[PDF] The biblatex Package 02-Mar-2011 biber is

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Biblatex Cheat Sheet

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Local guide to BibLATEX

19-Sept-2020 <b></b> \usepackage[<b>backend</b>=bibersortcites]{<b>biblatex</b>}. 7. \title{Line breaking in \TeX}. 8. \author{Dag Langmyhr\\ Department of Informatics\\.

The biblatex Package

02-Mar-2011 biber is the backend of biblatex used to transfer data from source files to the. LaTeX code. biber comes with TeX Live and is also available ...

The biblatex Package

12-Jul-2022 biber is the backend of biblatex used to transfer data from source files to the. LaTeX code. biber comes with TeX Live and is also available ...

The biblatex-chicago package: Style files for biblatex - David

02-Jul-2022 <b></b> \usepackage[notes<b>backend</b>=biber]{<b>biblatex</b>-chicago} in your document preamble to load the notes &amp; bibliography style

Introduction to BibLaTeX - IFI masters week

12-Jan-2018 <b></b> \usepackage[<b>backend</b> = biber]{<b>biblatex</b>}. \addbibresource{bibliography.bib}. \begin{document}. Some text and a citation \cite{key1}.

The Biblatex Package

29-Jul-2011 This document is a systematic reference manual for the biblatex package. Look ... Biber Biber is the next-generation backend of biblatex.

ISO 690 biblatex style

20-Mar-2022 biblatex is a bibliography and citation tool for LATEX. ... Backend program for generating bibliographic entries. biber is the default one ...


05-Feb-2022 <b></b> \usepackage[<b>backend</b>=biber style=unified

The Biblatex Package

24-Jun-2014 Biblatex does not use the backend to format the bibliography information as with traditional BibTeX: instead of being implemented in BibTeX.

Introduction to BibLaTEX

Martin Helsø

January 10, 2020

The basics

bibliography.bib @article key1 author = {...}, title = {...}, @book key2 author = {...}, title = {...}, }filename.tex \documentclass{memoir} \usepackage[ backend = biber ]{biblatex} \addbibresource{bibliography.bib} \begin{document}

Some text and a citation\cite{key1}.

More text and a new citation\cite{key2}.

\printbibliography \end{document} Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 1 / 18

The basics

bibliography.bib @article key1 author = {...}, title = {...}, @book key2 author = {...}, title = {...}, }filename.tex \documentclass{memoir} \usepackage[ backend = biber ]{biblatex} \addbibresource{bibliography.bib} \begin{document}

Some text and a citation\cite{key1}.

More text and a new citation\cite{key2}.

\printbibliography \end{document} Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 1 / 18


Compile with the backend in between two ordinary compilations: pdflatex filename.tex biber filename pdflatex filename.tex (2)

Three possible values for the backend:

biber-- written for BibL?TEX bibtex-- written for the older package BibTEX

bibtex8-- 8 bit reimplementation ofbibtexMartin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 2 / 18

BibLaTEXvs. BibTEX1BibL?TEXsupports UTF-82BibL?TEXhas more predefined reference types,

e.g.,online/wwwfor web pages3BibL?TEXis easier to customizeSupports automatic language switching withbabelCan create multiple bibliographies

4Databases export to BibTEX, but the output can also be read

by BibL?TEX5Some journals require BibTEXMartin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 3 / 18

Filling the.bibfile

Typically filled by copying metadata from a databaseChange the cite key to something that you remember!

The next three slides show how to extract metadata from three common databases Check the library subject page for other databases: https://www.ub.uio.no/english/subjects/ informatics-mathematics/mathematics/ Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 4 / 18 ams.org/mathscinet Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 5 / 18 ams.org/mathscinet Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 5 / 18 ams.org/mathscinet Sometimes the exported metadata contains undefined macros Solution:\usepackage{mathscinet}Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 5 / 18 arXiv.org Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 6 / 18 scholar.google.com Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 7 / 18 scholar.google.com Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 7 / 18

Citation notes


\cite[postnote]{key1} \cite[prenote][postnote]{key2} \cite[prenote][]{key3}

Output (depends on style):

[1 , postnote] [prenote 2, postnote] [prenote 3]Postnotes are used to specify which part of the source your are referencing: \cite[Theorem~3.2]{key} \cite[i--vi]{key} Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 8 / 18

Citation notes


\cite[postnote]{key1} \cite[prenote][postnote]{key2} \cite[prenote][]{key3}

Output (depends on style):

[1 , postnote] [prenote 2, postnote] [prenote 3]Postnotes are used to specify which part of the source your are referencing: \cite[Theorem~3.2]{key} \cite[i--vi]{key} Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 8 / 18

Citation notes


\cite[postnote]{key1} \cite[prenote][postnote]{key2} \cite[prenote][]{key3}

Output (depends on style):

[1 , postnote] [prenote 2, postnote] [prenote 3]Postnotes are used to specify which part of the source your are referencing: \cite[Theorem~3.2]{key}[1, Theorem 3.2] \cite[i--vi]{key}[1,pp. i-vi] Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 8 / 18

Notes in optional arguments

Say we have defined the environmenttheorem(using, e.g.,thmtools).

Then this works:

\begin{theorem}[\cite{key}] \end{theorem}

But this fails:

\begin{theorem} \cite [Theorem~7 {key}] \end{theorem} Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 9 / 18

Notes in optional arguments

Say we have defined the environmenttheorem(using, e.g.,thmtools).

Then this works:

\begin{theorem}[\cite{key}] \end{theorem}

But this fails:

\begin{theorem} \cite [Theorem~7 {key}] \end{theorem} Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 9 / 18

Notes in optional arguments

Say we have defined the environmenttheorem(using, e.g.,thmtools).

Then this works:

\begin{theorem}[\cite{key}] \end{theorem}

But this

w orks \begin{theorem} \cite [Theorem~7 {key} \end{theorem} Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 9 / 18

Citation commands

\cite bare \parencite cite in parentheses \footcite cite in f ootnote \authorcite cite only author \titlecite cite only title \yearcite cite only y ear \urlcite cite only ur l Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 10 / 18

Cite multiple sources

Separate keys with comma:

\cite{key1, key2, key3} Ensure that the multiple citations are printed in the same order as in the bibliography: \usepackage[ sortcites= true ]{biblatex}For individual pre- and postnotes: \cite s [prenote][postnote]{key1}[prenote][postnote]{key2} sortcites = true does not w orkf or \cites Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 11 / 18

Cite multiple sources

Separate keys with comma:

\cite{key1, key2, key3} Ensure that the multiple citations are printed in the same order as in the bibliography: \usepackage[ sortcites= true ]{biblatex}For individual pre- and postnotes: \cite s [prenote][postnote]{key1}[prenote][postnote]{key2} sortcites = true does not w orkf or \cites Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 11 / 18


\usepackage[ style= alphabetic ]{biblatex}

Built-in styles:

numeric [1] alphabetic [Har77] authoryear

Har tshorne1977

authortitle Har tshorne,Algebr aicgeometr ystyleaff ectsboth appear ancein bib liographyand in-te xtcitations unless citestyle is used (mak esure the ymatch!) You can define your own style or import one (e.g., APA, Chicago,

Nature, Science)All styles are hidden in this list:https://ctan.org/topic/biblatexMartin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 12 / 18


\usepackage[ style= alphabetic ]{biblatex}

Built-in styles:

numeric [1] alphabetic [Har77] authoryear

Har tshorne1977

authortitle Har tshorne,Algebr aicgeometr ystyleaff ectsboth appear ancein bib liographyand in-te xtcitations unless citestyle is used (mak esure the ymatch!) You can define your own style or import one (e.g., APA, Chicago,

Nature, Science)All styles are hidden in this list:https://ctan.org/topic/biblatexMartin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 12 / 18


\usepackage[ style= alphabetic ]{biblatex}

Built-in styles:

numeric [1] alphabetic [Har77] authoryear

Har tshorne1977

authortitle Har tshorne,Algebr aicgeometr ystyleaff ectsboth appear ancein bib liographyand in-te xtcitations unless citestyle is used (mak esure the ymatch!) You can define your own style or import one (e.g., APA, Chicago,

Nature, Science)All styles are hidden in this list:https://ctan.org/topic/biblatexMartin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 12 / 18


\usepackage[ style= alphabetic ]{biblatex}

Built-in styles:

numeric [1] alphabetic [Har77] authoryear

Har tshorne1977

authortitle Har tshorne,Algebr aicgeometr ystyleaff ectsboth appear ancein bib liographyand in-te xtcitations unless citestyle is used (mak esure the ymatch!) You can define your own style or import one (e.g., APA, Chicago,

Nature, Science)All styles are hidden in this list:https://ctan.org/topic/biblatexMartin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 12 / 18

Sorting schemes

\usepackage[ sorting= nty ]{biblatex} nty

Sor tb yname ,title ,y ear.


Sor tb yname ,y ear,title .


Sor tb yname ,y ear,v olume,title .


Sor tb yalphabetic label, name ,y ear,title .

anyvt Sor tb yalphabetic label, name ,y ear,v olume,title . ynt

Sor tb yy ear,name ,title .


Sor tb yy ear(descending), name ,title .

none Do not sor tat all. All entr iesare processed in citation order. Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 13 / 18


When citing software or a standard reference, you can help the reader recognize the source: ...was computed with [1] ...by a result in [Gro67] ...was computed with [Macaula y2] . ..bya result in [EGA] Overrule the citation style for individual references by adding a shorthand to its entry in the.bibfile: @misc M2, shorthand = {Macaulay2} author = {Grayson, Daniel R. and Stillman, Michael E.}, title = {Macaulay2}, howpublished = {Available at \url{http://www.math.uiuc.edu/Macaulay2/}} Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 14 / 18


When citing software or a standard reference, you can help the reader recognize the source: ...was computed with [1] ...by a result in [Gro67] ...was computed with [Macaula y2] . ..bya result in [EGA] Overrule the citation style for individual references by adding a shorthand to its entry in the.bibfile: @misc M2, shorthand = {Macaulay2} author = {Grayson, Daniel R. and Stillman, Michael E.}, title = {Macaulay2}, howpublished = {Available at \url{http://www.math.uiuc.edu/Macaulay2/}} Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 14 / 18

Further customization

Omit information from the bibliography:

\usepackage[doi = false, isbn = false, url = false]{biblatex} Issuingurl = falsedoes not remove the URL from theonline

reference typeUse initials for given names withgiveninits = trueSpecify how many author names are printed before they are replaced

by "et al." withmaxcitenames = nandmaxbibnames = mPrint last names first: \DeclareNameAlias{sortname}{family-given} \DeclareNameAlias{default}{family-given} Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 15 / 18

Further customization

Omit information from the bibliography:

\usepackage[doi = false, isbn = false, url = false]{biblatex} Issuingurl = falsedoes not remove the URL from theonline

reference typeUse initials for given names withgiveninits = trueSpecify how many author names are printed before they are replaced

by "et al." withmaxcitenames = nandmaxbibnames = mPrint last names first: \DeclareNameAlias{sortname}{family-given} \DeclareNameAlias{default}{family-given} Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 15 / 18

Further customization

Omit information from the bibliography:

\usepackage[doi = false, isbn = false, url = false]{biblatex} Issuingurl = falsedoes not remove the URL from theonline

reference typeUse initials for given names withgiveninits = trueSpecify how many author names are printed before they are replaced

by "et al." withmaxcitenames = nandmaxbibnames = mPrint last names first: \DeclareNameAlias{sortname}{family-given} \DeclareNameAlias{default}{family-given} Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 15 / 18

Further customization

Omit information from the bibliography:

\usepackage[doi = false, isbn = false, url = false]{biblatex} Issuingurl = falsedoes not remove the URL from theonline

reference typeUse initials for given names withgiveninits = trueSpecify how many author names are printed before they are replaced

by "et al." withmaxcitenames = nandmaxbibnames = mPrint last names first: \DeclareNameAlias{sortname}{family-given} \DeclareNameAlias{default}{family-given} Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 15 / 18


\usepackage{showkeys} Display cite keys (and label keys) in marginAggressive output, prefer loading \usepackage[ notcite,notref ]{showkeys}Disable by passingfinal to document class Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 16 / 18


\usepackage{showkeys} Display cite keys (and label keys) in marginAggressive output, prefer loading \usepackage[ notcite,notref ]{showkeys}Disable by passingfinal to document class Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 16 / 18


\usepackage{showkeys} Display cite keys (and label keys) in marginAggressive output, prefer loading \usepackage[ notcite,notref ]{showkeys}Disable by passingfinal to document class Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 16 / 18

Referencing without BibLaTEX

Join the names of different people with an

endash Navier-Stokes equations, Cauchy-Schwarz inequality


Stokese quations,C auchy

Schwarzi nequalityThis distinguishes multiple people from people with hyphenated names: The Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture was formulated by two people,

Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer

Martin Helsø Introduction to BibLaTEXJanuary 10, 2020 17 / 18

Referencing without BibLaTEX

Join the names of different people with an

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