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Jul 21 2011 USING TRANSITIONS WITHIN A PARAGRAPH. Transitions may be used at various times within a paragraph to show the connections between sentences.

Transition Sentences

What are the components of good transition sentences? • They make an explicit connection between ideas sentences


Transitional expressions function to connect one idea to another between or within sentences and to alert readers to connections between paragraphs or 

Bellevue College

Transitional phrases on the other hand


more consecutive sentences within the same paragraph choose the transition that best matches the rhetorical strategy. Within a single sentence or between 


They assist in the logical flow of ideas as they signal the relationship between sentences and paragraphs. In prose the material is supported and conditioned 

Transitions Transitions help readers to see relationships between

Needed between sentences and paragraphs transitions guide the reader from one point to the next. Transitions are two-faced

Recognizing Transitions

Transitions are words or phrases that help lead the reader from one idea to that connect ideas and ensure that sentences and paragraphs flow together.

Transitions Guide APA Style 7th Edition

start of a paragraph to show how the paragraph logically connects with the They clarify the relationship between sentences (e.g. whether a sentence ...

transitional words and phrases - Skidmore College

Transitional words and phrases are vital devices for essays papers or other literary compositions They improve the connections and transitions between sentences and paragraphs They thus give the text a logical organization and structure All English transitional words and phrases (sometimes also called 'conjunctive

Transitions - The Writing Center

transitions within paragraphs act as cues by helping readers to anticipate what is coming before they read it Within paragraphs transitions tend to be single words or short phrases Transitional expressions Effectively constructing each transition often depends upon your ability to identify words or phrases that will indicate for the reader

Searches related to transition sentences between paragraphs PDF

Types of Transitions: Between paragraphs to highlight the relationship between the two main ideas of each paragraph To help you make these transitions: Write a short summary of each paragraph in the margin of your paper Rearrange paragraphs depending on which ideas link together best Add a sentence or two to the end of each paragraph or the

  • Transitioning Between Paragraphs

    When you start a new paragraph, the first sentence should clearly express: 1. What this paragraph will discuss 2. How it relates to the previous paragraph The examples below show some examples of transition sentences between paragraphs and what they express.

  • Transitioning to A New Section

    While transitions between paragraphs are generally a single sentence, when you start a new section in a longer text, you may need an entire transition paragraph. Transitioning to a new section involves summarizing the content of the previous section and expressing how the new one will build upon or depart from it. For example, the following sentenc...

What are some examples of transition sentences?

Example sentence Transition words and phrases; Conflict: The novel does deal with the theme of family. However, its central theme is more broadly political … but, however, although, though, equally, by way of contrast, while, on the other hand, (and) yet, whereas, in contrast, (when) in fact, conversely, whereas: Concession

How to start a transition sentence?

…treats the preceding point as a base on which to build up more general arguments. The beginning of a new paragraph is generally the right place for a transition sentence. Each paragraph should focus on one topic, so avoid spending time at the end of a paragraph explaining the theme of the next one. …

What are good transition's for starting paragraphs?

Here are a few transition words ideas that you can use to make your writing flow well: Otherwise Besides Furthermore Moreover Conversely On the contrary Other than Still


Transitions are words, phrases, or sentences that connect parts of your essay to one another. Transitions may connect one sentence to another, one paragraph to another, or one section of the essay to another. Essentially, transitions show the relationships of your sentences and paragraphs to one another and to your overall argument. Writing effective transitions will make your argument easier to follow and improve the overall flow of your essay. A typical essay needs three kinds of transitions: transitions between sentences, transitions between paragraphs, and transitions between sections.

Writing Transitions between Sentences:

Use transitions to show relationships between your sentences. One sentence may make an additional point, provide an example or evidence, or discuss an exception to a previous sentence. While it may seem clear to you (the writer) why each sentence is where it is, the connection may not be clear to the reader without transitions to show the reader how your ideas are connected. o Poor Transition: Many students are tempted to plagiarize because they run out of time on an assignment. Good time management skills will give students plenty of time to complete assignments. o Better Transition: Many students are tempted to plagiarize because they run out of time on an assignment. However, students can reduce the temptation to plagiarize if they exercise better time management skills to ensure that they will have plenty of time to complete assignments. HQ POH ´%HPPHU 7UMQVLPLRQµ H[MPSOH MNRYH POH RULPHU LQGLŃMPHs the connection between the two sentences by repeating key words and including a transition word. The writer uses temptation and plagiarize LQ POH VHŃRQG VHQPHQŃH PR HŃOR POH SOUMVH ´PHPSPHG PR SOMJLMUL]Hµ LQ POH ILUVP VHQPHQŃHB 7OH RULPHU MOVR XVHV POH PUMQVLPLRQ RRUG ORRHYHU PR indicate the contrast between the two sentences.

Writing Transitions between Paragraphs:

Use transitions to show relationships between paragraphs. No matter how well- constructed each paragraph may be on its own, your paragraphs must be logically connected to make your essay a coherent whole. Connect your paragraphs with sentences that include key ideas from each paragraph and show the relationship between the paragraphs. o Poor Transition: o Paragraph A: Malcolm X uses the rhetorical strategy of logos (logic) to convince his audience. . . . [paragraph about logos] o 3MUMJUMSO % 0MOŃROP ;·V MUPLŃOH MOVR OMV M ORP RI SMPORV (emotion). . . . [paragraph about pathos] o Better Transition: o Paragraph A: One of the main rhetorical strategies employed by Malcom X is logos (logic). . . . [paragraph about logos] o Paragraph B: In addition to using logos as a rhetorical strategy, Malcolm X also employs pathos (emotion) to persuade his audience; in fact, there are more examples of pathos in the article than logos. . . . [paragraph about pathos]


POH VHŃRQG SMUMJUMSO LV MQ MGGLPLRQMO SRLQP PR POH MXPORU·V MUJXPHQPB 7OH PUMQVLPLRQ MOVR UHIHUV PR POH PMLQ LGHM IURP POH ILUVP SMUMJUMSO ORJRV MQG POH VHŃRQG ŃOMXVH ´LQ IMŃP there are more examples of pathos. . .µ) shows the relationship between the two points. Not only does the second paragraph illustrate an additional point, but the transition suggests it also illustrates a more significant point.

Writing Transitions between Sections:

Use transitional sentences to connect sections of your paper. A longer paper is often divided into sections of more than one paragraph each. For example, a problem/solution paper may include several paragraphs about the problem that is being identified and several paragraphs about the solution that is being proposed. Effective transitions between the sections of the paper guide the reader through the steps of the argument and improve the flow of your writing. Transitional sentences between sections, like those between paragraphs, should refer to the main idea of each section and illustrate the connection between them. o Poor Transition: o Section A: [section about problem of plagiarism] o Section B: One way to prevent plagiarism is to educate students about the different kinds of plagiarism. o Better Transition: o Section A: [section about problem of plagiarism] o Section B: Plagiarism is clearly a widespread problem in American university classrooms, and it negatively affects both students and teachers. However, there are a number of ways to prevent plagiarism: some experts have proposed solutions such as . . . . HQ POH ´%HPPHU 7UMQVLPLRQµ MNRYH POH RULPHU UHIHUV PR POH PMLQ LGHM RI POH SUHYLRXV VHŃPLRQ (the problem of plagiarism) and the main idea of the upcoming section (solutions to the problem of plagiarism). The writer also indicates a relationship between the two sections with however, which indicates a contrast between the two sections. For more help, visit a writing tutor. All appointments are available in-person at the Student Success Center, located in the Library, or online.


To sum up, remember to indicate the relationships between ideas at the section, paragraph, and sentence levels. The chart below lists words and phrases you can use to signal the relationships between your ideas.

Relationship Between Ideas Signal Words/Phrases

Summarizing/restating In other words, to put it another way, in brief, in simpler terms, on the whole, in fact, to sum up, in short, in conclusion, to conclude, therefore Adding ideas to a list And, also, too, besides, as well, moreover, in addition, furthermore, in effect, second, in the second place, again, next Comparing Similarly, likewise, in like manner, in the same way Contrasting On the other hand, but, or, however, unlike, nevertheless, on the contrary, conversely, in contrast, instead, counter to Relating Cause and Effect Therefore, accordingly, hence, thus, for, so, consequently, as a result, because of, due to, eventually, inevitably

Qualifying (limiting the breadth of

your claim) For the most part, by and large, with few exceptions, mainly, in most cases, generally, some, sometimes, typically, frequently, rarely Giving Examples For example, for instance, in this case, in particular, to illustrate Emphasizing It is true, truly, indeed, of course, to be sure, obviously, without doubt, evidently, clearly, understandably

Table of transition words and phrases has been adapted from The Bedford Guide for College Writers, 9th

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