[PDF] 1) BE et HAVE GOT au present : complétez les conjugaisons

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1) BE et HAVE GOT au present : complétez les conjugaisons.

My sis ter has got three dogs. 2. I … a new computer . Tom has got a yellow skateboard. 2. amI

1 Be et have au présent et au prétérit

I haven't got. Have you got? He (she it) has. He hasn't got. Has he got? • Présent avec do. ? Forme affi rmave. Forme négave. Forme interrogave.

Be and have got Countable and uncountable nouns

He's got crocodile posters. ? describe people animals and things. Crocodiles have got sharp teeth. See grammar box on page 52. Circle the correct word.


He/she/it is. He's/She's /It's. He/she/it HAS. He'S got. We are. We're. We have. We've got. You are. You're. You have. You've got. They are. They're.


Have you got a car? Yes I have. Forme interrogative. I have a car. I've got a car. She has long hair. She's got long hair. Forme négative.

Tableau sous main Collège 4ème

Have (got). Je les mets devant le sujet pour former une phrase interrogative. Présent de have got. AUXILIAIRE DE SECOURS AU PRESENT : DO /DOES.

Have Got a Pattern Preserver

HA VE GOT A PATTERN PRESERVER. THOMAS L. CROWELL. Columbia University. T HE 'HAVE GOT' WHICH SUBSTITUTES FOR have has for the past four centuries.

André Michoux

Have you got a computer at home? c. Who is that girl at the end of the street? 4 Les nombres – La date. 1 a.

Have got – ANSWERS skateboard

I've got a skateboard lots of computer games


16 mar. 2020 britannique on a le mot « got » avec HAVE

PRESENT BE ET HAVE GOT - clg-casals-cabestanyac-montpellierfr

have affirmation i have got he/she/it has got we/you/they have got negation i haven’t got he/she/it hasn’t got we/you/they haven’t got interrogation have i got ? has she got ? have you got ? reponses breves yes i have no i haven’t yes he has no he hasn’t yes we have no we haven’t complete the sentences with be :

To be have got - bbresourcess3amazonawscom

To be have got A 1 am 4 is 6 are 2 am 5 are 7 are 3 is B 1 The chair is new The chair isn’t old 2 Her hair is long Her hair isn’t short 3 The elephants are big The elephants aren’t small 4 The shoes are white The shoes aren’t brown C 1 have got 4 has got 2 have got 5 have got 3 has got D 1 It hasn’t got tomatoes in it

Have got - LearnEnglish Kids

haven’t / has / haven’t got e We blue eyes ’ve got / ’s got / are got f a computer? Has she / Has she got / Has got she g I some chocolate ’s got / ’ve / ’ve got h a garden? Have they got / They have got / Has they We’re very lucky We have got a lot of toys I’ve got a robot some dolls and lots of computer games My

To be have got - bbresourcess3amazonawscom

To be have got – Answers A 1am 4 is 6are 2 am 5 are 7 are 3is B 1 The chair is new The chair isn’t old 2 Her hair is long Her hair isn’t short 3 The elephants are big The elephants aren’t small 4 The shoes are white The shoes aren’t brown C 1 have got 4 has got 2 have got 5 have got 3 has got D 1 It hasn’t got tomatoes in it

To be have got - bbresourcess3amazonawscom

To be have got – Answers A 1is 3 is 5are 2 are 4 am 6 Are B 1 The children are not in the house 2 I am not in the forest 3 Simon is not a lazy boy 4 We are not afraid of dogs C 1 Is No it isn’t 2 Is No he isn’t 3 Is Yes it is 4 Are No they aren’t D 1 has got 4 have got 2 have got 5 have got 3 has got 6 have got

1) BE et HAVE GOT au present : complétez les conjugaisons

EX : 1 John a student John is a student 2 Thomas and Dave my best friends _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 My dog’s name Surf

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