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A plane graph representation of triconnected graphs

Vi and Vi induces a connected subgraph of G for each i = 1

Finding the Triconnected Components of a Graph

An algorithm for decomposing a graph into triconnected components is presented. The algorithm requires 0(tV(+fE() time and space when implemented on a random 

A V log VAIgorithm for Isomorphism of Triconnected Planar Graphs*

A triconnected planar graph has two representations in the plane [10] in the sense that for any two embeddings. G a and G 2 either (1) for each vertex v in G 1 

Maintaining Triconnected Components under Node Expansion

10 янв. 2023 г. Abstract. SPQR-trees are a central component of graph drawing and are also important in many further areas of computer science.

Maintenance of triconnected components of graphs

Abstract. In this paper optimal algorithms and data structures are presented to maintain the triconnected components of a general graph

Planar Graph Drawing

The algorithm is presented within a framework to draw a special class of clustered graphs. The algorithm for finding triconnected components is imple- mented in 

Finding triconnected components of graphs

edges is the 3-bond where a k-bond is a graph with 2 vertices and k edges joining them. It is equally clear that the only triconnected graph with degree two 

Exercise Sheet 2 1 Canonical Orderings for Triconnected Planar

14 нояб. 2016 г. 1 Canonical Orderings for Triconnected Planar Graphs. Let G = (VE) be a triconnected plane graph with a vertex v1 on the exterior face.

Triconnected Planar Graphs of Maximum Degree Five are

We show that every triconnected planar graph of maximum degree five is subhamiltonian planar. A graph is subhamiltonian planar if it is a subgraph of a 

The Vulcan game of Kal-toh: Finding or making triconnected planar

Inspired by this fictional game we formulate graph-theoretical questions about polyhedral (triconnected and planar) subgraphs in an on-line environment. The 


An algorithm for decomposing a graph into triconnected components is presented. number of vertices and fEJ' is the number of edges n the graph.

Triconnected Planar Graphs of Maximum Degree Five are

We show that every triconnected planar graph of maximum degree five is subhamiltonian planar. A graph is subhamiltonian planar if it is a subgraph of a 

Planar Graph Isomorphism is in Log-Space

Jun 15 2009 Canonize biconnected planar graphs using their triconnected component trees. Lindell's algorithm [Lin92] for tree canonization and its ...

Dividing a Graph into Triconnected Components

An algorithm for dividing a graph into triconnected components is presented. When implemented on arandom access computer the algorithm requires O(V + E) 

Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications - More Canonical

Since a triconnected graph can have many canonical orderings we introduce the leftist (and rightist) canonical ordering that is uniquely determined. The.

A Linear Time Implementation of SPQR-Trees*

of graph algorithms. Many linear time algorithms that work for triconnected graphs only can be extended to work for biconnected graphs using SPQR-trees.

On separation pairs and split components of biconnected graphs

Jun 21 2011 Abstract. The decomposition of a biconnected graph G into its triconnected com- ponents is fundamental in graph theory and has a wide range ...

The Triconnected Abstraction of Process Models

hierarchical process model decomposition into triconnected graph fragments is presented. Following in section 5 the fragments are employed for the task of.

On four-connecting a triconnected graph - Foundations of Computer

a triconnected graph. The form of this lower bound is different from the form of the lower bound known for biconnectivity augmentation and triconnectivity 

Planar Graph Drawing

clustered graphs. The algorithm for finding triconnected components is imple- mented in JAVA for the yFiles graph drawing library [27]. The vertex-weighted.

The structure of decomposition of a triconnected graph

triconnected graph D V Karpov A V Pastor Introduction The structure of decomposition of a connected graph by its cutpoints (i e vertices which deleting makes graph disconnected) is well known [1 2] It is convenient to describe this structure with the help of so-called tree of blocks and cutpoints The vertices of this tree are cutpoints and


Standard methods ior determining the triconnected components of a graph require u(1V13) steps or more if the graph has IVI vertices The algorithm described here requires substantially less time and -y be shown*to be j• optimal to within a constant factor assul ' z iitable tao- del of computation

Upward drawings of triconnected digraphs - Springer

A connected graph is said to be biconnected if it has no cutvertices A graph is triconnected if it is biconnected and has no separation pairs In the following unless otherwise specified we deal with biconnected graphs that do not have self-loops and multiple edges

What is a connected graph?

Version: 1 Owner: lieven Author (s): lieven 57.4 connected graph A connected graph is a graph such that there exists a path between all pairs of vertices. If the graph is a directed graph, and there exists a path from each vertex to every other vertex, then it is a strongly connected graph.

What is a biconnected directed graph?

A biconnected directed graph is one such that for any two vertices v and w there are two directed paths from v to w which have no vertices in common other than v and w . A graph that is not biconnected.

What is a 3*-connected cubic graph?

Here we consider 3-connected cubic graphs where two vertices exist so that the three disjoint paths between them contain all of the vertices of the graph (we call these graphs 3*-connected); and also where the latter is true for ALL pairs of vertices (globally 3*-connected).

What is a non trivial connected graph?

A non-trivial connected graph is any connected graph that isn’t this graph. A non-trivial connected component is a connected component that isn’t the trivial graph, which is another way of say that it isn’t an isolated point.



J.E. Hopcroft and R.E. Tarjan

TR 72 -140

August 1972

Reproduced by



U S Department of Commerce

SpringfieId VA 22151

Computer Science Department

Cornell University

Ithaca, New York 14850



Sectfuitev Nlots vitieamtio,: of title. h.dtl of h,#htr?,,C r aiJ inde iq.,' ,. rt.oti,* n v.t l ie untft eed ahC'. I, ' t .vrJI re.,,rt , * I.i ''lii dl

ORIGINATING ACTIViTY (ourjproutu' ususthor) 20. RLPORT SFCUr41TY CLA5SICAI, "4 •Unclassified

Cornell University 2b GR OUP




4. DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Typ of report avd.incluusive. datcs)

Technical Report

5. AUTHOR(S) (First name, middle initial, last nume)

John E. Hopcroft and Robert E. Tarjan


August 1972* 61


Hertz Foundation 72-140



C. 8b. OTH.R RLPORT NO(S) (Any other tnubbrs that may be assigned this report) None tO. DISTRIOUTION STATEMENT

4 IApproved for public release, distribution unlimited


Office of Naval Research,


"13. APSM.ACT An algorithm for decomposing a graph into triconnected components is presented. The algorithm requires 0(tV(+fE() time and space when implemented on a random access computer, where I'VI is the number of vertices and fEJ' is the number of edges n the graph. The algorithm is both theoretically optimal (to within a constant factor) and efficient in practice. :"DD,'°"NoVoJ.473 ,

S,/N 0101-807-6811

Security Ch__ssif_ __tion





WT articulation point backtracking connectivity depth-first search graph separability separation triconnectivity

DD I N~OV,1473 i BACK)



J.E. Hopcroft

and R.E,. "ariant


An algorithm for decomposing a c,.-aph into triconnected components is presented. The algor.A.cm requires O(IVI+IEI) time and space when implemented on -random access computer, where jlv is the number of vert]:es and IEI is the number of edges in the graph. The algori hm is both theoretically optimal (to within a constant factor) and efficient in practice. Keywords: articulation point, backtracking, connectivity, Y, depth-first search, graph, separability, separation, triconnectivity -This research was supported in part by the Hertz Foundation and the office of Naval Research under grant N00014-67-A-0077- 0021.
:; III


The connectivity properties of graphs form an impoitant part of graph theory. Efficient algorithms for determining the connectivity structure of graphs are both theoretically interesting and useful in a variety of applications. One technique which may be used to solve connectivity problems _s that of backtracking, or depth-f.rst search. In [i0] depth-first search is applied to give efficent algorithms for determining the biconnected components of an undirected graph and for determining the strongly connected components of a directed graph. This paper extends the application of depth-first search to the problem of finding the tricon- nected components of a graph. An algorithm for determining the triconnected components of a graph is needed by procedures for determin ing whether a graph is planar [2) and for determining whether two planar graphs are isomorphic [8]. Standard methods ior determining the triconnected components of a graph require u(1V1 3 ) steps or %.more, if the graph has IVI vertices. The algorithm described here requires substantially less time, and -y be shown*to be optimal to within a constant factor assul.,.' z iitable tao- j del of computation. Thiis paper is divided into four sections. The first section pres.entc the nec.errary definitions and lemwnas froli graph theory. The theory of the triconnected components of a graph was developed by Tutte [11], "A'modified'exposition more 2 suitable for computer applications is given here. The theory is also a special case of the more general theory of decomposing "clutters" into chunks due to Edmonds and Cunningham [ 5]. The second section describes depth-first search and the data structures needed to implement it efficiently on a computer. The third section describes preliminary calculations and a simple'test to find the separation pairs of a graph. The last section describes the heart of the triconnected components algorithm, inclu- ding proofs of its correctness and time and space bounds.

In deriving time bounds on algorithms we assume a

random access model. A formal definition of such a model may be found in [ 4 .]. We use the following notation for 4+ specifying bounds of algorithms: if n is a vector, f is a real-valued function, and there exist constants kl,

Sk2 such that It(4n)l < klif())I+ k

2 , then we write "t(n) is 0(f(4))". I' )L 3

Graphs Trees and Connectivity

A _rgBa_ G = (V,E) consists of a set of vertices V and a set of edes E If the edges are ordered pairs (v,w) of vertices, the graph is directed; v is called the tail and w the head vf the edge. If the edges are un- ordered pairs of vertices, also denoted by (v,w), the graph is undirected. If E is a multiset; that is, any edge may occur several times, then G is a niutjgraph. If (v,w) is an edge of a multigraph G, vertices v and w are -adjacent Edge (v,w) Is incident to vertices v and w; v and w are incident to (v,w). If E' is a set of edges in G, V(E') is the set of vertices incident to one or more of the edges in E' If S is a set of vertices in G, E(S) is the set of edges incident to at least onc ';ertex in S.

If i is a multigraph, a pjth p : v =>w in G is a

sequence of vertices and edges leading from v to w. A path is EgJnle if all its vertices are distinct. A patl p : v =>v is a cyle if all its edges are distinct and the only vertex to occur twice in p is v, which occurs exactly twice. Two cycles which are cyclic permutations of each other are considered to be the same cycle. The undi- rected version of a directed multigraph is the multigraph formed by converting each edg,_ of the directed isultigraph into an undirected edge. A multigraph 3 connectc "f eve~y pair of vertices v and w n G, is conuected by a path. I- 4 If G = (V,E) and G' = (V',E') are two multigraphs such that V' C V and E' C E, then G' is a subgraph of G. A multigraph having exactly two vertices v,w and one or more edges (v,w) is called a brcd. A (directed, rooted) tree T is a directed graph whose undirected version is connected, hbvine one vertex which is the head of no edges (called the root), and such that all vertices except the root are the head of exactly one edge. The relation " (v,w) is an edge of T " is denoted by v 4 w. The relation "there is a path from v to w in T " is denoted by v w. If v -w, v is the father of w and w is a son of v. If v W w. v is an ancestor of w and w is a descendant of v. The set of descendants of a vertex v is denoted by D(v). Every 7ertex is an ancestor and a descendant of itself. If G is a directed multigraph, a tree T is a spanning tree of G if T is a subgraph (

G and T contains all the verticos of G.

Let P be a directed multigraph, consisting of two

disjoint sets of edges, denoted by v 4 w and v -4 w. Suppose

P satisfies the following properties:

(i) The subgraph T containing the edges v ÷ w is a spanning tree of P. (in) If v -4 w, then w v. ThaL is, eahli edge not in the spanning tree T of P connects a vertex with one of its ancestors in T. 5 Then P is called a palm tree. The edges v -÷ w are called the fronds of P. A connected multigraph G is biconnected if for each triple of distinct vertices v,w and a in V there is a' path p : v => w such that a is not on the path p. If there is a distinct triple v,w,a such that a is on every path p : v => w, then a is called a separation point (or an articulation point) of G. We may partition the edges of G so that two edges are in the same block of the partition if and only if they belong to a common cycle. Let Gi=(Vi,Ei) where E. is the set of edges in the ith block of the 1 partition and Vi=V(Ei). Then:

Wi) Each Gi is biconnected.

5 (ii) No GI is a proper subgraph of a biconnected subgraph of G. (iii) Each vertex of G which is not an articulation point of 0 occurs exactly once among the Vi and each articulation point occurs at least twice. (iv) For each ij,i~j,V.i V. contains at most one vertex; furtnermore, this vertex (if any) is an articulation point. The subgraphs Gi of G are called the biconnected components of G. The biconnected components of G are unique.

Let {a,b} be a pair of vertices in a biconnectsd

multi- graph G. Suppose the edges of G are divided into equiva- lence classes EIE 2 ,...,E such that two edges which lie in a • n 6 common path not containing any vertex of {f,b} are in the same class. The classes Ei are called the separation cla~bus of G with respect to {a,b}.If there are at least two separa- tion classes, then {a,b} is a separation pair of G unless (1) there are exactly two separation classes and one class consists of a single edge or (2) thereare exactly three classes each consist- ing of a single edge.

If G is a multigraph such that no pair {a,b} is a

separationpair of G, then G is triconnected. Let {a,bl be a separation pair of a biconnected multigraph G. Let the separation classes of G with respect to {a,b} be k n EV,E 2 ,...,En. Let E' = U E. and E" = U Ei be such i=l i=k+l that !F'[ > 2, IE"I > 2. Let G]. = (V(E'), E'U{(ab)}, G2 = (V(E"), E"U{(a,b)}). The graphs G1 and G2 are called the split graphs of G with respect to {a,b). Re- placing a mu' tigraph G by two split graphs is called splitting G. There may be many possible vays to split a graph, even with respect to o f~xed separation pair {a,b}. A splitting operation is deneted by s (a,b,i); i is a label distinguishing this split operation from other splits. The ncw edges (a,b) added to ",] and 02 are called virtual ee~s; they are labelled to identify th,":. with the split. A virtual edge (a,b) assnciated wit'h b ,' s(r.,,i) will :e denoted by (a,b,i). If C is biconnected, then any split grapb of C, is also biconnceted, q 7 h

Suppose a multigraph G is split, the split graphs

are split, and so on, until no more splits are possible (each graph remaining is triconnected).

The graphs con-

structed in thi- way are called the split components of CG. The split components of a multigraph are not neces- sariiy unique. Lemma 1: Let G = (VE) be a multigraph with 1i.l > 3. Let VG ,2... ,G be the split components of C. Then the total number of edges in Gi ' is bounded by


Proof: By induction on the number of edges of C. If G has 3 edges the lemma 'is immediate, because G cannot be split. Suppose the lemma is true for graphs with n-I edges and suppose G has n edges. If G cannot be split the lemma is true for C. Suppose on the other hand that G can be split into G' and I II I,

C , where G' has k+l edges and (; has n-l.+l

edges for some 23(k+l) -6+3(n-k+l) -6 = 3n -6. Thus by induction the lemma is true. triconnected

In order to get uniquc/components

we must partially re- assemble the split components. Suppose G 1 = (VI,E ) and --- (V 2 ,E) are two split components both containing a virtual edge (a,bi). Let

G = (OFV

2 a, b ,i)}) U (r 2 -{(abi)})) 8 Then C is called a -nerge _raph of G1 and 02; the merge operation will be denoted by m(a,b,i). Merging is the inverse of splitting; if we perform a sufficient number of merges on the split component:s of a multigraph we recreate the original multigraph. The split components of a multigraph are of three types: triple bonds, of the form ({a,b),{(a,b) ,(a,b) ,(a,b)}); triangles, of the form ({a,b,cj),(a,b),(a,c),(b,c))); and triconnected graphs. Let G be a multigraph whose split components are a set of triple bonds 63 3 , a set of triangles V and a set of triconnected graphs ). Suppose the triple bonds 3 are merged as much as possible to give a set of bonds , and that the triangles V are merged as much as possible to Live a set of polygons & .Then the set of graphs WU 0MUJ is the set of triconnected components. of G. If G is an arbitrary multigraph, the triconnecte.3 components of the biconnected components of C are called the triconnnected components of G. This set of components is unique, as we shall see below. Let G be a multigraph and let be a set of graphF; obtained from C by a sequence of sp 1 itis and merges. Consider the auxiliary graph SQf) whose vertices are the graphs in .Graphs GI and G2 are joined by an edge if and only if they shart! a common virtual edge. 9 Lemma 2: If is a set of graphs obtained from a connec- ted mjltigraih G by a sequence of silits and merges, thenquotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23
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