[PDF] External Debt - What Is It Types Effects Examples Pros & Cons

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2. The Measurement of External Debt: Definition and Core

data with a comprehensive measure of external debt liabilities at the end of the reporting period and to allow them to identify the types of flows during 


policies aimed at retiring public external debt and substituting it with external to domestic borrowing may just lead countries to trade one type of.

External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users

External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users. 9.1 Types of Guarantees. 106. 9.2 Disclosing the Contingent Liabilities: Country Examples.

Sovereign Debt Restructuring Mechanism—Further Considerations

14 août 2002 three different types of sovereign debts: external debt to private creditors domestic debt

No 627 - External debt composition and domestic credit cycles

The BIS LBS data also contain a breakdown by borrowing sector. (banks versus non-banks) and instrument type (loans debt securities and other instruments ( 

External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users

External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users. 9.1 Types of Guarantees. 106. 9.2 Disclosing the Contingent Liabilities: Country Examples.

External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users 2003

Presentation of Public and Publicly Guaranteed External Debt Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Types of Debt Reorganization .

External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users 2003 -- Part

Third syndicated loans are but one of the various forms of international bank lending. Thus

9 External and Domestic Debt

23 mai 2011 external debt in relation to GDP. On the internal front borrowing from the State Bank of Pakistan continues to create problem as in the ...

External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users 2003

data with a comprehensive measure of external debt liabilities at the end of the reporting period and to allow them to identify the types of flows during 

DEBT REPORT 2020 - World Bank

Public and Publicly Guaranteed External Debt Stock US$ (billion) Source: World Bank Debtor Reporting System 35 45 20 Bilateral creditors Multilateral creditors Non-official creditors Source: World Bank Debtor Reporting System Percent Figure 1a: End-2018 External Debt Stock by Creditor Type by DSSI -Eligible Borrowers 34 27 39 Bilateral

External Debt - What Is It Types Effects Examples Pros & Cons

2 I Low- and Middle-Income Countries - External Debt Estimates for 2020 Preliminary estimates indicate the combined external debt stock of 120 low- and middle-income countries for which data was presented in International Debt Statistics 2021 (IDS 2021) rose to $8 4 trillion at end-2020

  • What Is External Debt?

    External debt is the portion of a country’s debt that is borrowed from foreign lenders, including commercial banks, governments, or international financial institutions. These loans, including interest, must usually be paid in the currency in which the loan was made. To earn the needed currency, the borrowing country may sell and export goods to th...

  • Defaulting on External Debt

    A debt crisis can occur if a country with a weak economyis not able to repay the external debt due to an inability to produce and sell goods and make a profitable return. The IMF is one of the agencies that keeps track of countries’ external debt. Together with The World Bank, it publishes a quarterly report on external debt statistics.34 If a nati...

What are the different types of external debt?

The common types of external debt are public and publicly guaranteed debt, non-guaranteed public sector external debt, and loans offered by the IMF. Excessive foreign debt can obstruct economic growth over the long term. External debt meaning implies a portion of a nation’s debt borrowed from foreign institutions.

What is external debt in public finance?

In public finance, external debt (or foreign debt) is the component of the total government debt which is owed to foreign creditors; its complement is internal debt, which is owed to domestic lenders. The debtors can be the government, corporations or citizens of that country.

Is external debt irrelevant to the underlying currency?

The external debt is irrelevant to the underlying currency. The state debt is split between debt denominated in the national currency and debt denominated in any foreign currency. :?55

Is external debt a liability?

However, the definition of external debt does not distinguish between principal payments or interest payments, or payments for both. Also, the definition does not specify that the timing of the future payments of principal and/or interest need be known for a liability to be classified as debt.

DEBT Report 2021

stocks, transactions (commitments, disbursements and debt service payments) and loan terms coverage and harmonization of international datasets and related data di ssemination.

Outcomes in 2020 were driven by the

ments in China. In aggregate the ten most im-

2019 external debt stock, recorded a 1.8 percent

ters of 2021 to $5.8 trillion, with a 2.6 percent rise percent contraction in long-term debt stocks. But there was wide divergence in outcomes between

China and the other nine major borrowers. Chi-

na, which accounts for around 28 percent of com- bined external debt stock of low- and middle-in- come countries and close to 50 percent of their combined GDP, drove the trend. China recorded three quarters of 2020 to $2.3 trillion at end-Sep- tember 2020 propelled by a 16.4 percent increase term obligations. In marked contrast the other the nine largest borrowers recorded, on average, a 3.6 percent contraction in external debt stocks at end-September 2020 from the end-2019 level.

Over this nine-month period their combined long-

term external debt stocks fell 3 percent and short- term debt stocks contracted 6.6 percent. quarter of 2020 China's economy rebounded ated.

The Chinese economy grew at an estimated

4.9 percent in the third quarter of 2020 leading to

increased imports and exports and a parallel rise in trade credit. Chinese borrowers also reaped the rewards of measures taken in recent years to dium-sized private sector entities and exchange rate and related policies that have resulted in the inclusion of renminbi-denominated bonds on global benchmark indices. Bond issuance by Chi- lion and investor appetite enabled China to issue the €4 billion Eurobond issue in November 2020.

External debt stock accumulation in 2020 was

also attributable to the increased holding of do- mestically issued renminbi-denominated Chinese bonds by international investors, primarily central


Ex- ternal borrowing by low- and middle-income coun- tries in 2020 took place against the backdrop of the

COVID-19 pandemic that caused a global recession

whose depth was only surpassed in the past cen- tury by the two World Wars and the Great Depres sion. It followed a decade in which external debt levels had already risen sharply in many low- and middle-income countries leaving borrowers vul- nerable to sudden changes in investor risk appetite and compounding the debt problems of the world's poorest countries, many of which were already as- sessed at high risk of debt distress. Preliminary estimates indicate that low- and middle-income countries added around $220 billion to their com ure is based on actual outcomes through the third reporting to the Quarterly External Debt Statistics (QEDS) and information from creditor sources, debt stock of low- and middle-income countries is estimated to have risen by around 2.8 percent in

2020, close to half the average 5.5 percent increase

recorded in 2018 and 2019.


2010201 12012201 32014201 52016201 72018201 92020

Figure1: Low-and Middle-Income Countries -

External Debt Stocks, 2010-2020


Sources:World Bank Debtor Reporting System, Quarterly

External Debt Statistics and staff estimates.

downturn in short-term debt paralleling reduced bonds held by non-residents. Countries in these percent increase recorded in 2019 driven by out the external debt stock of the region, but external

Major borrowers, other than China,

As slowdown in economic activity and cross-border of the pandemic. South Africa was especially hard three quarters of 2020 with shortfalls made up by


from bond issuance in international capital mar

05001000150020002500TurkeyThailandSouth AfricaRussiaMexicoIndonesiaIndiaChinaBrazilArgentina

Figure2: Top Ten Borrowers -External Debt

Stocks, end-2019 and Q3-2020


Source:Quarterly External Debt Statistics.

Figure3: External Debt Stock by Region -Percent Change, 2018-2020


Sources:World Bank Debtor Reporting System, Quarterly External Debt Statistics and staff estimates.

H[WHUQDOGHEW"The high-frequency QEDS are a

management capacity is often weak. Over half of

Latin America and the Caribbean provide compre



9%8% China Sources:Quarterly External Debt Statistics,creditor sourcesand staff Figure4: External Debt Stock Regional Share, end-2020


Figure5: Low-and Middle-Income Countries Reporting to QEDS by Region


Sources:World Bank Debtor Reporting SystemandQuarterly External Debt Statistics. 5


rose 3 percent in 2020 driven by a surge in is

Data compiled by


in 2019. Chinese public and private sector entities


percent of bond issuance by all low- and middle-in


except Latin America and the Caribbean. Coun was propelled by a 9 percent rise in issues by pub by private sector entities. Mexico accounted for 42 issue a sovereign Sustainable Development Goals


East Asia

and PacificEast Asia and Pacific excl. ChinaEurope and

Central AsiaLatin

America and

CaribbeanMiddle East

North AfricaSouth AsiaSub-Saharan


Figure7: Regional Distribution of Bond Issuance by Low-and Middle-Income

Countries, 2018-2020


Sources:World Bank Debtor Reporting System and Dealogic.

Figure6: Bond Issuance by Low-and Middle-

Income Countries (LMICs) by Debtor Type


Sources:World Bank Debtor Reporting System and Dealogic. 6

New bond issuance by countries in


2020. Bond issuance by countries in Sub-Saharan

of the pandemic. Investor aversion to the region The EMBI index for African issuers fell back below quotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20
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