[PDF] Red Harvester Ants Seven of these species are

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Fire Ant Home Remedies What Works What Doesnt

Wizzie Brown. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Texas Leaf Cutting Ants ... Simplified cross section diagram of a red imported fire ant mound ...

Carpenter Ants

Texas species of carpenter ants cause less damage to structural wood than do carpenter ants from other parts of the United States. They are nuisance pests and.

Texas Pest Ant Identification: An Illustrated Key to Common Pest

Texas). Most ant species are not considered to be pests. They are in fact

Management and Monitoring Packet contents

More than a dozen different species of horned lizards are found throughout western North America. Three horned lizard species call Texas home with the most 

Red Harvester Ants

Seven of these species are found only in far west Texas. Life cycle. Winged males and females swarm couple and mate

Where Have All the Quail Gone?

American Tree Sparrow Northern Harrier. Field Sparrow. Texas Horned Lizard hawks weather

The Ants of Dallas County Texas


Investigating Native and Invasive Ant Communities in College

the prevalence of invasive and native ant species in College Station Texas. Different types of bait were placed in various urban landscapes at regular time 

Prairie Nat. 17(2): 1985 pp. 49-64 - A Checklist of Texas Ants

tains); 4) flora (North Dakota has 1143 species; Texas 4839). See Table 1. Table 1. Comparison of the ant faunas of Texas and North Dakota. Subfamily.

Investigating Native and Invasive Ant Communities in College

Texas A&M University Department of Entomology ant species collected


Eight genera in Texas Carpenter ants Camponotusspp Crazy ants Paratechinaspp False honey ant Prenolepisimpairs Rover ants Brachymyrmex CARPENTER ANT CAMPONOTUS Large (1/4 to ½ inch) polymorphic Thorax rounded in profile Common species are red and black brown or all black 18 species in Texas CAMPONOTUSSPECIES WITH ROUNDED THORAX

How do you identify ants in Texas?

One of the easiest methods to distinguish the various ants in Texas is to look at the color, shape, or size of the head, thorax, pedicel (1 or 2 segments connecting the thorax to the abdomen), and abdomen. Here are the most common species of ants in Texas and their unique characteristics. 1. Red Imported Fire Ant

What are the fastest growing ants in Texas?

The Dark Rover Ant is one of the fastest-growing species in Texas and other states such as Arizona. Rough Harvester Ants are known to be endemic to Southern US. These ants are harvesters. They collect seeds. The Texas Carpenter Ant is endemic to Texas. It’s only found here and it mostly lives around oak and juniper trees in woodlands.

Are ants acrobats?

The ants are known as acrobats as they can arch the gaster upwards similarly to acrobats. Having a bi-colored body makes species identification easy. The upper part of the body is orange-red while the abdomen is dark brown to black. Most of the ants are found in woodlands under leaves or dead logs. 6. Graceful Twig Ant

Are red harvester ants the same as red imported ants?

Red Harvester Ants (Pogonomyrmex barbatus) closely resembles Red Imported Ants in color and size. These ants grow to a size between 5 and 7mm. However, there’s no direct species relation between these ants and Red Imported Ants. Red Harvester Ants are native to the Southwest. As their name suggests, these ants harvest and store food.

Red Harvester AntsL-53146-99

Bastiaan M. Drees*

R ed harvester ants are one of the more noticeable and larger ants in open areas in

Texas. However, harvester ants are not near-

ly as common today as they were during the ear- lier 1900s. The decline, particularly in the east- ern part of the state, has caused some alarm because these ants serve as a major source of food for the rapidly disappearing and threatened

Texas horned lizard.


Worker ants are

1 /4to 1 /2inch long and red to dark brown. They have squarish heads and no spines on the body. There are 22 species of har- vester ants in the United States, 10 of which are found in Texas. Seven of these species are found only in far west Texas.

Life cycle

Winged males and females swarm, couple and

mate, especially following rains. Winged forms are larger than worker ants. Males soon die and females seek a suitable nesting site. After drop- ping her wings, the queen ant digs a burrow and produces a few eggs. Larvae hatch from eggs and develop through several stages (instars). Larvae are white and legless, shaped like a crookneck squash with a small distinct head. Pupation occurs within a cocoon. Worker ants produced by the queen ant begin caring for other develop- ing ants, enlarge the nest and forage for food.

Pest status

Worker ants can give a painful, stinging bite,

but are generally reluctant to attack. Effects of the bite can spread along lymph channels and can be medically serious. Harvester ant workers commonly are sold for ant farms.


Worker ants remove vegetation in circular

areas or craters around nests. Colonies occur in open areas and usually have a single central opening. The area around the opening usually has small pebbles deposited on the soil surface by the worker ants. Often there is no vegetation within a 3- to 6-foot circle around the central opening of the colony, and along foraging trails radiating from the colony. Colonies usually are widely separated; however, heavy infestations in pasture and rangeland can reduce yield. Red har- vester ants also colonize in ornamental turf areas where their presence may be undesirable. They do not invade homes or structures. *Professor and Extension Entomologist, The TexasA&M University System.

Red harvester ants

Food sources

Red harvester ant foragers collect seeds and

dead insects and store them in the nests as food for the colony. The ants" mouthparts are designed for chewing.


Red harvester ants are native species and are

generally not considered to be serious pests. Consider the option of not controlling these ants, especially in areas inhabited by the few remain- ing horned lizards (see box).

However, in certain cases, elimination of red

harvester ants may be necessary. Destruction of their nests and habitat through regular discing and mowing may eliminate them without resort- ing to use of insecticides. If pesticides are select- ed, use registered products selectively and care- fully follow instructions provided on the label.

Although any insecticide registered to control

"ants" can be used to control harvester ants, few are registered specifically to control these species. Harvester ant colonies can be quickly eliminated using Amdro

Pro Fire Ant Bait con-

taining 0.73 percent hydramethylnon. Individualcolonies can be treated using 2 to 5 tablespoons of product scattered around the colony"s central opening. In larger areas, the product can be broadcast at a rate of 1 to 1 1 /2pounds product per acre (2 to 3 ounces per 5,000 square feet) using a suitable application device such as a hand-cranked seeder or the electric-driven mountable Herd GT Model 77 Seeder. Amdro can be used in lawns, landscaped areas, golf courses, other noncropped areas, grounds sur- rounding poultry houses, corrals, other animal 2

Nest of red harvester ants

The Texas horned lizardis a protected

threatened species. It is commonly called "horny toad."

Full-grown lizards are normally 2

1 /2to 4 1 /4 inches from the snout to the tip of the tail, although some grow larger. They have broad, flattened bodies and bear a crown of spines at the back of the head. Their color varies by the background color of the habitat in which they live.

Populations of the horned lizard and the har-

vester ant, on which it predominantly feeds, have declined in the eastern part of Texas.

There are several possible factors contributing

to the decline of these species. nRed imported fire ants are believed to eliminate harvester ants and prevent new colonies from forming by preying on mated queen harvester ants. nRed imported fire ants may prey directly on lizards or on hatching eggs of lizards. nMany insecticides used to control or elimi- nate the red imported fire ant are toxic tothe harvester ant, and eliminate the har- vester ant more efficiently than they elimi- nate fire ants. Broadcast applications of fire ant bait products should be avoided in areas where harvester ants are found. nHorned lizards normally inhabit flat, open, dry country with little cover. Urbanization, mowing, shredding, shallow discing and other land use practices can eliminate or reduce the production of weed seeds on which harvester ants feed. Harvester ants and horned lizards, which are dependent upon this ant species, cannot survive in these disturbed habitats.

Help Save the Texas Horned Lizard

holding areas, nonbearing ornamental nursery stock, pasture and rangeland. Do not cut and bale hay from treated cattle pastures and range- land until 7 days after bait application.

In noncrop areas, acephate dust products such

as Orthene

Turf, Tree & Ornamental Spray (75

percent acephate) can be applied as a dry appli- cation of 1 to 2 teaspoons product per nest. It also can be applied as a liquid drench, using 1 ounce of the product mixed in 5 gallons of water. Apply the mixture at a rate of 1 gallon per mound plus a 4-foot diameter circle around the nest.

Additional Information

Drees, B.M. and J.A. Jackman. A Field Guide to

Common Texas Insects. Gulf Publishers, 1998.

Garrett, J.M. and D.G. Barker. Texas Monthly

Field Guide Series - A Field Guide to Reptiles

and Amphibians of Texas. Gulf Publishing

Co., 1987.

Web site: http://ento.www.tamu.edu/extension/

index.html. 3

Suggested pesticides must be registered and

labeled for use by the Environmental

Protection Agency and the Texas Department

of Agriculture. The status of pesticide label clearances is subject to change and may have changed since this publication was printed.

County Extension agents and appropriate spe-

cialists are advised of changes as they occur.

The USER is always responsible for the

effects of pesticide residues on his livestock and crops, as well as for problems that could arise from drift or movement of the pesticides from his property to that of others. Always read and follow carefully the instructions on the product label.

Educational programs of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age

or national origin.

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and

June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. Chester P. Fehlis, Deputy Director, Texas Agricultural Extension

Service, The Texas A&M University System.

10,000, NewENT

Produced by Agricultural Communications, The Texas A&M University System Extension publications can be found on the Web at: http://agpublications.tamu.edu


The author appreciates review comments from Dr. John Jackman,

Dr. Dawn Gouge and Dr. Pat Morrison.

The information given herein is for educational purposes only. Reference to trade names is made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by the Texas

Agricultural Extension Service is implied.

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