[PDF] Tokamak Fusion Basics and the MHD Equations

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Enseignement scientifique

L'équation d'une réaction nucléaire stellaire étant fournie reconnaitre si celle-ci relève d'une fusion ou d'une fission. 2.1 Le rayonnement solaire.


est la fusion d'un noyau du proton hydrogène avec celui du deutérium. Il se forme alors un noyau d'hélium-3 (le « 3 » pour trois nucléons). Écrivez l'équation 

Fast Fusion of Multi-Band Images Based on Solving a Sylvester

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Fusion Equation (Factsheet)

Innovative Core Banking with Fusion Advance. Fusion Advance enables the easy and rapid upgrade to FusionBanking Equation with minimal disruption.

Tokamak Fusion Basics and the MHD Equations

Jul 19 2010 This makes nuclear (fission or fusion) preferable to fossil (coal) ... Extended MHD Codes solve 3D fluid equations for device-scale stability.

Fusion Equation (Factsheet)

Fusion Equation has the depth and breadth of functionality to support core banking operations. Complemented by a modern and componentized architecture it 

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Equation de la fusion de l'or : Au(s) ? Au(l). Combustion du dihydrogène : 2 H2 + O2 ? 2 H2O. 4. a. Expliquer ce qui différencie l'équation de désintégration 

Chapitre 1 : Lorganisation de la matière : les éléments chimiques

L'équation d'une réaction nucléaire stellaire étant fournie reconnaître si celle-ci relève d'une fusion ou d'une fission. Compétences pouvant être évaluées 

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La fusion thermonucléaire des protons dans le Soleil produit des noyaux d'hélium suivant la réaction globale d'équation :.

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22 615 MHD Theory of Fusion Systems Prof Freidberg Lecture 1: Derivation of the Boltzmann Equation Introduction 1 The basic model describing MHD and transport theory in a plasma is the Boltzmann-Maxwell equations 2 This is a coupled set of kinetic equations and electromagnetic equations 3

Chapter 14 NUCLEAR FUSION - Pennsylvania State University

Calculate the energy released in the following fusion reaction: 1H2+1H3=2He4+0n1(deuterium) (tritium) (helium) (neutron)Compare this energy with that calculated in Illustration 13-1 for the fission of uranium-235 Solution Knowing the masses of the individual nuclei involved in this fusion reaction allows us tocalculate the mass decrease

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Bernoulli equation Simple Harmonic Motion ???????? = ???????????????????????? latent heat of fusion (solid to liquid) ???????? = ????????

Physics of Nuclear Fusion - The University of Warwick

Physics of Fusion Lecture 1: The basics Lecturer: A G Peeters eV is also used as the unit of Temperature Temperature is always used to express an averaged energy The unit is again eV i e Where T is the temperature and T is the k temperature in Kelvin Note 1eV = 11605 K 17 56 MeV = 2 1011 K Availability of the fuel

Helium-3 Fusion - MIT OpenCourseWare

An Introduction to D-He-3 Fusion The basic goals in Deuterium Helium-3 fusion are to use either a tokamak or inertial electrostatic confinement to control the fusion of D and He-3 to produce an energetically efficient and minimally radioactive fusion reaction as a source of electricity

What is a fusion reaction equation?

The heat of fusion is equal to the heat absorbed or released divided by the mass of the substance undergoing a phase change. Lf = q/m The heat transferred q is equal to the mass of the substance...

What is the formula for nuclear fusion?

Fusion occurs when two light atoms bond together, or fuse, to make a heavier one. The total mass of the new atom is less than that of the two that formed it; the "missing" mass is given off as energy, as described by Albert Einstein's famous E=mc2 equation. Nuclear fusion is the holy grail of clean energy. Image: Renato Perillo.

What is the equation for a nuclear fusion reaction?

The same is true on the right. The other reaction, that which initiates star burning, involves the fusion of two hydrogen nuclei to form deuterium (the H-H fusion reaction): H + H ? D + ? + + ?, where ? + represents a positron and ? stands for a neutrino.

What is nuclear fusion equation?

What is the equation of nuclear fusion? For the proton-proton chain reaction that powers main-sequence stars of moderate mass, the steps are: 1 H + 1 H ? 2 H + ? + + ?. 2 H + 1 H ? 3 He + ?. 3 He + 3 He ? 4 He + 2 1 H. For the CNO cycle (carbon to nitrogen to oxygen (and back to carbon)) that obtains in stars of mass greater than ~1.3 solar masses, the steps are:

MHD Simulations for Fusion Applications

Lecture 1

Tokamak Fusion Basics and the MHD Equations

Stephen C. JardinPrinceton Plasma Physics Laboratory


Marseille, France

July 19, 2010


Fusion Powers the Sun and Stars

Can we harness Fusion power on earth?

The Case for Fusion Energy

•Worldwide demand for energy continues to increase -Due to population increases and economic development -Most population growth and energy demand is in urban areas •Implies need for large, centralized power generation •Worldwide oil and gas production is near or past peak -Need for alternative source: coal, fission, fusion

•Increasing evidence that release of greenhouse gases is causing global climate change . . . "Global warming"

-Historical data and 100+ year detailed climate projections -This makes nuclear (fission or fusion) preferable to fossil (coal) •Fusion has some advantages over fission that could become critical: -Inherent safety (no China syndrome) -No weapons proliferation considerations (security) -Greatly reduced waste disposal problems (no Yucca Mt.)

Controlled Fusion uses isotopes of Hydrogen in

a High Temperature Ionized Gas (Plasma)



Helium nuclei

-particle) ... sustains reaction NeutronDeuterium exists in nature (0.015% abundant in Hydrogen) T

Tritium has a 12 year half life: produced via


Li + n T +

4 He

Lithium is naturally abundantLithium

proton neutron key

Need ~ 5 atmosphere @ 10 keV

Controlled Fusion Basics

Create a mixture of D and T

(plasma), heat it to high temperature, and the D and T will fuse to produce energy. P DT = n D n T (U +U n at 10 keV, ~ T 2 P DT ~ (plasma pressure) 2


point ~ 10 keV

Note: 1 keV = 10,000,000 deg(K)

Toroidal Magnetic Confinement

Charged particles have helical orbits

in a magnetic field; they describe circular orbits perpendicular to the field and free-stream in the direction of the field.


creates toroidal magnetic fields to confine particles in the 3 rd dimension. Includes an induced toroidal plasma current to heat and confine the plasma"TOKAMAK":

Russian abbreviation

for "toroidal chamber" •500 MW fusion output •Cost: $ 5-10 B •Originally to begin operation in 2015 (now 2028 full power)

ITER is now under construction




E xperimental Reactor: •European Union •Japan •United States •Russia •Korea •China •India •World's largest tokamak •all super-conducting coils

Tore SupraITER

ITER has a site...

Cadarache, France

June 28, 2005

Ministerial Level Meeting

Moscow, Russia

Progress in Magnetic Fusion Research

and Next Step to ITER Years


10 1,000 100
10 1,000 100


1,000 100




Data from Tokamak

Experiments Worldwide

TFTR (U.S.)JET (EU) 2025
ITER (Multilateral)

Start of



Operation with

full power test


Power Gain



Power (MW) Plasma Duration

(Seconds) Power (MW)



Power Gain


A Big Next Step to ITER

Plasma Parameters

Simulations are needed in 4 areas

•How to heat the plasma to thermonuclear temperatures ( ~ 100,000,000 o C) •How to reduce the background turbulence •How to eliminate device-scale instabilities •How to optimize the operation of the whole device 10 -10 10 -2 10 4 10 0 SEC.


10 -8 10 -6 10 -4 10 2 LH-1 ci-1 A ce-1ISLAND GROWTHENERGY CONFINEMENT



(a) RF codes(b) Micro- turbulence codes(c) Extended-

MHD codes(d) Transport Codes

These 4 areas address different timescales and are normally studied using different codes Extended MHD Codessolve 3D fluid equations for device-scale stability 10 -10 10 -2 10 4 10 0 SEC.


10 -8 10 -6 10 -4 10 2 LH-1 ci-1 A ce-1ISLAND GROWTHENERGY CONFINEMENT



•Sawtooth cycle is one example of global phenomena that need to be understood •Can cause degradation of confinement, or plasma termination if it couples with other modes •There are several codes in the

US and elsewhere that are being

used to study this and related phenomena: •NIMROD •M3D

Quicktime Movie shows Poincare plot of

magnetic field at one toroidal location •Example of a recent 3D calculation using M3D code •"Internal Kink" mode in a small tokamak (Sawtooth


•Good agreement between

M3D, NIMROD, and

experimental results •500 wallclock hours and over 200,000 CPU-hours

Excellent Agreement between NIMROD and M3D

Kinetic energy vs time in lowest toroidal harmonics



during crash at 2 times 15

2-Fluid MHD Equations:

0 2 2

1( ) 0 continuity



Ohm's law

electron ener gy 22
i e ee i ie e iGV pnen nt t nMp JQt p ppt pppt JV B EB JB V VV JV JB EBB V VqV V 2 ion energy i VQ Vq

Resistive MH


flui D dl MHD MHD number density magnetic field current density electric field mass densityi n nM J E fluid velocity electron pressure ion pressure electron charge e i ei p p pp p eV 0 viscosity resistivity heat fluxes equipartition permeabilityQ ie q,q 16

Ideal MHD Equations:

0 ( ) 0continuit y



0Ohm's law


i nnt t nMpt p ppt V B EB JB V VV JB EVB VV

Ideal MHD

number density magnetic field current density electric field mass densityi n nM J E fluid velocity electron pressure ion pressure e i ei p p pp pV 0 permeability 17

Ideal MHD Equations:

0 5/3 ( ) 0continuit y



0Ohm's law



t p t p ppt sspst V B EB JB V VV JB EVB VV V

Ideal MHD

number density magnetic field current density electric field mass densityi n nM J E fluid velocity electron pressure ion pressure e i eiquotesdbs_dbs35.pdfusesText_40
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