[PDF] Northern Ireland: from the Troubles to the present day

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Séquence 5 : Native American Teens (B1) Pallier 2 : Découverte de l

les questions. -since/for + present perfect. - vocabulaire autour de l'histoire des. Etats Unis et les. « native. Americans » Ex. settlers


5) Red blue and white. Exercice 4. Réponse attendue en français : la torche symbolise le lien entre les JO antiques et les JO modernes.


Some answers to frequently asked questions about OIB 2de. Si vous ne trouvez pas la réponse à 4. Est-ce nécessaire d'avoir fait une section européenne ?


Introduction de la question « how long ago ? ». 4-Let's talk about yourselves (10mn). En interaction projeter au tableau des verbes

Programme du cycle 4

30 juil. 2020 Le cycle 4 poursuit l'investigation des questions fondamentales ... Le second poursuit la découverte de la création musicale d'hier et.

Plan de Séquence Pédagogique Niveau de classe : Seconde Titre

4 textes sur 4 paysages emblématiques de l'Australie et leur histoire: Uluru the Bungle Ensuite

Northern Ireland: from the Troubles to the present day

Professeur d'anglais au Lycée Emile Loubet à Valence (26) S#4. Knowledge TEST (10min). IO - HW S#2 correction : 5 questions.

SECTION ANGLAIS Concours du second degré – Rapport de jury

répondre à une question de portée générale. 4) Epreuve de traduction : thème et version (durée six heures ; coefficient 2).

anglais sequence pedagogique « ellis island and immigration to the

Monologue suivi portant sur question relative à l'immigration. SEANCE 7: 4. The wall where the immigrants' names are written: ... 2nd sister named.


Dans le premier cas la technique pourra être retravaillée avant le brevet blanc en question flash. Le second point pourra faire l'objet d'une remarque en.

Par Céline Leblanc, professeur d'anglais ʹ Lycée Emile Loubet ʹ Valence (26 Drôme) ʹ Académie de Grenoble

Northern Ireland: from the Troubles to the present day Trame de séquence pédagogique proposée par Céline LEBLANC

Professeur à Valence (26)

Lde cette séquence est née après avoir participé en tant que professeur à un stage Erasmus+ en Irlande du Nord axé

notamment sur la culture nord-irlandaise de 1916 à nos jours. Le stage comprenait non seulement des ateliers et des

reuses visites guidées et excursions (Belfast City Hall, Stormont, Londonderry (visite du Bogside

Sunday, G-a-

Sur leur temps libre, les stagiaires pouvaient visiter par exemple ou prendre un " Black Cab » pour

une visite commentée des murals de chaque côté du " mur de la paix catholiques et protestants, théâtres des fameux "

Troubles ».

familles de confessions différentes au cours du séjour, ce qui a révélé les nombreux paradoxes de la vie quotidienne dans

s. Le séjour par la visite, guidée par un professeur , fait émerger de nombreuses questions sur le iliade ce projet pédagogique.

Terminales toutes séries générales / Notion dominante = PLACES & FORMS of POWER / Northern Ireland

Project NOTION(S) Main domain(s) Topic Issue question(s) #2 PLACES &



History & Geopolitics



Ireland: from the

Troubles to the

present day

To what extent can education and heritage work

foster reconciliation and mutual understanding in S forgotten or remembered?

AL de production dominante: IO

IO: discussions et réunions formelles (B2)

IO: Coopération à visée fonctionnelle (ex. discuter pour organiser qqch maxi visé B2)


Board of Education meeting in a non-integrated school (= in a Protestant or Catholic school) Discussing an upcoming school outing. One of the History teachers has suggested a Troubles tour of Belfast (Long Kesh / Maze prison, murals tour in a Black cab, Ulster Museum modern history

11 séances (évaluations comprises)

Par Céline Leblanc, professeur d'anglais ʹ Lycée Emile Loubet ʹ Valence (26 Drôme) ʹ Académie de Grenoble

S#1 General intro : Northern Ireland

Quiz (in teams): General info about NI (NI vs. Republic of Ireland): currency / measurements / capital / regime / sports / symbols / cities

The Troubles: one example (Omagh 1998)

Prepare listening by watching AP archive with no comment: IRA militant charged with 29 murders in 1998 Omagh car bombing attack a) Describe what you see b) Prepare 3 questions (= 3 th c) Share your questions w/ the class

Expected answers => listening grid:



CO: Omagh Bomb - Story Breaking on RTE News, August 1998 - Part 1 (- stop at 02:15)

2 viewings / 2 groups:

GP1: Listen and try to answer your questions.

GP2: Focus on numbers / figures.

EOC / IO: Share your findings

HW: Web search

Give students a different topic to look into (over the weekend).

August 1969 = The Battle of the Bogside

30 January 1972 = Bloody Sunday

21 July 1972 = Bloody Friday

1981 = the Irish hunger strike

1998 = the Good Friday Agreement

1h CULT landmarks

Pour quiz individuel, Cf.

https://quizizz.com/ ou https://quizzyourself.com/

CO: methodology

LEX: devastation: bombing,

destruction, shocked inhabitants, destroyed st

GRAM (questions)

CULT: RUC = Royal Ulster

Constabulary, Real IRA / 32

county sovereignty movement

LEX: blast, casualties,

Give them keywords only.

They should relate them to:




S#2 EOC : Recap // Omagh bombing

Understanding the past Building up knowledge of events (HIST.)

IO : Share information

+ timeline of events (appeler groupe

Les autres prennent des notes

The Battle of the Bogside

Bloody Sunday

Bloody Friday

Irish hunger strike

Good Friday Agreement

Compare dates:

G F Agreement (April 1998) / Omagh bombing (August 1998) =>

Conclusion (difficult peace process)

N.I. in films: unsurprisingly, war pervades Northern Irish culture CO / IO: Main events of the Troubles through films / film trailers Some students watch (small group), while the others only listen.

Then they interact to check their understanding.

71 (2015): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-BaKfl1Ms4

Bloody Sunday (2002): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6zvb0naOZo Hunger (2008): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mw7WJLZmVF4

HW: Take the N.I quiz again (TE) +

TASK (for S#4): You would like to spend a year in Belfast for your studies.

1h LEX conflict & protest

CULT landmarks

=> Timeline of the Troubles (source: Ulster Museum,


civilians wounded vs. injured riot, demonstration, parade, march paramilitaries, armed soldiers hunger strike event(s) peaceful [N.I. in songs: Sunday,

Bloody Sunday (John

Lennon + U2)]

Par Céline Leblanc, professeur d'anglais ʹ Lycée Emile Loubet ʹ Valence (26 Drôme) ʹ Académie de Grenoble

Write down 5 questions you would ask your future host on the phone before coming.

S#3 IO: Rebrassage quiz (rapide)

=> 2 élèves mènent le quiz au tableau (5 premières q° / 5 suivantes) Ils doivent développer leurs réponses (= rajoutées oralement) Official apology: an important step to come to terms with the past

CO: the conclusions of the Saville report

June 2010 Bloody Sunday - A Derry Diary - David Cameron's


00:00 => 01:05

Describe what is going on. (WHERE?)

What do you expect to see/ hear after the bell rings?

01:06 => 02:01

Check your hypotheses. (WHO? WHERE?)


Bloody Sunday: recap what happened.

02:02 => 02:45

L#1: No notes. Focus on repetitions =

L#2: Now listen step by step. => Repeat or rephrase conclusions.

What do you expect next?

02:45 => 03:28+ (=> stop before Tony Doherty speaks (04:06))

Pay particular attention to the words Cameron stresses. Do you think it is easy for a Prime Minister to deliver such a speech?

IO: [B1] TI1 Interview 5min

In pairs. You are in front of the Derry guildhall.

One of you is a reporter

ative or a survivor of Bloody Sunday to hear their reaction.

04:06 => end [If time]


HW: Revise for quick knowledge test (10min)

Timeline of events + General info about NI + vocabulary 1h CULT: the Saville Report / Inquiry (pub. 15 June 2010)

Lord Saville (est. 1998 by

Tony Blair after campaigns

for a 2nd inquiry by families of those killed & injured on

Bloody Sunday)


Westminster / H of P

LEX: inquiry / official investigation apologize = say sorry an official apology acknowledge the facts take responsibility on behalf of unjustified / unjustifiable / indefensible relatives = family members relieved / satisfied fire / shoot armed / unarmed

S#4 Knowledge TEST (10min)

IO - HW S#2 correction : 5 questions

Present-day issues (1): living together despite segregation + a hurtful past

CO: Al Jazeera report

Intro (00:00 > 00:28)

2007 (00:28 > 20:57) - Edit => couper certaines interviews

Focaliser s/ passages orientés vers la TF (

This TV documentary tackles:

- the 1998 Good Friday Agreement & the difficult peace process s - the fact that children go to different schools - the walls / segregation the pb of enclaves - the 2002 riots 1h

Du Nord

Peace walls


Keeping wounds open

CULT : 1690 Battle of the

Boyne / William of Orange

Unionists vs. Republicans

Par Céline Leblanc, professeur d'anglais ʹ Lycée Emile Loubet ʹ Valence (26 Drôme) ʹ Académie de Grenoble

- the WofO parades - the 12th S#5 Test de CO: end of the documentary = back to Belfast 2016

2016 (21:00 > 25:00 30 / format épreuve BAC)

- / Catholic area w/ a history of violence - People re-feel safe

Correction du test de connaissances

If time:

Present-day issues (2): a difficult reconciliation / forgiveness

CO: Five Minutes of Heaven (film trailer)


Moving on

Forgiving vs. retaliating /

getting back / giving tit for tat S#6 Present-day issues (3): integrated education vs. shared education

CO: Introducing integrated education:

WISE* Channel: Bridging the gap: Visiting integrated schools in Northern

Ireland (Learning World: S5E27, 3/3)

*World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE)

00:00>01:01 Type of doc / context (place & date) / speaker(s) / Topic

01:01>01:58 Focus on numbers and their referents (2 listenings)

01:58 > end Further information you can get

CE: Introducing shared education:

BBC News. Northern Ireland shared education: Minister outlines plans


To what extent can school

education help NI people overcome hatred?

LEX : a flashpoint area

(une poudrière)

LEX: inference

=> the concept of shared education => debate in NI over the education systems HW: Documents proposés en entraînement à la CO en autonomie (vacances) : DOC1= [B1+/B2] / En rapport avec la partie Ségrégation du cours.

Titre donné 40

DOC2= [B1+/B2] / En rapport avec la partie Education du cours. Titre donné Divided Northern Ireland works to integrate schools 33

DOC3= [B1+/B2] / Sujet plus élargi

Aide : Sinn Fein = parti politique nationaliste irlandais

DOC4= [B2+] / Plus difficile -standard / à la

Titre donné:

Aide : Gerry Adams a longtemps été le leader du Sinn Fein, un parti politique nationaliste irlandais

Travail facultatif

Elèves peuvent rendre un

ont respecté les conditions [NB : Certains documents officielles] S#7

Annoncer TF (S#11)

CO rapide: Document in favour of shared education: The Story & Success of Shared Education in Northern Ireland

1h Prep TF: IO

Par Céline Leblanc, professeur d'anglais ʹ Lycée Emile Loubet ʹ Valence (26 Drôme) ʹ Académie de Grenoble

CO rapide: Document in favour of integrated education:

Fixers UK: Integrated Education

The current

choice to support shared education instead (93% of the schooling population) IO TI2 [B1+]: meeting (short debate) in groups of 4 / 6 (2 or 3 on either side) Cabinet Ministers vs. Fixers UK, an organisation in favour of integrated education HW: Prepare reading for S#8 (Text questioning shared education)

Belfast Telegram: I have a dream today... but the reality of shared education in Northern Ireland is a nightmare

S#8 Rebrassage : Revenir s/ les arguments concernant les 2 systèmes

IO TI3 [B1+/B2]:

ROLE PLAY #1: group 1

Board of Education joint meeting (non-integrated schools in Belfast). Discussing shared education projects for the school year. Head / 2 teachers from either school / 2 prefects from either school / 2 parents from either school = 13

ROLE PLAY #2: group 2

Board of Education meeting in an integrated school in Belfast. Discussing what they could do to make hesitating parents want to enrol their children in the school. Class1 = Head / 2 teachers / 2 (3) prefects / 2 parents = 7 (8) Class2 = Head / 3 teachers / 3 prefects / 2 (3) parents = 8 (9)

CE: Text questioning shared education

Belfast Telegram: I have a dream today... but the reality of shared education in Northern Ireland is a nightmare ireland-is-a-nightmare-30014590.html

Prep TF: IO compétence

pragmatique (discussions formelles / coopération à visée fonctionnelle)

Prep TF: IO Implication

des élèves dans


A chaque fois, le groupe qui

ne joue pas travaille sur les

HW: Revise for CE test

S#9 Test CE: Excerpt from Cal (1983) by Bernard Mac Laverty Chapter One Exam-type questions to prepare students for mock exam.

1h Prep TF


Present-day issues (4): Art & Tourism

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