation of the responsibilities for the implementation of the policies and measures set out in the plan and identify the required resources for each actor.

Assessment of current and future performance

The development of a sustainable urban mobility should build on a careful assessment of the present and future performance of the urban transport system. (3) Status analysis and baseline: A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan should provide a comprehensive review of the current situation and the establishment of a baseline, through an 'urban mobility performance audit'', against which future progress can be measured. This analysis should include a review of the institutional set-up, planning process and delivery mechanisms. It should also include an Impact Assessment on the proposed measures. (4) Performance indicators: Suitable indicators should be identified to describe the current status of the urban transport system from the relevant policy perspectives: quality and accessibility of transport services and infrastructure; land-use and spatial development; safety and security; energy; environment; social inclusion and gender equity; economic development; health; education; etc.). A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan should identify 'hotspots' within the urban areas where performance of the present transport system is particular poor with regard to any of above policy perspectives. (5) Specific objectives: A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan should identify specific performance objectives, which are realistic in view of the current situation in the urban area, as established by the status analysis, and ambitious with regard to the goal and general objectives of a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan. (6) Targets: A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan should set measurable targets, which are based on a realistic assessment of the baseline and available resources. These targets should reflect the specific objectives of a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.

Balanced and integrated development of all modes

A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan fosters a balanced development of all relevant transport modes, while encouraging a shift towards more sustainable modes. The plan puts forward an integrated set of technical, infrastructure, policy-based, and soft measures to improve performance and cost-effectiveness with regard to the declared goal and specific objectives. The following topics would typically be addressed: (a.) Public transport: Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan should provide a strategy to enhance the quality, security, integration and accessibility of public transport services, covering infrastructure, rolling stock, and services. (b.) Non-motorised transport: Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan should incorporate a plan to raise attractiveness, safety and security of walking and cycling. Existing infrastructure should be assessed and improved where necessary. The development of new infrastructure


should be envisaged not only along the itineraries of motorised transport. Dedicated infrastructure should be considered for cyclists and pedestrians to separate them from heavy motorised traffic and to reduce travel distances, where appropriate. Infrastructure measures should be complemented by other technical, as well as policy-based, and soft measures. (c.) Inter-modality: A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan should contribute to a better integration of the different modes, and should identify measures aimed specifically at facilitating seamless and multi-modal mobility and transport. (d.) Urban road safety: A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan should present actions to improve road safety based on an analysis of the main road safety problems and risk areas in the concerned urban area. (e.) Road transport (flowing and stationary): For the road network and motorised transport, a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan should address moving and stationary traffic. Measures should aim at optimising the use of existing road infrastructure and improving the situation in the identified 'hot-spots' and overall. The potential for reallocating road space to other modes of transport or other public functions and use which are not related to transport should be explored. (f.) Urban logistics: A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan should present measures to improve the efficiency of urban logistics, including urban freight delivery, while reducing related externalities like emissions of GHG, pollutants and noise. (g.) Mobility management: A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan should include actions to foster a change towards more sustainable mobility patterns. Citizens, employers, schools, and other relevant actors should be engaged. (h.) Intelligent Transport Systems: ITS being applicable to all transport modes and mobility services, both for passengers and freight, they can support strategy formulation, policy implementation and monitoring of each of the measures designed under the framework of a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.

Horizontal and vertical integration

The development and implementation of a Sustainable Urban Mobility plan follows an integrated approach with a high level of cooperation, coordination and consultation between the different levels of government and relevant authorities. The Local Planning Authority should put in place appropriate structures and procedures. Integrated planning and implementation encompasses (a.) Interdepartmental consultation and cooperation at the local level to ensure consistency and complementarity of a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan with local policies, strategies and measures in related policy areas (such as transport; land-use and spatial planning; social services; energy; health; education; enforcement and policing, etc.). (b.) Close exchange with the relevant authorities (i) at the different levels of administration and government (e.g. district, municipality, agglomeration, region, and Member States) and (ii) in neighbouring urban areas. This exchange should involve in particular those bodies and authorities with responsibility for transport and mobility services and infrastructure inside or leading to the urban area. (c.) Familiarity with and due consideration for policy objectives and relevant development and/or transport plans, which already exist or are being developed and which impact on the concerned urban area.

Participatory approach


A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan follows a transparent and participatory approach. The Local Planning Authority should involve the relevant actors - citizens, as well as representatives of civil society and economic actors - in developing and implementing the plan from the outset and throughout the process to ensure a high level of acceptance and support.

Monitoring, review, reporting

The implementation of a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan should be closely monitored. The progress towards the goal and specific objectives of the plan and meeting the targets should be assessed regularly on the basis of the selected indicators. Appropriate action should be taken to ensure timely access to the relevant data and statistics. A monitoring report should provide the basis for a review of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan implementation.

Quality assurance

Local Planning Authorities should have mechanisms to ensure the quality and validate compliance of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan with the requirements of the Sustainable

Urban Mobility Plan concept.

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