[PDF] GLOSSARY of DANCE TERMINOLOGY - Academy of Orthopaedic

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center floor: The second portion of the ballet class comprised of the adagio

1 Glossary for Dance The glossary for Dance includes terms

dance movement principles: Fundamentals related to the craft and skill of dancing (for example the use of dynamic alignment

Vocabulary activities Words related to festivals CEFR Levels B1/B2

Festivals with a religious meaning are very important in our country. 16. We have four festivals one in each of the four seasons. 17. The dancers in the 

Dance Stage 6 Syllabus

The language of dance. • dance terminology. • names of specific terms related to performance style and movement patterns


ballet: (genre) a programmatic theatrical work for dancers and orchestra Medieval: a term used to describe things related to the Middle Ages (c450-1450).


Refers to choreography that does not tell a story nor is related to symbolic content

Table of Contents Dance

dance has a vocabulary of movement terms which GLOSSARY OF TERMS FROM THE DANCE SECTION ... Referring to the culture of people who live in and.

Is Dance a Language? Movement Meaning and Communication

questions relating to the expressive dimension of dance when she writes that terms of discussing of western theatre dance including contemporary dance.

Objectivity Expression


Appendix 2: Glossary for Dance - Arts Impact

dance terminology: vocabulary used to describe dance and dance experiences: simple dance terminology (Tier 1/PreK-2): basic pedestrian language (for example locomotor words walk run tip-toe slither roll crawl jump march and gallop; and non-locomotor words bend twist turn open and close)

Basic Dance Vocabulary

K12-Basic Dance Vocabulary 1 B Wally Rev 4-30-10 Basic Dance Vocabulary amalgamation A combination of two or more patterns or movements American style A type of ballroom dancing which evolved from social dancing and is now a fully recognized competitive style of dancing

GLOSSARY of DANCE TERMINOLOGY - Academy of Orthopaedic

Emphasizes seven basic movements in dance: Plier (to bend) Étendre (to stretch) Relever (to rise) Glisser (to slide or glide) Sauter (to jump) Élancer (to dart) Tourner (to turn) Used by the Italian and Royal (English) Ballets

Searches related to terms related to dance PDF

Dance Vocabulary 36 Dance Movement human movement combined with artistic expression force The use of energy while moving space The area covered by the dance movements (This includes shape level directions and pathways ) •directions Forward backward sideways up down etc •level The distance from the floor •pathways

What is Dance Terminology?

dance terminology: vocabulary used to describe dance and dance experiences: simple dance terminology (Tier 1/PreK-2): basic pedestrian language (for example, locomotor words walk, run, tip-toe, slither, roll, crawl, jump, march, and gallop; and non-locomotor words bend, twist, turn, open and close)

What are the 7 basic movements in dance?

Emphasizes seven basic movements in dance: Plier (to bend), Étendre (to stretch), Relever (to rise), Glisser (to slide or glide), Sauter (to jump), Élancer (to dart), Tourner (to turn). Used by the Italian and Royal (English) Ballets.

What are the elements of dance?

Dance Vocabulary Elements of Dance the basic parts of dance: space, time, and force Dance Forms the way movements are put together dance composition A group of dance movements with a beginning, a middle, and an end expressive qualities Ideas and emotions communicated by the move- ment patterns of a dance composition

What is genre in dance?

genre: A category of dance characterized by similarities in form, style, purpose, or subject matter (for example, ballet, hip hop, modern, ballroom, cultural practices). kinesthetic awareness: Pertaining to sensations and understanding of bodily movement.

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