[PDF] Airbus A380 Operational Performance. Robert LIGNEE

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A380 Operational Performance. Robert LIGNEE of in-flight landing distance assess- ment in July 2009. ... For wet runways Airbus uses the regu-.

a380 aircraft characteristics airport and maintenance planning ac

The content of this document is the property of Airbus. for it must be addressed to Airbus. ... FIGURE Landing Field Length - Dry Runway. Dec 01/14.


Airbus has developed the Runway Overrun A380 under a new specific EASA performance ... Landing Distances published in the Airplane Flight. Manuals.

Comment response document for Airbus A380 SC E-02

account in the form of revised 'IGAP' landing distances such that there should be no adverse effect on landing distance margins. (Also see comment on #5).

What is the minimum runway width in order to operate Airbus aircraft?

1 d’ag. 2014 The minimum certified runway width for A380 takeoff and landing is 45 m (150ft). ... increases the takeoff distances (TOD TOR

Final Approach and landing Trajectory Generation for Civil Airplane

As you can see in the figures we are comparing two really different civil airplanes. Airbus A380 is much larger and heavier than Boeing 737. This is because we 

Airbus New Operational Landing Distances

cle concluded that Airbus supported the OLD concept and would antici- flight landing distance assessments ... A380. VMU test. Editorial.

A380 Landing Gear and Systems

Airbus UK. Head of Landing Gear Systems. A380 Landing Gear and Systems. HAW Hamburg. 5th June 2008. Lecture for RAeS

Landing Distance Minimization to Prevent Overrun Accidents Using

accidents occur due to insufficient runway length. In the present study generated with the help of planar field when an Airbus A380 is landing.


1 de des. 2021 Since July 2019 Emirates operates the world's shortest scheduled A380 service


Group Manager A380 Operational Performance



Flight Test Engineer

1.In troduction

A third of major accidents of large

commercial transport aircraft are runway excursions. Many involve difficulties by the crew to realisti- cally assess the a vailab le landing distance margins at time of arrival.

This is to some extent explained by

three contributing factors: q The multitude of methods and for mats for assessing and reporting the runway surface condition q The lack of explicit regulation re garding the in-ight landing dis- tance assessment q The variety of landing perform- ance data formats published by manufacturers or operators for in- ight use.

Following a r unwa y overrun

in winter conditions, the F AA launched a full review of Ameri- can operators landing distance as- sessment policies. This review led the FAA to recommend guidelines and best practices to the airlines

by the Safety Alert for Operators (SAFO) 06012, followed up by Ad-visory Circular (AC) 91-79. It then created the T akeoff and Landing Performance Assessment Aviation Rulemaking Committee (T ALPA ARC). This g roup of representa-tives from the FAA and other regu-lators, airlines, air port operators, pilot associations and most manu-facturers, including Airbus, nal-ized its proposal for new regulation of in-ight landing distance assess-ment in July 2009.

This article briey describes the

current re gulations covering the landing distance assessment, re- stricted to the FAA and EASA for simplication purposes, and the options Airbus has chosen to fol- low. It will then outline the main concepts of the proposed T ALPA

ARC rules for landing.

Operational Landing Distances A new standard for in-ight landing distance assessment

2.Current situation

2.1. Runway condition

assessment and reporting

There is currently not a unique stand-

ard for runway condition assessment and reporting: q Most frequently the contaminant ty pe and depth is reported, with vari- ation in the measurement means and terminology q When runwa y friction m easure- m ent vehicles are available, friction values may be reported , alth ough there is no correlation available for a runway friction measured by a vehi- cle with aircraft performance on the same surface q After landing, it is common prac- t ice for North American pilots used to winter conditions to report their assessment of braking action to the tower, and thus to following aircraft.

The assessment is based on a scale

ranging from GOOD to POOR.

2.2. In-ight assessment

operational rules

Current FAA and EASA rules make

a g eneric statement regarding the need to assess landing performance

Safety first #10 August 2010 - 1/5

in ight: “The commander must sat- isfy himself/herself that, according to the information available to him/her, the weather at the aerodrome and the condition of the runway intended to be used should not prevent a safe ap- proach and landing". No guidance is given on the criteria and factors to be taken into account for the determina- tion of a safe landing distance.

2.3. Landing performance

computation and publication

2.3.1. Actual Landing Distances (ALD)

The dat a publishe d in the Airbus

operational documentati on for in- ight reference are labeled as Actual

Landing Distance (ALD). They are

dened by reg ulatio ns for publica- tion in t he Fli ght Manu al for dry (FAA and EASA) and contaminated (EASA only) runways. There is no such a regulation for wet runways.

The ALD are the basis upon which

margins are added for the regulatory dispatch requirements.

They are not a valid reference data

for making in-ight performance as- sessments when used as published, with no additional margin (fig. 1 & 2).

The ALD are published for sea level,

a reference temperature and no wind.

Corrections for pressure altitude, lon-

gitudinal wind, rev erse thrust use, planned approac h speed, automatic landing and auto brake use are provid- ed, but not for runway slope or temper- ature. A runway down slope or higher than refe rence temperature wi ll thus make the achievable landing distance longer than the published one .


touch down



50 ft




breakdown of ALD into air distance and ground roll

Main characteristics

of the ALD published by Airbus

Airbus ALD computation method

Ai r distance:

Ground roll wheel to ground frictions:

Runway conditionAirbus ALD computation

2.3.2. Landing distance

re quirements for dispatch

The Required Landing Distances for

dispatch are dened by regulations as factored ALD and are labeled as RLD (fig. 3).

They must be shorter than the

declared Landing Distance Availab le (LDA) of th e inte nded run way, and vary with: q Runway condition, and q The app roach type (for EA SA on ly: dispatch requirement with AU-

TOLAND planned at arrival).

Main characteristics

of the RLD

RLD computation

No RLD corrections are published

for runw ay slopes or temperatures above the reference temperature: q For dry runways , the effects of slo pe and temperature are covered by the large regulatory margin. q For wet and contaminated runways the margins are comparatively small, particularly when taking into account that the recommen ded approach speed is Vref+5, which increases the landing distance signicantly.Safety first #10 August 2010 - 2/5 Airport Estimated Runway Condition AssessmentPilot Reports (PIREPs)

Provided To ATC

And Flight DispatchRunway Condition

Assessment - ReportedDowngrade Assessment Criteria CodeRunway ContaminantMu (µ)Deceleration And Directional Control


6 Dry 5

1/8" or less of:


or higherBraking deceleration is normal for the wheel braking effort applied. Directional control is normal.Good 4

At or below -13ºC:

39-35µ Brake deceleration and controllability is

between Good and Medium.Good to Medium 3

At or below -3C:

Above -13ºC and at or below -3ºC:


Braking deceleration is noticeably reduced

for the wheel braking effort applied. Direc- tional control may be slightly reduced.Medium 2

Greater than 1/8" of:

Above -3C:


Brake deceleration and controllability is

between Medium and Poor. Potential for hydroplaning exists.Medium to Poor 1

At or below -3°C:

24-21µBraking deceleration is significantly re-

duced for the wheel braking effort applied.

Directional control may be significantly

reduced.Poor 0

Above -3ºC:


or lowerBraking deceleration is minimal to non- existent for the wheel braking effort ap- plied. Directional control may be uncertain.Nil

Primary columnsDowngrade columns

3.FAA TALPA ARC proposals

The TALPA ARC proposals consist

of three intensely related packages of: q standards for runway c ondition reporting (FAR139) q operational landing per- f ormance computation (FAR25/26) q operational rules (FAR121) and training.

3.1. Runway condition

a ssessment and reporting

The centerpiece of the proposals is

the runway condition "Matrix" here- after, that associates: q 7 ru nway conditi on codes, built on the existing ICAO runway fric- tion codes, to q 6 a ircraft performanc e levels de- n ed in § 3.2.1. No performance level is provided for the code 0 as operations in these conditions are prohibited. q Provisions of specic landing and re jected take-off performance credit for wet grooved or PFC runways have been made. However no spe- cic runway code was assigned to such runways.

The following reports are used as en-

try points: q Contaminant type and depth q Pilot braking action (PiREP) q Runway fricti on measurement (M u (µ)).

The lat ter two report types sh ould

be used exclusively to downgrade a runway assessed by means of con- taminant type and depth (pr imary columns).

Fluid conta minants (snow, water,

slush) generate an extra drag, func- tion of their depth: q TALPA ARC proposals limit this c redit at landing (to half of the re- ported depth) q Airbus has elected to take no cred- i t for this uid contaminant drag at landing, enabling one unique aircraft landing performance level associated with each code.

The “Matrix" has been already exten-

sively tested in Alaska and other US airports in real conditions during the

2008-2009 and 2009- 2010 win ters.

The run way condition classication

made in the “Matrix" will also be the basis of the digital NOTAM system currently being developed in the US.

The information to be transmitted

to the ight crew includes: q The runway code for each third of the r unway q The type and depth of the con- taminant and percentage of cover- age in 25% increments q The PiREPS when available. note

Code 2

- Water depth greater than may not be detected by airports, and may therefore not be reported.

SafetySafety first #10 August 2010 - 3/5


The Runway Overrun Prevention

System (ROPS), described in Safety

First Issue 8 dated July 2009, is

consistent with the TALPA ARC proposals. The system was certifled in October 2009 on the A380.

A future article will detail how the

ROPS integrates the new in-ight

landing distance assessment rules.

TALPA ARC main rules associated

to the “Matrix" - Pilot reports (PIREPs) of braking action might provide insight that the friction level fell since the last airport evaluation.

With existing technology, these reports

reflect a purely subjective pilot evalu- ation, presently only in North America and from pilots used to such a difficult evaluation. They rarely apply to the full length of the runway. The airport should exercise prudent judgment, prompt a new evaluation, and if warranted, report a lower runway condition code than the nant type. - Friction values from measurement ve- hicles in winter conditions will no longer be transmitted to pilots, but restricted for the airport authorities use in consolidat- ing or downgrading a runway code. The therefore meant for airport use only. - All ambiguous airport reporting terms - A damp runway must be considered wet. - Wet runways failing maintenance fric- tion survey as defined in AC 150-5320 (e.g., heavy rubber deposits) will be into required friction standards.

OLD computation method

Ai r distance:

The length of the air distance is

the distance covered in 7 seconds at the ground speed corresponding to the approach speed (including temperature and conventional wind effect), with speed decay during the flare set at 4%.

Ground roll wheel to ground frictions:

Deceleration means are considered as

per their prescribed use in the Standard

Operating Procedures (SOP):

- For landing in manual braking, maximum pedal braking is assumed to be initiated, if allowed by SOP, at main gear touchdown with reversers deployed shortly after. -For landing with auto brake, the automatic sequence is followed.


condition codeBraking actionMain contaminant descriptionOLD computationRegu- latory basisReverse creditAir distanceGround roll wheel to ground frictions

6 /D RY

7 sec, with

4% speed

decayFlight tests with abatement for rubber contamination

FAAAl lowed


Unchanged FAA/EASA model with

wet anti-skid efficiency 4




Consistent in essence with EASA

CS25.1591 (*)3 MEDIUMLoose Snow



TO POORStanding

Water, Slush


Figure 4

Main characteristics

of the OLD

Figure 5

In-ight assessment

prior to initiating an approach (*) The over-conservative ICE value built for dispatch requirements is changed to a more realistic friction coefficient.

3.2. Landing performance

computation and publication

3.2.1. Operational Landing

Distance (OLD)

The TALPA proposal denes the

Operational Landing Distance

(OLD) as the maximum landing performance realisticall y achiev- able b y a line pilot adhering to standard techniques 4).

3.2.2. Landing distance

requirements for dispatch

TALPA ARC was not mandated to

review current dispatch rules, there- fore the existing rules continue to apply. However for the long term, the need to review dispatch landing distances for consistency with the time of ar rival requirements, was acknowledged by TALPA ARC in its submission to the FAA.

3.3. In-ight assessment

operational rules

The FAR 121 operational rules will

mandate an in-ight landing dis- tance assessment based on 115% of the Operational Landing Distance published for prevailing conditions (FOLD or Factored OLD) 5). With the current dispatch require- ments, it will be permitted to omit the in-ight assessment for landing on the runway planned at dispatch only if: q Dispatch was performed for

DRY and

if, at the time of the ap- proach preparation, a dry runway and no worse conditions than the standard ones considered for dis- patch are reported q Dispatch was performed for

WET and if,

at the time of the ap- proach preparation, a wet runway and no worse conditions than those considered for the dispatch are reported and the runway is main- tained to the standards dening grooved or PFC r unwa ys in AC



The FAA TALPA ARC proposal for

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