[PDF] GCSE L1-L2 Computer Science 2020 Programming Language

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Python with Turtle

Python with Turtle is a Python library that enables you to create virtual drawings and shapes. The. “turtle” is a the pen that you use to draw.

Python Turtle Cheat Sheet

down(): Sets the pen state to be down (drawing). turtle.right(degrees): Turns the direction that the turtle is facing right (clockwise) by the amount indicated 

Modelling the Turtle Python library in CSP

Python's Turtle package provides a mobile agent which we formally model here using Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP). Our interactive toolchain 

Python 3 – Turtle graphics

Other functions need to be imported into your. Python program. ? The turtle module needs to be imported at the start of any Python program that uses it:.

Chapter 13 Turtle Graphics

modules called turtle and tkinter

GCSE L1-L2 Computer Science 2020 Programming Language

The PLS supports these turtle library module subprograms to control the window and Although Python does not require all arithmetic and logical/Boolean ...

Section One

The commands available in Python's turtle module are very easy to learn. The fantastic thing about this Python module is that there is nothing new to 

DT Challenge Python - Turtle

Turtle Modules turtle is a Python module. It's an extra part of the Python language so we need to import its func ons by pu ng an import statement at the 

Turtle Library

Mar 5 2019 Turtle is a python library that allows you to use drawing style graphics. ? Animations. ? It is important to remember that using this ...

[PDF] À la découverte de turtle - Zeste de Savoir

20 mar 2019 · en créant le module turtle de Python offre un vaste espace de jeu avec l'utilisation simple et élargie d'une interface graphique!

[PDF] Module turtle

Programmer en Python en 2nde Module turtle Le module graphique turtle permet de piloter un «crayon» afin de tracer dynamiquement des figures

(PDF) Le module turtle en Python - Yassine Ben Salah

Formation Python - Le module turtle en Python - Yassine Ben Salah - Yassine Ben Ghriba

[PDF] Aide Mémoire Turtle - limsi

Aide Mémoire Turtle "arrow" "turtle" "circle" Turtle utilise les noms des couleurs de Tk dont voici https://perso limsi fr/pointal/python:turtle

[PDF] Python 3 – Turtle graphics

Turtle graphics is now part of Python Some functions are part of Python's core libraries in The turtle module needs to be imported at the

[PDF] Cours - 8 - Turtle sur Pythonpdf

TURTLE sur Python Nouveau fichier ?Tortue?Créer from turtle import * import turtle as tortue ?cette commande n'est pas obligatoire Vocabulaire :

[PDF] Python et turtle

La bibliothèque (ou module) turtle regroupe des fonctions permettant de créer des dessins en faisant bouger une tortue (ou plutôt une flèche) sur l'écran

[PDF] Module turtle pour introduire python - Académie de Limoges

m a j : 20 janvier 2019 Module turtle pour introduire python Niveau : * Python est un langage de programmation dont la syntaxe est particulière-

[PDF] TD : le module turtle - Romain Tavenard

Le but de cette séance est de continuer à vous habituer à la programmation en Python et notamment aux notions de : — structures conditionnelles ;

turtle — Tortue graphique — Documentation Python 3113

Elle doit être utilisée quand le module turtle est utilisé de façon autonome pour dessiner Le singleton renvoyé ne peut hériter de sa classe Toutes les 


Turn over S70460A

©2021 Pearson Education Ltd.1/1/1/1/

PLS Booklet

Do not return this booklet with the question paper.

Computer Science

Programming Language Subset

Issue 3

Paper Reference 1CP2/02

Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1)

Specimen Assessment Material for first teaching

September 2020









Data types and conversion


Primitive data types ...........................................................................................................................




Combining declaration and initialisation ........................................................................

Structured data types............................................................................................................................




.....................................6 Arithmetic operators ........................................................................ ........6 Relational operators ........................................................................ ..........6 Logical/Boolean operators ........................................................................

Programming constructs











Inputs and outputs

Screen and keyboard ............................................................................................................................

............................8 Files ...............8

Supported subprograms

............................9 Built-in subprograms ........................................................................ ........9 List subprograms ........................................................................ ...............9 String subprograms ........................................................................ ........10 Formatting strings........................................................................ ....10 3

Turn over S70460ALibrary modules ............................................................................................................................

Random library module ........................................................................

Math library module ............................................................................................................................


Time library module ...........................................................................................................................


Turtle graphics library module ........................................................................

Tips for using turtle ........................................................................

Turtle window and drawing canvas ........................................................................

Turtle creation, visibility and movement ........................................................................


Turtle positioning and direction ........................................................................

Turtle filling shapes ........................................................................ .13 Turtle controlling the pen ........................................................................

Turtle circles


Turtle colours


Console session

Code style

Line continuation

Carriage return and line feed



The Programming Language Subset (PLS) is a document that specifies which parts of Python 3 are required in order that the assessments can be undertaken with confidence. Students familiar with

everything in this document will be able to access all parts of the Paper 2 assessment. This does not

stop a teacher/student from going beyond the scope of the PLS into techniques and approaches that they may consider to be more efficient or engaging.

Pearson will

not go beyond the scope of the PLS when setting assessment tasks. Any student successfully using more esoteric or complex constructs or approaches not included in this document will still be awarded marks in Paper 2 if the solution is valid. 5

Turn over S70460AThe pair of <> symbols indicate where expressions or values need to be supplied. They are not part

of the PLS.


Anything on a line after the character # is considered a comment.


Identifiers are any sequence of letters, digits and underscores, starting with a letter.

Both upper and lower case are supported.

Data types and conversion

Primitive data types

Variables may be explicitly assigned a data type during declaration. Variables may be implicitly assigned a data type during initialisation.

Supported data types are:

Data typePLS

integerint realfloat




Conversion is used to transform the data types of the contents of a variable using int(), str(), float(),

bool() or list(). Conversion between any allowable types is permitted.


Constants are conventionally named in all uppercase characters.

Combining declaration and initialisation

The data type of a variable is implied when a variable is assigned a value.

Structured data types

A structured data type is a sequence of items, which themselves are typed. Sequences start with an index of zero.

Data typeExplanationPLS

stringA sequence of charactersstr arrayA sequence of items with the same (homogeneous) data typelist recordA sequence of items, usually of mixed (heterogenous) data typeslist


The number of dimensions supported by the PLS is two.

The PLS does not support ragged data structures. Therefore, in a list of records, each record will have

the same number of fields. 6


Arithmetic operators

Arithmetic operatorMeaning

/division *multiplication **exponentiation +addition -subtraction //integer division %modulus

Relational operators

Logical operatorMeaning

==equal to !=not equal to >greater than >=greater than or equal to Logical/Boolean operators


andboth sides of the test must be true to return true oreither side of the test must be true to return true notinverts 7

Turn over S70460AProgramming constructs


Assignment is used to set or change the value of a variable. = =


Every instruction comes one after the other, from the top of the file to the bottom of the file.


Blocking of code segments is indicated by indentation and subprogram calls. These determine the scope and extent of variables they declare.


if : If is true, then command is executed. if : else: If is true, then first is executed, otherwise second is executed. if : elif : else: If is true, then first is executed, otherwise the second test is checked. If true, then second is executed, otherwise third is executed.

Supports multiple instances of 'elif'.

The 'else' is optional with the 'elif'.


while : Pre-conditioned loop. This executes while is true.


for in : Executes for each element of a data structure, in one dimension for in range (, ): Count-controlled loop. Executes a fixed number of times, based on the numbers generated by the range function for in range (, , ): Same as above, except that influences the numbers generated by the range function 8


def (): A procedure with no parameters def (, ): A procedure with parameters def (): return ()A function with no parameters def (, ): return ()A function with parameters

Inputs and outputs

Screen and keyboard

print ()Displays on the screen input ()

Displays on the screen and

returns the line typed in Files The PLS supports manipulation of comma separated value text files. File operations include open, close, read, write and append. = open (, "r") Opens file for reading for in :

Reads every line, one at a time

= .readlines ()

Returns a list where each item is a line

from the file = .readline ()

Returns a line from a file. Returns an

empty string on the end of the file = open (, "w")

Opens a file for writing

= open (, "a")

Opens a file for appending

.writelines ()

Writes to a file. is

a list of strings .write ()

Writes a single string to a file

.close ()

Closes file


Turn over S70460ASupported subprograms

Built-in subprograms

The PLS supports these built-in subprograms.


chr ()

Returns the string which matches the Unicode

value of input ()

Displays the content of prompt to the screen

and waits for the user to type in characters followed by a new line len ()

Returns the length of the , such as a string, one-dimensional or two-dimensional data structure ord ()

Returns the integer equivalent to the Unicode

string of the single character print ()

Prints to the display

range (, , )

Generates a list of numbers using ,

beginning with and up to, but not including, . A negative value for goes backwards round (, )

Rounds to the number of digits after

the decimal (uses the 0.5 rule)

List subprograms

The PLS supports these list subprograms.


.append ()

Adds to the end of the list

del []

Removes the item at from list

.insert (, )

Inserts just before an existing one

at = list () = []Two methods of creating a list structure.

Both are empty


S70460AString subprograms

The PLS supports these string subprograms.


len ()

Returns the length of

.find () Returns the location of in the original . Returns -1, if not found .index () Returns the location of in the original . Raises an exception if not found .isalpha () Returns True, if all characters are alphabetic, A-Z .isalnum () Returns True, if all characters are alphabetic, A-Z and digits (0-9) .isdigit ()

Returns True, if all characters are digits (0-9),

exponents are digits .replace (, ) Returns original string with all occurrences of replaced with .split () Returns a list of all substrings in the original, using as the separator .strip () Returns original string with all occurrences of removed from the front and back .upper ()

Returns the original string in uppercase

.lower ()

Returns the original string in lowercase

.isupper ()

Returns True, if all characters are uppercase

.islower ()

Returns True, if all characters are lowercase

.format () Formats values and puts them into the

Formatting strings

Output can be customised to suit the problem requirements and the user's needs by forming string output. .format () can be used with positional placeholders and format descriptors.

Here is an example:

layout = "{:>10} {:^5d} {:7.4f}" print (layout.format ("Fred", 358, 3.14159))


NumbersDecimal integer (d), Fixed point (f)

AlignmentLeft (<), Right (>), Centre (^)

Field sizeThe total width of a field, regardless of how many columns are occupied The * can be used to generate a line of repeated characters, for example "=" * 10, will generate Concatenation of strings is done using the + operator. String slicing is supported. myName[0:2] gives the first two characters in the variable myName. 11

Turn over S70460ALibrary modules

The functionality of a library module can only be accessed once the library module is imported into the program code.


import Imports the module into the current program

Random library module

The PLS supports these random library module subprograms.


random.randint (, ) Returns a random integer X so that <= X <= random.random () Returns a float number in the range of 0.0 and 1.0

Math library module

The PLS supports these math library module subprograms and constant.

Subprogram or constantDescription

math.ceil ()

Returns the smallest integer not less than

math.floor ()

Returns the largest integer not greater than

math.sqrt ()

Returns the square root of


The constant Pi (

Time library module

The PLS supports this time library module subprogram.


time.sleep () The current process is suspended for the given number of seconds, then resumes at the next line of the program 12

S70460ATurtle graphics library module

Tips for using turtle

The default mode for the PLS turtle is "standard". This means that when a turtle is created, it initially

points to the right (east) and angles are counterclockwise. You can change modes using turtle.mode (). The turtle window is one size and the turtle drawing canvas (inside the window) can be a different

size. To make the turtle window bigger, a screen needs to be created and setup. Here is an example:

WIDTH = 800

HEIGHT = 400

screen = turtle.Screen () screen.setup (WIDTH, HEIGHT) To make the drawing canvas bigger use .screensize (). In some development environments, the turtle window will close as soon as the program completes.

There are two ways to keep it open:

Add turtle.done () as the last line in the code file. This will keep the window open until closed with the exit cross in the upper right-hand corner. It also allows scrollbars on the window. Add a line asking for keyboard input, such as input(), as the last line. This will keep the window open until the user presses a key in the console session. The scrollbars will not work.

Turtle window and drawing canvas

The PLS supports these turtle library module subprograms to control the window and drawing

canvas. Notice that these subprograms do not use the name of the turtle you create to the left of the

dot, but the library name, "turtle" or a variable.

Subprogram Description

.setup (, )

Sets the size of the turtle window to

x in pixels. Requires use of turtle.Screen () to create first turtle.done () Use as the last line of the file to keep the turtle window open until it is closed using the exit cross in the upper right-hand corner of the window turtle.mode () is one of the strings "standard" or "logo". A turtle in standard mode, initially points to the right (east) and angles are counterclockwise. A turtle in logo mode, initially points up (north) and angles are clockwise turtle.Screen ()

Returns a variable to address the turtle

window. Use with .setup() turtle.screensize (, )

Makes the scrollable drawing canvas size equal

to x in pixels. Note, use with turtle.done () so scrollbars will be active 13 Turn over S70460ATurtle creation, visibility and movement The PLS supports these turtle library module subprograms to control the turtle creation, visibility and movement.

Subprogram Description

= turtle.Turtle () Creates a new turtle with the variable name .back ()

Moves backward (opposite-facing direction) for

number of .forward ()

Moves forward (facing direction) for number of

.hideturtle ()

Makes the invisible

.left ()

Turns anticlockwise the number of

.right ()

Turns clockwise the number of

.showturtle ()

Makes the turtle visible

.speed () The can be set to "fastest", "fast", "normal", "slow", "slowest". Alternatively, use the numbers 1 to 10 to increase speed. The value of 0 is the fastest

Turtle positioning and direction

The PLS supports these turtle library module subprograms to control the positioning and direction.

Subprogram Description

.home ()

Moves to canvas origin (0, 0)

.reset () Clears the drawing canvas, sends the turtle home and resets variables to default values .setheading ()

Sets the orientation to

.setposition (, )

Positions the turtle at coordinates (, )

Turtle filling shapes

The PLS supports these turtle library module subprograms to control filling.

Subprogram Description

.begin_fill ()

Call just before drawing a shape to be filled

.end_fill () Call just after drawing the shape to be filled. You must call .begin_fill() before drawing. .fillcolor () Sets the colour used to fill. The input argument can be a string or an RGB colour. For example: "red", "#551A8B2", "(0, 35, 102)" 14

S70460ATurtle controlling the pen

The PLS supports these turtle library module subprograms to control the pen.

Subprogram Description

.pencolor () Sets the colour of the pen. The input argument can be a string or an RGB colour. For example: "red", "#551A8B",quotesdbs_dbs35.pdfusesText_40