[PDF] Etude des fonctions arccos arcsin et arctan - Méthode Maths

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Chapitre V Fonctions arcsin arccos


Limites et continuité de fonctions

La fonction arctan. Exemples. Page 92. 4.Fonctions trigonométriques réciproques a) La fonction arcsin. Proposition 4.1. La fonction sin réalise une bijection de.

Développements limités usuels en 0

réciproques » Arcsin Arccos

Limites et continuité - AlloSchool

05‏/10‏/2018 7 La fonction arctan. Proposition : La fonction x ↦→ tan(x) est continue et strictement croissante sur ]. − π. 2. π. 2. [. Alors elle admet ...

TD 1 Intégrales généralisées

16‏/09‏/2016 ... limité de fonctions. En 1665. Newton et Leibniz ont découvert ... = Arcsin d – Arcsin c

Équivalents et Développements (Limités et Asymptotiques) - 1

(d) En utilisant le développement limité de la fonction réciproque arctangente. C'est l'extension de la notion de développement limité aux fonctions qui n' ...

Mines dAlbiAl`es

Nantes 2002 - Toutes fili`eres - Corrigé

Les Développements Limités

f admet un développement limité à l'ordre n en x0 si et seulement si la fonction g En intégrant on obtient arctan(x) − arctan(0) = x −. 1. 3 x3 +. 1. 5 x5 + ...

Major Prépa

∀x ∈ R −x ∈ R et arctan(−x) = − arctan x donc arctan est impaire sur R. La fonction arctan arctan admet une limite finie en −∞ qui vaut −L. Les ...

Chapitre V Fonctions arcsin arccos


Limites et continuité de fonctions

Opérations. Continuité sur un intervalle. 4 Fonctions trigonométriques réciproques. La fonction arcsin. La fonction arccos. La fonction arctan. Exemples 

Dérivation et fonctions trigonométriques

Si c'est le cas cette limite est appelé nombre dérivé de f en a

Les Développements Limités

dit que f admet un développement limité à l'ordre n en x0 Calculons le DL de la fonction f(x) = cos x à l'ordre 3 au point ? ... arctan (x) =.

Chapitre12 : Fonctions circulaires réciproques

I La fonction Arcsin. A) Étude En effet Arcsin est dérivable sur ] ´ 1

Développements limités usuels en 0

Primitives usuelles. IV Fonctions dérivées de fonctions réciproques. Fonction. Primitive. Intervalles. 1. 1 + x2. Arctan x.


Donner le développement limité à l'ordre 5 en 0 de la fonction : f : R ? R x ?? Arctan(x). Université Paris 7. Année 2008/2009. UFR de Mathématiques.

Formule de Taylor développements limités


Feuille dexercices 7 Fonctions trigonométriques réciproques

Soit la fonction définie par ( ) = arcsin (. 1. . ) 1. Montrer que est définie et continue sur ]?? ?1] ? [1

TD 1 Intégrales généralisées

16 sept. 2016 Pour des fonctions plus générales les sommes S n'ont pas toujours de limite et donc l'intégrale n'existe pas toujours. Ainsi

Etude des fonctions arccos arcsin et arctan - Méthode Maths

This result relates the arctan to the logarithm function so that- 2 4 1 ln ? i i = + Looking at the near linear relation between arctan(z) and z for z

TD : Fonctions - MIT Mathematics

tout x La fonction r eciproque arctan est donc d erivable (voir l’exercice 5 du TD des 27 et 28 septembre) et sa d eriv ee vaut : arctan0(x) = 1 tan0(arctan(x)) = 1 1 + tan2(arctan(x)) = 1 1 + x2 La derni ere egalit e est une cons equence du fait que puisque arctan est la fonction r eciproque de tan tan arctan(x) = xpour tout x2R 3 On

Searches related to fonction arctan limite PDF

?In our conventions the real inverse tangent function Arctan x is a continuous single-valued function that varies smoothly from ? 1 2? to +2? as x varies from ?? to +? In contrast Arccotx varies from 0 to ?1 2? as x varies from ?? to zero At x = 0 Arccot x jumps discontinuously up to 1 2?

How do you calculate arctan?

arctan (1) = ?/4. arctan (-1) = -?/4. On peut également parler des limites : On a donc deux asymptotes horizontales : y = ?/2 en +? et y = -?/2 en -?. De plus, on voit sur la courbe que arctan est impaire : Pour terminer sur arctan, calculons sa dérivée. La méthode sera évidemment la même que pour arccos et arcsin.

What is the difference between arctan and Arc de cercle?

Arctan (x) correspond à l’ arc de cercle, d’où la notation de arc tan, comme pour arccos et arcsin ! D’autres exemples avec l’arc de cercle (le cas de droite représente le cas x


We know from elementary calculus that the function z=tan(ș) has an inverse ș=arctan(z). In differentiating z once we have- z zdzzequivalentitsorddz 022


On setting the upper limit to 1/N with N<1 we find the infinite series expansion for arctan given by- 0


0 01 )12(1)1()1()/1arctan( nnnnN z nnNndzzN or the equivalent- dttt NnN N tm m n nn /1 0 22
1 0 12


This series will converge quite rapidly when N>>1. Thus- ....)239(71 )239(51 )239(3112391)239/1arctan(642 However for N=1, the series just equals that of Gregory which is known to be notoriously slowly convergent-




If one takes the first hundred terms(m=100) in the Gregory series, the integral remainder will still be- percentsomeordttt t


1 0 2200
In general the larger N becomes the more rapidly the infinite series for arctan(z) will converge. Thus the series for (ʌ/8) =arctan{ 1/[1+sqrt(2)]} reads - ...)21(1 )21(11)21(1 8 42
which converges somewhat faster than the Gregory series. Lets examine some of the other analytical characteristics of arctan(z). Its plot for z real looks like this- We see that arctan(z) varies linearly with z for small z starting with value zero and becomes non-linear in its variation with increasing z, eventually approaching Pi/2 as Pi/2-1/z as z approaches infinity. The function has odd symmetry since arctan(- z)=-arctan(z). Its derivative is just 1/(1+z^2) and hence represents a special case of the Witch of Agnesi ( this curve was studied by the Italian mathematician Maria Agnesi 1718-1799 and received its name due to a mistranslation of the Italian word versiero for curve by an English translator who mixed it up with the Italian word for witch). Using the multiple angle formula for tangent , one also has- or the equivalent - )arctan()arctan(])1()(arctan[yxxyyx

On setting x=z and y= we find -

)1arctan()arctan(2zz S so that, for example, arctan(2)=ʌ/2-arctan(0.5)=ʌ/2-0.46364..= 1.1071...If x=1 and y=-1/3 one obtains the well known identity- )31arctan()21arctan(4 S and x=1/7, y=-1/8 produces- )571arctan()81arctan()71arctan( Consider next the complex number z=x+iy. Writing this out in polar form yields- )]arctan(exp[ 22
xyiyxiyx so that- 22
ln)/arctan( yxiyxixy This result relates the arctan to the logarithm function so that- 421ln
ii Looking at the near linear relation between arctan(z) and z for z<<1 suggests that arctan(1/N)=m*arctan(1/(m*N) +small correction of the order 1/N^3 for large N. This is indeed the case. By looking at the imaginary part of- )ln()ln()()(ln


iNpiNpiNiN pp one finds- ))34(1arctan()21arctan(2)1arctan( 2 NNNN )118278arctan()31arctan(3)1arctan( 24
NNN NN and- 242
NNNN NN We next solve an integral in terms of arctan to get-

Therefore one finds-

)117arctan(72)]73arctan()75[arctan(72 43
1 0 2 t ttdt It is also possible to manipulate the original integral form for artctan(z) into a variety of different range integrals. Consider the substitutions t=u/N and

Nt=tanh(v). These produce the integrals-

arctan 42


bacbat bac abac abtdt a cbtatdt f 02221
0 22/1
0 2 )]11()[cosh(111)1arctan( vuN t N vdv NN uNduNdttN Expanding the term in the denominator of the last integral leads to an alternate series for arctan(1/N). In compact form, it reads- 022
2 )1()!12(!4


NN N and produces the identity- ...!92!4 !72!3 !52!2 !32!112


Also using the variable substitution u=w/sqrt(w^2+1) yields the symmetric form- f f w w N wwdw NNN ]11)1[()1()1(2)/1arctan( 2222
so that- 0022



vv vdv vdv wwdw It seems that this last integral in w can form the starting point for an AGM approach for finding precise values of ʌ. It can also be expanded as the series- ...97531!4


1!0 2 S which shows an interesting pattern but is unfortunately only slowly convergent. A much more rapidly convergent series is found for larger N. Indeed, we have in general that- 0


)]12...(531[)1(!2 )1()1()1)(1(111 )1(1)/1arctan(nnn n wnnnNNn wdw



This yields at N=239 the result-

nnnnnn which is accurate to 43 places when adding up just the first nine terms in the infinite series. By telescoping the arctan(1/N) series terms by two, one finds the even faster convergent form- )31616()58()34(


)/1arctan( 22
0 222
nnnNn nNnnN Nnnn Also using our earlier discussed four term arctan formula for ʌ ( see-NUMERICAL EVALUATION OF PI BY A FOUR TERM ARCTAN FORMULA) we have that- )57122(13384 )3250(9120 )1445(3648 )!2()!1(!4 41
1 nnnnnn nnn with each additional term taken in this series improving the accuracy of ʌ by about

3 places. Note the summation procedure requires no taking of roots and simply

involves summation, multiplication, and division of integers. Arctan(z) also relates to the hypergeometric series. Matching term by term of the infinite series for F(a,b,c,x) with the the first infinite series expansion for arctan given earlier, one has- 1 0


Also it follows that the second order differential equation-


wdzdwzdzwdzz has- )arctan(1zzw as a solution. Finally, one integration of arctan yields- )1ln(21)arctan()arctan( 2 zzzz which is easily verified by differentiating both sides.

March 2009
