[PDF] arduino programming notebook - NYU Tandon School of Engineering

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Cours pour lapprentissage des bases de lélectronique et de la

et de la programmation sur Arduino. L'accent de cet ouvrage est mis sur une initiation ... La programmation se fait dans le logiciel Arduino IDE:.

Initiation Arduino

L'environnement de programmation Arduino. (IDE en anglais) est une application écrite en Java inspirée du langage Processing. L'IDE permet d'écrire de modifier 

? Initiation à Arduino

Ils découvriront les bases de la programmation en C++ à l'aide du logiciel. Arduino IDE (Integrated Development. Environment). Objectifs d'apprentissage. • 

Initiation `a la programmation embarquée/robotique avec Arduino

Initiation `a la programmation embarquée/robotique avec Arduino. Audrey Robinel (arobinel@univ-ag.fr). 13 mai 2014. 1 Introduction.

Initiation à Arduino

Après la présentation générale le tutoriel décrit

INITIATION à la programmation en ROBOTIQUE ARDUBLOCK : la

Le Robot suiveur de ligne équipé de : - 2 moteurs à courant continu. - 1 carte Arduino UNO R3. - 1 Motor Shield R3 :carte de contrôle du sens de rotation 

INITIATION à la programmation en ROBOTIQUE ARDUBLOCK : la

Le Robot suiveur de ligne équipé de : - 2 moteurs à courant continu. - 1 carte Arduino UNO R3. - 1 Motor Shield R3 :carte de contrôle du sens de rotation 

Cours dinitiation à Arduino

En effet beaucoup de librairies et de fonctionnalités de base occulte certains aspects de la programmation de logiciel embarquée afin de gagner en simplicité.

TP – La programmation avec arduino

TP – LA PROGRAMMATION AVEC ARDUINO INITIATION A LA PROGRAMMATION ... Le modèle UNO de la société ARDUINO est une carte électronique dont le cœur est un ...

Initiation Arduino

Arduino est un ensemble d'outils Open Source comprenant un microcontrôleur simple des composants complémentaires qui facilitent la programmation et 

arduino programming notebook - NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Beginning with the basic structure of Arduino's C derived programming language this notebook continues on to describe the syntax of the most common elements of the language and illustrates their usage with examples and code fragments

Initiation Arduino - univ-paufr

L'environnement de programmation Arduino (IDE en anglais) est une application écrite en Java inspirée du langage Processing L'IDE permet d'écrire de modifier un programme et de le convertir en une série d'instructions compréhensibles pour la carte Quelques exemples d'applications :

Arduino For Beginners - Makerspacescom

Arduino is an open source programmable circuit board that can be integrated into a wide variety of makerspace projects both simple and complex This board contains a microcontroller which is able to be programmed to sense and control objects in the physical world By responding to sensors and inputs the Arduino is able to interact

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Arduino à l'école – Arduino pour apprendre à coder

  • Overview

    This guide is divided into four main sections: hardware, software tools, Arduino API, and Quick Reference. You can navigate to each of these sections directly through the links below:

  • Arduino API

    Visit the Arduino Language Referenceto explore the full Arduino API. The Arduino API, aka the "Arduino Programming Language", consists of several functions, variables and structures based on the C/C++ language.

  • Arduino Software Tools

    The Arduino IDEs are available for download for free in the Software downloads page. Another integral part of the Arduino ecosystem are its software tools. The Arduino IDE, as it is commonly referred to, is an integrated development environment.But what does that mean exactly? In order to program your board, you need to write a program, compile tha...

  • Quick Reference

    In this section, you will find a list of some of the most common elements in the standard Arduino API. This will help you get familiar with some key building blocks. To explore the whole Arduino API, please refer to the Arduino Language Reference, an in-depth wiki maintained by Arduino and its community. You will find hundreds of entries, accompani...

What is the basic operation of an Arduino?

The basic operation of an Arduino. Circuits consist of at least one active electronic component, and a conductive material, such as wires, so that current can pass through. When working with an Arduino, you will in most cases build a circuit for your project. A simple example of a circuit, is an LED circuit.

How do you program a board using Arduino IDE?

In order to program your board, you need to write a program, compile that program into machine code, and finally: send over the new program to your board. The Arduino IDE facilitates all this, from the first line of code written, to have it executed on the Arduino board's microcontroller.

What is setup function in Arduino?

This function is the core of all Arduino programs and does the bulk of the work. setup() The setup() function is called once when your program starts. Use it to initialize pin modes, or begin serial.

What is the purpose of the Arduino notebook?

This notebook serves as a convenient, easy to use programming reference for the command structure and basic syntax of the Arduino microcontroller. To keep it simple, certain exclusions were made that make this a beginner’s reference best used as a secondary source alongside other websites, books, workshops, or classes.

arduino programming notebook brian w. evans

Arduino Programming Notebook

Written and compiled by Brian W. Evans

With information or inspiration taken from:

http://www.arduino.cc http://www.wiring.org.co http:// www.arduino.cc/en/Booklet/HomePage http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/101/

Including material written by:

Paul Badger

Massimo Banzi

Hernando Barragán

David Cuartielles

Tom Igoe

Daniel Jolliffe

Todd Kurt

David Mellis

and others


First Edition August 2007

Second Edition September 2008

12 c ba o

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons

Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 License.

To view a copy of this license, visit:

Or send a letter to:

Creative Commons

171 Second Street, Suite 300

San Francisco, California, 94105, USA

contents structure structure 7 setup() 7 loop() 7 functions 8 {} curly braces 8 ; semicolon 9 /*... */ block comments 9 // line comments 9 variables variables 10 variable declaration 10 variable scope 11 datatypes byte 12 int 12 long 12 float 12 arrays 13 arithmetic arithmetic 14 compound assignments 14 comparison operators 15 logical operators 15 constants constants 16 true/false 16 high/low 16 input/output 16 flow control if 17 if... else 18 for 19 while 20 do... while 20 digital i/o pinMode(pin, mode) 21 digitalRead(pin) 22 digitalWrite(pin, value) 22 analog i/o analogRead(pin) 23 analogWrite(pin, value) 23 time delay(ms) 24
millis() 24 math min(x, y) 24 max(x, y) 24 random randomSeed(seed) 25 random(min, max) 25 serial

Serial.begin(rate) 26

Serial.println(data) 26

appendix digital output 29 digital input 30
high current output 31 pwm output 32
potentiometer input 33 variable resistor input 34 servo output 35
preface This notebook serves as a convenient, easy to use programming reference for the command structure and basic syntax of the Arduino microcontroller. To keep it simple, certain exclusions were made that make this a beginner's reference best used as a secondary source alongside other websites, books, workshops, or classes. This decision has lead to a slight emphasis on using the Arduino for standalone purposes and, for example, excludes the more complex uses of arrays or advanced forms of serial communication. Beginning with the basic structure of Arduino's C derived programming language, this notebook continues on to describe the syntax of the most common elements of the language and illustrates their usage with examples and code fragments. This includes many functions of the core library followed by an appendix with sample schematics and starter programs. The overall format compliments O'Sullivan and Igoe's Physical

Computing where possible.

For an introduction to the Arduino and interactive design, refer to Banzi's Getting Started with Arduino, aka the Arduino Booklet. For the brave few interested in the intricacies of programming in C, Kernighan and Ritchie's The C Programming Language, second edition, as well as Prinz and Crawford's C in a Nutshell, provide some insight into the original programming syntax. Above all else, this notebook would not have been possible without the great community of makers and shear mass of original material to be found at the Arduino website, playground, and forum at http://www.arduino.cc. structure | 7 structure

The basic structure of the

Arduino programming language is fairly simple and runs in at least two parts. These two required parts, or functions, enclose blocks of statements. void setup() statements; void loop() statements; Where setup() is the preparation, loop() is the execution. Both functions are required for the program to work. The setup function should follow the declaration of any variables at the very beginning of the program. It is the first function to run in the program, is run only once, and is used to set pinMode or initialize serial communication. The loop function follows next and includes the code to be executed continuously - reading inputs, triggering outputs, etc. This function is the core of all Arduino programs and does the bulk of the work. setup() The setup() function is called once when your program starts. Use it to initialize pin modes, or begin serial. It must be included in a program even if there are no statements to run. void setup() pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); // sets the 'pin' as output loop() After calling the setup() function, the loop() function does precisely what its name suggests, and loops consecutively, allowing the program to change, respond, and control the Arduino board. void loop() digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); // turns 'pin' on delay(1000); // pauses for one second digitalWrite(pin, LOW); // turns 'pin' off delay(1000); // pauses for one second functions A function is a block of code that has a name and a block of statements that are executed when the function is called. The f unctions void setup() and void loop() have already been discussed and other built-in functions will be discussed later. Custom functions can be written to perform repetitive tasks and reduce clutter in a program. Functions are declared by first declaring the function type. This is the type of value to be returned by the function such as 'int' for an integer type function. If no value is to be returned the function type would be void. After type, declare the name given to the function and in parenthesis any parameters being passed to the function. type functionName(parameters) statements; The following integer type function delayVal() is used to set a delay value in a program by reading the value of a potentiometer. It first declares a local variable v, sets v to the value of the potentiometer which gives a number between 0-1023, then divides that value by 4 for a final value between 0-255, and finally returns that value back to the main program. int delayVal() int v; // create temporary variable 'v' v = analogRead(pot); // read potentiometer value v /= 4; // converts 0-1023 to 0-255 return v; // return final value {} curly braces Curly braces (also referred to as just "braces" or "curly brackets") define the beginning and end of function blocks and statement blocks such as the void loop() function and the for and if statements. type function() statements; An opening curly brace { must always be followed by a closing curly brace }. This is often referred to as the braces being bal anced. Unbalanced braces can often lead to cryptic, impenetrable compiler errors that can sometimes be hard to track down in a large program. The Arduino environment includes a convenient feature to check the balance of curly braces. Just select a brace, or even click the insertion point immediately following a brace, and its logical companion will be highlighted.

8 | structure

; semicolon A semicolon must be used to end a statement and separate elements of the program. A semicolon is also used to separate elements in a for loop. int x = 13; // declares variable 'x' as the integer 13 Note: Forgetting to end a line in a semicolon will result in a compiler error. The error text may be obvious, and refer to a missing semicolon, or it may not. If an impenetrable or seemingly illogical compiler error comes up, one of the first things to check is a missing semicolon, near the line where the compiler complained. /*... */ block comments Block comments, or multi-line comments, are areas of text ignored by the program and are used for large text descriptions of code or comments that help others understand parts of the program. They begin with /* and end with */ and can span multiple lines. /* this is an enclosed block comment don't forget the closing comment - they have to be balanced! Because comments are ignored by the program and take no memory space they should be used generously and can also be used to "comment out" blocks of code for debugging purposes. Note: While it is possible to enclose single line comments within a block comment, enclosing a second block comment is not allowed. // line comments Single line comments begin with // and end with the next line of code. Like block comments, they are ignored by the program and take no memory space. // this is a single line comment Single line comments are often used after a valid statement to provide more information about what the statement accomplishes or to provide a future reminder. structure | 9

10 | variables

variables A variable is a way of naming and storing a numerical value for later use by the program. As their namesake suggests, variables are numbers that can be continually changed as opposed to constants whose value never changes. A variable needs to be declared and optionally assigned to the value needing to be stored. The following code declares a variable called inputVariable and then assigns it the value obtained on analog input pin 2: int inputVariable = 0; // declares a variable and // assigns value of 0 inputVariable = analogRead(2); // set variable to value of // analog pin 2 'inputVariable' is the variable itself. The first line declares that it will contain an int, short for integer. The second line sets the variable to the value at analog pin 2. This makes the value of pin 2 accessible elsewhere in the code. Once a variable has been assigned, or re-assigned, you can test its value to see if it meets certain conditions, or you can use its value directly. As an example to illustrate three useful operations with variables, the following code tests whether the inputVariable is less than 100, if true it assigns the value 100 to inputVariable, and then sets a delay based on inputVariable which is now a minimum of 100:quotesdbs_dbs8.pdfusesText_14
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