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English Classroom Phrases for Teachers English Classroom Phrases for Teachers

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English Classroom Phrases for Teachers English Classroom Phrases for Teachers

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This study is aimed to describe the implementation of classroom language used by English teachers in SMA. Islam Ta'allumul Huda Bumiayu which is based on:.

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This study is aimed to describe the implementation of classroom language used by English teachers in SMA. Islam Ta'allumul Huda Bumiayu which is based on:.

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new English teacher. •. I'll be teaching you English this year. •. I've got five lessons with you each week. 4. Time to begin.

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Vol.5No.2 September 2017-February 2018Page158-168CLASSROOM LANGUAGEIMPLEMENTEDBY ENGLISH TEACHERSAT SMA ISLAMTA"ALLUMUL HUDANurul Afikah1Sri Murtiningsih2the Graduate of English Education Study ProgramPeradaban University Bumiayu-BrebesE-mail:nurulafikah200@gmail.comPhone: +6285742834075the Lecturer of English Education Study ProgramPeradabanUniversity Bumiayu-BrebesE-mail:murtiningsih_hadiyanto@yahoo.comPhone: +6281225716559AbstractThis studyisaimed to describe theimplementation ofclassroom language used by English teachers in SMAIslam Ta"allumul Huda Bumiayu,which isbased on:classroom chronological orderand language functions.Inthis research, the writers usedescriptive qualitativemethod.The techniquesof data collection in this studyareobservation, interview, and documentation. The writersusedata reduction,data display anddataconclusion toanalyse the data.The findings showthat the

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implementation ofclassroom languageused by theEnglish teacherrunswell. Both English teachers revealthat the students oflanguageandscience are more activein the useof classroom language than the students ofsocial. The students of language and science know theclassroom language mentioned by two English teachersdirectly,while the students of social need repetition sothey know classroom languagesaid by the Englishteachers. Furthermore, the Englishteachersshould bemore active in givingstimulus tothestudents of social, sotheyknowwhat the teachers sayandbecomeactive inevery classroom activity.Keywords:classroom language,English teachers,chronological order, language functionA.IntroductionClassroom language used by the Englishteachers is to produce a good communication betweenteacher with studentsandstudent with other studentsin teaching and learning processwhichwillmakeeasier for studentsto dosome activities given by theteachers.The English teachers who apply classroomlanguage willbeeasier to carry out their teaching inthe classroomthrough giving instructions,organizations, explanations,and interrogationsto thestudents, sothatthe class is going to work effectivelyand systematically.As we know, not allEnglish teachersimplementclassroom language in their teaching andlearningprocess. It depends on their competence itself.Nevertheless, English teachers atSMA IslamTa"allmul Huda Bumiayualways implementclassroomlanguage in teaching and learningprocess. Especially,the English teachers always use classroom language

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based on itschronological order anditslanguagefunction.Therefore, the research questions are: how isclassroom language implemented by English teachersbased on its chronological order? And how isclassroom language is implemented by Englishteachers based on its language function?B.Literature ReviewThewriter presentsthe language of socialinteraction,classroomlanguage, chronological order,and language functions.1.The Language of Social InteractionSalaberri (1995: 19-33)states thatlanguagecontainssocio-cultural aspectswhich have to belearntin the sameway as any other type of aspect.It isimportant to encourage good relationship, notonly from a teaching point of view, but also fromsocial and personal perspective. In addition, theclassroom constitutes a learning context which iscommon to the whole class and so it is importantthat it becomes a microcosm of life outside schoolwith the same patterns of interaction.He adds that incorporating the situation intodaily classroom life can bring the followingbenefits: the input given to the class containsexamples of natural social interaction, the learnerscan experience new patterns of social interaction ina direct way, and the language of the classroombecomes closer to the language of daily life outsideschool and to personal interaction.2.Classroom LanguageBilash (2009: 6)states that classroomlanguage is the routine languagethat is used on aregular basisin classroom.This isthelanguagethat teachers are used to using and students are

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used to hearing, but when teaching a language ittakes a while to learn this part of the language.Sheadds,when reviewing a day in the classroom, oneof the most frequent ways that language is used isin the daily routines; these are referred to asclassroom language. Teachers can take theopportunity of these daily routines to maximizetheir target language use and promote its use bystudents.3.Chronological OrderCarroll in Hughes (19 90: 7) says thatclassroom situations and procedures are generallyquite concrete, which meansthat most classroomphrase hasa very clear situational link. This factshould allow the teacher to vary the form ofinstructions given as part of the learning process.The writerswill talk about the language based onchronological order. Itconsistsofopening, mainactivity, and ending.a.Opening the ClassIt is divided into: greeting, transition towork, absences, and lateness. Based onPardiyono(2010:1), one of things that teacherdoesinopening the classis likely servingappetizer to build up desire to eat. There aretwo important things in learning process toopen the class. They are greeting and checkingthe attendance.b.Main ActivityThereare many options, differentsituation,and activities in main activity;thelanguage used will vary according to thecontext.Pardiyono (2010:9)offersbeforeenteringthe main activity, teacher shouldmanage the condition of class, includingstudents necessary to do and important things

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from the teacher in order to say whatthestudentsshoulddo.c.Ending the ClassAccording to Pardiyono ( 2010: 7),ending the class coversconductingrepetition ofthe courses, giving quiz, asking question orallyand spontaneously, correcting, and concluding.4.Language FunctionsAccording to Hughes (1990: 09-11), thereare four language functions related to classroommanagementwhichhave been grouped under keyheadings and express in terms of what the teachershould be able to do. They are organization,interrogation, explanation, and interaction.a.OrganizationThe language of organizing is used todirect and to manage the interactionbetween ateacher and his/her students. It can involveseveral sub-functions such as givinginstruction, sequencing and supervision.b.InterrogationThe language of interrogating in theclassroom mostly aims at eliciting information,ideas, opinion, and reasons from the students. Italso becomes important as a trigger tostimulate active continuing conversationbetween the teacher and his/her students. It caninclude asking question, and replying toquestion.c.ExplanationThe language of explaining is used inthe occasions where a teacher needs to makehis/her studentstranslate, paraphrase,summarize, define, or make correction.For theteacher, it is a language to give informationrelated to people, places and events, or a verbal

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commentary accompanying pictures, slides andfilms.d.InteractionThe language of interacting here ismostly about the use of expressions to:1)Maintain social relations such as greeting,leaving, apologizing, thanking,congratulating, etc.2)Indicate appreciation, pity, sympathy,interest,surprise, anger, disappointment,etc.C.Method of InvestigationIn this research, the writers use descriptivequalitative method. The aim of this study is to describethe implementation of classroom language used byEnglish teachers.The source of the datais taken fromtwo English teachers which focus on classroomlanguage used by the English teachers. Technique ofdata collection is carried outfrom observation,interview, and documentation.The writers usetechniques of data analysis: data reduction,datadisplay, and drawing conclusion.D.Findings and DiscussionSMA Islam Ta"allumul Huda Bumiayu issenior high school located at JL. K.H. Ahmad DahlanNo. 99 Kalierang,Bumiayu. It has two Englishteachers; they are Neneng Kartini S.Pd and NovaAtulliha S.Pd.Neneng Kartinigraduated fromMuhammadiyah University of Purwokerto. Sheteaches the tenth grade students of science, social,compulsory languageandtheeleventh grade studentsof specification language.Meanwhile, Nova Atullihagraduated from STKIP Islam Bumiayu.Sheteachestheeleventhgrade studentsof science, social and

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compulsory languageandthetenth grade studentsofspecificationlanguage.Mrs. Neneng says thatclassroom language isEnglish language to communicate with the students inevery classroom activities. She assumeschronologicalorder implemented referred to lesson plan so theobjectives of thelearning canbe achieved well and thebest learning outcomecan be produced. She alwaysimplementsclassroom language in the opening untilending of the lesson. She says that she is Englishteacher and she has to use English to communicatewithher students. Classroom language isused inexplanation, organization, interaction, andinterrogationto the students. The students"enthusiasmis good.However, she hasto apply different treatmentto social students and be more active to motivate thestudents to communicate in English.Meanwhile, Mrs. Atulliha says that classroomlanguage is phrases that are used by English teacherduring classroom activities from beginning untilending of the lesson. She adds classroomchronological order is learning process from openinguntil ending and if she implements classroomchronological order well, so the objectives of the studywill be achieved well and some activities will be doneeffectively. Furthermore, she always communicateswith her students in English. In social class case shemixes Indonesian with English while teaching. Thismeans that enthusiasm of students depends on the classprogram.Besides, the writers takesome documentationrelated to this study to completethe dataincludingschool profile and pictures duringinterview andobservation to theEnglish teachers in SMA IslamTa"allumul Huda Bumiayu.

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At tenth gradeof language specificationclass,opening activity is done by interaction between Mrs.Atulliha and the students. The teacher uses classroomlanguage that can be understood easily by the studentsso it can enhance the spirit ofthestudentsin learningactivities. Based on the observation,Mrs. Atullihamore often uses the classroom language on interactingand organization than in explaining and interrogating.In the main activity,shemore often uses classroomlanguage in interrogating.In the ending of the lesson,she makesinteraction, interrogation,and organization.She guidesthe students to make conclusion of thelesson, then asks some students to giveopinion aboutthe song. In the last, Mrs. Atulliha delivers the materialthat willbediscussedon the next meeting.Based on the observation conducted at thetenth grade of compulsory languageclass on Sunday,May 14th2017, the teacher is Mrs. Neneng KartiniS.Pd with the material recount text meeting three. Theobservation shows that she often uses classroomlanguage in interaction. Itis aimed the teacher canbuild the students" motivation in the beginning of thelesson. Regarding on the observation, the teacher moreoften implements classroom language in theorganization. She asksthe students to re-analyze socialfunction, text structure,and grammaticalfeatures ofrecount text then discusstogether. In ending ofthelesson the teacher reviews the result of learning, makesa conclusion of three previous meetings about recounttext, then she asks thestudents to give opinion aboutlearning done by question and answer session. Inaddition, she gives individual task for thestudentstomake a recounttext, and the last she deliverslessonplan forthenext meeting.

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At eleventh grade of compulsory languageclass, in opening the lesson,Mrs. Atulliha more oftenimplementsclassroom language in interaction.In themain activity she most often implements classroomlanguage in organization. She shows slides ofpresentation about biography text. Then she organizesthe students to look at the example of biography text.She mentions some words contained in biography textthen organizes the students to repeat the words.Furthermore, she asks the students to analyze the mainidea and some specific information fromthe biographytext used. In the ending of the lesson, Mrs. Atullihamost often implements classroom language inorganization. She guides the students to makeconclusion of the lesson about biography text, then shegives the task to read biography text ofpublic figure.After that the students delivers the important andspecific information of biography text on the nextmeeting. The last she delivers the title of material thatwill be discussed on the next meeting.At the eleventh grade students of social 1, inopening the lesson, Mrs. Atulliha more oftenimplements classroom language in interaction. Shemakes an interaction with the students aimed to keeptheir spirit in learning process. In the main activity sheasks the students to read example of analyticalexposition text on book, then find out the main ideaalso persuasive sentence on the text. In addition, theteacher gives chance to the students to deliverquestions about analytical exposition and the usage ofpersuasive sentences. Then she gives someexamplesof analytical exposition to students so that they cananalyze the persuasive sentences used in the text.Inending the lesson, she implements some activities,whicharereviewingthe material, question-answersession, and givingthe task. While doing some

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activities describedbefore,she implementsorganization to the studentssuch as when she gives thestudents chance to deliver questions, givesthe task tostudentsand gives chance to students to make aconclusion about the materialthat had been done.E.ConclusionThe implementation of classroom languageused by the English teachers in SMAIslam Ta"allumulHuda Bumiayu runswell and the teachers achievetheobjectives of the learning. Classroom chronologicalorderincludesthe opening, main activity, and endingof the lesson. In addition, classroom languagefunctions compriseinteraction, interrogation,explanation, and organization.The teachers always use classroom language tocommunicate with their students in every classroomactivity. For theteachers, classroom language makesteaching and learning easier to communicate with thestudents. They can deliver instruction clearly in everyclassroom activities, manage classroom activities,improve the students" speaking skill, and reach thepurposeof learning effectively and systematically.AcknowledgementThe writers want to thank all people who help,support, and also assist the process of the research such as:the principal and the English teachers of SMA IslamTa"allumul Huda Bumiayu.

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BibliographyBilash, Olenka. 2009. B-SLIM:Bilash"s Success-GuidedLanguage Instructional Model.http://sites.educ.ualberta.sa/staff/olenka.bilash.Accsess onApril 21st, 2017 at 09.50 am.Hughes, Glyn S. 1990.A Handbook of Classroom English.New York: Oxford University Press.Pardiyono. 2010.Pasti Bisa! The Art of Teaching.Yogyakarta: C.V Andi Offset.Sallaberri, Sagrario. 1995.Classroom Language. Oxford:Heinemann Publishers.

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