[PDF] FAHRENHEIT 451 Clarisse McClellan. (Inspiration to Montag

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I'm Clarisse McClellan." "Clarisse. Guy Montag. Come along. What are you doing out so late wandering around? How old are you?".

Fahrenheit 451 summary pages 1-12 • Guy Montag is a fireman – he

he meets Clarisse McClellan on the way home from work – they talk. • Montag's house is cold dark & quiet – his wife Mildred has “Seashells” in her ears 


True or False - Clarisse McClellan watches TV just as much as Mildred. Explain your answer. False – Page 16 – “I rarely watch the parlour walls…”.

Love-Triangles and the Structure of Fahrenheit 451: Creating

22 Feb 2017 Thus. Mildred and Clarisse are not only affecting Montag's transformation


CHANGING HISTORY. ?Why has the Ministry been wiping away language according to the lead female character


Clarisse McClellan; Professor Faber; Mildred Montag;. Granger; The Mechanical Hound. Major Thematic Topics: burning of books; censorship; dystopian society 


Clarisse McClellan. (Inspiration to Montag by questioning society and speaking to him as an individual; is killed by a speeding car). Mechanical Hound.


Clarisse McClellan. (Inspiration to Montag by questioning society and speaking to him as an individual; is killed by a speeding car). Mechanical Hound.

Grade 7: Unit 7 Fahrenheit 451: Whole Class Novel Seminars

Clarisse McClellan? Write — 10 minutes. Write an essay of no more than 200 words: ? What does the interaction between Montag and Clarisse on pages 4–7 

What does Clarisse McClellan do in Fahrenheit 451?

She prefers to walk, engage in conversation, observe the natural world, and observe people. Her questioning, free spirit starts Montag thinking about his own life and his place in society. The Fahrenheit 451 quotes below are all either spoken by Clarisse McClellan or refer to Clarisse McClellan.

Who is Clarisse McClellan?

Start your 7-day FREE trial now! Clarisse McClellan is a free-spirited young woman whom Montag encounters in the neighborhood on his way home from work. Clarisse describes herself as “seventeen and crazy,” and she talks in a series of rapid-fire questions and declarations that demonstrate an open and curious mind about the world around her.

What did Clarisse McClellan look like?

“Her face was slender and milk-white, and in it was a kind of gentle hunger that touched over everything with tireless curiosity. It was a look, almost, of pale surprise; the dark eyes were so fixed to the world that no move escaped them.” ~Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451, about Clarisse McClellan (Character: Guy Montag), Page 3

What does Clarisse learn from Montag?

Clarisse, on the other hand, was more interested in learning about other people. Montag learns from his interactions with her how much more satisfying it is to have an actual human connection rather than consuming mindless entertainment.

married to reveals power of bhooks befriends friends withfriends with ?remen orders employed by mento r other escapees, memorize booksmentor married to


(Rescuer of books [hPlato's


], befriends Montagh and welcomes him toh the group of outcasts ahnd "criminals") Clarisse McClellan (Inspiration to Mohntag by questioning societyh and speaking to him as an individual; is killed by a speeding car)

Mechanical Hound

(Machine that attackhs criminals; ?rst oneh is destroyed by Montahg, but another is called ihn to search for Montag)

Old Unidenti?ed Woman

(Martyr to Montag when h she chooses to burn hwith her collection of books) Faber (Retired English professor, champion of books , becomes ally to

Montag)Mrs. Clara Phelps

(Married to 3rd husband, is moved by


reading of book) Black (Works with and is attacked by Montag;h

Montag plants bookhs in

his home)

Mildred (Millie)

(Attempts suicide, probably killed in bomb blasht)

Mrs. Ann Bowles

(Widow who has had 3 husbands, has 2 children)

Mother = Father

(Disappears after

Clarisse"s death)Captain Beatty

(Antagonist, Fire Captain, killed by Montag) Uncle (Disappears after

Clarisse"s death)


(Works with and is attacked by Montag)

Harris in Youngstown

(Book of Ecclesiasthes)

Guy Montag

(Protagonist, ?reman)h

Mother = Father

(Fireman)Grandfather (Fireman)

Dr. Simmons

(Marcus Aurelius)

Reverend Padover

Fred Clement

Professor West

Mrs. BlackCharacter Map for

Fahrenheit 451

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