[PDF] Réf.: SCBD/OES/AD/69366 26 Octobre 2009 N O T I F I C A T I O N

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Réf.: SCBD/OES/AD/69366 26 Octobre 2009 N O T I F I C A T I O N

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Réf.: SCBD/OES/AD/69366 26 Octobre 2009 N O T I F I C A T I O N Secrétariat de la Convention sur la diversité biologique

413 rue Saint-Jacques, Suite 800, Montréal, QC, H2Y 1N9, Canada

Tél. : +1 514 288 2220, Fax : +1 514 288 6588 secretariat@cbd.int www.cbd.int Réf.: SCBD/OES/AD/69366 26 Octobre 2009

N O T I F I C A T I O N1

Sixième Conférence de Trondheim sur la biodiversité concernant "Obtention de bons objectifs de la biodiversité en travaillant pour le développement durable », Trondheim, Norvège, 1 - 5 février 2010

Madame / Monsieur,

L'objet de cette notification est d'attirer votre attention sur la sixième Conférence de

Trondheim sur la biodiversité, intitulée "Obtention de bons objectifs de la biodiversité en

travaillant pour le développement durable», qui se tiendra du 1er au 5 février 2010 à Trondheim,

en Norvège. La conférence sera organisée par le gouvernement norvégien en collaboration avec

le Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement (PNUE) et le Secrétariat de la Convention sur la diversité biologique (CDB). Les cinq conférences de Trondheim sur la biodiversité organisées depuis 1993 ont été

l'occasion pour les décideurs, les gestionnaires et les scientifiques de fournir une base

constructive, transparente et scientifiquement rigoureuse pour les principales questions discutées

dans le cadre de la Convention sur la diversité biologique (CDB). La conférence de février

examinera le statut et les enseignements tirés de l'objectif de 2010 et fournira à la CDB une base

solide pour développer des objectifs de la biodiversité. Elle fournira un apport

scientifique à la quatorzième réunion de l'Organe subsidiaire chargé de fournir des avis

scientifiques, techniques et technologiques (SBSTTA-14) et la troisième réunion du Groupe de

travail spécial à composition non limitée sur l'examen de l'application de la Convention (WGRI-

3), les deux réunions se tiendront à Nairobi en mai 2010. La conférence contribuera également

aux efforts du PNUE sur des questions et processus de la biodiversité et à la célébration de

l'Année internationale de la biodiversité en 2010. Un programme de la conférence est en cours de

développement, il comportera des études scientifiques, des présentations de politiques, des études

de cas pratiques et des discussions de groupe qui fourniront des idées et de l'inspiration aux participants.

Pièces jointes

1 Aux points focaux nationaux de la CDB et du SBSTTA Dans une lettre du 23 octobre 2009, le ministre norvégien de l'Environnement et de la

Coopération au développement international, M. Erik Solheim, invite tous les États membres de

l'ONU à assister à cette sixième Conférence de Trondheim sur la biodiversité. Une copie de cette

invitation est jointe en annexe. La Conférence réunira jusqu'à 300 participants, et deux représentants de chaque pays

peuvent assister à la Conférence. Le gouvernement norvégien est disposé à fournir un soutien de

voyage à un participant de chaque pays éligible à bénéficier d'un tel soutien. La date limite d'inscription est fixée au 7 décembre 2009, et notez que tous les formulaires d'inscription doivent être accompagnés d'une lettre de confirmation du point focal national de la CDB, et envoyés directement au secrétariat de la conférence à trondheim.conference@dirnat.no. Une note d'information et un formulaire d'inscription sont joints à la présente notification.

Des invitations sont également envoyées aux entités compétentes des Nations Unies et à

certaines organisations et institutions (principalement internationales) qui contribuent à la mise en

d'accueil à www.trondheimconference.org, et vous pouvez également communiquer avec le

Secrétariat de la Conférence à la Direction norvégienne de la gestion de la nature à

trondheim.conference@dirnat.no. La sixième Conférence de Trondheim sur la biodiversité devrait apporter une contribution

importante à la préparation de la dixième réunion de la Conférence des Parties à la Convention

sur la diversité biologique (COP-10), qui se tiendra à Nagoya, au Japon, en octobre 2010, et nous

espérons que de nombreux pays seront en mesure de participer à cette importante réunion. Veuillez agréer, Madame / Monsieur, mes salutations distinguées.

Ahmed Djoghlaf

Secrétaire exécutif

Information note on the sixth Trondheim Conference on Biological Diversity, to be held in Trondheim, Norway, 1 - 5 February 2010 "GETTING THE BIODIVERSITY TARGETS RIGHT -


The Trondheim Conferences on Biodiversity

The five Trondheim Conferences on Biodiversity held since 1993 have provided an opportu- nity for policy makers, managers and scientists to provide a constructive, transparent and scientifically sound basis for key issues being discussed under the Convention on biological diversity (CBD). The sixth Trondheim Conference on Biodiversity will be held 1 - 5 February 2010 in Trond- heim, Norway, and this information note provides information about conference objectives, program outline, conference outputs and organisational and practical information on prepara- tions and participation. The conference will consider status and lessons learned from the 2010 target and will pro- vide CBD with a sound basis for developing post 2010 biodiversity targets. The conference will be hosted by the Norwegian Ministry of the Environment on behalf of the Norwegian government, in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and other relevant Norwegian ministries.

Conference objectives

The Trondheim conferences provide a forum where participants are updated on and ex- change views on key issues of relevance to CBD, providing a platform that stimulates dis- cussion and does not need consensus on issues. The conferences create a transparent, positive and constructive atmosphere that bridges science and policy and develops recom- mendations based on the best possible scientific data and information. Earlier conferences have contributed constructively to progress on key issues under the CBD, and have also provided capacity building, inspiration and networking opportunities for participants. The sixth Trondheim Conferences will provide science-based input for the fourteenth meeting of the CBD's Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA-

14) and for the third meeting of CBD's Working Group on Review of Implementation (WGRI-

3), both meetings to be held in Nairobi in May 2010. The timing of the conference is such that

outcomes can be integrated into the documents to be available for the two meetings. In particular, the conference will contribute to item 3.4 of the proposed SBSTTA-14 agenda, on "Examination of the outcome-oriented goals and targets, and associated indic ators, and consideration of their possible adjustments for the period beyond 2010". Through this, the outcomes of the Trondheim Conference will also feed into the preparatory processes for the United Nations General Assembly Session in 2010 such as the UNEP Special Session of the Governing Council and Global Ministers of Environment Forum (GC/GMEF), ongoing efforts through the Envir onment Management Group (EMG) to provide consolidated inputs into defining the future elements of the global biodiversity targets from UN Agencies, and to the tenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP-10) in Nagoya,

Japan, in October 2010.

Based on the characteristics of the Trondheim Conference and on consideration of the need for providing scientific inputs to key issues to be discussed under the CBD and in UNEP in

2010, the following objectives have been set for the conference:

Increase understanding and awareness of scientific, technical and policy issues fac- ing SBSTTA-14 and WGRI-3 and provide a sound basis for developing a post 2010 biodiversity target framework Contribute to UNEP's efforts on biodiversity issues and processes and to celebrating the International Year of Biodiversity in 2010 Provide increased knowledge and understanding as well as inspiration for participants on issues relevant to setting post 2010 biodiversity targets.

Conference outputs

Based on the objectives outlined above and on the specific need for developing input to SBSTTA-14, the following outputs will be produced from the Trondheim conference: Chairs' Report, containing the Conference Chairs' conclusions and recommendations made on the basis of presentations and discussions in the conference. Conference Proceedings, containing inter alia all presentations, scientific input, writ- ten output from group discussions and a list of participants. Specific messages tailored for other audiences, which may include UNGA, UNEP and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) General Assembly session. The above outputs, conference presentations and other conference material will all be made available on the conference home page. The conference may also provide input to the CBD Secretariat for their finalization of documentation for SBSTTA-14 and WGRI-3. There will in 2009 and 2010 be a number of other meetings and conferences that are rele- vant to the objectives of the 2010 Trondheim Conference, and we are actively seeking to avoid duplication and to use the comparative advantages of this type of meeting place.

Program outline

The program is presently being developed and finalized, building on the following preliminary program outline:

Monday 1 February

High level opening statements, including from the Mayor of Trondheim, the Norwe- gian government, UNEP, the SCBD and the CBD COP presidency. Overview presentations for setting the stage, including on 'Tracking progress to- ward the 2010 biodiversity target and beyond' and on 'moving towar ds an updated CBD Strategic Plan and post-2010 biodiversity target'. 2 Keynote addresses by noted experts on emerging and important issues for setting post 2010 biodiversity targets, including the economics of biodiversity and ecosystem services (TEEB) development and poverty alleviation perspectives, and large scale negative impacts affecting also biodiversity and ecosystem services

Tuesday 2 February

Scientific/technical presentations on presenting and arguing for the economic case for biodiversity and ecosystems. Sector perspectives on the importance of ecosystem services, including as seen from relevant United Nations agencies and organizations Breakout session with discussion groups on the economic importance of biodiversity and ecosystems and on communicating relevance to other stakeholders.

Wednesday 3 February

Scientific/technical presentations on large-scale serious future challenges related to biodiversity and ecosystems, including biodiversity futures and ecosystem boundaries Scientific/technical presentations on key challenges and implications for governance and for addressing economic sectors and drivers of biodiversity loss

Thursday 4 February

Scientific/technical presentations on experiences and lessons learned from address- ing biodiversity loss, including drivers such as climate change Scientific/technical presentations on good linkages between targets and indicators Breakout session with discussion groups on lessons learned from the '2010 target' and on the setting of post 2010 biodiversity targets

Friday 5 February

Completing the draft Chairmen's Report on 'Getting the biodiversit y targets right' Closing session, including presentation of Chairmen's Report and closing address All sessions will include a critical review of themes/issues and their relevance for post 2010 targets and for consideration of communication and measurement aspects. There will also be presentation of output from other key events related to the development of post 2010 biodi- versity targets. A social and cultural program will also be developed for all participants.


Invitations to the conference are in October being sent through diplomatic channels from the Norwegian Minister of Environment and Development Co-operation to all Member States of the United Nations, with copies to CBD National Focal Points. Invitations will also be sent to relevant UN agencies and international and non-governmental organisations. Due to the size of the conference facilities, participation will be limited to a maximum of 300 participants, and countries are being requested to limit their delegation to no more than two participants. The conference language will be English. Through a grant from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we are prepared to provide travel support for participants from countries eligible for such support, i.e. countries listed on OECD's 'DAC List of ODA Recipients (Effective for reporting on 2009 and 2010 flows)'. Information on visa requirements and application details may be found on the home page for the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) at www.udi.no The 2010 Trondheim Conference will take place at the Royal Garden Hotel in the centre of the City of Trondheim, with all necessary facilities and attractions within walking distance. 3 4

Preparing and organising the 2010 conference

The conference will be hosted by the Norwegian Ministry of the Environment (MoE) on behalf of the Norwegian government, in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Ministry of For- eign Affairs (MFA) and other relevant Norwegian ministries. In addition to UNEP and SCBD, the Norwegian government will also draw on a number of other key stakeholders in preparing the conference, including the scientific community, rele- vant international organisations and the CBD SBSTTA Bureau. Conference Chairmen will be Peter Johan Schei, Director of the Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI), and Finn Katerås, Project manager in the Directorate for nature management. Preparations for the conference in Norway will be guided by an Interministerial Advisory Group, chaired by Deputy Director General Birthe Ivars of the Ministry of the Environment. The Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management (DN) will be responsible for organizing the conference and will host the Conference Secretariat. DN is the executive and advisory agency on biodiversity management in Norway, reporting to the Ministry of the Environment, and is the Norwegian SBSTTA focal point. Preparing and organising the conference will be done in cooperation with the Norwegian In- stitute for Nature Research (NINA), the Norwegian University for Science and Technology (NTNU), the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (Artsdatabanken), the City of Trond- heim and Sør-Trøndelag County Authority.

Further information

Information on earlier conferences and on the 2010 conference will be made available through the Conference home page at www.trondheimconference.org You may also contact the Conference Secretariat at the Directorate for nature management for further information at:



Telephone: +47 73 58 05 00

Address: N-7485 Trondheim, Norway

Norwegian Ministry of the Environment (MD)

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Secretariat of the Convention on biological diversity (SCBD)

Norwegian Directorate for nature management (DN)

Version 22 October 2009

'Getting the biodiversity tar- gets right - working for sus- tainable development'

Trondheim, Norway, 1 - 5 February 2010



Please type or use block letters and return this form to the Conference

Secretariat at your

earliest convenience, by 7 December 2009 at the latest (in order to secure good travel ar- rangements and necessary immigration formalities for many of the participants). Family name: ________________________________________________ __________ ____ First name: ____________________________________________________________ ____ Title: _________________________________________________________________ ____ Organisation: __________________________________________________________ ____ Address: _______________________________________________________________ ___ __ Country: ___________________________________________________________ Telephone: __________________________ Telefax: _________________________ _ E-mail: ________________________________________________________________ ____ __ In order to facilitate assistance to participants, please check the foll owing where applicable: Confirmation from the CBD National Focal Point is attached or has been s ubmitted. I represent a country eligible for travel support (according to OECD' s DAC List of ODA Recipients for 2009 and 2010) and will require financial support fo r participation. Please note that block hotel bookings have been made, and that informati on on available hotels and details on booking will be provided after registration. All registered delegates will be contacted regarding possible assistance with travel arrange- ments, visa requirements and in case of specific requirements that parti cipants may have. __ This registration form should be sent to the Conference Secretariat, pre ferably by e-mail to trondheim.conference@dirnat.no , or by telefax to (+ 47) 73 58 05 01, or by post to the Direc- torate for nature management, N-7485 Trondheim, Norway. __quotesdbs_dbs32.pdfusesText_38

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