[PDF] Strategy Analysis on Airbnb August 2008 and headquartered in

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The Analysis of Marketing Strategy of Airbnb and Their Current

Airbnb their marketing strategy as well as their business model. As a linguistic part clients

The sharing economy and tourism

such platforms have emerged on the market. A well-known example is a platform on which people can book accommodation (Airbnb). The sharing economy has had a 

ASEAN Tourism Marketing Strategy (ATMS) 2017-2020

Strategy (ATMS) 2017-2020 with a recognition that the marketing strategy will not Both Airbnb and Uber are now looking to the business travel market by.

Airbnb: The emerging player of Sharing Economy in UAE

12?/12?/2017 Disadvantages New Market Entry Strategy of Airbnb

Strategy Analysis on Airbnb

August 2008 and headquartered in San Francisco California (Passport 2017

Airbnb Is Customers Choice: Empirical Findings from a Survey

30?/07?/2020 sharing economy in business and everyday life. ... strategic plan 2017–2021 the weaknesses of Airbnb are security public relations

Marketing Strategy:

Airbnb earns revenue by charging service fees to both guests and hosts. The cost of Airbnb lodging and accommodations is determined by the host. By not directly 

Negative Airbnb reviews: an aspect-based sentiment analysis

conflicting sentiments in Airbnb comments which is the limitation of the improvement of companies' marketing strategies (Giatsoglou et al.

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