[PDF] Photoemission and Free Electron Laser Spectromicroscopy

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Lateral and axial resolution criteria in incoherent and coherent

is the intensity at the center of the diffraction pattern. 3.1.2 Abbe resolution criterion. In 1873 - 1876 Abbe was developing optical microscopes at Zeiss

Improving the lateral resolution in confocal fluorescence microscopy Improving the lateral resolution in confocal fluorescence microscopy

9. des. 2013 The confocal lateral resolution is. 103 nm which already represents a 25 % improvement compared to a confocal microscope using a standard NA= ...

Study of spatial lateral resolution in off-axis digital holographic Study of spatial lateral resolution in off-axis digital holographic

The lateral resolution in digital holographic microscopy (DHM) has been widely studied in terms of both recording and reconstruction parameters.

Lateral resolution enhanced interference microscopy using virtual Lateral resolution enhanced interference microscopy using virtual

27. jan. 2023 The lateral resolution in microscopic imaging generally depends on both the wavelength of light and the numerical aperture of the microscope ...

Improvement of lateral resolution in far-field fluorescence light

A method is described of increasing the resolution in far-field fluorescence light microscopy by a factor of 2. Calculations show that a lateral resolution 

Nanoscopy on-a-chip: super-resolution imaging on the millimeter

22. feb. 2019 The fluorescent signal is captured by an upright microscope. c) The PIC has lateral dimension of around 3 cm x 3 cm. A layer of SiO2 give a ...

Fundamental aspects of resolution and precision in vertical

4. mars 2016 This limitation is closely related to the lateral resolution capabilities of the microscope objective as it limits the maximum fringe density.

Enhancement of fluorescence confocal scanning microscopy lateral

3. apr. 2009 microscopy lateral resolution by use of structured illumination. To cite this article: Taejoong Kim et al 2009 Meas. Sci. Technol. 20 055501.

Lateral resolution and potential sensitivity in Kelvin probe force

18. juni 2008 We report on high-resolution potential imaging of heterogeneous surfaces by means of Kelvin probe force microscopy working in frequency ...


28. mai 1990 Describing the field and the field gradient above a magnetic stripe structure we calculate the highest lateral resolution achiev-.

Lateral and axial resolution criteria in incoherent and coherent

is the intensity at the center of the diffraction pattern. 3.1.2 Abbe resolution criterion. In 1873 - 1876 Abbe was developing optical microscopes at Zeiss

Improving the lateral resolution in confocal fluorescence microscopy

9 Dec 2013 microscopy using laterally interfering excitation beams ... theoretical confocal lateral resolution is 130 nm.

Lateral resolution enhancement of confocal microscopy based on

3 Feb 2017 Abstract: Lateral resolution in confocal microscope is limited by the size of pinhole. In this paper we attempt to introduce a new method ...

Enhanced lateral resolution in continuous wave stimulated emission

2 May 2019 STED microscopy acquires super-resolution images by superimposing a donut-shaped depletion beam on the excitation beam spot of confocal ...

Study of spatial lateral resolution in off-axis digital holographic

The lateral resolution in digital holographic microscopy (DHM) has been widely studied in terms of both recording and reconstruction parameters.

Enhancement of fluorescence confocal scanning microscopy lateral

3 Apr 2009 microscopy lateral resolution by use of structured illumination. To cite this article: Taejoong Kim et al 2009 Meas. Sci. Technol. 20 055501.

Improvement of lateral resolution in far-field fluorescence light

microscopy by using two-photon excitation with offset beams that a lateral resolution of 75 nm is achieved with a lens of numerical aperture of 1.4 (oil ...

Photoemission and Free Electron Laser Spectromicroscopy

10 May 1995 High Lateral Resolution" Scanning Microscopy: Vol. 9 : No. 4

Reliable Evaluation of the Lateral Resolution of a Confocal Raman

imaging quality and a high lateral resolution is necessary to Keywords Confocal Raman microscopy

Scanning Micr

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Scanning Microscopy, Vol. 9, No. 4, 1995 (Pages 949-963) 0891-7035/95$5.00+ .25 Scanning Microscopy International, Chicago (AMF O'Hare), IL 60666 USA PHOTOEMISSION AND FREE ELECTRON LASER SPECTROMICROSCOPY:


G. Margaritondo

Institut de Physique Appliquee, Ecole Polytechnique Federale, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Telephone number: 41 21 693-4471 / FAX number: 41 21 693-4666 / E.mail: marga@eldpa.epfl.ch (Received for publication May 8, 1995 and in revised form October 5, 1995)


The move of photoemission analysis from the mac

roscopic to the microscopic domain has been accelerated by the advent of new ultrabright synchrotron sources of soft-X-rays. This makes an overview of photoemission spectromicroscopy, photoemission at high lateral resolu tion, quite timely. The overview begins with the basic concepts and problems, both technical and of data-taking strategy. Then, it presents a small number of examples of results in physics and biology, such as local chemical fluctuations in superconductors, semiconductor interfaces and the microchemistry of biological systems. The pres entation includes the first experimental results from two new ultrabright synchrotron facilities: ELETTRA (in

Italy) and SRRC (in Taiwan).

Key Words: Photoemission, electron microscopy,

X-ray absorption, synchrotron radiation,

spectromicroscopy, surfaces, interfaces, neurobiology, semiconduc tors, superconductors. 949

Introduction: What Is

Photoelectron Spectromicroscopy?

Electron microscopy is usually based on the inter

action between a primary electron beam and the system under investigation. There are different electron microscopy techniques, but all of them primarily deliver morphological information. However, some techniques can also deliver information on the local electronic and

chemical structure, for example by performing electron energy loss spectroscopy on a microscopic scale.

Energy loss spectroscopy is only one of the many

different spectroscopies based on electrons. For many years, the leading technique in electron spectroscopy has not been energy loss, but photoelectron spectroscopy. The superiority of photoelectron spectroscopy over other techniques is based on three points: • The primary beam particles, photons, are gentler probes than, for example, ions or electrons; given a cer tain amount of extracted information, photons are less likely than other particles to cause damage and substan tially modify the specimen under investigation. • The photoelectric effect depends on a large num ber of variables that can be tuned, scanned or otherwise controlled [19]. This enhances the quality and quantity of information that can be extracted on the electronic and chemical structure. • Photoemission spectroscopy has reached rather impressive levels of angular and energy resolution [19), and this again enhances, qualitatively and quantitatively, the information that is potentially available.

Why, then, do not we see electron microscopes

based on the photoelectric effect in which photons are used as primary probes? The answer, in the first place, is that the signal level in a typical photoernission experi ment is too low to allow lateral resolution better than 0.5 mm. On the other hand, this is no longer a general limitation; since the late 1980's, we have seen a rapid development of new experimental techniques, which are indeed able to couple photoelectron spectroscopy and high lateral resolution [l, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13,

14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29).

G. Margaritondo

Before commenting in detail about the practical im plementation of these techniques, it is important to dis cuss their comparative merits with respect to other ex perimental tools. I believe that the most illuminating comparison is with the techniques based on the scanning tunnel microscope (STM).

The STM has undeniably a superior performance

levels as far as lateral resolution is concerned. In cer tain cases, it can reach the atomic ( z 1 AfTlevellTOnT basedlT levellT conventionalTphotoemissionlT orTfractionsTofTmillimeterslT (1) where dETisTtheTenergyTdomainToverTwhichTspectroscopyT wsnT lateralTresolutionlT

In the interplay between "microscopy" and "spec

troscopy", the STM is the limit case for the latter, with excellent lateral resolution that brings the overall Q-pa rameter to an impressive level, typically Q z 10 3 -10 4 e V / AiTlimitTvalueTQTz 10 5 e V / AlTCloseTtoTtheToppositeT tioniTwhichTbringsTtheTQkparameterTtoTz 10- 1 eVmAlT reachesTtheToapTeVmATlevellT

In the near future, with the use of the new ultra

bright soft-X-ray sources such as ELETTRA (in Trieste, Italy) and the Advanced Light Source (ALS, Berkeley, CA) photoemission spectromicroscopy should reach Q values of z 1a3 eVmAlTTheTprobableTlimitTwouldTcor tionTePT=Ton 4 ), lateral resolution in the 100 ATrangeiT ingTtoTQTz 10 5 eVmAiTquiteTcomparableTtoTtheTSTMTandT spectroscopyTeEELSfTimaginglT andTotherTcollectiveTphenomenaiTetclT complementaryTcapabilitieslT

Photoemission at high lateral resolution

a x-ray focusing device N(E) I x-ray beam, energy= hv x-y scanning stage electrons electron energy (E) analyzer Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the two general classes of photoelectron spectroscopy techniques including some of their possible products: (a) focussing scanning, and (b) electron optics/imaging. sample b electron optics and imaging x-ray beam., hv 951



x-y scanning photo electron intensity micrographs space-resolved x-ray absorption (Y(hv) photoelectron yieldT vsThvfTspectraT Y(hv) I -hv+-

G. Margaritondo

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GaSe + Au

Ga3d ..... •••✓.. quotesdbs_dbs46.pdfusesText_46
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