[PDF] 102-8 Information on employees and other workers

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Long Delay and Flight Cancellation Notice under the Canadian Air

Canadian Air Passenger Protection. Regulations (APPR) Please contact Air Canada Customer Relations to file a claim or for any concerns and complaints.

Air Canada Notice of Denied Boarding under the Canadian Air

under the Canadian Air Passenger 8. RECOURSE. Please contact Air Canada Customer Relations for any concerns or complaints at:.

102-8 Information on employees and other workers

For Air Canada Rouge® the flight attendants are covered by a collective Customer Service: 2020 - 2025 ... UK Customer Service & Cargo: 2015 - 2019.

Air Canada

Feb 18 2022 If any employee has questions about any section of this Code

Air Canada Customer Support ACF008-UA (2020-06)

CUSTOMER RELATIONS. Visit: www.aircanada.com/customerrelations. P.O. Box 64239 RPO Thorncliffe. Calgary AB T2K 6J7 Canada. BAGGAGE.

ATPCO AC-2 Air Canada International Tariff Page 2

When used in this tariff the dollar sign refers to Canadian dollars. Acceptance of the baggage without complaint

2020 Corporate Sustainability Report

Relevant sustainability topics for Air Canada were then matched with complaints as well as support with general inquiries. To improve financial.

Notice of Denied Boarding

boarding compensation. 8. RECOURSE. Please contact Air Canada Customer Relations for any concerns or complaints at: www.aircanada.com/customerrelations.

Long Delay and Flight Cancellation Notice under the Canadian Air

Please contact Air Canada Customer Relations to file a claim or for any concerns and complaints at : www.aircanada.com/customerrelations.

a) GRI description:Information on employees and other workers. b) Calculation protocol available in:GRI Standards, GRI 102: General Disclosures, p. 10 GRI Standards can be downloaded at the following link:

c) Boundaries:Air Canada, including Air Canada Rouge® and Air Canada Vacations® (Full Disclosure)

Permanent - Full-timeCount8,67211,73515,91018,30514,16817,105Count9,33312,45817,53719,88315,61918,544

Permanent - Part- timeCount6407131,4931,3941,3011,333





United States of AmericaCount741

Rest of the worldCount713


GRI Content Index 2020



Total workforce

2020Total number of employees by

employment contract, by region

102-8 Information on employees and other workers

Temporary - Full-time

Temporary - Part-time


General KPI Information

20182018Total number of employees by

employment contract, by gender

Total workforce


Quantitative KPI Information

a) GRI description: b) Calculation protocol available in: GRI Standards can be downloaded at the following link: c) Boundaries:


%82%86%87%87%87%90%88%89% Note:

GRI Content Index 2020


102-41 Percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements

General KPI Information

Percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements.

GRI Standards, GRI 102: General diclosures, p. 30

Quantitative KPI Information

Percentage of total employees

covered by collective bargaining agreements There are no employees covered by collective bargaining agreements at Air Canada Vacations®.

For Air Canada Rouge®, the flight attendants are covered by a collective bargaining agreement and the pilots who were seconded Air Canada employees were also covered by a collective bargaining agreement.

Collective Agreements Durations:

Pilots: 2014 - 2024

Cabin Crew: 2015 - 2025

Maintenance & Ground Staff: 2016 - 2026

Customer Service: 2020 - 2025

Crew Schedulers (FOP): 2015 - 2025

Crew Schedulers (IFS): 2015 - 2025

Finance: 2016 - 2026

Clerical: 2016 - 2026

Dispatchers: 2016 - 2028

US Airports: 2019 - 2029

UK Mechanics: - 2016 - 2025

UK Customer Service & Cargo: 2015 - 2019

Air Canada, including Air Canada Rouge® and Air Canada Vacations® (Full Disclosure) a) GRI description: b) Calculation protocol available in: c) Boundaries: GJ72,289,961 190,428,788 GJ217,552 310,651



GJ564,084 703,305 GJ73,086,146 191,480,096

NB: The 2018 numbers have been updated.

GJ- - GJ- - GJ532,580 561,227 GJ- - GJ- - GJ- - GJ532,580 561,227 GJ- - GJ- - GJ- - GJ- - GJ- - GJ73,618,726 192,041,324

Source of the conversion factors used:

Air Canada has used the conversion factors in Table 1-1 of the Regulation respecting mandatory reporting of certain emissions of contaminants into the atmosphere.

GRI Content Index 2020

Qualitative KPI Information

Explanation for variation between 2018,2019 and 2020:

The COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences (borders closing, flight restrictions, telework, etc.) had a significant effect on Air Canada's operations.It translated into a major reduction of flight operations, resulting in an important decline of jet fuel consumption.

Standard, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used:

Refer to Air Canada's annual CDP Climate Change submissions (at www.cdp.net) for report standards, methodologies, and assumptions used.

Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge® Ground Service Equipment and facilities Includes Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge® Ground Service


Aircraft biofuelAir operations


176,992,971 Total


Total energy consumption within the


Self-generated electricity, heating, cooling and

steam, which are not consumed

Total energy consumptionUnitTotal sales


Total consumption


Total fuel consumption from renewable


General KPI Information

Includes Air Canada facilities (Air Canada, Air Canada Rouge®, Aeroplan Inc. and Trans-Canada Capital Inc. consumption)

Quantitative KPI Information

302-1 Energy consumption within the organization

Total heating sold

Total cooling sold

Total steam sold

Total sales


Total heating consumption

Total cooling consumption

Total steam consumptionTotal consumption

Total electricity consumption2017


847 Total


Energy consumption within the organization.

Air Canada, including Air Canada Rouge®, Air Canada Vacations®, Aeroplan Inc. and Trans-Canada Capital Inc. (Full







Includes Air Canada facilities (Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge® consumption) 2017



34,821 Includes Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge®

GRI Standards, GRI 302: Energy, p. 6

GRI Standards can be downloaded at the following link: https://www.globalreporting.org/standards







Note: All flying for Air Canada Vacations® is done using either Air Canada or Air Canada Rouge®

Total fuel consumption from non-renewable




202061,996 185,524,663



2,850 2,850

Aircraft fuelAir operations

Ground operations


Ground operations

Natural gasDiesel/gasoline

GJ8,260,825 23,271,980

GJ127,318 127,852

Standard, methodologies, assumptions and/or calculation tools used:

Source of the conversion factors used:


302-2 Energy consumption outside of the organization



Upstream energy consumption (excl. emissions

from 302-1)Unit 201820192020

General KPI Information

a) GRI description: Including carriers operating under the Air Canada Express banner and tenants (Full Disclosure)c) Boundaries:


GRI Standards can be downloaded at the following link: https://www.globalreporting.org/standards

Upstream relates to purchased goods and services

GRI Content Index 2020

Energy consumption outside of the organization.

b) Calculation protocol available in:GRI Standards, GRI 302: Energy, p. 8

Qualitative KPI Information

Natural gas and electricity purchased by tenants

Quantitative KPI Information


Refer to Air Canada's annual CDP Climate Change submissions (at www.cdp.net) for report standards, methodologies, and assumptions used.

Air Canada has used the conversion factors in Table 1-1 of the Regulation respecting mandatory reporting of certain emissions of contaminants into the



Jet fuel consumption from flights operated by carriers under the Air Canada Express bannerPurchased goods and services

Upstream leased assets

a) GRI description:Energy intensity. b) Calculation protocol available in:GRI Standards, GRI 302: Energy, p. 10 GRI Standards can be downloaded at the following link: https://www.globalreporting.org/standards

c) Boundaries:Air Canada, including Air Canada Rouge® (Full Disclosure)litres1,932,886,660 5,091,678,821

100 RTK

(revenue tonne kilometres)46,570,663 165,100,915 litres / 100 RTK41.50 30.84

Types of energy included in the intensity ratio: fuel, electricity, heating, cooling, steam or all.Ratio used (within the organization, outside or both):

GRI Content Index 2020

The ratio uses energy consumed within the organization. Explanation for variation between 2018, 2019 and 2020:

The decline in fuel efficiency observed is attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences on operations. The load factors and irregularity in operations made it challenging to maintain certain efficiency levels.

The energy included in this ratio is the amount of jet fuel consumed, on an annual basis, by Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge® aircraft.


Energy intensity ratio

(the amount of fuel required to move 100 tonnes of people or cargo 1 kilometre)

Qualitative KPI Information31.24

302-3 Energy Intensity

Please specify nominator and denominator with

their respective units


Organization-specific metric (denominator): weight of passengers and cargo by distance transported /

100Absolute energy consumption (numerator): jet fuel consumed

General KPI Information

Quantitative KPI Information



150,617,866 4,960,628,693


c) Boundaries: Conversion and retrofitting of equipmentGJ15,039 45,838 Changes in behaviourGJ- 34,643

Operational changesGJ139,937 257,589 Process RedesignGJ- -

Conversion and retrofitting of equipmentEstimatedEstimated

Changes in behaviourN/AEstimated

Process RedesignN/AN/A

Operational changesEstimatedEstimated

Basis for calculating reductions in energy consumption such as base year or baseline, and the rationale:Types of energy included in the reductions (fuel, electricity, heating, cooling and steam):




Qualitative KPI Information

Air Canada, including Air Canada Rouge® (Full Disclosure)



Quantitative KPI Information


GRI Content Index 2020

302-4 Reduction of energy consumption


a) GRI description: Reduction of energy consumption.

General KPI Information

Reductions in energy consumption due to:


The energy savings associated with the specific initiatives above are modelled. For instance, calculations are completed to determine the fuel saved when onboard weight is

reduced (for each aircraft type) but the actual amount of fuel saved is dependent on many factors including weather, aircraft type, compliance to the procedures, etc.The energy source included is aircraft jet fuel.

Choose how the figures were obtained:

GRI Standards can be downloaded at the following link: https://www.globalreporting.org/standards 2017






755 -








1.2.2 A list of specific catchments where the organization causes significant water-related impacts.

Water is used in facilities for cooling towers, aircraft and ground support equipment maintenance activities, and in day-to-day facility operations. The water comes from the local

municipalities and/or airports and is discharged to municipal sewer systems directly or indirectly via an airport's own sewer system, however any hazardous wastewater generated

is treated or disposed of in accordance with regulations.

Air Canada uses water for its aircraft flight operations and on the ground in its corporate, cargo and maintenance facilities.

Air Canada, through its environmental management system (EMS), has identified water-related impacts from its activities; both operational and potential. Water used for passenger service and freight operations in water-stressed countries may impact the water resources in that country. Water used in aircraft and ground support maintenance

activities generates wastewater effluents discharged to municipal sanitary sewers meeting specific water quality requirements. Although mitigated, there is a potential risk for

releases of various hazardous substances to sanitary or stormwater sewers resulting from environmental incidents during aircraft operations and from maintenance and cargo

facilities impacting water quality. As for de-icing operations, the residual de-icing fluids that is not captured by the collection process has the potential of entering ground,

stormwater and/or surface water run-off affecting water quality. These risks are mitigated and managed through specific environment management plans (see below).

Air Canada has developed environmental management plans to address both its ongoing and potential water-related impacts. These management plans ensure compliance to applicable regulations and are developed to prevent pollution and minimize environmental risks.

Water used for flight operations is provided by the airports and includes the water uplifted for passenger service and aircraft de-icing operations. In de-icing operations, water is

occasionally mixed with the de-icing fluid to reach the desired concentration. The effluent generated from anti-icing and de-icing operations is collected and treated by a third

party (refer to GRI 303-4).

303-1 Interactions with water as a shared resource

General KPI Information

a) GRI description:Interactions with water as a shared resource b) Calculation protocol available in:GRI Standards, GRI 303: Water, c) BoundariesReporting requirements

a. A description of how the organization interacts with water, including how and where water is withdrawn, consumed, and discharged, and the water-related

impacts caused or contributed to, or directly linked to the organizationquotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23

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