[PDF] Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization and Vaccines

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Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization and Vaccines

Sep 21 2020 Session 1: COVID-19: Risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission with different ... Rougeole: caractérisation génétique des virus de la rougeole et.

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Université de Montréal Impact des changements climatiques et de la

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IVIR-AC - September 2020

MICROSOFT TEAMS - VIRTUAL MEETING WHOHEADQUARTERS, GENEVA, SWITZERLAND 21 to 25 September 2020 2 This booklet contains key background documents for the meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization and Vaccines-related Implementation Research (IVIR-AC) 21
to 25 September 2020

This published after the IVIR-AC meeting at the

following linkǣ c/en/index4.html

IVIR-AC - September 2020

Table of Contents Ȃ September 2020 - IVIR-AC meeting

Documents Page

1.Administrative Documents

List of IVIR-AC Members 4

IVIR-AC Terms of References 6

DOI for WHO experts and Confidentiality undertakings 7

2.Agenda and List of Participants

List of Participants 13

Agenda ʹͲ

3.WER summary of last IVIRAC ͵ͷ


Session 1: COVID-19: Risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission with different immunization services ͷʹ

Session 2: COVID-19: Frameworks and methods to guide COVID 19 vaccine development ͳͳ͹ Session 3: WUENIC 2.0 ͳͷͺ

Session 5: RTS,S Malaria Vaccine vv{

Session 9: Burden of enteric diseases ͸ʹ͸

IVIR-AC - September 2020

Current IVIR-AC Ȃ Advisory Committee Members

Habib Hasan Farooqui, Additional Professor, Public Health Foundation of India,

Delhi, India

Mark Jit, Professor Vaccine Epidemiology, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London, United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland Julie Leask, Proferssor, Susan Wakil School of Nursing and Midwifery, Sydney Nursing School, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Camperdown NSW 2050, Sydney,


Jean-Daniel Lelièvre, Department of Clinical Immunology INSERM, CHU Henri Mondor 51 avenue Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 94010 Créteil Cedex, France Paula M. Luz, Professor, Evandro Chagas Clinical Research Institute (IPEC/ FIOCRUZ), Av. Brasil 4365, Manguinhos, 21040-360 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Dafrossa C. Lyimo

United Republic of Tanzania

Victoria Nankabirwa,


Wilfred Ndifon,


Virginia Pitzer

United States of America

Stéphane Verguet

United States of America

Xuan-yi Wang, China

Joseph Wu

Hong Kong SAR, China



may have interests related to their expertise. potential conflict of interest disclosed published

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above and briefly describe the circumstances on this page. If you do not describe the nature of an interest or

if you do not provide the amount or value involved where relevant, the conflict will be assumed to be significant.

Nos. 1 - 4:

Type of interest, question

number and category (e.g.,

Intellectual Property 4.a

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Name of

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Belongs to you, a

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Amount of income

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DECLARATION. I hereby declare on my honour that the disclosed information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Should there be any change to the above information, I will promptly notify the responsible staff of

WHO and complete a new declaration of interests form that describes the changes. This includes any change

that occurs before or during the meeting or work itself and through the period up to the publication of the

final results or completion of the activity concerned.

Annex C


Annex C

Initiative for Vaccine Research

Immunization Vaccines & Biologicals

Microsoft Teams - Virtual Meeting

Advisory Committee Members

Initiative for Vaccine Research

Immunization Vaccines & Biologicals

Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University,


Initiative for Vaccine Research

Immunization Vaccines & Biologicals


Initiative for Vaccine Research

Immunization Vaccines & Biologicals

Sus an Nazarro, Kat hleen Neuzil Folak e Olayinka Soni a Pagliusi, Jame s A Platts-Mills,QIHFWLRXV'LVHDVHV&OLQLF)LIWK)ORRU2XWSDWLHQW &OLQLF-HIIHUVRQ3DUN$YH&KDUORWWHVYLOOH9$ And rew J. Pollard, Kirs ten Vannice




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Initiative for Vaccine Research

Immunization Vaccines & Biologicals

Initiative for Vaccine Research

Immunization Vaccines & Biologicals

Initiative for Vaccine Research

Immunization Vaccines & Biologicals

W Mse mburi,

Olivia B

ullock, Kat herine O"Brien 20 Duration Title Content and key questions to IVIRAC Purpose Proposed speaker

1200 - 1205

5" Opening of Meeting Update on global strategies and issues of

relevance to WHO

For information

K O Brien, Director, Department

of Immunization, Vaccines and



10" Introduction/

Objectives of the meeting

Administrative issues

Objectives of IVIRAC meeting and outline of

the 1 st day P Lambach

W Orenstein

1215 - 1225

10" Background

Secretariat view

Technical background/Information needs

from WHO SAGE to estimate impact of

COVID-19 on immunization programs (for

SAGE working group)

R Hutubessy (WHO) /

Y Sim COVID-19 Session 1: Risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission with different immunization services

1225 - 1240

15" Problem statement

Understanding risk-benefit of proceeding

with immunization services during COVID outbreaks evoke the need for a better understanding of transmission dynamics

Questions to IVIRAC

oDoes the model address the key analytic question, i.e.,

What is the risk of SARS-

CoV-2 transmission to

communities and to health workers: For recommendation Susan Wang 21
for settings with various levels of COVID-19 burden, under different health service delivery conditions (e.g., routine immunization via fixed site, outreach, and schools; mass vaccination campaigns which are either fixed-site or door- to-door), and in consideration of the nature and extent of Infection Prevention

Control (IPC) measures


What is the risk of SARS-CoV-2

transmission to health workers? How robust are the conclusions of the modelling work? Are assumptions about roles of children in transmission justified and sufficiently conservative?

How can we extrapolate the results

from the six analysed settings to the other countries? Do country 22
characteristics translate into different transmission risks for communities and health workers and if so, how? : Full report on risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission

1240 - 1300


The risk of SARS-CoV-

2 transmission to communities and

to health workers in LMICs under different health service delivery conditions

Presentation of modelling approach to

understand risk of SARS-Cov-2 transmission by varying (I) service delivery (fixed site and house to house campaigns as well as routine outreach), (ii) effectiveness of IPC from 0-

95%, (iii) country characteristics (age

pyramid, income levels, urban/rural)

K Frey / B Hagedorn



Q&A and Discussion of

recommendations to SAGE

Discussion on conclusions for SAGE (to be

continued in closed session)

V Pitzer and Joseph Wu

1400 - 1410

10" Impact modelling of potential

COVID vaccines

Update on SAGE WG deliberations on policy-

relevant use case scenarios and modelling needs.

Question to IVIRAC:

Are additional epidemiologic and

economic model criteria needed?

What is IVIR-AC's advice on

strategies to address knowledge gaps?

How could IVIRAC support future

review processes and quality of modelling?

Modelling questions

For recommendation A Wilder-Smith


Fitness-for-Purpose Assessment Report

1410 - 1430


Modelling approaches and assumptions to

determine the optimal use of a COVID-19 vaccine dependent on vaccine performance and target populations

N Grassly


30" Q&A and Discussion of

recommendations to SAGE

Discussion on conclusions for SAGE (to be

continued in closed session)

W Ndifon and J Leask


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