[PDF] Week 4 – Complex Numbers px2 + y2 . Note that the

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Complex numbers

26-Feb-2015 zB ? zA ) = 7. 2or arg (. zD ? zC. zB ? zA ) = ?. 7. 2. 5.7 Triangles in the complex plane. To prove that the triangle ABC is :.

( ) z

ei (?-?'). Interprétation géométrique : M(z) M'(z') distincts et A(zA) ….. arg(zB-zA) = (. ? u . ?. AB ) (2 ?). zB-zA. zD-zC. = AB. CD arg( z.


V ) = ?' - ? = arg z' - arg z [ 2? ]. Propriétés. Soit A B


18-Apr-2018 1) – arg (z. 2). 5.2.2 Solution of a quadratic equation. The equations ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a

Week 4 – Complex Numbers

px2 + y2 . Note that the argument of 0 is undefined. Note also that arg z is defined only upto multiples of 2?. For example the argument 


arg(z) := ? mod 2? (to be referred to as the principle branch of argument) To see the remaining half apply Maximum Modulus Principle to f(z)/z. D.

J SYu^s f iN aas c 7/ ¿Z m Z (7?z7?zJk m y A/> / S P-^Z Z y ^ a t

'ASy/t s Ayy Z Z aaZ 7 szy Z saa7 7 % yy^yy sa za s aa 7y y yzT Z zyZ ZtT aa ^ y A i- A sZ ... fd> //fd Z Zz/zY Z/Z dCd/ J Z Zd-Y ¿-^ddd-Y. ¿y-d/z^d.

S Amérique du Sud novembre 2018

Le plan est muni d'un repère orthonormal : (O;?u;?v) . On considère les points A B

Chapter 12: Three-Phase Circuits Exercises

SA: IaA IaA ZA SB: IbB IbB ZB SC: IcC IcC ZC SA 191 168 119 48i SB 57 87 57 87i SC 142 843 35 711i SA SB SC 391 88 141 639i =?? =?? =?? =+ =+ = ? ++= + VnN : (ZaA ZA) (ZcC ZC) e (ZaA ZA) (ZbB ZB) e (ZbB ZB) (ZcC ZC) (ZaA ZA) (ZcC ZC) (ZaA ZA) (ZbB ZB) (ZbB ZB) (ZcC ZC) Vp VnN 25 137 14 236i VnN 28 888 180 arg(VnN) 150 475 j 4 3 j 2

Expert Commentary on BS EN ISO 13485:2016 Medical devices

Mar 1 2016 · Annexes ZA ZB and ZC which describe the relationship between the requirements of the three European Medical Devices Directives and the clauses of the standard ISO 13485:2016 is a revision of the second edition of ISO 13485 which was published in 2003

Grid Zone Designation 18S

ZC ZB ZA ZG ZF ZE ZD ZC ZB ZA ZV ZU ZT ZS ZR ZQ ZP ZN 1000000m 8° 0° 180° 500000m False Easting 174° 168° 162° 0° 8° 2000000m 16° 16° 24° 180° 174° 168° 162° 0m 0m 500000m False Easting 500000m False Easting

What are the draft annexes ZA ZB and ZC?

Draft Annexes ZA, ZB and ZC showed the relationships with the Directives for medical devices. These Annexes incorporated some modifications from their equivalents in EN ISO 14971:2012 in the light of the changes made in the new edition of the standard.

Are there any content deviations in the Z Annexes?

Contents of the Z Annexes Firstly, there are no Content Deviations in the Z Annexes of EN ISO 14971:2019+Amd 11:2021 (there were seven Content Deviations in the Z Annexes of EN ISO 14971:2012, these stated ways in which ISO 14971:2007 differed from the three EU Medical Device Directives) - many will regard this as good news.

Does annex za trigger presumption of conformity?

Hence the sections listed in annex ZA do not (yet) trigger presumption of conformity. When the harmonized standard ist published within the Official Journal, the IBF experts change the status and take note of the legal base (Commission Implementing Decision) and means of publication (EU-Official Journal) in the bibliographical data of the data set.

Week 4 - Complex Numbers

Richard Earl

Mathematical Institute, Oxford, OX1 2LB,

November 2003


Cartesian and polar form of a complex number. The Argand diagram. Roots of unity. The relation- ship between exponential and trigonometric functions. The geometry of the Argand diagram.

1 The Need For Complex Numbers

All of you will know that the two roots of the quadratic equation 2 ++=0are 2 4 2(1) and solving quadratic equations is something tha t mathematicians have been able to do since the time of the Babylonians. When2

4 0then these two roots are real and distinct; graphically they are

where the curve= 2 ++cuts the-axis. When 2

4=0then we have one real root and

the curve just touches the-axis here. But what happens when 2

4 0? Then there are no real

solutions to the equation as no real squares to give the negative 2

4From the graphical point of

view the curve= 2 ++lies entirely above or below the-axis.-1123 -1 1 2

3Distinct real roots

-1123 1 2 3

4Repeated real root

-11230.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

4Complex roots

It is only comparatively recently that mathematicians have been comfortable with these roots when 2

4 0During the Renaissance the quadratic would have been considered unsolvable or its roots

would have been calledimaginary.(The term 'imaginary' wasfirst used by the French Mathematician

René Descartes (1596-1650). Whilst he is known more asa philosopher, Descartes made many important

contributions to mathematics and helped found co-ordinate geometry - hence the naming of Cartesian co-ordinates.) If we imagine

1to exist, and that it behaves (adds and multiplies) much the same as

other numbers then the two roots of the quadratic can be written in the form =±1(2) where 2and= 4 2

2are real numbers.

These handouts are produced by Richard Earl, who is the Schools Liaison and Access Ocer for mathematics, statistics

and computer science at Oxford University. Any comments, suggestions or requests for other material are welcome at

earl@maths.ox.ac.uk 1 But what meaning can such roots have? It was this philosophical point which pre-occupied mathe-

maticians until the start of the 19th century when these 'imaginary' numbers started proving so useful

(especially in the work of Cauchy and Gauss) that essentially the philosophical concerns just got forgotten


Notation 1We shall from now on writefor

1. This notation wasfirst introduced by the Swiss

mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707-1783). Much of our modern notation is due to him includingand Euler was a giant in 18th century mathematics and the most prolific mathematician ever. His most

important contributions were in analysis (eg. on infinite series, calculus of variations). The study of

those written for engineers and physicists useinstead.) Definition 2A complex number is a number of the form+whereandare real numbers. If =+thenis known as the real part ofandas the imaginary part. We write=Reand =ImNote that real numbers are complex - a real number is simply a complex number with no imaginary part. The term 'complex number' is due to the German mathematician Carl Gauss (1777-

1855). Gauss is considered by many the greatest mathematician ever. He made major contributions to

almost every area of mathematics from number theory, to non-Euclidean geometry, to astronomy and magnetism. His name precedes a wealth of theorems and definitions throughout mathematics. Notation 3We writeCfor the set of all complex numbers. One of thefirst major results concerning complex numbers and which conclusively demonstrated their usefulness was proved by Gauss in 1799. From the quadratic formula (1) we know that all quadratic equations can be solved using complex numbers - what Gauss was thefirst to prove was the much more general result: Theorem 4(FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF ALGEBRA). The roots of any polynomial equation 0 1 2 2 =0with real (or complex) coecients are complex. That is there are (not necessarily distinct) complex numbers 1 such that 0 1 2 2 1 2 In particular the theorem shows that andegree polynomial has, counting multiplicities,roots inC

The proof of this theorem is far beyond the scope of this article. Note that the theorem only guarantees

theexistenceof the roots of a polynomial somewhere inCunlike the quadratic formula which plainly gives us the roots. The theorem gives no hints as to where inCthese roots are to be found.

2 Basic Operations

We add, subtract, multiply and divide complex numbers much as we would expect. We add and subtract complex numbers by adding their real and imaginary parts:- We can multiply complex numbers by expanding the brackets in the usual fashion and using 2 =1 2 and to divide complex numbers we notefirstly that(+)()= 2 2 is real. So f+=+f+×f=µ+f 2 2 f 2 2 The numberwhich we just used, as relating to+, has a special name and some useful properties - see Proposition 11. 2 Definition 5Let=+. The conjugate ofis the numberand this is denoted as(or in some books as •Note from equation (2) that when therealquadratic equation 2 ++=0has complex roots then these roots are conjugates of each other. Generally if 0 is a root of the polynomial 1 1 0 =0where the are real then so is its conjugate 0 Problem 6Calculate, in the form+the following complex numbers: (1 + 3)+(26)(1 + 3)(26)(1 + 3)(26)1+3 26

The addition and subtraction are simple calculations, adding (and substracting) real parts, then imaginary

parts: (1 + 3)+(26) = (1 + 2) + (3 + (6))=33; (1 + 3)(26)=(12) + (3(6))=1+9 And multiplying is just a case of expanding brackets and remembering 2 =1 (1 + 3)(26)=2+6618 2 =2+18=20

Division takes a little more care, and we need to remember to multiply through by the conjugate of the

denominator: 1+3

26=(1 + 3)(2+6)(26)(2+6)=2+6+6+18

2 2 2 +6 2 =16 + 12


We present the following problem because it is acommon early misconception involving complex numbers - if we need a new numberas the square root of1then shouldn't we need another one for thesquarerootof?But 2 =is just another polynomial equation, with complex coecients, and two (perhaps repeated) roots are guaranteed by the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. They are also quite easy to calculate: -

Problem 7Find all thosethat satisfy


Suppose that

2 =and=+whereandare real. Then 2 2 2


Comparing the real and imaginary parts we see that 2 2 =0and2=1 So=±from thefirst equationSubstituting=into the second equation gives==1 2or ==1

2Substituting=into the second equation of gives2

2 =1which has no real solution in.

So the twowhich satisfy

2 =, i.e. the two square roots ofare 1+ 2and1 2 Notice, as with square roots of real numbers, that the two square are negative one another. 3 Problem 8Use the quadratic formula tofind the two solutions of 2 (3 +)+(2+)=0

We see that=1=3,and=2+So

2 4=(3) 2

4×1×(2 +)=91+684=2


=±1+ 2 from the previous problem, we have 2 4

2=(3 +)±


2=(3 +)±

2 2 (3 +)±(1 +)


Note that the two roots are not conjugates of one another - this need not be the case here as the coecientsare not all real.


The real numbers are often represented on thereal linewhichincreaseaswemovefromlefttoright -4-2024 2

The real number line

The complex numbers, having two components, their real and imaginary parts, can be represented as a plane; indeedCis sometimes referred to as thecomplex plane,but more commonly when we represent Cin this manner we call it anArgand diagram. (After the Swiss mathematician Jean-Robert Argand (1768-1822)). The point()represents the complex number+so that the-axiscontainsallthe real numbers, and so is termed thereal axis,and the-axis contains all those complex numbers which are purely imaginary (i.e. have no real part) and so is referred to as theimaginary axis. -4-224 -3 -2 -1 1 232i

An Argand diagram


We can think of

0 =+as a point in an Argand diagram but it can often be useful to think of it as a vector as well. Adding 0 to another complex number translates that number by the vector¡


is the map7+ 0 represents a translationunits to the right andunits up in the complex plane.

Note that the conjugate

of a pointis its mirror image in the real axis. So,7represents reflection

in the real axis. We shall discuss in more detail the geometry of the Argand diagram in Sections 9 to 11.

Acomplexnumberin the complex plane can be represented by Cartesian co-ordinates, its real and imaginary parts, but equally useful is the representation ofby polar co-ordinates. If we letbe thequotesdbs_dbs35.pdfusesText_40
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