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Turkish Short Stories for beginners Turkish Short Stories for beginners

There is also a QR code on the front cover that gives instant and free access to the full audio recording of the stories. Turkish Short Stories for Beginners ( 

Turkish Vocabulary for English speakers 9000 words Turkish Vocabulary for English speakers 9000 words

T&P Books vocabularies are intended for helping you learn memorize and review foreign words. This vocabulary contains over 9000 commonly used words arranged 

Forty-four Turkish fairy tales

supernatural beings. Nearly all Turkish stories belong tothe category of upon a budding rose. In short Turkish fairy tales are not thestories of the ...


short podcasts in Turkish and English in the topics of aviation and personal news stories Turkish. Airlines achieved 3 billion total viewings. featured ...


Turkish Airlines supports the short- and long-term targets set by the success stories. At the same time steps are taken to increase the number and.

English Language Teaching in Turkey

vocabulary while it helped students to be more creative and imaginative in their writing in a way to free the short stories with Turkish learners and found ...


Turkish vowels are short except. 1 when

Turkish Studies

30‏/09‏/2016 People feel that sexuality is the most free. Where living conditions rapidly ... Keywords: Character Type



The Effect of Short Story Reading through Constructivist Activities on

2 weeks of free reading period was carried on prior to the experimentation stage and in order to make learners ready to read as many as Turkish short stories.

Forty-four Turkish fairy tales

Nearly all Turkish stories belong tothe category of fairy tales. free and he on whose head the bird should alight would be declared heir to the throne.

Teach Yourself Turkish

Turkish. Asuman Çelen Pollard and David Pollard. TEACH YOURSELF BOOKS short grammar reference (Appendix) a Turkish-English glossary and.

Implicatures in the Persian and Turkish Translations of Four

these short stories according to the maxims defined by Grice (1975) and compared that the Turkish translator has used linguistic amplification and free.

Türkçe ve ?ngilizce Metinlerde Anlamlararas? Gönderme ve

Abstract: This study has explored the use of anaphoric expressions and referential senses in Turkish and English short stories.

Elif Shafak is an award- winning British-Turkish novelist and the

and she has taught at various universities in Turkey box full of books and papers


Evaluation of free reading texts in Yedi ?klim Turkish set for foreigners. Can understand life stories short stories and definitions written in a list ...

Are You Listening? Voices from the Middle East

Roanne Edwards Free Lance Writer

Turkish Cypriot - Selected Success Stories 2018 - PRINT.indd

storytelling event which took place at the EU Infopoint Nicosia


entitled The Geranium: A Collection of Short Stories and consists of the first six left it came to pass that Flannery was free to join the house she ...

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels 24.5.2022 COM(2022) 243

???/???/???? Furthermore although resettlement of refugees to EU. Member States resumed after a short break due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Forty-four Turkish fairy tales - Archiveorg

NearlyallTurkishstoriesbelongtothecategoryoffairytales These marvellousscenesareenactedinthatimaginarycountrywherein Padishahshavemultifariousrelationswiththerulersofthefairyworld TheShahzadastheirsonsortheSultanastheirdaughtersareeitherthe onlychildrenoftheirparentsorelsetheyappearasthreeorseven

  • Turkish Teacher

    Ali Akpinar is a Turkish language teacher offering Turkish language learning books & lessons for self-study and Turkish courses & classes online via Skype. Contact Ali Akpinar if you need questions about this Turkish language material, need help with this material or have problems with your download. 1. Contact him by email at aliakpinar@hotmail.co...

What is Turkish short stories 1?

Turkish Short Stories 1 is a collection of simplified short stories from Turkish literature. It is ideal for pre-intermediate Turkish language learners who need to read easy Turkish texts and improve their reading skill as well as learn Turkish words and phrases while reading and studying.

What is the Turkish reading comprehension series?

This Turkish Reading Comprehension Series is designed for Absolute Beginners. These lessons test you on your reading and make sure you understand every word. Watch the video, then answer the questions asked. Turkish Listening Comprehension for Beginners: Ready to understand even more Turkish?

What are some of the best Turkish love stories?

A true love and success story from the 1990s Turkey, revolving around a jockey (Halis Karatas), a horse (Bold Pilot) and the daughter of the horse's owner who is at the same time the voluntary caretaker of the horse. 8. Adini Feriha Koydum (2011–2012) A young, beautiful girl goes to a university where a playboy also studies. 9. The Teacher (2020)

How to read Turkish books online for free?

Read Online 1000's of Turkish books & novels for free only on BooksVooks. Books are sorted by their popularity so that most popular books comes first. Below is a list of all-time favourite Turkish books collected from various renowned sources: Gutenberg project, Goodreads etc.

Available online at http://www.bedujournal.com/




Base For Electronic Educational Sciences, 1(1), 40-50; 2020 (YMOXMPLRQ RI )UHH 5HMGLQJ 7H[PV LQ KHGL úNOLP 7XUNLVO 6HP

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Mersin University, Education Faculty. 25FúG 0000-0001-9663-1066. b PhD Student, Erciyes University.ORCID: 0000-0002-9843-5517

APA Citation:

Educational Sciences, 16(3), 00-00.

Submission Date: 22/06/2020

Acceptance Date: 13 /09/2020 Abstract

Reading is a competence gained after listening and speaking skills in mother tongue teaching but it

might be said that it is one of the first competences gained in foreign language learning. Reading texts

play a great role in gaining and developing the reading skill. Therefore, a great care should be given

when choosing the reading texts in Turkish Sets prepared to teach Turkish as a foreign language. In

this study, some of the free reading tH[PV LQ KHGL úNOLP 7XUNLVO 6HP RHUH VHOHŃPHG MQG HYMOXMPHG RQ POH

basis of free reading activities given in the European Common Framework of Reference for Languages. In this study, the document review method, which is one of the data collection tools in qualitative

research, wa s employed . The findings of our research i ndicated that th e vi sual s used in th e free

reading texts are neither effective nor original. However, cultural transfer through the reading texts is

given weight as much as possible. It is, in particular, remarkable that comprehension activities are


their language learning process, free reading texts texts should be followed by some activities and exercises to ensure deeper and accurate comprehension ‹ 2020 BEDU and the Authors - Published by BEDU. Keywords: Reading, free reading, evaluation, teaching Turkish as a foreign language. Introduction To date, many definitions for reading, which is one of the basic skills in language PHMŃOLQJ OMYH NHHQ PMGHB 5HMGL QJ MV GHI LQHG N\ g]GH PLU 2000 11 LV POH reception, explanati on, comprehension and interpr etation of printed o r written words by our sensH RUJMQVB G|NPHQ 1EE4 1D MOVR UHPMUNV POMP UHMGLQJ VNLOO LV reading a text by understanding through some mental activities rather than seeing LPB HQ 7XUNLVO GLŃPLRQMU\ 2011 17E3 UHMGLQJ LV GHILQHG MV ´ORRNLQJ MP POH OHPPHUV and signs that make up a PH[P MQMO\VLQJ RU YRŃMOL]LQJ POHPµB $V ŃMQ NH XQGHUVPRRG from these definitions, reading is just a process of comprehension of the text, in other words, it means un derstand ing the text. Sever (2004: 14), explains the

comprehension dimension of reading as: ´5HMGLQJ LV MQ MŃPL YLP\ POMP UH TXLUHV M 1 Corresponding author. E-mail address: mesutgun07@gmail.com

. / Base For Electronic Educational Sciences, 1(1) (2020) 40-50 41 mental effort beyond barely seeing words, sentences, paragraphs and the text and

vocalizing them; it is a process of thinking and it requires sense-PMNLQJBµ Reading is one of th e main ski lls gai ned durin g the langu age lear ning proces s because one may not be able to read a text just by looking at it. Therefore, reading is a tool that helps reader to use the information gained during th e langua ge learning procesVB 5 HMGLQJ PLJOP OM YH VHYHUMO NLQ GV MŃŃRUGLQ J PR POH UHMGH U·V environment and purpose of reading. In this study, only the free reading technique will be focused on since free reading texts in KHGL úNOLP 7XUNLVO set form the basis of our study.

Free Reading


system of symbols and getting informed or having a leisure time and so having a GHVLUH IRU UHMGLQJ QHR NRRNVµB g] 2001 203 on th e other hand, explains f ree UHMGLQJ MV ´MQ activity that students do to make use of their spare times (out of ŃOMVV MP VŃORRO MP ORPH RU RQ OROLGM\µB )UHH UHMGLQJ LQ PHMŃOLQJ 7XUNLVO MV M foreign language, might be expressed as a developmental process of activating an LQGLYLGXMO·V OMQJXMJH VNLOls, an d under standing, and comprehending wor ds by reading a text written on several topics in Turkish. )UHH UHMGLQJ LV MQ MŃPLYLP\ ROLŃO GHYHORSV OMQJXMJH OHMUQHUV· VNLOOV RI XQGHUVPMQGLQJ a word, comprehending and interpreting its meaning according to the context it is in. The aim of free reading activities is not only forming a habit of reading but also enriching the vocabulary of the reader. Hence, Okur (2007: 5) tried to prove the effect of fr ee readi ng on de veloping vocabulary and con cepts by giving examples from Turkey and Turkish and co ncluded that free readi ng activities affect vocabulary and concept acquisition positively. According to Harmon (1998: 529), when such reading activities are chosen from some literary works, vocabulary and concept acquisition might be more productive. It is important that free reading texts in Turkish course book sets have a variety of literary genres as they display the HORTXHQŃH RI 7XUNLVO MV RHOOB g]HU 2007 62 H[MPLQHG POH ŃRQPULNXPLRQ RI IUHH reading activities to OMQJXMJH OHMUQHUV· YRŃMNXOMU\ NQRROHGJH MQG IRXQG POMP POH\ OMG M VLJQLILŃMQP UROH LQ LPSURYLQJ VPXGHQPV· VXŃŃHVVB Free re ading texts are impo rtant as they impr ove the acquisiti on o f the target


texts of a contemporary author in the classroom, introducing him, and exhibiting his/her literary works is an efficient way of forming a habit of free reading. Using free rea ding texts in the Tur kish Se ts and i ntrodu cing the target c ulture and presenting relevant s ituations related to the target culture b ecomes more o f an issue in learning a language together with its culture. In this respect, free reading texts should appeal to the foreign learners of Turkish language. Implementing the free reading activity in teaching mother tongue is performed at schools in Turkey during the reading hour. The aim here is to help students gain students employ some strategies during the reading process such as referring and relating between t he reading text and th eir life experien ces, in terpret ing, taking notes, underlining, rereading, developing empathy and imagining, getting motivated and pay ing attention. In teaching Turkish a s a for eign language as well, it is observed that students use the same strategies by using their mother tongue, as well. The fol lowing points should b e considered when preparing free reading activities that appeal to the learners of Turkish:

42 / Base For Electronic Educational Sciences, 1(1) (2020) 40-50 The wor ds in free reading tex ts should r eflect some certain patterns of

expressions used in Turkish and should be appropriate to Turkish. Language levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) of students should be kept in mind when cho osing the texts an d the length of th e texts s hould be adjusted according to their language levels.

The text should be above the langua ge level of t he student as it aims toGHYHORS POH VPXGHQP·V MNLOLP\ RI JUMVSLQJ MQG ŃRPSUHOHQGLQJ RRUGVB

The content of the texts should reflect the real-life situations that student is to encounter in daily life. Free reading texts should be followed by some interesting activities, practices GHVLJQHG PR GHPHUPLQH POH VPXGHQPV· OHYHO RI ŃRPSUHOHQVLRQ RI POH RRUGVB The rea ding and comprehensi on acti vities given in the Europ ean Common Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR, 2017:54) are as follows:

Reading correspondence

Reading for orientation

Reading for information and argument

Reading instructions

Reading as a free activity


Table 1


Languages (CEFR, 2017: 64). Level Descriptors


A1 No descriptors available

A1 Can u nderstand short pictur e stories abo ut daily activities wr itten in a list of simple words. Can understand simple picture stories if helped to predict the content of the visual to summarize them. A2 Can understand life stories, short stories and definitions written in a list of simple words. Can understand the content of a photograph story. (e.g. in a life style magazine) and can form an impression about how the characters look like. Can understand most of a short description of a person. (e.g. a celebrity) Can understand an event (e.g. Oscar), the gist of a short report, an article written in a clear and simple level. B1 Can read and understand the key points of a film, book, concert etc., newspapers and magazines mass written for a large audience. Can understand places, events, emotions and visuals in the high frequency stories, guide books and magazines written in daily language. Can ex press and und erstand a t ravel diary, the major event s of a travel, t ravel experiences and discoveries of a person. Can follow clear linear stories and high frequency stories, the chronology of events in stories, simple novels and comics written in daily language by regular use of a dictionary. B2 Can read freely to a great extent a variety of texts (e.g. magazines, novels, history books, biograp hies, travel books, direct ories, lyrics and poems) for pleas ure by adjusting style and speed of reading and by using appropriate reference sources. Can read clear, non-exhaustive novels with spirited narration provided that s/he can take his/her time and use a dictionary. C1 Can read and evaluate a variety of literary texts provided that certain parts are chosen and h/she is allowed to access reference tools when needed. . / Base For Electronic Educational Sciences, 1(1) (2020) 40-50 43 Can read modern literary texts and implicit meanings and ideas written in standard but not fictional language. C2 Can read almost all kinds of literary or non-literary texts of various genres, and understand finer points and implicit and indirect meaning. The recently increasing interest in Turkish has accelerated the studies in the field of

teaching Turkish as a foreign language. This has led to the preparation of new learning

settings in accordance with the needs of our age and extended to formation of new learning environments appropriate to the expectations of the students. Therefore, free reading texts should also appeal to their needs and expectations.


The Aim of the Study

This study aims to evaluate the free reading texts in KHGL úNOLP Turkish Set prepared for use in teaching Turkish as a foreign language and to examine their conformity with the reading-comprehension activities in the European Common

Framework of Reference for Languages.

The Research Method

This is a qualitative study, which is conducted when observation and interview is not possible and may include some written and visual materials to enhance itsquotesdbs_dbs3.pdfusesText_6
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