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Processus de démocratisation et monarchie constitutionnelle au

12 ???? 2015 démocratique du régime marocain est possible face à un système politique qui reste fondé sur la suprématie de la monarchie et sur la ...

Le Maroc à la lumière de lenjeu démocratique

système politique marocain et que les ministères les plus importants demeurent soustraits hltp://www.rdh50.ma/Fr/pdf/contribut ions/GT3-7 .pd f.

OCR Document

1 M. Lahbabi Le gouvernement marocain à l'aube du vingtième siècle


11 ???? 2015 Resources/334934-1110315015165/Factbook2011French.pdf]. RÉFÉRENCES ... En résumé le système politique marocain favorise l'autonomie.

Le tahakkoum et la parlementarisation du régime politique marocain

24 ?????? 2017 la vie politique marocaine a tourné autour des élections législatives fixées au. 7 octobre. Tout au long de l'année Abdelillah Benkirane

Un État de droit inachevé au Maroc: quelles implications pour la

8 ???? 2020 7 CUBERTAFOND (Bernard) le Système politique marocain

??? ????????? ????????

system may be installed in the computer lab. ???????? ??? ??? ??????? ????. ??????? ?????? ???????? 

Energy Policies Beyond IEA Countries: Morocco 2019 Review

Au Maroc la politique énergétique et climatique a connu des évolutions majeures depuis Vers une transformation du système énergétique.

Morocco election report (French).qxd

7 ???? 2007 Et quels que soient les points forts ou faibles des partis politiques et des candidats le système politique marocain tend actuellement à ...

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In this article we will present the improvements and limitations revealed by the exercise of the monarchical governmental and parliamentary power over the 

[PDF] Le Maroc à la lumière de lenjeu démocratique - Archipel UQAM

Elle vise à évaluer le régime politique marocain à la lumière de la Démocratie entendue comme système politique fondé à la fois sur des valeurs et des

Aperçu de lévolution du système politique marocain depuis vingt ans

En termes de pouvoir politique les profonds changements qui ont affecté depuis vingt ans la société marocaine ( 1) n'ont encore pas à ce jour reçu de 

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1 M Lahbabi Le gouvernement marocain à l'aube du vingtième siècle la notion de séparation des pouvoirs dans le système politique marocain en 

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Les Sources de la moralisation de la vie politique au Maroc et les acteurs système politique et les institutions comme les « os et le squelette »1

[PDF] N° 5964 bis - 28 chaabane 1432 (30-7-2011) - Marocma

Dahir nº 1-11-91 du 27 chaabane 1432 (29 juillet 2011) portant promulgation du texte constitution et aux activités des partis politiques aux critères

  • Comment est la politique au Maroc ?

    La politique du Maroc s'inscrit dans une monarchie constitutionnelle dotée d'un parlement élu. Le pouvoir exécutif est partagé entre le gouvernement et le palais. Le pouvoir législatif est partagé entre le gouvernement, et les deux chambres du parlement, la Chambre des représentants et la Chambre des conseillers.
  • Quels sont les partis politiques au Maroc ?

    C'est en 1934 que le premier parti politique marocain prônant l'Istiqlal ou indépendance est créé. Il s'agit du Comité d'Action Marocain dont les dirigeants sont Allal El Fassi, Mohammed Hassan Ouazzani et Ahmed Balafrej.
  • Quel est le premier parti politique au Maroc ?

    Le Maroc était le pays où les Grecs anciens situaient le mythique jardin des Hespérides. Le Maroc était connu sous le nom de « royaume de Marrakech » sous les trois dynasties qui avaient cette ville comme capitale, puis sous le nom de « royaume de Fès », sous les dynasties qui résidaient à Fès.
1 S.

No. Words Hindi

Synonyms Usages in English Usages in Hindi

1. abandon (v) - †Ȫ° ‘ȯ“ȡĄ

The SECL had to abandon

the flood-affected coal mines.

2. abandoned (adj) - †Ȫ°ȡ ¡Ǖ]Ą

The Finance Ministry has

decided to put up its abandoned claim on revenue afresh.

3. abandoned


The Government has

decided to auction the abandoned assets of the company.

4. abandoned

cargo (n) - †Ȫ°ȡ ¡Ǖ]

There is a problem in

keeping abandoned cargo in the Air Port.

5. abandonment (n) - יȡŻ,

The process of

abandonment of the dilapidated buildings has been initiated by the Estate


ƒŠȡ“ȡ 3. `"ž˜“

¡Ȫ“ȡ 4. €˜Ȣ

1. Steps are to be taken to

abate pollution. 2. The

Government is taking steps

to abate the Import Duty.

3. This section of the Act is

now abated.

7. abatement (n) - 1. €˜Ȣ* 2.

†ǗŠ 3. `"ž˜“

1. The proposal for

abatement of the rent of


accommodations is under consideration. 2. Tax on passenger transport is collected @ 12.36 % with an abatement of 60%.

8. abatement

certificate provide an abatement 2 S.

No. Words Hindi

Synonyms Usages in English Usages in Hindi

The report should be

abbreviated before submission. should be attached with the note.

Ǘ...Ȣ —Ȣ ‘ȣ ‡ȡf@

The Chairman was forced

to abdicate his post.

12. abdication (n) - "‘×™ȡŻ,

1. The abdication of the

Dictator was received with

great relief. 2. The merged company has agreed for abdication of its rights.

The terrorists abducted the

policemen to persuade their demands. €ȯ ͧ›f "Ǖͧ› €ͧ˜[™ɉ €ȡ

The abduction case has

been discussed.

The employee abetted his

colleague in the crime. also an offense.

17. abeyance (n) - èŻ“,

Nowadays the production

is in abeyance in the company due to strike.

18. abide (v) - 0 "ȡ›“

1. We should abide by the

rules. 2. We abide by our oath. 3. The players have to abide by the referee's decision. officer cannot be questioned.

20. able (adj) - ™Ȫʙ He is an able

administrator. 3 S.

No. Words Hindi

Synonyms Usages in English Usages in Hindi

1 \ ȡ˜ȡۙĄ

\èȡ—ȡͪ€ 3 grains in the market, the shopkeepers are charging an abnormal price for it. 2.

There was an abnormal

delay in submission of the quarterly report. 3.

According to the police, it

is a case of abnormal death.

22. abnormal


˜ȡȲŻ* 1

1. The Government cannot

accept the abnormal demands raised by the

Union. 2. Recently, an

abnormal demand of

Gold has been noticed in

the market.

23. abnormal

increase (n) - \ ȡ˜ȡۙ

There is an abnormal

increase of food price due to the increase in the price of petroleum products. "ȯdȪͧ›™˜ `×"ȡ‘ɉ €ȯ ˜Ǘ㙠˜Ʌ

24. abnormal

method (n) - \ ȡ˜ȡۙ

The abnormal method of

finance adopted in the

Public Sectors may be


25. abnormal

price (n) - \ ȡ˜ȡۙ

The Manufacturer has

asked for an abnormal price for its new product. ͧ›f \ ȡ˜ȡۙ ˜Ǘ㙠˜ȡȲŻȡ ¡Ȱ@

26. abnormal

profit (n) - \ ȡ˜ȡۙ

The company got

abnormal profit in this quarter.

All the passengers were


28. abolish

The Prime Minister said

that the practice of dowry must be abolished.

29. abolition (n) - 1. `ۘǗ›“

The Human Rights

Commission demanded for

the abolition of the Death sentence.

30. above (prep) - 1. €ȯ

1. Above all, it is not going

to benefit the organization.

2. The committee found the

above cited case true. 3.

The above mentioned

1. ͪžȯŸ Ǿ" ȯ, S ȯ ȲŻ‹“

4 S.

No. Words Hindi

Synonyms Usages in English Usages in Hindi

ͪžȯŸ Ǿ" ȯ 3.

officers will be on probation for a period of two years. 4. To fulfill the above quoted conditions is mandatory for this job. 5.

This office does not ratify

the above said arguments.

6. For additional

information, contact any of the above.

31. above

average made profit above the average.

The Company is known for

dealing above board in all the matter.

33. above par (adv) - \ͬ"˜Ǘã™

The Procurement

Department has to take

special permission for purchase of goods above par. c™ ͪ—ȡŻ €Ȫ \ͬ"˜Ǘ㙠ȯ

34. abridge

The Member-Secretary

abridged the presentation because of time constraints.

35. abridged


The abridged report has

been submitted by the committee.

36. abridgement (n) - 1. Ȳ¢ȯ",

Ȳ¢ȯ"Ž 2. €˜Ȣ

Please, make an

abridgement of the

Research Project.

37. abrogate

The Government has

abrogated the order.

38. absconder (n) - —ŻȪ°ȡĄ

The chief culprit in this

fraud was an absconder.

39. absence (n) - 1.

1. In the absence of the

Director, the administrative

responsibilities shall be discharged by the Joint Ǔ“‘ȯž€ Ȳ—ȡ›ɅŻȯ@ 2. ͩ€ Ȣ ‹Ȫ 5 S.

No. Words Hindi

Synonyms Usages in English Usages in Hindi

Director. 2. The case was

dismissed in the absence of any definite proof.

1. The employee was

absent in the office yesterday. 2. The member deliberately absented himself from the meeting. against the absent debtor. taken against the regular absentees. anti-establishment act.

44. absentee


PleaseĄ send absentee

statement soon.

45. absolute (adj) - 1. "ǗŽ[ 2.

1. The Party has got the

absolute majority. 2. This is the absolute proof of the ignorance.

46. absolute

acceptance (n) - "ǗŽ[

Certain financial

instruments require absolute acceptance.

47. absolute

authority (n) - "ǗŽ[

The Reserve Bank of India

enjoys absolute authority in certain financial matters.

48. absolute


An absolute contract for

maintenance of office building may be awarded.

49. absolute

conveyance (n) - "ǗŽ[

Absolute conveyance is

the safest method for transferring rights in property.

50. absolute

conviction (n) - "ǗŽ[ ͪae ȡ This statement shows his absolute conviction in the democracy.

51. absolute

discretion (n) - "ǗŽ[ ͪȯ€ The Government acted with absolute discretion to fight against insurgency. ͧ›f "ǗŽ[ ͪȯ€ ȯ €ȡ˜ ͧ›™ȡ@

52. absolute

estate (n) - Ǔ“-ȡ["

Absolute estate is a better

form of security. 6 S.

No. Words Hindi

Synonyms Usages in English Usages in Hindi

53. absolute

interest companies will affect the absolute interests of the stakeholders. the field of property transaction.

55. absolute

level profit is satisfactory.

56. absolute

monopoly (n) - "ǗŽ[

Telecasting Right of

Commonwealth Games is

an absolute monopoly of


57. absolute

ownership (n) - "ǗŽ[

The absolute ownership

of this company is given to the government. S €à"“Ȣ €ȡ "ǗŽ[ èȡͧ˜×

58. absolute


Nowadays, there is

absolute scarcity of drinking water in the State.

59. absolute title (n) - "ǗŽ[ ¡€ The Power Company got

the absolute title of the coalfield.

60. absolute

value article has to be worked out as per fixed norms.

61. absolve

The court absolved the

officer of all the corruption charges brought against him.

62. absorb

v) - žȡͧ˜›

The employees recruited

on deputation were absorbed in regular service after completion of

3 years.

63. absorption (n) - žȡͧ˜›,

1. The absorption of the

employees in regular service is under consideration. 2. The State

Government has

introduced a new Law prohibiting further absorption of immigrants.

64. abstain

v) - —ȡŻ “¡ȣȲ

The members who

abstained from voting 7 S.

No. Words Hindi

Synonyms Usages in English Usages in Hindi

should be suspended. ...ȡǑ¡f@ of your project.

This is the abstract book

of the financial rules.

67. abstract

contingent bill

The Purchase Committee

discussed the Abstract

Contingent Bill and

approved it. sheet are missing.

69. abstract

statement enclosed. leave today.

Given the situation, the

rescue proposal is absurd.

At last, the employees

realized the absurdity of their demands.

Here the production cost is

low due to availability of the raw materials in abundance in the adjoining area.

2. ‘Ǖǽ"™ȪŻ

1. The Manager of the

factory abused his workers. 2. The officer has been arrested on charges of abuse of power.

75. abusive

language (n) - Żȡ›ȣ-

The employee was

suspended for using abusive language against his officer.

76. academic (adj) - žȰͯ¢€Ą

The academic session has

been started. 8 S.

No. Words Hindi

Synonyms Usages in English Usages in Hindi

77. academic

council (n) - \€ȡ‘ͧ˜€

The academic council has

finalized the syllabus.

78. academic

discussion (n) - \€ȡ‘ͧ˜€

The professor has invited

the students for an academic discussion.

79. academy (n) - \€ȡ‘˜Ȣ This academy was

established in the year 1970.
S \€ȡ‘˜Ȣ €ȧ èȡ"“ȡ Ÿ[quotesdbs_dbs35.pdfusesText_40
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