[PDF] 3rd Sunday Easter Cycle A - Santa Clara University

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LITURGICAL CALENDAR - United States Conference of Catholic

Easter Sunday April 4 2021 The Ascension of the Lord [Thursday] May 13 2021 Pentecost Sunday May 23 2021 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 6 2021 First Sunday of Advent November 28 2021 CYCLES — LECTIONARY FOR MASS Sunday Cycle YEAR B November 29 2020 to November 21 2021 Weekday Cycle CYCLE I


Easter Sunday April 9 2023 The Ascension of the Lord [Thursday] May 18 2023 Pentecost Sunday May 28 2023 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 11 2023 First Sunday of Advent December 3 2023 CYCLES — LECTIONARY FOR MASS Sunday Cycle YEAR A November 27 2022 to November 26 2023 Weekday Cycle CYCLE I January 10 to February 21 2023

April Third Sunday of Easter Cycle A Our Sunday Readings

April 23 2023 Third Sunday of Easter Cycle A 3 PSALM 16:1-257-11 1 PETER 1:17-21 LUKE 24:13-35 PRAYER author unknown Lord Jesus stay with us for evening is at hand and the day is past Be our companion on the way kindle our hearts and awaken hope that we may know you as you are revealed in Scripture and the breaking of bread

3rd Sunday Easter Cycle A - Santa Clara University

Cycle A The Third Sunday of Easter Lectionary # 46 Reading I: Acts 2: 14 22 - 33 Saint Peter wishes for those in Jerusalem to listen and hear This is evidenced by the fact that there is great emphasis placed on the fact that he raised his voice He is heralding the Resurrection of Jesus and the salvation of the world!

When can a second reading be read on the 6th Sunday of Easter?

12WWhen the Ascension of the Lord is celebrated on the following Sunday, the Second Reading and Gospel from the Seventh Sunday of Easter (see no. 59) may be read on the Sixth Sunday of Easter. 25 15 Mon Easter Weekday white/white [USA: Saint Isidore]

How many cycles are in a weekday cycle in 2023?

CYCLES —LECTIONARY FOR MASS Sunday Cycle YEAR A November 27, 2022 to November 26, 2023 Weekday Cycle CYCLE I January 10 to February 21, 2023 May 29 to December 2, 2023 Sunday Cycle YEAR B December 3, 2023 to November 24, 2024 The cycles given above have been used in the preparation of this Calendar.

When does the 2023 liturgical year start?

The 2023 liturgical year begins on the First Sunday of Advent, November 27, 2022. During the year 2023: a. Since a Sunday does not occur between December 25, 2022, and January 1, 2023, the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph is celebrated on Friday, December 30, with only one reading before the Gospel. b.

How many readings are assigned to the Easter Vigil?

10Nine readings are assigned to the Easter Vigil: seven from the Old Testament and two from the New. If circumstances demand in individual cases, the number of prescribed readings may be reduced. Three selections from the Old Testament, both from the Law and the Prophets, should be read before the Epistle and Gospel.

3rd Sunday Easter Cycle A - Santa Clara University

1Cycle AThe Third Sunday of EasterLectionary # 46 Reading I: Acts 2: 14, 22 - 33Saint Peter wishes for those in Jerusalem to listen and hear. This is evidenced by the fact that there is great emphasis placed on the fact that he raised his voice. He is heralding the Resurrection of Jesus and the salvation of the world! This certainly is t he m essage t hat t he proclaimer would want to be heard. Saint Peter states emphatically to all within earshot..listen to my words. In this passage it may seem as if there is an indictment by Saint Peter on the listeners regarding the death of Jesus, but rather he wis hes them to know that Jesus has overcome death. Saint Peter invites those listening to believe and witness to this Jesus, as the Anointed One of God, who has passed from death to everlasting life.Reading 2: 1 Peter 1: 17-21This letter was written during a time of persecution of Christians, both in Jerusalem and in Rome. The admonition is not limited to that time, but is sound advice for all who live the Christian life. Indeed we will often be strangers in a strange land. With parental warmth and care, Saint Peter reminds us to listen and hear that we were ransomed from the futile conduct of our ancestors. In this, Saint Peter is referring to sin and that we are free and must remain free. We were purchased by something more valuable than palt ry gold or silver; we were purchased by the blood of the spotless lamb, Jesus Christ. This message is crucial for all people, at all times, and all places to provide hope.Gospel: Luke 24: 13 - 35 Here we encount er t he d espondent moods of two disciples who are traveling to Emmaus. It is only in their listening to Jesus, disguised as a stranger, who they meet along the way that they begin to have their spirits lifted. They share their dashed hopes and then Jesus, beginning with Moses, shares with them all that has to do with the Messiah. It is only when they sit to eat and see Jesus in the breaking of the bread that they come to the realization that their hopes have been fulfilled. It was because of their attent ive listening that they tr uly heard and realized that their hearts were on fire as he talked with them along the way. We are also called to a deep listening that moves from merely hearing with our ears to listening with our entire being.Listening

2The Worst Day of My Life Ever! Throughout the harrowing days of RJ, the chief character in the story of The Worst Day of My Life Ever! we encounter mishaps that continuously occur for a young man who consistently will not listen. It is almost as if the idea of listening is completely off his radar. All of a sudden RJ finds that in listening, his worst day ever starts to be transformed into his best day ever. The author presents, in a light-hearted manner, the important life skill of listening to others, following directions and making good choices. The focus of the book is distinctly on helping and assisting children learn how to listen to be successful in school. However, the same methods can be applied to spiritual listening, listening that goes well beyond mere hearing , something that can penetrate the heart and soul as a young person begins their faith journey. Emp hasizing the importance of being attentive to what is being said and being able to convey a statement as clearly and accurately as possible is the intent of the Activity presented below. ActivityStep One: Prep are several no te cards with different phrases or messages written on them. Make them simple but wordy enough to make it a challenge to repeat the phrase or message from one person to another. Step Two: Divide the class into three or four groups and place each of the groups of students in a line. Show the first person in the line the phrase or message on the note card. The first person is then to whisper the phrase or message only once to the person next in line.The phrase or message continues on down the line until it reaches the last person. Once the last person has heard the phrase, they are to speak it aloud.Step Three: Help the students underst and that listening is a skill that must be attended to and there are often things that get in the way of clear listening. Continue so that the students can have a number of experiences to improve this skill.The WORST Day of My Life EVER!Written by Julia CookIllustrated by Kelsey De WeedCopyright March 2011 Boys Town PressISBN-10: 9781934490204ISBN-13: 978-1934490204Active listening goes beyond hearing words. It involves entering into all that is being communicated by facial expression, tone of voice, and body language.

3What could you do today? Commit yourself to better listening. Look at the Chinese Character, for "to listen" provided and see that listening involves not only the ears but also the eyes, the heart, and an undivided attention. The next time someone wishes to speak with you about something very important make sure that you invite the person to a quiet space without any distractions so that you can listen attentively. Try to use all of your senses to hear what is being said, not only in words, but the tone of voice, the facial expressions and the person's body language. In addition you may wish to have your mom or dad read you one of the readings from the Bible in a quiet place and see how the reading may have more meaning when you are listening with your entire being. What did you hear? What was the message?Look Feel Know Act Notice that in God's design of the human body, we are given two ears and one mouth. This in itself indicates clearly that we are to be more about listening than talking. Given this truth, spend time with God and others intent ionally listening with undivided attention and see what occurs. Often there is so much noise in our lives that it becomes a barrier to true listening. Praying to God includes not only speaking our praise, thanks, need for forgiveness and petitions to God but also requires us to listen to God's voice. To listen to God we must have quiet within and outside of our selves. Likewise, when we wish to hear and listen to something important, it would be a good practice to find a quiet environment for that listening to occur. Look. Feel. Know. Act.

4RJ, in The Worst Day of My Life Ever, finds that by listening, truly listening, his worst day ever is transfo rmed into his best day ever. Listening to God's voice can do the very same thing for each of us. Not only can listening to God's voice change a day in our lives, it can transform all of life for us. Being attentive to God's voice can bring about wondrous things if we will simply open our ears, our eyes and our hearts. An undivided heart and undivided attention can bring about the dream that God has for all of us. The dream that God has for us is this: to be a loving community established in peace and dedicated to each person becoming fully alive.Pray in such a way that your communication with God will involve more listening to the voice of God than of talking to God. Amen.www.scu.edu/character

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