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Primary Secondary & Tertiary Sources

Sources of information are generally categorised as primary secondary or tertiary depending on their originality and their proximity to the source or 

Primary Secondary



In this section we shall discuss about express information services

Primary Secondary


Primary Secondary and Tertiary Sources

Scope: As you conduct research you will consult different sources of information. A professor may request primary


Tertiary sources help to locate primary and secondary sources. Sources like bibliography of bibliographies; guides to the literature; directories listing.

Module One - Information sources

Definition: Tertiary sources consist of information which is a www.northeaststate.edu/library/documents/whatareperiodicals.pdf Retrieved Oct. 2 2010.

Introduction to UNB Libraries: Workbook #3: Primary Secondary

access to that information. While ideas and evidence in history are published as primary then secondary

Primary Secondary


Primary Secondary and Tertiary Sources - University of Kansas

A professor may request primary secondary or tertiarysources What does that mean? This guide explains the terms and gives examples of some primary secondary and tertiary sources These sources may vary depending on the subject Primary Sources Primary sources are original materials

Searches related to tertiary sources of information pdf PDF

Tertiary sources consist of information that is a distillation and collection of primary and secondary sources Almanacs or Fact Books Chronologies or Timelines Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Directories Databases Indexes Abstracts Bibliographies used to locate primary and secondary sources Textbooks COMPARISON ACROSS THE DISCIPLINES

What are primary secondary and tertiary sources of information?

Sources are considered primary, secondary, or tertiary depending on the originality of the information presented and their proximity or how close they are to the source of information.

When should you use tertiary sources?

Use tertiary sources in the beginning stages of your research process to: This will lay the foundation for further research and direct you to helpful primary and secondary sources that you will engage with in more detail during the writing process. What is a tertiary source?

What are the three types of sources of information?

Sources are considered primary, secondary, or tertiary depending on the originality of the information presented and their proximity or how close they are to the source of information

Are encyclopedias tertiary sources?

For example, while encyclopedias are typically considered tertiary sources, a research paper focusing on the development of encyclopedic writing since 1900 might use encyclopedia entries as direct evidence and therefore as primary sources. Am I analyzing the source itself or using it for background information?

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