[PDF] german irregular verbs chart An annotated list of German

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very easily → with the greatest ease легко. 4) Verbs denoting process: effect assure

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These verbs include 'literal' verbs (i.e. where the meaning is transparent) • the top of the page topic (n) total (adj & n) tour (n). • The band are on ...

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501 German Verbs 501 German Verbs

GERMAN. VERBS. THE BEST-SELLING VERB SERIES IN THE WORLD. Henry Strutz. GERMAN. VERBS. Page 2. Page 3. FOURTH EDITION. Fully conjugated in all the tenses in a 


jogging and I walk up to the top of Parliament Hill8 and have a look at London and watch birds. verbs RISE and RAISE. a. Jack. 1. raised his voice in an ...


jogging and I walk up to the top of Parliament Hill8 and have a look at London and watch birds. verbs RISE and RAISE. a. Jack. 1. raised his voice in an ...

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We evaluated for how many sen- tences the exactly correct parse tree could be found among the top-1000 parses (see table 2). Verbs in German. CSLI ...

501 German Verbs

in an easy-to-learn format alphabetically arranged. 0. FREE. CD-ROM. INSIDE. GERMAN. VERBS. THE BEST-SELLING VERB SERIES IN THE WORLD. Henry Strutz. GERMAN.

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OCR GCSE (Short Course) in German Spoken Language: J031 This Vocabulary List is designed to accompany the OCR GCSE German ... at the top / upstairs.

german irregular verbs chart

An annotated list of German irregular verbs

501 German Verbs Barron S 501 Verbs ? - m.central.edu

This comprehensive guide is your one-stop resource for learning English verbs. It includes 555 of the highest frequency verbs--unlike Barron's 501 which 

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ample of a German-English synchronous rule which contains 1000-best lists and rule table computed over verbs from newstest2013-2015.

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Finally the greatest debts of gratitude by far are to my parents and my sister Antonia. German verbs

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For instance the German verb drehen may language

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translate German collocations word by word into English leading to deviation in about half of the cases (2005: 238).24. As for the reasons why especially 

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GERMAN VERBS BRAND-NEW EDITION OF BARRON’S BEST-SELLING 501 VERBS SERIES THE BEST-SELLING VERB SERIES IN THE WORLD Learning German Is Twice as Easy with This Helpful 2-in-1 Combination! Henry Strutz Strutz ISBN-13: 978-0-7641-9393-4 EAN $16 99 Canada $19 99 www barronseduc com ISBN-10: 0-7641-9393-7 The easy-to-use reference book gives you:

What are the top German verbs?

Lessons from the Top German Verbs list Top German verbs: Scavenger hunt Vocabulary Top 500 German words Adverbs Hin or her? The conjunctional adverb zwar German-English Cognates Conjunctions The conjunction als The conjunctions als, wenn, wann Nouns Noun genders Compound nouns in German The longest words in German The noun Stunde Numbers

Should I memorize the most common German words first?

When starting to learn German, it is always a good idea to memorize the most common words first. You will quickly begin to understand many more situations when compared to learning your German vocabulary from random sources. This page includes a list of most common German words along with their English translation.

Are German verbs difficult to learn?

These German verbs are confusing and difficult for many beginners to remember. When you learn a new German verb, learn the past tense form also, as many verbs are irregular. Also, remember that most German verbs use haben to form past tense, but there are some exceptions that use sein as a helping verb to form past tense.

How are German verbs conjugated?

In almost all cases, German verbs are conjugated depending on the subject (three persons, two numbers), the six tenses and the four moods—and they are all different. With a number of regular and a great variety of irregular verb forms, there is no shortcut for learning or teaching conjugations.

german irregular verbs chart


Infinitive Meaning


Present Tense



Tense ich & er/sie/es:


(e.g. for Passive, & Perfect Tense) backen bake backt backte gebacken befehlen command, order befiehlt befahl befohlen beginnen begin beginnt begann begonnen beißen bite beißt biss gebissen betrügen deceive, cheat betrügt betrog betrogen bewegen 1 move bewegt bewog bewogen biegen bend, turn biegt bog (bin etc.) gebogen bieten offer, bid bietet bot geboten binden tie bindet band gebunden bitten request, ask someone to do... bittet bat gebeten blasen blow, sound bläst blies geblasen bleiben stay, remain bleibt blieb (bin etc.) geblieben braten roast brät briet g ebraten brechen break bricht brach gebrochen brennen burn brennt brannte gebrannt bringen bring, take to... bringt brachte gebracht denken think denkt dachte gedacht dürfen be allowed to... darf durfte gedur ft empfehlen recommend empfiehlt empfahl empfohlen erschrecken 2 be frightened erschrickt erschrak (bin etc.) erschrocken essen eat 3 isst aß gegessen fahren go (not on foot), drive fährt fuhr (bin etc.) gefahren fallen fall fällt fiel (bin etc.) gefallen fangen catch fängt fing gefangen finden find findet fand gefunden fliegen fly fliegt flog (bin etc.) geflogen fliehen flee, run away flieht floh (bin etc.) geflohen fließen flow fließt floss geflossen fressen eat (done by animals) frisst fraß gefressen frieren freeze, be cold friert fror (bin etc.) gefroren geben give gibt gab gegeben gedeihen flourish, prosper gedeiht gedieh (bin etc.) gediehen gehen go, walk geht ging (bin etc.) gegangen gelingen 4 succeed geli ngt gelang (bin etc.) gelungen gelten 5 be valid, be of worth gilt galt gegolten 1 Also used as a reflexive verb, i.e. sich bewegen, e.g. Die Erde bewegt sich um die Sonne (The Earth moves/revolves around the sun) 2

When used in the meaning "to frighten someone", it's a weak verb: Ich erschreckte ihn (I frightened him).

3 essen is for eating done by humans, not by animals. See fressen. 4

This is used impersonally: Es gelang mir, ein gutes Hotel zu finden (I succeeded in finding a good hotel).

An annotated list of German irregular verbs | D Nutting 2002 Page 1

Infinitive Meaning


Present Tense



Tense ich & er/sie/es:


(e.g. for Passive, & Perfect Tense) genießen enjoy genießt genoss genossen geraten fall into..., get into... 6 gerät geriet (bin etc) geraten geschehen 7 happen geschieht geschah (bin etc.) geschehen gewinnen win, gain gewinnt gewann gewonnen gießen pour gießt goss gegossen gleichen resemble gleicht glich geglichen gleiten glide, slide gleitet glitt (bin etc.) geglitten graben dig gräbt grub gegraben greifen grasp, grab hold of greift griff gegriffen haben have hat hatte gehabt halten 8 hold, ALSO bring yourself to a standstill hält hielt gehalten hängen 9 be hanging hängt hing gehangen heben raise, lift hebt hob gehoben heißen be called, ALSO bid 10 heißt hieß geheißen helfen help hilft half geholfen kennen know (a place, person, situation etc.) kennt kannte gekannt klingen sound klingt klang geklungen kommen come kommt kam (bin etc.) gekommen können can, be able to... kann konnte gekonnt kriechen crawl kriecht kroch (bin etc.) gekrochen laden load, ALSO invite lädt lud geladen lassen let, ALSO leave (something behind) lässt ließ gelassen laufen run läuft lief (bin etc.) gelaufen leiden suffer leidet litt gelitten leihen lend (out) leiht lieh geliehen lesen read liest las gelesen liegen lie (in a place) liegt lag gelegen lügen tell lies lügt log gelogen messen measure misst maß gemessen mögen like mag mochte gemocht müssen must, have to... muss musste gemusst 5

E.g. Diese Karte gilt nicht mehr (This ticket is no longer valid). Also has the meaning of "to be considered to

be...", e.g. Sie gilt als beste Spielerin im Verein (She is widely considered to be the best player in the club)


E.g. Der Klub ist letztes Jahr in Schwierigkeiten geraten (The club got into difficulties last year).

7 Another meaning: Das geschieht ihm recht (That serves him right/he deserves that). 8 Another meaning: Ich halte ihn für intelligent (I consider him to be intelligent). 9

When used in the meaning "to hang something", it's a weak verb: Ich hängte das Bild an die Wand im

Wohnzimmer (I hung the picture on the wall in the living room). 10 "to bid" as in: Sie hieß mich willkommen (She bid me welcome/she welcomed me).quotesdbs_dbs2.pdfusesText_2
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