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Convaincre persuader


Euro Fair Statistics

The figures presented in the Euro Fair Statistics brochure concern 13 ADAF - ASSOCIATION DES DEPANNEURS AUTOMOBILE DE FRANCE.

Savoir rédiger - Studyrama (2009).pdf

nale on trouve plusieurs cas de figure selon que le pronom réflé- Toutes ces fautes de style sont dues à des interférences avec l'oral.


Fabienne de Guillebon. Coordinator of the Special Issue 7 Livelihoods. Acknowledgements to Christine Rodwell (societal relations Manager of Veolia 

Etude dœuvre : Boule de suif de Maupassant (1880)

Fiche téléchargée sur www.studyrama.com Elisabeth Rousset dite « Boule de suif » est une prostituée une figure bien présente dans l'œuvre de Maupassant ...

Diapositive 1

Mar 2 2019 la réception par les équipes STUDYRAMA. ... Salon STUDYRAMA de Lille ... connaissance de la carte qui figure sur la page suivante.

Biographie de Baudelaire

de Baudelaire avec sa famille : un perpétuel « je t'aime moi non plus ». il en a entendu les échos et admire la force le souffle et le style hugoliens.

A Black Voice from the other North: Thomas Smallwoods

originaire de Washington D.C. et intitulé Narrative financial efforts that it took to buy his own freedom


de la figure romantique du héros conquérant qui entend Marcel Proust

Success Stories of Progressive Women Farmers and Agripreneurs

fashion designing and later shifted to farming through the support confidence and encouragement scenery drawn with paddy straw in actual shape and size.


tableau recapitulatif des principales les figures de style On appelle figures de style (ou de rhétorique) les procédés d’expression par lesquels en s’écartant de l’usage banal de la langue un auteur cherche à attirer l’attention séduire émouvoir ou convaincre ses lecteurs

Searches related to figure de style studyrama PDF

Consigne : Identifiez les figures de style contenues dans les énoncés suivants : 1-Maintenant tout est déjà rose jaune vert C’est devenu une carte postale 2-Le jardin dormait encore 3-C’est beau un jardin qui ne pense pas encore aux hommes

  • Les Figures d'analogie

    2.1.1 La comparaison

  • Les Figures de Substitution

    2.2.1 La métonymie

  • Les Figures d'insistance Ou D'exagération

    2.3.1 L'hyperbole

  • Les Figures d'atténuation

    2.4.1 L'euphémisme

  • Les Figures d'opposition

    2.5.1 L'antiphrase

  • Les Figures de Rupture

    2.6.1 Le zeugme

  • Les Figures Qui jouent Sur Les Sons

    2.7.1 L'assonance

Qu'est-ce que les exercices sur les figures de style ?

Les exercices sur les figures de style aident à comprendre les différentes techniques littéraires. Les figures de style ajoutent de la profondeur et de la richesse à la langue. Les activités comprennent la reconnaissance de figures de style dans des textes.

Comment travailler les figures de style ?

Voici quelques exemples d’exercices pour travailler les figures de style : « Les feuilles mortes se ramassent à la pelle, dans les cours et les jardins rouges et jaunes, pareilles à des flammes » La première phrase utilise une métaphore pour comparer les feuilles mortes à des flammes.

Qu'est-ce que la reconnaissance de figures de style ?

Les activités comprennent la reconnaissance de figures de style dans des textes. Elles contiennent également la création d’exemples de figures de style, et l’analyse de l’effet produit. Les exercices peuvent être trouvés en ligne sous forme de fichiers PDF, imprimables ou utilisables en ligne.

Quels sont les différents types de figures de style ?

Parmi les phrases suivantes, repérez les figures de style: Cette activité demande aux étudiants de repérer des figures de style spécifiques telles qu’une périphrase, une anacoluthe, une synecdoque, deux gradations, deux oxymores et trois antithèses dans un ensemble de phrases données. Certaines figures de style sont courantes dans la langue parlée.

is published by Veolia Environment Institute

15 rue des Sablons, 75016 Paris - FRANCE



FACTS Reports is published by VertigO

on behalf of the Veolia Environment

Institute. eISSN: 1867 - 8521




Monsieur K

Les Éditions en environnement VertigO



Pure Impression

Printed on certified paper

© AUTHORS 2012 - 2013

All the articles are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. Authors keep their copyright but allow people to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt their work provided they are properly cited. www.creativecommons.org/licenses/


This Special Issue on Livelihoods could not exist without the outstandin g support of the companies that are en

gaged in the fund and more broadly in the Livelihoods adventure. It could not exist without the members of the

Livelihoods Network which have strongly contributed to this Livelihoods issue in sharing the learnings from their

eld experience.

We are also happy to pay tribute to our institutional partners that have brought so much to Livelihoods since its

creation and play an important role in its development: IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), the

Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, The World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF), and many others. We also would like to

make a special thank you to the French Fund For Global Environment (FFEM) that brings its support to the

Livelihoods projects and the activities of the Livelihoods Network. This Special Issue would not have been possible without the engagement a nd tenacity of the FACTS Reports team. We thank them very warmly for giving the Livelihoods Network this opportu nity. Our thanks also go to all

those who have contributed to improving the quality of the articles submitted, and especially the FACTS Reports

editorial committee members. 3


In order to ght poverty across the world, FACTS (Field ACTions Science) has been de veloping a pioneering concept, based on scientic reasoning, since 2007. It consists in publishing results of eld practices to capitalise knowledge and to distribute in novative know-how acquired from experience. Thus the journal, FACTS Reports, came into existence and aims to publish articles from eld actors. It is an international and multidisciplinary journal which applies the scientic approach of peer review and validation. Since its creation in 2008, it has published over

200 articles covering projects on health, economy, education, agriculture and environ

ment. It also publishes thematic or geographic special issues, including Access to Healthcare, Healthcare Funding and Performance


Fighting Poverty, between Market and Gift

Migration and Health

Reconciling Poverty Eradication and Protection of the Environment

Urban Agriculture

Women's and Children's Health

FACTS has established a platform hosting the rst scientically organised community of eld actors.


Livelihoods is a carbon fund that invests in large scale projects of agroforestry, ecosys tem restoration and access to rural energy. Investors in the fund are corporations that get certied carbon credits with high social and environmental value in return for their invest ment. Since its creation end 2011, 8 corporations have joined Livelihoods: Danone, which initiated the fund, Crédit Agricole, Schneider Electric, Hermè s, SAP, Voyageurs du

Monde, CDC Climat, La Poste.

Livelihoods projects are implemented by rural communities with the support of eld NGOs. They are designed to provide food security as well as revenue increase to the farmers and their families while contributing to maintain or restore biodiversity, water re sources, soil organic fertility, etc. Livelihoods Fund has already invested in 6 major proj ects which are impacting more than one million people. 130 million trees have been planted which will sequestrate 5-7 million Tons of CO 2 on 20 years. Livelihoods business model is quite unique with up-front investment to allow poor communities pre-nance their project. A Livelihoods Charter denes the vision and the principles tha t guide the selection process and the way projects are managed. In addition to the Livelihoods Fund, a capacity building and knowledge t ransfer organiza tion was formed between eld practitioners, experts, researchers and the private sector: Livelihoods Network Its mission is to foster innovation and develop tool s and methodolo gies that prove to be efcient in Livelihoods type projects. Companies are invited to bring their own expertise and participate to the co-creation process of the Livelihoods Network.

Consult FACTS Reports on line:




President, University of Europe

Former Rector, Paris Academy


Former French Minister of Health

President, UNICEF-France


Dean of the School of Economics,

University Paris I, Panthéon Sorbonne

Member of the French Academy of

Moral and Political Sciences


Former French Minister of Health

Chairman, Unitaid

François GROS

Honorary Permanent Secretary,

French Academy of Sciences

Mohamed HASSAN

Former Executive Director Academy

of Sciences for the developing world

Pierre Marc JOHNSON

Former Prime Minister of Quebec,

Chief Negotiator in Canada-European trade talks


Former French Minister

Founder of Médecins Sans Frontières

(Doctors without Borders)


Professor emeritus, Collège de France

Honorary Director-General, Institut Pasteur

Member of the French Academy of SciencesFederico MAYORFormer Director-General, UNESCOPresident, Foundation for a Culture of Peace


Chairman, Intergovernmental

Panel on Climate Change (Nobel Peace Prize, 2007)

Director-General, The Energy and

Resources Institute

Peter PIOT

Former Executive Director of UNAIDS

Former UN Under-Secretary General


Former Managing-Director, World Bank

Former Vice-Chancellor, Cape Town University


President, New York Academy of Sciences

President, Scientists without Borders

Amartya SEN

Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, 1998,

“Lamont University Professor" and professor of

Economics and Philosophy, Harvard University


Director, Library of Alexandria

Former Vice President Special Programmes,

World Bank


Peace Nobel laureate


Dr. Philippe Kourilsky


Professor emeritus at the Collège de France

Member of the French Academy of Sciences

Dr. David Ojcius

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Editor-in-Chief / Health

Professor, University of California, Merced

Dr. Henri Rouillé D'Orfeuil

Editor-in-Chief / Agriculture and Food

Former President of Coordination SudDr. Jean-Claude BerthélemyEditor-in-Chief / EconomyDean of the School of Economics, University Paris I, Panthéon Sorbonne

Dr. Georges Valentis

Managing Director

Veolia Environment Institute

Agnès Chamayou

Editorial Manager

Fabienne de Guillebon

Coordinator of the Special Issue 7, Livelihoods

Acknowledgements to Christine Rodwell (societal relations Manager of Veolia Environnement)quotesdbs_dbs7.pdfusesText_5
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