[PDF] ?????????? ?????????????? dinosaur tracks fossils)

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dinosaur tracks fossils)

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2. Technologies de l'information et de la communication ou pas pris en considération dans le traitement de la comptabilité nationale se qui.

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Nationale de Commerce et d'Industrie du Kenya -. Province de Bombasa. CONTRIBUTION PROFESSIONNELLE UNIQUE (CPU). Tanger Med Zones : Le volume d'affaires en 

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coopération avec la Société nationale des services pu- ??? ?????? ????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ?? ???? - ??????? ... Comunissada Sebkha 2.

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Under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Saud Bin Naif, Governor of Eastern Province, is held the 13th GIS Symposium in Saudi Arabia, which is an extension of the success achieved by this symposium in its successful sessions and at a time when the Kingdom is implementing projects and de- velopmental programs that use this technology to bene-t the Government sector and society. The symposium will discuss key topics related to this technology, focusing on its applications in Tourism, Hajj Umrah & Ziyarah, Natural Resources and Real Estate. Different government sector will participate as attendees. Minister, Administrator, general director as keynote speaker and speaker, in additional to local and international company manager and employees whose work on this -eld also participate as attendees, speaker, keynote speaker, Academic sector enrichment the symposium with very important research and speaker. There is no doubt that GIS applications are endless and that the Kingdom continues to invest in this technology, which provides many investment op- portunities, and this symposium is only an opportunity to gather the stake- holders to look and research and seize the opportunities available. This proceedings combines all papers & research classi-ed by Symposium topics. |,./01/

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