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LXGB (Gibraltar AB)

Airport Information. General Info. Gibraltar GIB. N 36° 09.1' W 05° 21.0' Mag VISUAL APPROACH CHART following the Radar approach. LXGB/GIB. 1420'. 1397'.

104° 284° 4000 248° (5000) 5000 207° 027° Frankfurt Main EDDF

Correction: Procedure. Instrument Approach Chart. © VACC Germany. VATSIM Germany. 118.020. ATIS. 124.850. Tower (W). 119.900. Tower. 118.500. Director (S).

EDDH.pdf - Charts EDDH.pdf - Charts

final approach track. HOLDINGOVER HAM. In case of communicationfailure proceed to LBE for standard approach. NIENBURG FOUR ALFA (NIE 4A). WARBURG ONE NOVEMBER 

JeppView : LDSP - KASTELA (17 charts)

Birds in vicinity of airport. RWY. ADDITIONAL RUNWAY INFORMATION. Threshold. LANDING BEYOND. USABLE LENGTHS. WIDTH. TAKE-OFF. Glide Slope. 05. 23. 148'. 45m.

Introduction to Jeppesen navigation charts Introduction to Jeppesen navigation charts

23.11.2012 Examples of sectorization include by altitude runway use or airspace divisions. • Future – Sectorization of Airport communications will be ...

JeppView : EDDM (79 charts)


Dortmund (EDLW)

01.02.2018 NOVEMBER northeast of airport MAX 2500 MSL - 173° DOM (7 DME). (N 51 ... Instrument Approach Chart. ATIS. Langen Radar. Tower. Ground. CAT A. CAT ...

Do not use for real life navigation Do not use for real life navigation

21.10.2010 Departure on runway 15 and arrival on runway 33 is only admissible during special weather or runway ... Instrument Approach Chart. © VACC Germany.

JeppView : LIRF - FIUMICINO (46 charts)

17.09.1999 ARRIVAL INFO. RWY UTILIZATION PROCEDURE. In order to maximize airport capacity following procedures are applied: - In order to reduce delay ...

Frankfurt Main EDDF APT OVERVIEW Ground Movement Chart

Not to be used for real world flight. Frankfurt Main (East). EDDF. Transition to Final Approach. RWY 25L / 25C / 25R. GPS / FMS RNAV Arrival Chart. 5000 ft 


10 apr 2020 the approach charts published and in use. 2.2 AERODROME OPERATOR & HANDLING SERVICE PROVIDER. The aerodrome is open to IFR and VFR flights ...


Catania Direct (Approach Control Radar): 120.800 Airport Information For LICC ... Holding Missed approach holding VOR-Y RWY 26 suspended.


9 nov 2018 e e s s i i. ARCORE. AGRATE. CINISELLO. BOLLATE. MILANO. RHO. GORGONZO. DESIO. LISSONE. Mocchirolo. Limbiate. Cusago. Sett. Cassina. Locate.

Introduction to Jeppesen navigation charts

23 nov 2012 Examples of sectorization include by altitude runway use or airspace divisions. • Future – Sectorization of Airport communications will be ...

JeppView : LIRF - FIUMICINO (46 charts)

17 set 1999 departing from airports within Rome FIR. - from other FIR on weekends ... the acft reports the approach lights or rwy in sight.


Printed from JeppView for Windows on 07 Feb 2020; Terminal chart data cycle AIRPORT.BRIEFING. +JEPPESEN. 16C (Qualified for landing ...

Airport Information

A starting unit is not available at the airport. Precision Approach. One or more charts for the airport support precision approaches. Beacon Light.


24 nov 2006 No Chart NOTAMs for Airport EDFC ... Airport Information. General Info ... Naples Director (Approach Control Radar) 385.75 Military.


Airport information: Takeoff length: 3068 Landing length: 3011 ... THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH CHARTS AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ...

JeppView : LIMC - MALPENSA (50 charts)


Aerodrome Manual - Appendix I - Part 1

Rev. 0 d.d. 10.04.2020

Document Provided by the

Aerodrome Flight Operation




Bolzano - LIPB/BZO - Pilot's Familiarization Briefing 2020-04-10 [page 2 / 64]

1 Index

1 FAMILIARIZATION BRIEFING ............................................................................... 5

1.1 BRIEFING RELEASE ....................................................................................................... 6

1.2 LEGAL DISCLAIMER ...................................................................................................... 8

1.3 ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................................... 9

2 GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................. 11

2.1 LOCATION OF BOLZANO AERODROME ..................................................................... 11

2.2 AERODROME OPERATOR & HANDLING SERVICE PROVIDER .................................... 11

2.3 ATS PROVIDER ........................................................................................................... 11

2.4 AERODROME OPERATING HOURS ............................................................................ 11

2.5 AERODROME CATEGORY FOR RESCUE AND FIREFIGHTING...................................... 12

2.6 AERODROME PICTURES ............................................................................................ 12

2.7 RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS ..................................................................... 15

2.8 AERODROME LIGHTING FACILITIES ........................................................................... 17

2.9 AERODROME SURROUNDINGS - OBSTACLE LIGHTS ................................................ 19

2.10 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES & AIRSPACE ........................................................................... 19

2.11 LOCAL TRAFFIC RULES & NOISE ABATEMENT ........................................................... 22

2.12 FLIGHT PROCEDURES - IFR - Aircraft and Pilot Authorization ................................. 22

2.13 APPROACH PROCEDURES .......................................................................................... 23

2.14 VOR-a CAT A/B/C ....................................................................................................... 24

2.15 LOC+DME Instrument Guided Cloud Break Procedure RWY01 ................................ 25

2.16 RNP APCH Instrument Guided Cloud Break Procedure RWY01 ................................ 27

2.17 Departure Procedures ............................................................................................... 29

2.18 FLIGHT PROCEDURES - VFR ...................................................................................... 30

2.19 AERODROME CHART ................................................................................................. 31

2.20 AIRSPACE AND AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES ...................................................................... 32

2.21 LOCAL TRAFFIC RESTRICTIONS .................................................................................. 32

2.22 PROCEDURES FOR VFR FLIGHTS ................................................................................ 33

2.23 WEATHER and WEATHERMINIMA ............................................................................ 33

3 OPERATIONAL INFORMATION, REQUIREMENTS, NOTES .................................... 34

3.1 PILOTS, OPERATORS and AIRCRAFT .......................................................................... 35

4 PILOT AUTHORIZATION and RENEWAL ............................................................ 35

4.1 PILOT AUTHORIZATION ............................................................................................. 35

4.2 Authorization level required for PIC / Commander (CAT, NCC) ................................ 36

4.3 Authorization level required for PIC / Commander (NCO) ....................................... 36

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4.4 Authorization level required for Co-Pilots / First Officers ........................................ 36

4.5 Renewal of authorization .......................................................................................... 36

5 INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURES - DESCRIPTION .................................... 36

5.1 LOC/DME RWY 01 (CLOUD BREAK) - General Information ...................................... 37

5.1.1 LOC DME RWY 01 Cloud Break - Initial Approach .................................................... 37

5.1.2 Intermediate Approach ............................................................................................. 37

5.1.3 Final Part to MDA ...................................................................................................... 37

5.1.4 Missed Approach....................................................................................................... 38

5.1.5 Visual Part after LOC+DME Instrument Guided Cloud Break Procedure .................. 40

5.1.6 Straight In Visual RWY 01 .......................................................................................... 41

5.1.7 Right Hand Circuit RWY 19 (Day only) ....................................................................... 41

5.1.8 Proposed Balked Landing Procedure - RWY 01 ......................................................... 43

5.1.9 Proposed Balked Landing Procedure - RWY 19 ......................................................... 43

5.1.10 WEATHER MINIMA .................................................................................................... 43

5.2 RNP APCH Procedure RWY 01 - General Information .............................................. 43

5.2.1 RNP APCH RWY 01 Cloud Break - Initial Approach ................................................... 46

5.2.2 Intermediate Approach ............................................................................................. 46

5.2.3 Final Part to MDA ...................................................................................................... 46

5.2.4 Missed Approach....................................................................................................... 46

5.2.5 Visual Part after RNP APCH Instrument Guided Cloud Break Procedure ................. 47

5.2.6 Straight In Visual RWY 01 .......................................................................................... 47

5.2.7 Right Hand Circuit RWY 19 (Day only) ....................................................................... 48

5.2.8 Proposed Balked Landing Procedure - RWY 01 ......................................................... 48

5.2.9 Proposed Balked Landing Procedure - RWY 19 ......................................................... 49

5.2.10 WEATHER MINIMA .................................................................................................... 49 Straight in landing RWY 01 ........................................................................................ 49 Visual Part - right Circuit RWY 19 ............................................................................. 49

5.3 VOR-A (VOR/DME) Approach Procedure followed by Visual (or VFR) approach ..... 49

5.3.1 VOR-A (VOR/DME) - Initial Approach ....................................................................... 49

5.3.2 Intermediate Approach ............................................................................................. 49

5.3.3 Final Approach to MDA ............................................................................................. 50

5.3.4 Missed Approach....................................................................................................... 50

5.3.5 Proposed Visual (or VFR) Part of the Procedure ....................................................... 52

5.3.6 Proposed Straight in (Visual or VFR) Approach RWY 01 ........................................... 52

5.3.7 Proposed Right Hand Traffic Circuit (Visual or VFR) RWY 19 .................................... 52

5.3.8 Weather Minima for Visual Part / VFR to RWY 01 and RWY 19 ............................... 52

5.3.9 Proposal for Balked Landing...................................................................................... 53

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5.3.10 Sample for proposed Balked Landing RWY 01 .......................................................... 54

5.3.11 Sample for proposed generic Balked Landing RWY 19 ............................................. 54

5.4 DEPARTURE PROCEDURE .......................................................................................... 56

5.4.1 WEATHER MINIMA for Take Off RWY 19 + RWY 01 ................................................. 56

5.4.2 Sample for proposed all engine initial departure RWY01 (same as Balked Landing) 58

5.4.3 Sample for proposed all engine initial departure RWY 19 ........................................ 59

5.5 COMMUNICATION .................................................................................................... 61

6 EMERGENCY AND CONTINGENCY PROCEDURES ................................................ 62

6.1 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ....................................................................................... 62

6.2 CONTIGENCY PROCEDURES ...................................................................................... 62

6.2.1 Sample for proposed take off contingency RWY01 (same as Balked Landing) ......... 62

6.2.2 Sample for proposed take off contingency RWY 19 (same as Balked Landing) ........ 63

7 OPERATOR REQUIREMENTS (CAT & NCC & NCO) ............................................... 63

8 TRAINING PROGRAM ........................................................................................ 64

8.1 FTD (or FFS) OR ͞ON-SITE FLIGHT TRAINING" ........................................................... 64

9 Final note: ........................................................................................................ 64

Bolzano - LIPB/BZO - Pilot's Familiarization Briefing 2020-04-10 [page 5 / 64]


The familiarization Briefing has the main objective to support operators and pilots in preparing the flight operations to/from Bolzano. The briefing will provide general information concerning the main operational issues of Bolzano Aerodrome such as:

ƒ Aerodrome general information

ƒ General operational requirements

ƒ Local Weather

ƒ Orography

ƒ Approach and departure procedures

ƒ Communication procedure

ƒ Emergency and contingency procedures.

The personal flight preparation of pilots intending to operate into Bolzano aerodrome shall include the information contained in this document, and shall be based on current official documents (i.e.

AIP Italy, NOTAM, etc.).

NOTE: For IFR approach/departures to/from Bolzano aerodrome, the pilot/pilots is/are obliged to enter the Authorization Number in the box 18 of the Flight Plan and carry along a copy of the ͞Authorization" issued by the Aerodrome Operator, either in electronic or printed form, presentable at anytime on demand to official representatives of responsible authorities. CAT and NCC operator should enter in the FPL box 18 the Authorization number of the Company. There Pilots should carry along the Authorization record issued by the company. It's the Operators responsibility to train their crews according EU Reg. 965/12 so as to schedule only authorized and current crews for the intended operations to/from Bolzano. NOTE: Pilots operating to/from Bolzano according IFR without the appropriate approval may be reported to the responsible department of the Italian Civil Aviation Authority ENAC.

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Chap. Par. Poi. Input date Release data Ed. Rev. Changes

1 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

1.1 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

1.2 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

1.3 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.1 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.2 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.3 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.4 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.5 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.6 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.7 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.8 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.9 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.10 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.11 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.12 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.13 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.14 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.15 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.16 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.17 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.18 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.19 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.20 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.21 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.22 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

2.23 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

3 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

3.1 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

4 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

4.1 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

4.2 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

4.3 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

4.4 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.1 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.1.1 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.1.2 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.1.3 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.1.4 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.1.5 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.1.6 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.1.7 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.1.8. 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

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Chap. Par. Poi. Input date Release data Ed. Rev. Changes

5.1.9 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.1.10 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.1.11 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.1.12 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.2 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.2.1 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.2.2 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.2.3 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.2.4 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.2.5 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.2.6 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.2.7 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.2.8 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.2.9 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.2.10 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

5.2.11 15.02.2020 15.02.2020 1 0 First issue

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