[PDF] Mapping Cycling Behaviour in Toronto

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Mapping Cycling Behaviour in Toronto

cycling behaviour social and civic infrastructure and cycling economies in. Toronto www.torontocycling.org. Mapping Cycling Behaviour in Toronto 

Toronto Ten Year Cycling Network Implementation Plan Connect

Mapping the Potential to Impact Cycling in Toronto . Phase 2 Consultations: Cycling Network Implementation Plan Draft Map ..42. 6.6.1.

Toronto Cycling Map.png

Toronto Cycling Map i This map was made with Google My Maps. Create your own. GHII Gale. Sheppard Ave. +. Tim Hortons. Sheppard Ave W. Banting Ave.

10 Recommended Ten Year Cycling Network Implementation Plan

Apr 17 2016 There are fewer opportunities for boulevard trails along arterial roads in the Toronto and East York District due to the type of development ...

City of Toronto Cycling Study

More bike paths and trails off-street and more bicycle parking received highest intensity of improvement on cycling in Toronto in terms of convenience 


Jun 7 2021 Major City-Wide Cycling Routes and a Long-Term Cycling Network Vision. ... On Monday

The Toronto Cycling Handbook

a safe way to explore Toronto. A growing network of bicycle lanes and trails as well as traffic laws to protect cyclists make cycling increasingly safe.


Jun 13 2019 In some Toronto neighbourhoods

Toronto Cycling Map 2021 - Print Use Only

Cycle Tracks. Bike Lanes. On-Street Shared Cycling Connections. Multi-Use Trails. Park Roadway Connections. Other Useful Bike Ways Outside Toronto.


Jan 20 2015 City of Mississauga

About Toronto’s Cycling Infrastructure – City of Toronto

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The Toronto Cycling Handbook

The Toronto Cycling Map will help you choose a route using bicycle lanes paths through parks waterfront trails or side streets without trucks and speeding cars Try a new route on a Sunday to experience it without busy weekday traffic bike lanes and trails The City of Toronto is making it less stressful and more enjoyable to ride

A Cyclist s Map to the City of Toronto

Keep well bike bunnies A Cyclist s Map to the City of Toronto Illustration by Tania Howells hill rail park Martin Goodman trail I explored many communities outside the down town core in North York and Scarborough and places like Markham and Oakville to understand the overall GTA cycling experience Stories 12 24

What are Toronto's cycling routes?

The City has a network of designated cycling routes for cycling to neighbourhoods and destinations across the City. The cycling network includes many types of infrastructure, such as Cycle Tracks, bicycle lanes, shared roadway routes and multi-use pathways. Toronto’s cycling routes are for both commuter and recreational cycling.

How do I find cycling infrastructure in Toronto?

The Google Map below shows all the cycling infrastructure in Toronto separated by type. Click the arrow box in the top left corner to access the interactive legend and click the button on the top right to expand the map to a larger view. The City also maintains a network of winter cycling routes that receive snow plowing, salting, and snow removal.

Does Toronto have a cycling network?

The City has a network of designated cycling routes for cycling to neighbourhoods and destinations across the City. The cycling network includes many types of infrastructure, such as Cycle Tracks, bicycle lanes, shared roadway routes and multi-use pathways. Toronto’s cycling routes are for both commuter and recreational cycling.

Where can I find a 2022 Toronto cycling map?

Paper copies of the 2022 Toronto Cycling Maps are currently available at: City Hall 311 Information Desk (Ground Floor, 100 Queen Street West) Destination Ontario (Toronto-Union Station, 65 Front Street West, Main Hall, west end of Union Station near the Skywalk, at the foot of York Street)

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L%'< 0( ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 E- 05()4 F5..+%1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8 J*(%'750()'* ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 1 Research Questions ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 1.1 Who cycles in Toronto? ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11 1.2 What characterizes cycling trips? .............................................................................................................................................................. 11 1.3 What factors are associated with higher proportions of cycling trips? ................................................................................................... 11 1.4 Do some municipal wards show behavioural differences? Are they attributable to socio-cultural aspects of the population, physical barriers or facilitating factors? ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11 1.5 What factors should we consider when selecting target sites and populations for behavioural interventions? ................................. 11 2 Cycling in Toronto: Findings ................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 2.1 Question 1: Who cycles in Toronto? ........................................................................................................................................................... 12 2.1.1 Age: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 2.1.2 Location: .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 2.1.3 Sex ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 2.1.4 Other characteristics of cyclists ......................................................................................................................................................... 17 2.2 Question 2: What characterizes cycling trips? .......................................................................................................................................... 18 2.2.1 Distance ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 18

2.2.2 Multiple Daily Trips .............................................................................................................................................................................. 20 2.3 Question 3: What factors are associated with higher proportions of cycling trips? ............................................................................... 21 2.3.1 Population Density .............................................................................................................................................................................. 21 2.3.2 Destinations, Connectivity and Origins .............................................................................................................................................. 22 2.3.3 Topography .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 24 2.3.4 Cycling Infrastructure (bike lanes) ..................................................................................................................................................... 25 2.3.5 Consolidated Bike Score TM in Toronto by Ward .............................................................................................................................. 26 2.3.6 Cycling Services ................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 2.4 Question 4: Do some municipal wards show behavioural differences? Are they attributable to socio-cultural aspects of the population, physical barriers or facilitating factors? ............................................................................................................................................ 29 2.4.1 Cycling participation by ward is distinctly different. .......................................................................................................................... 29 3 Discussion and Analysis- including considerations for selecting target sites and populations for behavioural interventions ................... 30 3.1 Characteristics of Cycling Behaviour in Toronto ....................................................................................................................................... 30 3.1.1 Who cycles: The role of age and sex in cycling participation ........................................................................................................... 31 3.1.2 How do people cycle? ......................................................................................................................................................................... 33 3.1.3 The Role of Land Use and Urban Form in Cycling Behaviour ........................................................................................................... 36 3.1.4 Topography and the influence of hills on cycling behaviour ............................................................................................................ 38 3.2 Bike ScoreTM, infrastructure and cycling participation in Toronto ........................................................................................................... 39 4 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 5 Background ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41 6 Methods and Data Sources ................................................................................................................................................................................ 44 6.1 Research Steps ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 44 6.2 Key Data Sources ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 44 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 45

6 Appendix A- Analytical mapping methods .................................................................................................................................................................. 46 Appendix B- Key characteristics of cyclists ............................................................................................................................................................... 47 Appendix C- Limits to Data ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 48 ;).)(,('

'.'%%'9F5%4 1+88 0()*/0102)*/7+(+ ............................................................................................................................. 48 W( %;).)(,\ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 50 Appendix D- Bikeability and Bike ScoreTM Methods .................................................................................................................................................. 51 Appendix E- Mode Share and Population Density by Ward ...................................................................................................................................... 52 Appendix F- Population 15 and over by age and sex- 2006 Census ....................................................................................................................... 53 Appendix G Types of Cycling Infrastructure in Toronto ............................................................................................................................................. 54 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 55 ''

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1 Research Questions J*( ),&+%('8'5%% , +%0 69 8'05, 7'*( 8'22'9)*/8'5%P5 ,()'*,\1.1 Who cycles in Toronto? ?'97'0102),(,0'.&+% ('*'*U0102),(,6)*

'%'*('oI +(+% ( .+)*0 +%+0( %),()0,'80102),(,)*( %.,'8+/ 6, -62'0+()'*'8% ,)7 *0 +*79'%H'%,(571o1.2 What characterizes cycling trips? I +(7),(+*0 ,7'0102),(,(%+4 2+*79 +(),( 8% P5 *01'87+)21(%)&,oI % +% 0'..'*7 ,()*+()'*,2'0+( 7o1.3 What factors are associated with higher proportions of cycling trips? >% &'&52+()'*7 *,)(167 ,()*+()'*7 *,)() ,60102)*/, %4)0 ,6( %%+)*+*70102)*/)*8%+,(%50(5% % 2+( 7('0102)*/&+%()0)&+()'*)*

'%'*('o1.4 Do some municipal wards show behavioural differences? Are they attributable to socio-cultural aspects of the population, physical barriers or facilitating factors? I ( *+*+21V 7( 7+(++*70'*,)7 % 7+8)8( P5 ,()'*\1.5 What factors should we consider when selecting target sites and populations for behavioural interventions?

12 2 Cycling in Toronto: Findings

),, 0()'*'8( % &'%( -+.)* ,H 18)*7)*/,63+, 7'*( 7+(++4+)2+32 8'% '%'*('6+,( 1% 2+( ('( 8'5%% , +%0 P5 ,()'*,&', 7+3'4 :2.1 Question 1: Who cycles in Toronto? 'O' '%'*('X,0102),(,60'.&+% 7('

'%'*('X,*'*U0102),(,6 - )3)(+*1&+%()052+%7 .'/%+& )00 +%+0( %),()0,oI +(+% ( .+)*0 +%+0( %),()0,'80102),(,)*( %.,'8+/ 6, -62'0+()'*oMDNDN 7,

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I'' On average across the City of Toronto, two of every three cycling trips are taken by men. O+,34


I' C'-. /+6'+%'5 4 %6 '@F'5%0 UO=C6]ZZdA''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''O+,34

'MPX'> 4' %6' . /+%,'64+*'Q.'C '@O+(+F'5%0 ,UD)(1'8 '%'*('W& *O+(+]Z^]+*7O=C6]ZZdA

66% 34%

Cycling Trips

Male Female 50% 50%

All Other Trips

Male Female

O 3'S)4&'T'S)4&'G):

'A1)4 'Y'>4 * 46+ %'-. /+%,'54+*''Q.'C '^b %)*)(1F&+7)*+g:eag:e^YO+4 *&'%(e:`ad:`^aL+%H7+2 U?)/ L+%Ha:Ya]:Z]Z %)*)(1F&+7)*+a:d`^:``Z '%'*('O+*8'%( a:a`g:`]Y '%'*('D *(% UQ', 7+2 `:a]b:d]b '%'*('O+*8'%( ]:e`e:e]^F(:L+52X,]:^`e:b]g

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4), 'VDN'`a:^-+6.'NDV'`an

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4' 1)4) 6

4+6+ ' C' . /+6'W( %7),()*0(0 +%+0( %),()0,'80102),(,+% 7)88)052(('7 ( %.)* 8%'.( +4+)2+32 7+(+:F(57 *(, +4 ,2)/ (21 )/ %0102)*/&+%()0)&+()'*( +*'( %)7 *()8) 7'005&+()'*,@]an'8,(57 *(,+% 0102),(,0'.&+% 7(']Zn'8'( %,A:D102),(,+% ,2)/ (212 ,,2)H 21(' +4 +7%)4 %X,2)0 *, ( +*( ', 9 '7'*'(0102 @gan'80102),(, +4 +7%)4 %X,2)0 *, 9 )2 ggn'8*'*U0102),(, +4 +7%)4 %X,2)0 *, A:['* ( 2 ,,6)(),02 +%( +( +4)*/+7%)4 %X,2)0 *, ),( *'%.+*7( 4+,(.+<'%)(1'80102),(, +4 '* @O=C6]ZZd\>&& *7)-NA:I 0'*750( 7+* -( *,)4 -+.)*+()'*'8( ]ZZdD *,5,319+%7('7 ( %.)* )8( 9+%7,9)( )/ %& %0 *(+/ ,'80102)*/&+%()0)&+()'*7 .'*,(%+( 7+*1,)/*)8)0+*(7 .'/%+& )07)88 % *0 ,8%'.( 9+%7,9)( 2'9 %%+( ,'80102)*/&+%()0)&+()'*:

.',(,)/*)8)0+*(8)*7)*/9+,( +(7 .'/%+& )07 (+)2,,50 +, 750+()'*2 4 26&%'& %(1'9* %, )&6)..)/%+()'*,(+(5,@% 0 *()..)/%+*(6^,(/ * %+()'*6]*7/ * %+()'*6`%7/ * %+()'*A6 ( *)0)(16+*78+.)2) ,9)( 0 )27% * +7*')7 *()8)+32 % 2+()'*, )&('0102)*/&+%()0)&+()'*9 * -+.)* 7'*+9+%73+,),:

% 9+,+4 %19 +H0'%% 2+()'*3 (9 *9+%7,9)( + )/ &%'&'%()'*'8% ,)7 *(,9)( *'E*/2), '%S% *0 2+*/5+/ ,H)22,+*7 )/ %0102)*/&+%()0)&+()'*+*7+/+)*6+4 %19 +H0'%% 2+()'*3 (9 *9+%7,9)( 2'9 %+4 %+/ '5, '27)*0'. ,+*7 )/ %0102)*/&+%()0)&+()'*:['* ( 2 ,,6)* +0 '8( , 0+, ,6( % 9 % -+.&2 ,'89+%7,9)( ,).)2+%7 .'/%+& )00 +%+0( %),()0,+*7%+7)0+2217)88 % *(0102)*/&+%()0)&+()'*%+( ,:W80'5%, 69 +% 5*+32 ('( 228%'.( , 7+(+9 ( %( 0102),(,+% % &% , *(+()4 '8( 9+%7&'&52+()'*'%*'(:@>22D)(1'8

'%'*('W& *O+(+]Z^]3+, 7'*F(+(),()0,D+*+7+6]ZZdD *,5,A

18 2.2 Question 2: What characterizes cycling trips? MDMDN =+6)%

'''''>H 10 +%+0( %),()0'80102)*/(%)&,),( +(( .+<'%)(1+% 2 ,,( +*eH)2'. (% ,2'*/:J*

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20 MDMDM (3/6+*/


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2.3 Question 3: What factors are associated with higher proportions of cycling trips? MDVDN > *3/)6+ %'=

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